
Rejected Moon Beta

"You're my fated MATE…." I told him. "You….. Disgusting" he sneered at me. "you're a good fling but there's no way I can accept you as my mate and You're not worthy to be my Luna". Drake growled. I knew what was coming and I shook my head, refusing to accept the twist of fate. " I Drake Maoist, Future alpha of Revendale Park. Reject you, Aurora Demarte as my fated mate and future Luna". Naive and shy Aurora, a beauty riddled hidden from deep within, struggles to adjust to her new life after her mate, the alpha, rejects her. With the supernatural world turned against her, Aurora must find the resilience to overcome the loss of her wolf after breaking the forbidden law and yet to face her greatest challenge. With the help of impossible allies she would meet in her journey and a power she never knew she had, Aurora must become the one thing she fears most; A hunter or remain in the shadows and be the Hunter. A power struggle lay between entities of unimaginable powers, naive and shy Aurora stands in the midst of it all.

Muccky_Boy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Aurora's Pov

Drake turned away from me, his silhouette growing smaller as he walked out of my life. I felt the hope that I had been holding on to fade away, replaced by a deep sense of loss. My mate had rejected me, and I was alone.

I touched my heart, it burned. I couldn't bear such anguish any longer. I ran out of my room and into the forest, completely ignoring some pack members outside and Bolting like I always do, but this time not planning on returning.

I ran through the Forest. My heart was breaking and my world was crumbling. My soul feels like it's burning.

Not minding my clothes, I immediately shifted into Fierra. Arriving several feet away from the pack.

Fierra howls loudly at the moon, the sound laced with heart-shattering pain as it resonates throughout the forest.

Her howl persisted for hours as I hid behind the consciousness of Fierra, unable to accept this bad twist of fate.

'WHY?' is all I can ask as I give myself into the pain of rejection.

It appears like the pain is never-ending as I scratch at my heart even after almost an hour.

I lay on the rock in the outskirts of the pack, feeling too tired to run again.

"Do it Aurora, I don't want this pain to bother us anymore. Be rid of me and you'll be free of such pain". Fierra whimpered as she voiced out painfully.

"I can't, I'll never see or feel you again" I interjected. The forbidden law has been prevented for it severely severs the connection between a wolf and its bearer. It's forbidden for it to disobey and reject the gift from the moon goddess.

"You have to, it's the only way now for you to achieve your freedom". Fierra convinced. "Please"

I nodded at her words, tears pooling down my cheeks.

"From deep down my soul. Within the latest night and brightest moonlight, I Aurora Demarte, to the sky and the moon and in the presence of the serine nature of the moon's goodness, renounce my wolf as being part of my soul" I voiced calmly.

Nothing occurred after that, only the calmness of the full moon.

Suddenly, I lost all residual air from my lungs as something dragged a huge part of me, and it felt like my soul was being ripped in half. And then suddenly, I felt hollow. Empty...

My heart which felt like burning due to the rejection suddenly stopped completely. My wolf is gone.

"She's Gone!" I bellowed, refusing to accept such a tragedy. The pain of losing a best friend, the one who has been with me for every hardship of my life. It's unparalleled. The tears kept flowing but I did nothing to stop their downpour.

The twist of fate is never fulfilling one's desire

I'm now only human!

A resounding crack shocked the spirit out of me as I weakly turned to the culprit of the sound. It was Natalie, Alpha Drake and my former mate's girlfriend.

"Hello Aurora," Natalie said with an evil smile as she stared at her prey. A fearful chill ran down my spine.

I stared up at Natalie as she strode towards me, her smile turning into an ugly frown. Derick, Kyle (the future delta) and Stacy were a few feet behind her. They are all friends who made it their life mission to torment me.

She sniffed the air, her face becoming more scornful. "You reek of him" hatred laced her voice as she said those words, spitting to the ground.

"So, what do we have here hmmm, a rejected omega" Natalie Smirked as she said those words. It's probably something she's been desiring all her life to transpire.

"Let me ask you an integral query, what were you expecting after finding out Drake was your mate? You expected him to accept you and abandon me?" she laughed.

I was too exhausted and feeble to answer. I only stared at the ground. A hard slap was across my face as my cheeks burned.

"I asked you a question?" she said as she dragged my long hair tightly, threatening to remove it from its roots making me hiss. "You think you could replace me. Do you think such a weakling like you could be the Luna? What a formidable joke" she continued. "I'm the rightful Luna and mate to Drake and not even you can take him or my title away from me".

My silence only seemed to bring more anger from her already angry state. She raised her hand, extending her claws, ready to slash me.

"Wait sister, only you can't have all the fun is it?" Derick appeared behind Natalie; his sister, dropping her clawed hands. "Omega Luna" Derick sneered at me as he began to laugh hard.

"You're right. You all deserve to have your fun" Natalie said, smiling blissfully.

I only accepted all that was thrown at me. All punishment received. I deserve to die, I deserve to lack happiness and joy, due to my weakness, and I'm never to be considered a were-kind. I accept defeat.

Natalie suddenly raised my chin and stared hard into my eyes. Shock bestrew all over her face. "Oh my, look what we have here, Aurora broke the forbidden law" She voiced loudly looking at her friends.m

Her gang all stood there shocked at what Natalie just declared. No one has ever broken such a law. It remains sacred for millennials now. "You are a coward, Aurora. Even renouncing your wolf because of a simple rejection?" Stacy said looking scornfully at me. "The moon Goddess shall burn you for breaking the sacred law" she spat at me. She's the current Delta's and sister to Kyle.

"Someone like you shouldn't exist. Weak, useless, pathetic. Honestly, I wondered how you lived this long. Not only are you weak and useless now, but now a human". As she mentioned human, disgust was all over her face.

I looked at all my tormentors. The people who made my life a living hell since I arrived at this pack and even on my rejection, they came here to mock me. I have nothing more to lose from these people. I'll make them pay for all they've done to me.

Anger burned inside me, Directed at everything and everyone. At my wolf's loss, at my mate's Rejection, at Drake, at my weakness, at the Revendale pack, at the moon Goddess, at my tormentors, and myself. Why should I accept defeat, it'll only prove them more accurate in their wicked words than ever.

With such burning anger, I punched Natalie straight at her nose.

Natalie screamed, grabbing at her bleeding nose. "She punched me. She fucking punched me" She said with wonder laced in her voice.

Derick who had been standing immobile minutes ago, matched forward, his eyes glowing yellow. "How dare you pathetic human hurt my sister" he said grabbing my hair and dragging me to the edge of the high mountain on which we stood. "You dare hurt your superior! You'll pay for this". I struggled against his hands, digging my fingers deep into the ground to slow me down but it only caused more blistering and injuries as my nails cracked and bled.

"Finally, you'll be out of our life and this pack for good" Derick stated. "Now revendale pack will be strong again once you're finally gone".

My eyes remain closed, not because of being afraid of looking at their faces, But because of the huge bump that now dominates and closes my eyes.

I felt my hair being grabbed once more. Drake turned me around and rain punched down on me. I felt like a punching bag being used to eliminate his anger and frustration.

A deep scratch made me scream out in pain as someone's claws tore at my skin. A cracking sound was heard as someone stepped on my fingers, breaking them.

I had stopped struggling at this point. My peak of pain has already surpassed that I have no energy to even make a sound.

"Goodbye Aurora" I heard Derick say before suddenly, I felt weightless.

I didn't feel anything until the slap of the painful water at my back as darkness enveloped me.