
Rejected by my Grumpy Mate

He rejected me before realizing that I was the heart of his universe. Lupita I'm still bent over. In this old group, women were treated very badly, and my deformed limbs made me undesirable. It's no use if I never shift. But even in my late 20s, I don't mind living alone. No one saw when I set up a shady farmers market operation. Although life under Fenris Gonzalo was tough, it was at least predictable, which is why my roommate and I had been on our own. We can survive. But I lost my mind when nature finally took over. I claim that our alpha is my mate. He rejected me in front of the whole group. All good. It hurts when I breathe. I will succeed. I work in that field. After all, who wants to date an arrogant jerk? I have to run my company. Fenris To lead this herd out of the stone age, I have to be tough. No mercy. I don't make any doubts or mistakes. Lupita Lowell is not my partner. I would pay attention to any strange obsessions he had if he were my wolf. I could just leave, right? And if I keep coming back? if he lives in my mind? I am the strongest man in the last five generations. My directions were immediately carried out by my package. I was able to rejoin the queue with a calm woman. There can't be anyone as stubborn as me. There was no way I could ruin the most beautiful thing that had ever happened to me. The alpha of the Balkan pack is me and I must lead

Happy_Emmanuel · Urbano
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4 Chs


Females undergo a mysterious chemical process necessary for reproduction when they feel their first heat. For the continued existence of this species, this answer is necessary. They met, fell in love, had a family, and lived on until the end of time. It is the man who initially looks at his potential partner, and only then does the woman do the same, or something similar in a broader sense. Reports show that most fertile women are satisfied with their lives. Their level of happiness is comparable to those of us who are alone. You should take them at their word and proceed with caution due to the situation. The critical aspect is that I now have to recognize Fenris as my partner in order for him to recognize me in this moment. He understood my point of view and knew why I hit Nina. It was a very stupid action, because the male wolf in the pack would not stand for his mate to be scent marked by someone else. It was a ridiculous act by them. This is a very basic idea in the field of psychology. Examination of living creatures Whatever the circumstances. This obsession seems much stronger than the need to stay alive. My wolf is still furry and angry whenever Nina is around. My wolf will participate in the next round if he is more skilled in combat. You are a wolf with no intelligence and a lot of clumsiness. To emphasize his point, Fenris let out a low growl that sent vibrations through the tables and made them rock back and forth on its wheels. It seemed he was having mental problems. He advised me to "speak for myself", so I guess I should do that. "You are well aware of why I acted the way I did. Barely audible due to background noise. He descended from his throne with a roar, then rose to stand above me in an arrogant and open posture, as if his dick needed more room to swing. When he clenched his fists, his biceps bulged out. My lips pressed together in a small movement. If someone tells you to "be funny," it means they want you to be polite to them. Everything seemed destroyed. My throat still felt tight, and none of my lips felt wet. I don't know whether I should claim it as mine or make it a new possession; my wolf was eager to get out so he could pounce on her, and I was afraid. My wolf was struggling to free himself so he could attack the poor man. He's out of control, and I don't know how to control him. I would need every last ounce of strength I had to stop him from trying to tear more of our skin.

Fenris leaned forward slightly in anticipation. I will tell you that you are my friend. When I finally opened my lips to speak, the vast hall was almost silent. Nonetheless, I heard a wave of gasps and a few hesitant laughs ring out throughout the audience in response to what I said. To hide my butt, I pulled one hand to my chest and tried to use the other hand to cover it with my hand. This isn't the kind of get-together people go to after a midnight run or relaxing by the river on a hot day. None of that happened at this location. No one else in the room was naked except myself, and everything was brightly lit. At any time, anyone who wants to do so can see my badly injured leg. They will look at an issue or topic from every possible angle. People consider me to have a direct influence on their daily lives. Shapeshifters are mutilated and can take on several appearances. People couldn't help but look at it while knowing it was fake because it was so different from anything they had ever seen before. I don't have a problem with the gang, even if they add one more member. My usually steady legs were shaking, and my stomach was churning. I've done everything I can think of, but I still can't throw up. I can't possibly move on to the next phase of my life if I'm stuck in a puddle of my own vomit in the current phase. Right now, I just want to survive until the next phase of my life begins. I try to keep my spine in a neutral position. I only give the impression that I am present here. While I live in the future, you live in the memories of the past. I didn't feel any effect from it. When I clench my fists, the stress causes my nails to bite into my palms. How about "What was the effect just now?" Fenris raised his eyebrows at me, and the intensity of his blue eyes was a direct challenge to me. Whatever we do together, you are my partner. I've done it so often that it feels as normal to me as breathing. My wolf now has more courage than before. He was in a gloomy state and was desperately trying to attract someone's attention by shouting. Those who save. Feel it. A corpse he could dissect and use to deal with his complicated feelings. I couldn't help him in any meaningful way. I can't change it in any way, shape, or form. I tried to reassure him, but it seemed like his worries had taken over his life. The line between Fenris' lips became increasingly clear. He glanced briefly at his subordinates. All eyes were now on him, and everyone stood with their shoulders back and eyes focused directly on him. Waiting for further instructions. Everyone in the room was on the edge of their seats, waiting breathlessly for him to continue speaking. When I feel afraid, it feels like spiders are crawling up my spine. 

