
Rejection Kills

Rose was a normal wolf who unlike others, had found her mate at the tender age of her childhood, but throughout her whole life, he wanted nothing to do with her. Her whole life, she suffered not being accepted by him along with everyone else. On the day of her mating acceptance, she gets rejected by the love of her life and dies from the rejection. "If I'm given a second chance at life, I will never love you or anyone ever again." That is what she claims before her last breath, but miraculously she wakes up once more, and nothing is the same as before. What will happen to her in her second chance of life?

NerdyPeach · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

The Unknown Boy


This is the worst thing that could have happened. People were starting to become scarce as they made their way to where they needed to be.

 'Okay, don't panic. The best thing to do is to remain calm.' I walked my way out of the less crowded area and found a bench to sit on. I pulled out the map and looked for where the cabins were since that's where everyone was heading. "Okay, that's a lot of cabins, but they all look different. The symbols on the cabins must represent where every species is staying. But where are the wolf cabins?" My eyes scanned the paper over and over, but I couldn't find it. I sighed in frustration, "Great,".

"Hey, are you okay?" A low voice called out beside me. My gaze turned to a boy with a porcelain skin tone. A tired expression remained on his face as he had dark circles under his eyes. He wore a dark blue hoodie with black jeans, and then his long dark bangs that almost covered his eyes gave him a cool yet laidback aura. 

"Oh, um, yeah I'm just trying to find my way to the cabins," He looked down at my map and held out his hand. I gave the map to him and he spoke a few words. "To the Moon cabins" 

The map began to glow and started floating on its own before taking off. He looked at me and motioned to follow the map. "Come on. I'll take you there." 

It didn't take long before I found the cabins assigned to wolves. I'll admit I was a little nervous to follow the boy, but he seemed to be the only one willing to help and my only chance at finding the cabins. We chat briefly since it was a 15-minute walk. I thought he would be quiet the whole time, but he held a conversation with me. He mostly asked questions about if it was my first time here, have I ever been to Elemental Falls, and does my group normally leave me behind. That last one was a joke of his, and I couldn't help but laugh at it. When we made it to the Moon cabins, I was amazed by how beautiful they looked. Sure they were normal in-the-woods cabin, but they were designed so well. Easily distinguished from the rest, they were a dark blue color. I'll be sure to remember that. 

The map suddenly stopped in front of the cabins and flew back in my hands. "From now on, if there's somewhere you wanna go, just tell the map where to take you. If you aren't sure about any of the places, all you have to do is tell the map to show you all locations of Elemental Falls and it'll take you anywhere you wanna go," 

I smiled and nodded, "Thank you so much. I appreciate you helping me. I would have been stuck there for hours if you didn't show up," He stared at me with an almost surprised reaction. Was it something I said? He rubbed the back of his neck, "It was nothing…" Turning around he began to walk away.

"Hey wait!" He looked back at me. "Um...I'm Rosalia by the way. I just realized I never introduced myself." He blinked his eyes and for a moment, I thought I should have just accepted his help and let him carry on. However, he gave me a small smile, "I'm...Cayden" 

"Rosalia!" A shout came from behind me, and I saw Liam rushing towards me. 

"Maybe I'll see you around," Cayden spoke, but when I turned around he was gone. My attention went to a tall angry alpha standing before me. 

"Where did you go? Why weren't you with the group?" I opened my mouth to speak, but it was hard to get the words out. 

"I was just...I got lost and…" 

Liam sighed closing his eyes, "From now on, stay within my sights so I don't have to go looking for you. I thought we would have to send a search party or something. Don't cause trouble In the first day here"

I sighed, defeated, "I'm sorry Alpha." 

"I told you to call me by my-" He stopped his scolding and leaned down sniffing the air around me causing me to hold my breath. "Why do you...smell like the dead?" 



It had only been 30 minutes since the group made it to the cabins and everyone went to their designated ones to settle in. Alan and the others shared a cabin with me and were walking down the path to the cabin. I started following until Orion spoke to me. 

"Liam. Where is she?" 

"Where is who?" 

"Rosalia. She's not around."

"Of course she's not. She's at her cabin. Relax." 

"She's nowhere near the area Liam." 

"Shit." I stopped in my tracks, dropped my bags, and dashed off. Since the girls and boys would be separated in the Moon cabins, one teacher took the boys down one path and the other led the girls. I assumed she was in the group since there were so many of us. Then again, I lost track of her scent a while ago. Dammit! I ran down the path to the cabins where the girls would be staying. When I got closer I picked up her scent. 

"Mate. She's here. Go to her." 

I saw her standing in front of the cabin with her back turned. I was relieved, but then my anger rose to the surface. She made me run all this way just to casually stand outside, and chat to someone? I marched over, "Rosalia!"

She turned around surprised by my outburst. Then she turned back around. Did she just ignore me? Only when I got close to her, did she acknowledge me again. 

"Where did you go? Why weren't you with the group?" She seemed startled, to say the least, but I still waited for an answer. 

"I was just...I got lost and…" 

I figured that much, but by the looks of it, she wasn't gonna be able to give a clear answer. I sighed, "From now on, stay within my sights so I don't have to go looking for you. I thought we would have to send a search party or something. Don't cause trouble In the first day here" 

She frowned and bowed her head down.

"Liam," Orion scolded. Shit. I didn't mean for it to come out like that. 

"I'm sorry Alpha." I shook my head, "I told you to call me by my-" I froze. I looked down at her and began sniffing her. 

"Something reeks" Orion growled displeased. I didn't like the shit either. I looked her in the eyes, "Why do you...smell like the dead?" 

She seemed taken back by my comment, "That's...That's not nice," No, it's not, but neither is the smell. 

"I'll ask you again. Why do you smell like that?" The stench was starting to mess with my senses. 

"I-I don't know. I was lost and someone was nice enough to bring me to the cabins. I haven't been in anything bad. I...I shouldn't smell…" 

"Who brought you to the cabins?" 

"Oh, his name was Cayden, and-" I glared, cutting her off. 

"You were with a boy?" She paused for a moment until her eyes widened in understanding. Then she began to fidget and look down. Irritated, I grabbed her chin and made her look at me. 

"I thought I told you not to get close with any other boys. Are you disobeying me purposely?" My hands grabbed a hold of her waist and held tight as a squeak escaped her lips. Those lips of her. I wanted to claim them last time, but I held back. Would I have to change that? If she won't listen, I'll make her listen. That's what I'll do. I'll start by claiming those lips of hers. I grab her chin and start to make my way to connect mine to hers. Our lips, inches away from one another until I freeze. What am I doing?

I release my hold of her as she looks at me with an unreadable expression. I couldn't tell if she was upset that I tried to kiss her or what. Why am I acting this way towards her? Is it because I feel bad? All the hell I put her through in the past may be the reason, but I feel like it's more than just that, and I don't like it. 

"Go to your cabin, Rosalia" Before she can even respond, I turn and make my way back to mine.