
Chapter 5

Theo stared at the blonde guy who was watching Tia.

"Now why are you here?" He had a mocking face on him while talking to the blonde.

The guy flinched.

"Ain't that my line?!" He exclaimed. "I almost had a heart attack!"

It was clear that Theo accidentally shocked him.

"This is my school, idiot. Why were you staring at Tiara? Also, why did you come here?" Theo asked.

"Nah, I just thought she was pretty cute, that's all." Andren's eyes averted to Tia who was walking further and further away. What he said was a joke, obviously.

Andren Leslie. His single father ran a company that was partnered with Theo's parents' company. Theo grew up with Andren ever since they were five years old. A real achiever, everyone's got to admit that Andren was a very talented fellow.

A playfully flirty guy, too. Girls fell for him often, but he was decent enough to not toy with their feelings too much.

His grades were top notch even though he was a carefree student. Sometimes people complain about his attitude from time to time, they couldn't do much after seeing his straight A's.

Well, it's not like Andren's a bad person, really. He's a softie and was kind at heart.

Theo should know, they were like brothers.

The moment Andren's eyes looked back at Theo's face, he burst out into laughter.

"You should really see your own face, your expression was priceless!" He laughed so hard he felt like he had to support his stomach or he'll fall down completely.

Irritated, Theo grabbed the laughing Andren by the collar and dragged the blonde home with him.

Usually, Andren's just there to accompany Theo whenever he's at home or so because their parents spend at least half the day working in their companies, and their houses aren't too far apart. It eases both their boredom and loneliness, even though at this point they were used to being left at home.

Theo and Andren talked while walking, eventually arriving at Theo's.

"Again, I shall be depending on your games and snacks today, buddy!" Andren slapped the black haired boy's back when he tagged along with Theo and followed him to his room.

Theo didn't bother to even try and kick him out anymore, he just let out an annoyed "tch" then proceeded to throw his bag on the fluffy blue bed in the room.

They hung out with each other so much it's as if Andren lives in Theo's house and vice versa.

"I'll get changed first, do you wanna change too?" Theo walked towards the bathroom, having a new, clean attire on his hands.

"I'm good! I'll set up your Playstation console first then. Pick the game later, 'kay?"

Theo nodded once he got the answer, shutting the bathroom door then started changing.

Andren easily turned on the machine, and smiled at what he did when the console lit up.

The sound of the bathroom door caught his attention, making him turn to it.

"You wear white clothes 24/7. Are you attending a funeral or something? You're boring." He complained, looking at the fashion senseless taller boy who immediately sat beside Andren after he finished changing.

"They don't absorb heat and to me they're comfortable enough so shut up with your neon colored pajamas." Theo deadpanned.

Andren acted like he was offended by the remark, but it didn't catch Theo's attention as the other was picking multiplayer games they could both feel like enjoying.

One of the games caught Theo's attention.

"Oh? Wanna play Tekken?"

Tekken was a fighting game the boys loved, and it was probably their comfort game as time passed by.

After getting Andren's agreement, they both played, ate snacks and had fun with the console while waiting for their parents to come home.

In the middle of one game, it hit Theo that he had homework to do, so he asked Andren to stop for a while and help with an assignment that the teacher gave.

Soon, the clock's short arm pointed at 10pm, yet both parents had not arrived home yet.

"Andren, go shower and change up first. It seems like you might be staying here for the night." Theo instructed.

He wasn't wrong. They waited and waited, but received a phone call saying that they might not be home until the next morning and that Andren should just sleep there today because it's getting late.

After the call ended, they sighed.

Of course, they had no guts to go against their very own parents so they did as asked. Both slept immediately after being told to.


Being the morning bird he was, Theo would obviously wake up before Andren did, but today, he was woken up by another phone call with the very same caller as yesterday night's.

His mother.

"Are you up yet, Theo? Can you please tell Andren he'll be attending the same school you're attending?"

Theo's eyes widened.

"Woah, hold up. You never mentioned anything about this!" He raised his tone a bit, but lowered it again right after he realized.

It was not like Theo wouldn't like being in the same school as Andren, in fact, he would love to be, but knowing both their parents, there must be some kind of reason behind it.

"Of course I have not, it was his father's choice, not mine." She continued. "Lend him your uniform for today as his father will start purchasing the uniform today after school."

Theo couldn't oppose her words. All he could do was accept his mother's request.

Ah, what a start to another day.

"Andren, wake up. You'll be going to the same school I am, apparently."

Theo dropped his school attire for Andren.

Upon hearing the news, Andren immediately sat up even though he was just in his slumber a second ago.

"Wh- Wait- What's this all of a sudden?!" He stuttered, barely awake.

"Like hell I'd know? Maybe your dad will tell you after school or something." Theo answered.

Andren had an uneasy look on his face.

Supposedly, his now previous school would start next week or so.

He made friends there, he didn't want to move, but there was nothing they could do.

"Look, I'm sorry you need to transfer but I'm sure you have their contacts, no?"

It was as if Theo read the blonde's mind.

Andren just nodded while heading for the bathroom, knowing he needed to prepare for a brand new introduction.

This made Theo concerned about two things now:

One, whatever reason was behind this transfer.

Two, will Andren learn to somehow adapt in a new school so suddenly?