
Rejected Moon Beta

"You're my fated MATE…." I told him. "You….. Disgusting" he sneered at me. "you're a good fling but there's no way I can accept you as my mate and You're not worthy to be my Luna". Drake growled. I knew what was coming and I shook my head, refusing to accept the twist of fate. " I Drake Maoist, Future alpha of Revendale Park. Reject you, Aurora Demarte as my fated mate and future Luna". Naive and shy Aurora, a beauty riddled hidden from deep within, struggles to adjust to her new life after her mate, the alpha, rejects her. With the supernatural world turned against her, Aurora must find the resilience to overcome the loss of her wolf after breaking the forbidden law and yet to face her greatest challenge. With the help of impossible allies she would meet in her journey and a power she never knew she had, Aurora must become the one thing she fears most; A hunter or remain in the shadows and be the Hunter. A power struggle lay between entities of unimaginable powers, naive and shy Aurora stands in the midst of it all.

Muccky_Boy · Fantasia
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4 Chs

Aurora's Pov

After reading the weird book of prophecy, I intended to run back to the pack house after noticing how late it was. It's only several hours until the mating ceremony. I was nearly at the pack house but a voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Hello Aurora" I veered around to see Derick standing behind me, the moon casting a shadow along half of his face.

"Derick" there was nothing more I wanted to say for I only wanted to disappear from his sight.

"Aurora, you emit this radiant glow, it makes you look more beautiful in the moonlight," Derick said, his breath hot on my face. I felt my heart race as he stepped closer.

"I... I need to get back to the pack house," I said, my voice trembling.

I couldn't move, my limbs failing to obey my brain's command. Derick has invariably ignored me since I was adopted into the pack but When I was 14, Derick admitted to having a huge crush on me. I rejected him since I was waiting for my mate and only wanted to be with him. Unfortunately, Derick accepted the rejection unsatisfactorily, and from that day henceforward, he's made my life a living hell.

His eyes darkened at her words, and I could feel the rage radiating off him. "You will regret rejecting me, I poured my heart to you weakling and you rejected me. It's not over" he growled, a snarl twisting his features.

Fearing for the worst, I took a step back, my heart pounding in her chest. "Please..." I begged, but my words trailed off as Derick lunged towards me.

I ducked, but he was too fast, and his fist connected with my face. Pain exploded all over my face before I saw dark.


I woke up grudgingly. I looked at my broken wristwatch. Though my face is filled with bruises that didn't diminish the happiness in my heart. It's hours to THE GREAT MATING CEREMONY where werewolves of age (18) would finally meet their mates.

And today's also Drake's birthday, so there's a double celebration in the pack today as they await their New Luna.

Joyous chatter resonated as everyone in the revendale pack chattered noisily.

The Revendale pack is the most powerful werewolf pack in the country. Ruled by pure strength and brutality, they became the most feared pack in the world, with no mercy for the weak, and I so happen to fall in that category.

After waking up from Derick's brutality, I had to drag my injured body back to the pack house. Thankfully it was a short distance.

I watched from my window, everything that transpired that night knowing full well I was not invited into any party, much more the mating ceremony.

My presence should be left unknown to the pack.

I watched as everyone applauded Drake and wished him a wonderful birthday and a perfect mate. He was the center of engagement.

The smile on his face was so sincere that I precisely smiled. He looked so innocent without his typical smirk And the evil glint in his eyes. If not for my unfavorable encounter with him, I would have thought of him as innocent.

His smile suddenly made my wolf stir and exhilarated?.....

"EVERYONE PLEASE ASSEMBLE, THE ALPHA IS TO ADDRESS YOU" the great Beta and father to Derick announced.

A tall clean-shaven older man in his late forty with long hair, huge muscles, and a handsome face to go with it, walked onto the stage. This is the Great Alpha SAM, the current alpha of the Revendale pack and father to future Alpha Drake

"Good evening to you all" he greeted. His voice reverberated throughout the entire vicinity, loud enough you could divulge the power laced in his voice.

"Today is the day, my son; the one everyone calls future Alpha, finds his soulmate and I hope she will be as beautiful as your Luna," Alpha Sam said as he gestured to his wife while staring intently at Natalie. Luna blushes at her husband's compliment.

Everyone was hoping Natalie would turn out to be Drake's mate. It'll presumably be the joy of the pack. Two powerful couples are sure to produce powerful heirs.

"And to our dear young ones of the pack, we are happy you all reached this wonderful age and grew up to be such extraordinary wolves. We are proud". He continued, his face beaming with happiness.

Everyone cheered as they waited for the full moon to rise.

A sudden feeling washed over me as I shivered from these cold feelings. It wasn't a bad one, but rather a good and unforeseen one.

I looked around looking for one person in particular but he was nowhere to be found.

Suddenly, a sweet chocolate scent infiltrated my nostrils. The door to my room barged open and alpha Derick stood with all his glory, his eyes a deep shade of blue signifying his wolf presence.

It was the most beautiful sight to behold as my cheeks turned a deep crimson red. Fierra stirred inside me recklessly as she forced herself out.

"Mate" was the only word produced by Derick before he completely lost himself.

He stepped inside, tearing my clothes rendering me naked. He held onto me, holding me tightly like he never wanted to let go. I mourned softly at his impatience. "Drake!"

He loosened my clothes and undid my bra. My mind was screaming at me that this was wrong. That I shouldn't be doing this but I couldn't resist his touch as they burned.

I mourned as he kissed my neck, laying me in the bed.

I could feel every hard muscle underneath his shirt and I traced each and everyone of them.

I didn't know when he got all of our shirts off and we were naked together. His kisses trailed down each and every part of my body, going down my slender waist and I let him take me.

He fell onto the side of the bed after he was done and slept off immediately.

The side of my eyes darkened until only darkness surrounded my vision.

A few hours later

I groaned both in pain and annoyance, feeling my head spin.

All I can remember about yesterday's night was dark black eyes.

I shot up from the bed after that thought ran through my head.

'Outch' I thought as my body ached while trying to stand up. I jumped right back under the cover of the bed after realizing I was completely naked.

Inside my thigh aches. Fuck that, they burned. Which means that I had sex with....

With who? I'm still in my room, right?

I wanted to ask my wolf what transpired but she lay deep asleep within me, hence less communication. But the little I felt from my wolf was excitement.

I looked around, noticing the layout of the room. Everything seems familiar and the arrangement indicates the room belongs to me.

The room smells of deep chocolate. Smelling at my armpit for good measure. Nope, not from me.

I looked around and noticed a slight bump underneath my bed cover.

Fearing who that might be, I slowly opened it revealing the being within.

My mouth opened in a silent scream after seeing who it was, Future Alpha Drake Maoist.

Everything from the previous night rushed into my head. I screamed and in the process woke Drake up.

Immediately he saw my face, Drake jumped out of the bed like it was on fire.

He looked at me in shock, realization settling within his eyes.

"You must never tell anybody about this". Drake said.

"But we're mates!" I tried to tell him but he only shook his head.

"You're my fated MATE…." I emphasize.

"Look here, you're a good fling but there's no way I can accept a weak disgusting omega as my mate and future Luna of this pack" Demetri growled.

"I Drake Maoist, Future alpha of Revendale Park. Reject you, Aurora Demarte as my fated mate and future Luna".

For a few seconds, I remained motionless not believing what was occurring. My mate whom I'm to spend the rest of eternity with, just rejected me!