
Rejected by ex, Dotted by his boss

A normal ordinary mind who wants to share... betrayal, pain, harsh words are given by her ex, but..... love, trust, care, are given by his boss yes she will get back on him for what he did after all karma is bitch...

Luciferdevil · Urbano
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4 Chs

new beginning.... Maybe?

Author pov: please enjoy

Next morning~~

Alarm's striking voice could be heard and window's curtains are swinging inside because of December's cold wind. Elina got up from her bed and shivered as she looked at open window as yesterday's memories came back to her making her head dizzy, she slowly got up from her bed and came to her bathroom and looked at her face, her eyes were puffy and bloodshot,her whole face was swollen and pale, she touched the mirror and a deep chuckle left from her mouth. She splash the ice cold water on her face and again looked at mirror and again splash the water. It seems like she is trying to erase the traces of sadness which is still in her eyes. One thing in which Elina is terrible at hiding her emotion.

"huhh! she signed and took deep breath and looked at herself in the mirror and cup her cheeks and lightly taps them.

"Ok, Eli enough for crying, So what if I loved him for god damn 3 years , he is not some tony stark to die he is just some bastard who lost a precious Gem. Yes he is nothing. Let's go to work and earn some money then grab some delicious food and celebrate for being single". she tried to cheer herself.

And another thing Elina is terribly good at is cherishing is her self respect as any classy and self dependent lady.

As she got ready for office today she wore more stylish clothes as she want to start new chapter of her life and also because their old boss is retiring and it' their boss retirement party also her boss prepare a surprise for them.

She put a blue classic pencil skirt with white blouse with small pair heels and a office blazer as she looked at time.

"Thank god I still have 20 min. let's grab some coffee at office and give Mr. song his gift. Ahh he is such a great boss, I hope my new boss will also a nice fellow. as she grabbed her purse and car keys and left for office.

At lobby she sat inside her car and drove for her office.

At office ~~

as she enter the main building she saw


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