
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs

Invasion Plan

as I made my way into the work town I discovered all of the black and blue colored architecture that definitely reaped evil which made me grin because I knew that this meant that I would be able to bring my Nazi vision of the world of there being one superior race into existence.

as I walked through the town I noticed that all of the construction of the buildings were advanced enough to have three floors at least. then I saw gutters on the side of the road used for sewage and a river of freshwater running through the center of the main road.

I could see that the orcs were very prosperous as a people so it would be quite simple as long as the military size and variety was sufficient.

since this was not a modern world like I was used to and a fantasy world that looked like it had medieval level technology and architecture I would need to have a large variety of different types of soldiers if I was going to invade this world improve the superiority of the orc race.

"Commander song everyone is waiting in the war council room within your castle." the work that met me at the front gate was saying to me while we were walking down the right side of the main road.

when we made it to the end of the road I noticed a massive black Castle that looked like it stretched to the heavens. it had only a few windows around the center of it and there was a massive iron gate in between us and it once I reached the end of the main road.

"lower the bridge for Commander Zog leader of the orcs. conqueror of eight species and bringer of unification among all" he said as we made it to the end of the road and there was a moat of clean water in between us and the gate to my castle.

"oh it's you Commander." one of the guards said as he looked over the wall of my castle in surprise.

this works skin was actually not the typical green it was a dark blue color. he was fit in a medium height and had an orc bow and orc arrows on his back. "right away Commander"

I saw that a black iron bridge begin to pull out from below the iron gate of the castle until it came in contact with the walkway that we were both standing on top of.

I followed the orc that was guiding me through the town until we made it to the other side of the bridge. when I made it into the safety of my black castle that was seeping waves of evil intent as well as power that made me feel so exhilarated and excited about this new life that I had been given.

"now that you are in the safety of your own castle Commander you can now go around free of any prowling eyes" he said to me when I saw three different orcs approach me and they kneeled at me.

"Commander Zog it is a pleasure to serve under you once again. I am the captain of your private guard Azrine. to ensure your survival around your own castle. we are going to be watch you today. normally I might have just given you these two guards and left you alone but since we have a meeting of the war council I am going to accompany you commander" he said very respectfully to me.

"I will allow you all to follow me wherever I go as long as you do not interrupt me unless my life is in danger" I said to Azrine while I walked through the entrance of the castle and waved my hands at the two guards and Azrine to follow me.

I waited for one of the guards to open the door to my castle before I walked into it. when I made it through the door I saw a set of dark blue statues that were of different species and in the center of the room I saw a dark blue statue of an orc and it was a few feet higher than the others. these statues were placed under archways that surrounded the center platform in the room. I saw ancient symbols at the base of each of the statues which translated to the names of the species that the statues were representing. the entrance room of the building was at least thirty feet high.

the two guards led me to the platform in the center of the room and they pulled a lever at the center of the platform which caused the platform to descend.

as the platform began to drop down near the basement I noticed that the room that we were dropping down to was lit my torches that had a blue flame that was much brighter than your typical torch.

the guards guided me to the end of the thin hallway and open the door and that led to the war council chamber.

when I walked through the door of the war council chamber the two guards stayed behind to guard the door while Captain Azrine followed a few steps behind me.

what now I saw five different leaders each of different species surrounding a massive war table that showed a map of the world. the species included a middle aged male hobgoblin leader, a female dragon born, a male of the lizard men species, a medium height human that led my intelligence gathering division, a snake looking person that looked more human than snake.

"so you are finally made it back from your journey Commander Zog." the female dragonborn said. "was your three-day journey into the forest of the wood elves worthwhile?"

I truly had no idea what she was talking about since I had just spawned into this world but I thought I would play along so that they would not be suspicious of my origin or intention.

"yes I have decided where we will begin our attack on the wood elves. I also discovered how the elves, humans, and dwarves keep getting around this world so fast. it definitely was worth the wait."

"that is good to hear now we can begin our plan on the attack of the wood elves. they will be the first group to fall in our conquest of the world. All Nations will be under one banner. it is time to prove the superiority of the orc race." the hop-goblin leader said after I gave my report.

"all right the plan is to bring a small portion of my orc divisions to the wood elf City and declare our war on the world." I told them all. "oh and also before I forget we need to capture two unique individuals that I have a special plan for. the first one is a human known as Dr Robert. he is an advanced alchemist. the second one is a moon elf wizard that specializes in ice magic. her name is Aleesia".

"Commander Zog please do not not forget to try to take one powerful what else captive so that we can have the energy we need to ensure the resurrection of your wife. once she is awoken once again we will have no problem conquering this world" the captain of my private guard whispered to me in my right ear.

we all spent the next hour or so debating amongst ourselves on how we were going to approach the first attack in our conquest of this world. when we finished the meeting the captain of my private guard guided me through the rear entrance of the room.

when I made it to the new area I was on a balcony with Captain Azrine. the balcony had two massive black torches lit by the same Blue flame as the torches in the hallway of the war council chamber.

I looked around the area that was beneath me and saw divisions of troops each divided by their species and specializations.

"sir they want you to give them a speech" Azrine whispered to me after we made it to the balcony.

"the time has come for us to begin the grand invasion of this world. we will spread our wealth knowledge and technology throughout the land. they will either submit and be under one banner or die in battle. the age of the orc has begun!" I said all of this with a very booming and commanding voice to catch all of their attention.

they cheered and became very excited as I began to walk back into the war council room I could hear their voices despite the door being in the way.

I made my way to my private study where I had a secret exit out of the castle so I could meet the captain of my orc assassins.

when I made it into the study I saw the captain sitting in one of the chairs waiting for my arrival.

"you requested my services commander" he said to me as he rose from his chair and kneeled in front of me.

"yes I'm going to give you the map of the city that are Intel division has gathered. your main objective is to kill the king and all of his royal cabinet members. this map has a secret passageway into the castle where you will encounter minimal resistance. when you make it there you will spare the lives of the human Alchemist Dr Robert and the moon elf Ice wizard Aleesia." I told him while I gave him the scroll that had the map of the town of White Falls with the secret passage way into the Imperial palace.

I saw him then walk out of the secret passageway of my study and I then went to the location where my small group of orc warriors we're waiting to begin our attack on the wood elves city.

it was time to begin my campaign to prove the superiority of the orc species and bring the world together with the beliefs that I have as a Nazi in my former life.