
Rejected by my Grumpy Mate

He rejected me before realizing that I was the heart of his universe. Lupita I'm still bent over. In this old group, women were treated very badly, and my deformed limbs made me undesirable. It's no use if I never shift. But even in my late 20s, I don't mind living alone. No one saw when I set up a shady farmers market operation. Although life under Fenris Gonzalo was tough, it was at least predictable, which is why my roommate and I had been on our own. We can survive. But I lost my mind when nature finally took over. I claim that our alpha is my mate. He rejected me in front of the whole group. All good. It hurts when I breathe. I will succeed. I work in that field. After all, who wants to date an arrogant jerk? I have to run my company. Fenris To lead this herd out of the stone age, I have to be tough. No mercy. I don't make any doubts or mistakes. Lupita Lowell is not my partner. I would pay attention to any strange obsessions he had if he were my wolf. I could just leave, right? And if I keep coming back? if he lives in my mind? I am the strongest man in the last five generations. My directions were immediately carried out by my package. I was able to rejoin the queue with a calm woman. There can't be anyone as stubborn as me. There was no way I could ruin the most beautiful thing that had ever happened to me. The alpha of the Balkan pack is me and I must lead

Happy_Emmanuel · Urbano
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4 Chs


Balkan groups differ from other groups in that they rely on physical strength rather than familial ties for leadership. Any man, at any time, can issue a challenge to another man for promotion. It's possible that Fenris will have to fight every day to maintain its superiority. But even though he was invincible, he refrained from doing so. It's impossible to ignore. Fenris is the largest wolf of the five packs, and he can also transform into other forms. He can change his skin into fur and back at will in the blink of an eye. It's an instant change that provides unbeatable benefits. Although I believed Ralphina when she claimed that gear shifting wasn't magic, I had to admit that it looked like magic when she changed shape back and forth in the air. No one dared to challenge the alpha who had spoken to the moon. If you ask Ralphina, shapeshifting is nothing short of a miracle. A fire was burning behind the throne that Fenris had made himself, and the temperature in here was definitely over ninety degrees. Who doesn't let air in through the windows? Suddenly, a wave of warmth swept through my body. They were free to wear short-sleeved shirts, and as usual, men who weren't wearing tank tops would show off everything. Females that have been mated and guarded usually do not feel any discomfort at this time. It's their own fault that I drop the tray and they have to get their own drinks. The people at a table not too far away looked at me in a way that suggested they were wondering why I wasn't participating in the shifter conflict. My wrists hurt from overuse. To hold the tray better, I switched to using both hands. The sticky feeling in my hands got worse. The insides of my thighs and the backs of my knees were soaked with sweat. Plus, my stomach was acting really strange. Has my temperature risen? I can't afford to get sick now that I'm negotiating a deal with mushrooms. Ugh. I brought my knees as close as possible. Ivo Bell crouched down, squinted, and peered between the entangled bodies of Evo and George. I don't understand why he didn't stop playing and call a timeout. George's face was as red as beet juice, and fur was growing on his collar, while Evo celebrated his victory by screaming towards the ceiling. The fighting seems to be winding down, which is good news. There was only one winner and one loser, and without Ivo to call the shots, the vast room would have turned into a wolf fight.

This dominant masculine smell gives me goosebumps. My speech will be a bit long. I took the tray and tiptoed past it, crossing my fingers so George wouldn't stop me and knock over the kettle. I can't maintain my stance right now. I need to take a breath. This dominant masculine smell gives me goosebumps. My speech will be a bit long. Thankfully, I managed to get past them and get to where Fenris's aides were waiting on the dais. Everyone treats the table as if it were sacred, even though it is just one of many similar tables: it has a faded laminate surface, a backless stool, and wheels. A wolf pack moved into the facility in the 1980s, taking the building and its desks with it. Finn Murphy groaned and grabbed the jug from the table, pushing my hand away as he took the food. There was a long pause as he groaned, "You took too long. I placed the tray flat on the floor and gave it my full attention. There's no point in replying to this. I really can't be bothered to give a crap." all my attention. Please give us more, if possible. When I asked Finn if he had any bread, he said the basket was empty. He watched while Evo helped George up, but he didn't look at me directly, choosing instead to focus on his drumsticks. Under his breath, he muttered what were probably the words "bad decision. The only thing that might have made him feel this way was the fact that he and George were working together. From what I saw, it was pretty clear that Evo won. When I turning to leave, I hurriedly grabbed the basket. I would pretend not to see the piece of bread on the table and then hide behind it. The sun was about to set. From the adjacent slope, there was a high probability of wind. This gave me a chance to relax . I really want to get some fresh air right now. The urge is now so strong that it almost seems like a real longing. The sky has to be clear for this to happen. I have an overwhelming desire to breathe in the fresh, clean night air. I want to sunbathe in under the moonlight without doing anything in particular. The first order of business was to get rid of these clothes. My bra strap was biting into my shoulders, and my soaking wet khakis felt incredibly tight. Also, my bra digs into my upper back. You can imagine that in the washing machine they shrink a little. Maybe I had made that mistake again and was wearing Annie's clothes. I took hesitant steps into the kitchen before stopping to stare at the dais above the island. It is important that you do so. I'm waiting for your call. Even though it was automatic and no one called my name, I answered. However, Fenris did nothing but stare at me blankly. As the heat from the center of my body spread to my limbs, I felt trembling in my toes and fingertips. With all my might, I struggled to keep hold of the empty tray. Why he was looking at me like that was beyond me. He must have been looking at the table behind me, and this is highly unlikely. It is likely that he is now considering potential challengers for the upcoming match. After drinking and making out became the main activities of the evening, the fights continued into the early hours of the morning. My presence here is not essential to proceeding in any way. I acted as if I had been given authoritative instructions, but in reality, he was just frowning as usual. If I didn't move, he would get bossy and wave his hand at me to tell me to get out of the way. If all you want him to do is grunt and point, Fenris won't bother talking to you at all. As far as I know, no real communication has ever occurred between us. I knew I had to get back to the kitchen as quickly as possible, but somehow I couldn't move my legs like that. My cheeks burned, and I was stuck to the linoleum floor because he was watching me so much that I couldn't move. In each of my ears, there was a steady, rhythmic heartbeat, unmistakably my heart. 

