
(ch 11) exploration and encounters

After a bit of time Rei finally woke up. She immediately began to start kissing Anthony's neck, trying to initiate another round, apparently she was ready to drown herself in pleasure to forget the world around her but Anthony put a stop to that. Separating himself from Rei Anthony told her that they should really start heading out soon. With a pouty face she asked why and Anthony pointed out that a school full a zombies isn't really the safest place. She reluctantly agreed and started gathering her clothes, putting them on. After they cleaned up and gathered everything they rested till Rei was able to walk properly again due to Anthony's rough treatment. 

Once they were both ready Anthony reactivated his iron man gloves and they made their way to the rooftop door. At the door Anthony put his ear against it to see if he could hear anything. Not hearing anything he look to Rei and nodded getting ready to open the door, one gloved hand ready to shoot just in case. Rei also nodded getting her makeshift spear ready. 

Seeing that they both were ready Anthony opened the door. Cautiously walking through followed by Rei they both could see some dead zombies that have had their heads smashed in. 'Takashi must have killed these zombies and any others would have followed him most likely.' Anthony thought to himself as he and Rei began to maneuver through the school. 

Making their way around, Anthony mainly used his gloves to punch zombies that were in their way in the head, taking them out. He didn't need to worry about a zombie overpowering him due to his super soldier strength and there wasn't that many zombies in their path so he wasn't to worried at the moment. 

Rei  seeing that Anthony wasn't using those blast like before asked, "why don't you just shoot them like you did before?" 

Punching another zombie away Anthony answered. "Right now the zombies around us are manageable, but my repulser blast makes quite a bit of noise and I don't want to risk being swarmed."  He finished, punching another zombie away and they both made it to a set of stairs. 

Nodding to Anthony's reasoning she was about to say something but then a girls high pitched scream could be heard down the stairs. "GET AWAY…..STAY BACK!!!" Anthony and Rei looked at one another, both nodded, then made their way to whoever was screaming. 

Making their way down where the commotion was happening they met another group of Two girls. One was wearing the girls school uniform. She had large breast with sharp features. She had long purple hair going down her back and she was wielding a wooden kendo sword ready to strike. 

The other girl was older than the other. She had long blond hair flowing down her back and she appears to be a non combatant. She wears a long sleeve white blouse that barely holds her large breast. Her black pencil skirt has a rip along the side that reveal a bit of her purple lace panties. She was carrying a duffle bag that looked to be filled with supplies.  

Both teams met up were they can see a chubby kid in the boys school uniform holding a makeshift gun from a nail gun and a girl, with pink hair, in the girls school uniform facing a zombie with a few more about to surround them. The pink hair girl had a drill to the face of the zombie in front of her, keeping it at bay. "I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE! SOMEONE PLEASE!!" The next second a blast impacted the zombie from the side of the head blowing it away from the girl. 

For a moment everyone and everything went quiet, even the zombies. Everyone was stunned, The pink hair girl with ragged breathing looked at Anthony, where the blast came from, with shock, as well as the girl with purple hair but she held her shock in better. The chubby kid had stars in his eyes looking at Anthony's gloves and the blond just looked at everyone in confusion. Rei didn't show much reaction because she has seen Anthony shoot the repulser blast before. 

Anthony then woke everyone up by shooting another blast at a zombie that continued making its way towards them. This got the kendo girl to act and charge at the zombies  along with Rei taking out a few of them. The blond just moved over to where it was safer as well as the chubby boy. The girl with pink hair just stayed in place in complete shock.  

Once the last of the zombies were down and all was quiet everyone breathed a sigh of relief.  Pinky was sitting on the ground staring at herself in a mirror. She looked over herself covered in blood in a panic shock. Both Rei and the blond woman ran to her side to check on her condition. Anthony observed the situation making sure nothing abnormal happens as the purple haired girl approached him. 

"I'm saeko busujima from class 3-A  And that's shizuka marikawa the school nurse. I don't think you belong in this school. Especially with those." Saeko said as she looked at Anthony's  iron man gloves. 

Anthony recognizing Saeko and the others thinks to himself, ' It's been awhile so I can't remember what happens precisely but it looks like things are still going on track.' He then scanned the area quickly with his eyes. 'I don't see Takashi making his way here, did he die?' Anthony finished thinking as He then responded to Saeko, " My name is Anthony Luthor. You're right that I'm not part of this school but now isn't the time to go into my back story." 

Saeko was about to say something but Rei then cut in, "Ms. busujima, I remember you won the national championship last year. I'm Rei miyamoto, I'm in the spear martial arts club." 

The chubby boy then introduces himself as well, "Oh, I'm kohta hirano from class B, just FYI." 

Saeko looks to the two and smiles while saying, "nice to meet you." To witch kota got a blush on his face from Saekos beauty. 

The pink haired girl, to which Anthony now knows it's Saya Takagi, seemed to have gotten fed up with everything as she stood up. "Why are you guys being all warm and fuzzy?" Everyone seemed startled by the change in mood. "Why are you being so nice to her Miyamoto, you flunked last year she's not your elder." kota then tried to calm Saya down but that seamed to have set her off as she started yelling, "DONT TALK TO ME LIKE IM STUPID!! IM SMARTER THAN ALL OF YOU COMBINED." Anthony raised an eyebrow at that but decided not to point out that he's the one that's wearing the high tech gloves that he himself made. Saya then turned abruptly towards Anthony, "AND YOU! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!! WHAT ARE THOSE GLOVES!! IM THE GENIUS SAYA TAKAGI SO YOU BETTER…." 

Anthony glared at Saya and cut her off. "Or what Ms. Genius? For your information I don't owe you jack shit. I just told Ms. busujima now wasn't the time or place to explain myself. I have no problem doing so but I'm not going to take any disrespect coming from a snot nose brat." Everyone was silent after Anthony's little outburst. 

Saya stunned by the way Anthony talked to her looked at herself again in the mirror. "Mama is going to have to take my clothes to the dry cleaners to get all these stains out." She said still trying to stay sane. 

As Shizuka and Rei went over to comfort Saya, Saeko addressed Anthony. "Ms. marikawa and I were on our way to the faculty room to get the keys to her car. It should be safe and we can discuss things with little interruption there." Anthony thought on it then nodded his head while sighing. He guessed it was time anyway to get it over with. If they believe him, great, if not, oh well not his problem. They then all started making their way to the faculty room that wasn't too far away. Rei and Shizuka helping Saya followed by kota while Saeko and Anthony took up the rear guarding just in case.