
Rejection Kills

Rose was a normal wolf who unlike others, had found her mate at the tender age of her childhood, but throughout her whole life, he wanted nothing to do with her. Her whole life, she suffered not being accepted by him along with everyone else. On the day of her mating acceptance, she gets rejected by the love of her life and dies from the rejection. "If I'm given a second chance at life, I will never love you or anyone ever again." That is what she claims before her last breath, but miraculously she wakes up once more, and nothing is the same as before. What will happen to her in her second chance of life?

NerdyPeach · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

His Brother

??? P.O.V. 

I listened from a distance as I watched the girl leave the group of Liam's friends. Honestly, this is why I told Liam multiple times to choose good, trustworthy friends. Not just random, immature little boys who make a girl cry. Judging from their expressions, they regretted the deed they committed. Even if you wanted to find out what was going on with Liam, you could have chosen a better way, Alan. I let out a sigh. Well, in any case, I as well found out why Liam seemed different from normal. I looked out the window and watched as the girl was leaving the building. I smiled. 

'So you're Liam's mate. I think introductions are in order.' I thought. 



It took me a minute to find the back of the building. The school's trash bin was pretty gross. It looked like it hadn't been clean in centuries, but this is a punishment I suppose. Because Alan and the others held me up, one of the student council members caught me in the hall and deemed me "skipping" class. I tried to explain myself, but they wouldn't listen. So my punishment, during school hours, was to throw away all the trash in each classroom for just the one building. I hated the idea of missing all my classes, but what could I do? Liam hadn't been in school all morning, so I had no choice but to go to my normal classes for today at least. Had the punishment involved picking the trash of the entire school, I might have died. No worries, it's not like this wasn't my 12th time coming back to my old enemy, Mr. Trashy. I could only carry two bags at a time. I'm not that strong, sadly. My arms are like two sticks that could break at any moment, at least that's what it felt like would happen any moment now. I threw the heavy bag over into the dumpster and let out a sigh of relief. 

"Okay. One more." I grabbed the last one but for some reason, my muscles stopped working, and I couldn't throw the bag in. It was the heaviest one of them all. I struggled to lift the bag, but let out a deep exhale. It's no use. I can't lift anymore. I feel like my arms are gonna be ripped out of their sockets. This punishment sucks!

As I was starting to give up, the bag was lifted from the ground and chucked into the dumpster easily. Huh? I looked up to see a figure standing over me. A tall, smiling, beautiful figure standing over me. He was a tall man with a lean average body and short blonde hair. His eyes were green, the color of mint. He had white smooth skin that was perfectly fine to be jealous of. To finish it all off, a small dark mole that was underneath his right eye. Oh my Moon Goddess, this man was beautiful.

Once he threw the bag away, he turned to me with an angelic smile. "There. All done now. I hope that wasn't too rude of me." 

I snapped out of my trance and shook my head quickly, "Oh no! You're fine! I-I mean thank you!" I blushed dark red. Oh my God, kill me now! 

He chuckled lightly, "I see you were busy doing the classroom cleaning. You must be exhausted." 

"Oh well, no I was just taking out the school's trash is all" 

His eyes widened in shock, "You took out the entire school's trash??" 

"Oh no! No! Just this building on the far east is all! Not the other buildings!" I stated, trying to clear the misunderstanding. 

"That's still way too much for a small girl like you. Honestly, who told you to do such a thing??" 

"Um...well I don't know them. They're part of the school council. It was my fault though, I was late to class, so as punishment I had to take out the east school building's trash."

"Unforgivable. That's a long way to walk back and forth, and there are five floors to that building! I leave that boy in charge of the school, and he's not been doing that right." He sighed, shaking his head before calmly touching my shoulder. "I'm so sorry about that sweetie. I'll make sure to discipline them for giving out cruel, unnecessary punishments. If you'll let me, I'd like to make up for it." 

I tilted my head to the side. Make up for it? 


We sat at a booth table in a massive sweets shop. Holding a menu close to my face, I started thinking about how I probably shouldn't have come here. I didn't know this man but accepted his invitation to come to eat sweets. I peeked up to see the man looking at the menu. He seemed deep in thought with one finger under his chin as he was deciding. This man is really beautiful. Wait, didn't I already say that? I shook my head, then looked around. The people here were dressed like they were going to a runway. Waiters were coming from every direction serving out the most beautiful pastries I've ever seen. Even the carpet was red. 

"Is something wrong?" He asked, concerned. I looked back at him. Oh did he see me looking all over the place like a child at a theme park? I blushed, embarrassed, "N-No...uh…" I couldn't seem to find the right words. He smiled, "You don't have to worry about the people here. Just relax and enjoy yourself. Have you decided on what to order?" 

Oh crap! I had been so focused on staring at him and the place, I forgot to find something on the menu! This caused me to blush harder looking down. "N-No. I don't know many of these." 

"Don't worry. Do you want me to order for you?" 

"Uh...y-yes...please…" God, I'm so lame! He picked up a small bell that had been sitting on our table and shook it causing a jingle sound to appear. Within seconds, a waiter came to our table. 

"Oui. Un fraise Tarte et un Dijonaise de Chocolat." The waiter nodded writing the order down, but he also said one last thing. "Aussi Deux milk-shakes. Un Vanille et un Chocolat" 

"Oui," Said the waiter as he bowed before leaving the table. I blinked confused as ever. What did they even say? 