There's also a distinctive, delicious aroma that stands out among the aromas of grilled meat, beer, and other earthy aromas. This aroma is sure to whet your appetite. My nose felt the most delicious tickle, and the smell was warm, sweet, and sticky. The temperature is also comfortable. There was no sign that it came from the stove. I still don't know where it came from, and it confuses me. My leg is slowly getting better from the pain. The soothing hum filled my brain, and had a calming effect on the rest of me as well. The commotion that had been going on in the cottage for what seemed like forever began to die down as dinner progressed. There were no more signs of neon lights, the braying of men, or the loud laughter of women. At this moment, all voices were silenced. The film is entirely black and white, like an old silent film. I peeked curiously, squinting in that general direction. Is Fenris located on a higher plane? He stared at her fixedly, making his previously rough and rugged face appear to show increased confidence. He was angry right now. I know you've been telling me to leave for a long time, but I still can't bring myself to go. He has too much charm for his own good. It was fascinating to watch as she lifted and lowered her chest, causing the white cotton material of her shirt to bulge and contract. The movement of his arms emphasizes this movement. How does it feel when you touch it to my cheek? Where do you look for this? I'm worried about my nails. My lips stay moist because I often lick them. I could taste whatever deliciousness was permeating the air. It left a thin coating on my tongue, and now I can't stop drooling. Right, as you said. Fuck. Best food ever Think I'm drunk? I felt like I was drunk even though I had just been drinking with my friends in this cabin for a while. Single women are not allowed to drink alcohol under any circumstances. I took a deep breath to get rid of the strange feeling, but the luxurious and delicious aroma had already seeped into my lungs. It seemed like a wave of heat was building up, peaking, and then hitting me, and my whole body was shivering from the intense heat.

Of course, without the slightest doubt. Oh my, the results are clearly visible. As a result, my mental processes slow down. I felt sweat start to form on my body. My wolf ears are getting a bit rough. As he chases his tail across the room, he makes yelping sounds. It's not that he's always on the go; that's what he felt right now. By humanizing their feelings, I mean giving them a human perspective. Or whatever it is called when ghosts move around in human flesh and blood. However, it looked like he was dancing. There is no limit to his joy. This was the first time he was allowed to join in the fun. I really look forward to our next conversation. My whole being is full of hope. He had been quiet and reserved for a long time, but now he spoke up. He is quite demanding and particular. creating a show out of nothing. Time spent outdoors is time well spent every time. After that, his heart changed completely. It's true, that's it. It kept coming back to him. I raised my head and looked Fenris in the eye, knowing that I shouldn't do that, but found I couldn't help myself. I realized that I couldn't take my eyes off Fenris' eyes. You won't meet the alpha's gaze if you confront them. That's a pretty ambitious goal. Even if it comes from a single woman. It may be hidden somewhere in the depths of our DNA. Looks like delay is my only option here. I couldn't stop him from taking me down, and he couldn't stop himself from doing it if I didn't intervene. Dirt. Even though I was concentrating so hard I could feel the muscles in my neck tensing, I still sometimes found myself peeking out from under my eyelashes. I really can't give up this hobby. His entire existence is thought-provoking. I'd bet it tastes like melted candy. Candy floss is another option. I can only imagine what it's like when a July storm rolls through, sending the clouds racing and filling the air with the crackle of lightning. Everything is mine; everything is mine, and moreover mine. My wolf likes to bite my ribs with its claws.

He prepared to leave. It was beyond my comprehension, and I didn't know how I could let it go. I was scared, but a pack of wild horses couldn't prevent me from fixing my alpha with a glare. Although I'm worried, Without his help, I would be completely lost. I'm really soaking wet at this point. In the space between your legs, if you happen to have one. When my hand moved down, I seemed to feel something. Ah, the finger of God. Tell me where you want me to go with this. Where else, if not in the middle of the cottage, would you put it? Just in time, I managed to pull it back to my chest. I couldn't understand what was wrong with me. In case you were wondering, this is Fenris Gonzalo. He enjoys nothing more than fighting with everyone who gets in his way. Because of him, the Moon Lake group looked at us with disdain and always made a big deal about how our joining would be good for them. Because of him, Moon Lake thought our group had suffered a setback. Fenris has been a constant throughout my life, and his condition only gets worse as I get older.