
Reincarnator, Reincarnated again in a second world

in her previous life she was killed in a battle, 400 years later she was reincarnated in the modern times. living with her new parents, friends and living a normal life. after school the 2 of them gets in a accident when raining.

RubiePi · Fantasia
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74 Chs


While Walking toward the Capital they settled in a near river to sleep for the night, Yui puts down the blanket lay down, Lia Sit in a near rock and starts eating, Ashley lay down in the grassy field and starts sleeping, Yui and Lia talks, then Yui falls asleep.

after awhile

Lia still wakes, hear a screaming voice in the distance, a child and her brother came rushing toward Lia, nothing to do she start chanting to fend off the monster.

the monster rush towards Lia, knocking her balance, Lia cast Wind cutter to the monster, Yui wakes up and saw Lia and the 2 scared twin fighting off the monster.

Yui Cast Light arrow toward the monster, killing it.

the two children thank them, then Yui said

"Hey how old are you?"

the little girl replied-

"Ah.... 4"

Yui Ask-

"Where are you guys going?"

The brother replied-

"We where going to the capital because of food problems so we ride to the capital but the Cart got destroy, so the people riding it scattered"


"Its ok, have some sleep where going to the capital too"