He chuckled at my expression, "I'm sorry. I have to admit. I did choose a French patisserie restaurant. I hope you're okay with that." 

"It's okay," I said with reassurance. 

"Oh and don't worry. I'm paying. So just enjoy yourself." 

"A-Are you sure?? I can pay for mine." I said that but I knew with how fancy this place was, I would be broke and have to sell my house to pay for what I was about to eat. He chuckled, "No. I won't let you. It's my treat to you. But, if you do want to pay me back, there is something I've been wanting to know." 

I looked confused, "...Yes…?" I said warily.

"Your name is Rosalia Gardens right?" 

How did he know my name? I nodded my head, "Yes that's me" 

He smiled as happily as he could be and gently grabbed my hand. "I'm so glad I finally get to meet you!" 

Huh?! I felt my face turn red instantly. Wait, what's going on?? Is he a secret admirer?? Wait. No one likes me. What am I talking about? 

"We finally get to meet in person, sister in law!" He exclaimed and I froze. 

"Huh??" I asked. Sister in law? What is he talking about?

"Oh. Where are my manners? I should have introduced myself." He gave me a warm smile. "My name is Edward Castriel Knight. Third Prince of the royal Knight family. Alpha to the Sun pack, and your new big brother!" 

My eyes widened in shock. This man was...Liam's brother?! I had a feeling that he seemed familiar, but now that he said it, I could see why! No wonder he was so handsome and beautiful! He was almost the spitting image of Liam, well, besides the fact that he looked a little older, was somewhat taller, and had a mole under his eye. I couldn't believe I was just sitting here, about to eat sweets with this man! 

"Uh...s-sister in law?" I stuttered. 

"You're Liam's mate. I know you are. I've heard a lot about you, Rosalia. I can see why my silly younger brother wanted to keep you a secret, and managed to for 10 years or so? You're as cute as a button~" He gently pinched my cheek. 

I blushed. No one but my parents had ever given me compliments, but now that a man who was a stranger to me a minute ago, was a member of the Knight royal family, and was also Liam's brother was giving me one, it was a lot to handle all at once. Even though he was being kind and sweet to me, I knew this couldn't be right.

"Um...Alpha Prince Edward-" 

"Just call me Edward. We can drop all the formalities. Can I call you Rose for short?" Edward smiled causing my heart to flutter. This man has such a breathtaking smile that can warm even the coldest of hearts. 

"Yes...that's okay, but I have to be honest Alpha-" 

"Silly girl. You're supposed to call me Edward." He chuckled. 

"I...I could get in trouble for not showing you the utmost respect" 

"You have nothing to fear. You're not just anyone. You're my cute little sister." 

"I...I'm...I'm not his mate!" 

He froze and looked at me surprised. I quickly looked down. "I...I'm sorry but...I'm not your brother's mate. I never have been...I…" My thoughts raced on my memories of not being accepted. Never being accepted. I felt my eyes swell up with tears. No! Not in front of the Prince! I tried to hold my tears back. Maybe in that dream...or maybe in my last life, I made a mistake and just thought Liam was my mate. Maybe I didn't know my feelings and just confused myself between feelings and obsession over one boy. Yeah. That's probably all that it was. That's why I suffered so much from that day. "Our bond has never been real. I'm not his mate. His mate is...someone else. You've got the wrong girl…" 

Silence filled our area for a few minutes. But I never once looked up to see Edward's face. Partly, because I was scared to face him. I didn't want to see his face of disgust or disappointment from being deceived by someone as lowly as me. The other reason, being afraid that if I looked up, my tears would fall. A pair of warm hands wrapped themselves around me, and I was pulled in close by a warm embrace. My head, lying against a chest as I heard the sounds of a heartbeat. , 'Huh?' I thought before taking a chance to peek up at Edward looking down at me sympathetically. 

"I don't know what you've been through, but I want you to know you don't have to fear about me hurting you. I can tell you've been hurt, and for that, I am truly sorry. I apologize for my brother's actions, and if he caused you harm. But I know without a doubt, you are Liam's mate. You both were brought together by the Moon goddess. You should never feel bad for being his mate." I suddenly felt my tears falling down my face as they had escaped me. I gently wrapped my arms around Edward's waist and let my tears flow freely. I had loosened up and didn't know why but I felt calm with Edward. He was the first to comfort me. 

He gently rubbed my head as he weakly smiled, "Little do you know, you will lead my brother out the darkness and turn into his light," 

It had taken a few minutes for me to calm down. Once I did, the waiter arrived with the most beautiful pastries I had ever seen. It was almost a waste to eat them, and Edward seemed to guess correctly that I love chocolate, so the food was delicious. As we are, I became more and more comfortable chatting with Edward. We talked about lots of things and tried to get to know each other. We found out a lot about each other. Edward's favorite food involves any kind of sweets, but he hates tuna or anything fish related. He loves the color pink, which I find cute. He also's 20 years old, which means there's a 4-year difference between us, but it's not bad. I honestly thought he was a little older. I, of course, told him some things about me. Like my favorite hobbies included drawing and writing. I loved seafood, but my most hated dish was spaghetti. My favorite color was also pink! For a few hours, we spent the afternoon talking. For the first time in a long time, I was enjoying myself and having fun. Edward is a nice person.