The fact that I am single is well known, he continued. When I heard the words, "I'm single," they hit me in the chest like a cannonball, knocking me over the edge. This is not because I don't believe what is being said; rather, it was because his words were very hurtful. The only thing that happened was that I lost my balance for a split second, but my good leg didn't give up. This happened in almost no time. Actually, I don't have a headache. My pet's distressed voice His gaze darted in front of me, pausing for a moment on the puckered red scar on the outside of my thigh and asked, "If I had a mate, do you think he would be weak? Can we assume that he managed to protect himself from an attacker? He pointing towards the crowd gathered nearby in an attempt to get a closer look at the events unfolding, saying, "It's up to me to lead. Could Fate allow me to lead us with you by my side? So that we are safe from danger? The delivery does not give the impression of being venomous or offensive. It makes perfect sense and adheres to logic. as if he was talking to someone much younger than himself. Or a madman on a rampage. The way he waited showed that he was looking forward to an answer. I don't know what to say; I was speechless. It's quite painful. My she-wolf's suffering shook my entire being, and none of this made sense. I have no interest in working with him in any capacity. That's not who I am. Although I am well aware that this is unlikely to happen, I would not comply if I were given the opportunity to do so of my own accord. Between the two of us, there was an exchange of vitality, and it flowed from my breasts to his chest. What might prevent him from experiencing it? No need to state the obvious: the fact that I was the last female to rule the group. This is not the path I chose. On the other hand, he was well aware that this would not happen in the current situation. His angular jaw began to settle into a tighter position. His annoyance stemmed from the fact that I didn't break my promise and didn't take it back. Should I do it? This doesn't interest me at all. Absolutely without shape, or form; absolutely not. "I would have killed for this package," he said as an additional comment. "My hands are covered in blood because of this package. "Where once there was only darkness, I have brought light; Where there was only cold, I have brought warmth. pure, pure water that is free from any contaminants. I have been challenged eight times and won every time, filling my stomach with the flesh of those who tried to stop me. Where have you been, and what were you doing? How did you climb the corporate ladder to reach your current position? He spoke softly, and his eyes were filled with compassion as he looked at you. Slightly inclining his head, he looked there. "I don't understand what you're saying. You'd better continue your work in the kitchen. And that concludes all of his free time he could devote to me." He then turned his focus back to the dais after giving a short shout out to his lieutenants. my head was cut off like a fish that was too big for its body, I was thrown back into the water while my internal organs leaked and my lungs still struggled for air. I was like a fish that was too big for its body. Everything inside me that contributed to who My self, which kept me going and helped me get through each day, collapsed to the ground and shattered into pieces as if I had been hit by a truck. Anxiety is like a big hole in your life. 

A serious error for which there is no adequate explanation. However, he gave the impression that he was completely unaware of the dynamic and active relationship we had, despite the fact that it existed between us. While I wait for my heart to stop beating completely, I will continue to sit here. This cannot continue like this. It seemed inconceivable that his heart could still function at this point. Nevertheless, that is the problem. After each sound, there was a thud. Maintain your composure and stay calm. Nevertheless, nothing happened in the previous incident. As if the universe hadn't already made it abundantly clear to me that I wasn't inferior to anything, in the most basic ways. After a period of perfect silence passed in the spacious room, chaos suddenly broke out. The audience made a lot of noise, including screams, exclamations, and laughter. The rest of the group lowered their voices until the room was filled with deep murmurs that elicited both disgust and amusement every time Fenris clenched his fangs. Fenris smiled as he gave his lieutenants an order, "Get him out of here," and then watched them carry it out. They both tried to stare at each other until finally Evo got frustrated, got up, and grabbed my elbow. He walked me out of the building, picked me up every time I fell and put me back on my feet, guided me across the open floor, and then walked me down the corridor to the back exit. He first let me into the room by kicking down the screen door, then he threw me out into the pitch darkness. He orders you to "go home," and his tone is remarkably free of ridicule for you, even though he is telling you to do so. "Don't come back to this location any longer. First, let things calm down a bit. He doesn't wait to hear you or stay in one place. After that, he enters the building, slamming the door behind him as he does so. The worst part is that I was right -completely alone in the dark with nothing on but my shivering body, and my body temperature rose again now that the threat had passed. I felt the cold return to my body. The longing and desire became more pronounced as the adrenaline levels dropped. My inner thighs felt like there was something slimy oozing in there. It was dark, and I had to squint to make out any details. Everything smelled stronger than before, and I really appreciated it as the green and brown rust faded from the trash and the smell of raccoons circling the containers before walking into the woods . What a terrible person! After my usefulness was out, I was thrown into the trash. This means I can't stay here as long as I originally wanted. I went into the forest and started wandering around. Not wanting to embarrass myself in front of the old people smoking on the front porch, I wouldn't go around the house to get back to the sidewalk.