
Relaxing in DxD

Just some guy who reincarnated in DxD with limited knowledge with a sacred gear that lets him summon characters from the gacha games he owned in his old life.

Byakkan_Byakkan · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Café Soleil

As I opened my eyes, I found myself in a warm and cozy bed, wrapped in the gentle embrace of Yae Miko. The events of the previous day flooded back into my mind, and I couldn't help but smile at the memories.

My reward for cooking her favourite meal was using her as a body pillow. I may be an ass and thighs kinda guy, but there is something comforting about sleeping with your face buried in the bosom of a beautiful woman.

My luck is off the charts. Not only was I reincarnated into an anime world, but I also summoned one of my favourite characters, Yae Miko herself. And now, here we were, waking up together in the bed.

Yae stirred beside me, her eyes fluttering open as she adjusted to the morning light. Her gaze met mine, and a soft smile formed on her lips.

"Good morning~."


The sight of her radiant smile made my heart skip a beat.

"Hmmf!" The noise Yae, as she stretched, was way too cute. I never knew someone could make stretching look so graceful and elegant.

Sitting up: the sheets to fell gracefully around her, revealing her almost naked body in all its glory. Buying her that lingerie was a great decision of my life. My cheeks flushed, and I tried to stay calm, but it was impossible.

"You're just too adorable when you blush," Yae teased me, as usual, with a twinkle in her eyes. "I could get used to waking up like this."

"Meet too," I said softly, still slightly embarrassed.

When I sat up, Yae wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a warm embrace. Feeling her soft body against my skin sent shivers down my spine. In my past life, I was a loner and depressed, being held like this... it was a feeling I had always longed for.


Leaving Yae to eat breakfast, I made my way downstairs. I couldn't help but admire my café. The place was cozy and inviting, adorned with warm colours and comfortable seating. The sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a gentle glow on the tables and creating a pleasant ambiance.

Just as I was about to begin the final touches, the sound of a delivery truck pulling up outside caught our attention. It was perfect timing, as the first batch of ingredients and supplies had arrived.

Opening the door, I was greeted by a friendly delivery driver. He had me sign for the things, and we unloaded boxes filled with fresh ingredients and supplies. He even helped by carrying them to the kitchen. After thanking him, I walked him out and wished him a good day.

Returning to the café, I was surprised to see Yae dressed in casual clothes and her hair styled in a loose bun. "Looks like everything's arrived safely," she said, her eyes filled with excitement. "I can't wait to taste what you cook next. With my charm and your skills in the kitchen, I have no doubt that this place will be a massive success."

"You're right. Together, we'll make Café Soleil the best café in town! People will come from all over to taste my food and see you! I know I would."

After sorting and storing all the ingredients, we spent the rest of the morning coming up with menu ideas. Yae had a lot of great ideas. Inazuma was similar to Japan in a lot of ways, so I have no doubt they would be popular. And with a few substitutions, I managed to recreate some food items from there.

Yae had the time of her life. She was quite the gluttonous little fox. She still refused to eat anything pickled, though.

We continued exploring different recipes, combining our culinary knowledge to make a menu that would be fun and delicious. It took a few hours, but we finalized our menu. We decided to keep it small. I rather have a few great items than many mediocre ones. A few of the things that we decided on were Berry Mizu Manjuu, Rainbow Aster, Dango Milk and The Invigorating Kitty Meal.

There was still a lot of time left in the day. So I spent it trying to perfect each dish. Experimenting with ingredients, refining flavours, and presentation.

She was a lot different than her game self. She is more energetic and affectionate. As much as I loved her as a game character, I liked this version of her a lot more.

In the days leading up to the opening, I asked Yae if her vision still did anything. Much to my surprise, it did. It almost functions as a mini sacred gear. Along with that, she could also use different types of magic. My assumption is that here, in this world, she is classified as a yokai.

While I was busy perfecting my food, she was getting used to her new powers, and in that short time, she found that she could use what I can only describe as magic. She even managed to make a spell, for the lack of a better term, that could keep the food I made warm and fresh, so I could make food in advance, and it would taste as I made it that very second. That way, we wouldn't need people in the kitchen cooking. All we had to worry about was taking orders and making drinks.

Besides that, I also spent time getting closer to Yae, going on a few dates, and doing lewd things like kissing and hand-holding. Our relationship was developing fast: a bit too fast that I was worried, but Yae reassured and told me we could take it slow.


The day of the grand opening finally arrived. Café Soleil was finaly open.

I would be lying if I said I didn't feel a sense of trepidation, but my feelings of excitement outweighed that. I knew everything was perfect. The café had a warm and inviting atmosphere, with soft music playing in the background and the scent of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air.

Me and Yae stood behind the counter, ready to greet customers and take orders. Man, even in a waitress uniform, she looks stunning.

The first customer entered, and Yae's enchanting voice welcomed them. I couldn't help but admire her grace and charm. She acted a lot different from how she was with me: It was nice seeing another side of her other than her flirty mature self.

As the day went on, the café started to fill up. Word spread quickly about the delicious food and attractive workers. There were just as many women coming as men.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction seeing the customers enjoy their meals with smiles.

Throughout the day, I also noticed some familiar faces among the customers. Some old classmates of this body. Some of them recognized me and said hi.

The day went by fast, and the night had come. We were now starting to clean up, closing up for the night.

We got quite busy, and I expect tomorrow will be even busier. Seems like I'll be a bit busier right now. I need to prepare food for tomorrow.

After finishing cleaning up, we locked up for the night, had dinner and went to bed to watch a movie. And before finally calling it a night, by falling asleep with my face buried in her boobs.