
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs

I Finally Got My New Magical Armor

"are we going to take on any dungeon exploring requests from the adventurer's guild while our leader is in the meeting of the council of elves?" I asked the entire group.

I looked around and noticed that everyone was a little confused on what we were going to do since usually their party leader decided what missions they were going to take on.

"I think we should see if our group can take a day off of questing so that we can relax for a bit." Neia said.

"I agree" everyone else said since they all look exhausted and like they had a need to relax for at least one day.

then after everyone agreed we all began to leave the room one at a time. I was the last one to leave the room because I was thinking about all the different things I could buy with the money I had made from my last dungeon mission.

since I had today off I am going to go to the armor and get my custom-made magic armor first. after that I'm going to head to the magic item store and see if they have any magical accessories I can use that will help me control my magic more since I want to be more helpful to this new group of elves that I have joined.

when I left the adventures guild I ran into my party's sun elf speaking to one of the guards; but I chose to leave them alone since it was our day off and I was truly excited to finally get my armor from the blacksmith.

"well you came right in the nick of time. I just finished your armor less than one hour ago. truthfully it is one of my better works." the blacksmith told me as I approached his workshop.

"that is good to hear. at least you gave it your all then if you are so proud of it".

the blacksmith stopped hammering away at the iron ore and he grabbed a box then put it in front of me.

when I opened the box I looked at the contents inside and I had an expression of excitement and amazement at the same time across my face when I looked at my new magical armor set.

"this armor looks amazing. if I end up liking the way it looks on me I will definitely be recommending you to all of my party members and you can also expect me to come back for any future business" I told the blacksmith.

I then thanked the blacksmith before grabbing the box and shut it before carrying it off to my room In the inn.

as soon as I entered the room; my bat companion flew to his perch and closed his eyes so that he could sleep. after that I waited long enough on the bed of my room that I knew that I was alone I closed the door; and then locked it so that I could open my box and put on my new magical armor in privacy.

I then took off the tunic that I was wearing and began to put on my new armor set. after I put on all of the pieces to my new armor set I looked in the mirror and I thought that I looked truly amazing in this new armor set. the armor was colored black with a large white snowflake symbol on my chest. then on the hand pieces of the armor set I saw a metal bracelet with ice shards put inside of it on both of the wrists. the boots were also White but they had black diamonds running down both of the sides.

I was truly happy about this new armor since it went really well with my blue eyes and my long white hair that went halfway down my back. if I need any armor in the future I will ask the same exact blacksmith to fill my orders since he did so well this time.

I then began to walk around my room and noticed that the armor was quite light but the metal plates felt sturdy enough to protect me at the same time.

when I finish putting it on I noticed that there was another item inside of the box at the very base of it. the final item was a crown with black ice shards on it. when I placed it on my head the black shards began to glow. I suppose that is how the blacksmith did what he said he was going to do and focus mostly on ice magic enhancement in my personalized magic armor.

after I had finally finished putting on everything I unlocked my door and walked out of the room so that I could make my way to the magical item store. I locked my room before I left and felt truly excited since I was going to be breaking in my new armor on whatever the next mission I took on would be.

"I really like your new armor." one of the City guards said to me as I had left the inn.

"thank you it is a custom job done by the blacksmith" I told him with a happy expression on my face so that he knew that I was satisfied with the blacksmith's work.

the magical item store had quite a long line that was backed up there building in length. when I finally entered the store I made my way to the area where the ice scrolls were located.

it took me about fifteen minutes to grab three scrolls to be able to add to my collection of ice spells. after I grabbed the scrolls I wanted I chose to look at magic bracelets so that I could help improve my magic efficiency. I do not know why but I had a truly bad feeling like something very horrible was about to befall me and those around in the city.

I did not find any pieces of jewelry that went well with my armor and had the general effects I was looking for so I bought the scrolls from the store owner and then left.

now that I had all major things on my to do list finished I wanted to go and visit Robert one more time to see if he had any new potions or items that I could bye from him for use.

when I made my way to Robert's store I noticed that he was not there.

"hey Lee where is Robert?" I asked for the look of curiosity across my face.

"he said that he had appointment with the King, and that he would be back at some point today. he left the shop about five hours ago." Lee said to me after looking up from the paperwork she was working on.

"well thank you for telling me Lee just please make sure that you tell him I stopped by" I told her as I close the door and left the shop.

I made my way back from his shop to the east gate of the town because I wanted to spend some time alone in the woods outside of the town so that I could practice my new ice spells without any risk of harming others.

when I made it near the gate I passed a sewage pipe but I heard a lot of movement within the pipe. at first I thought it might just be some cleaners working down there but then again it sounded like too many footsteps to be a simple working crew. the footsteps went totally silent and then I heard a ticking noise like a clock.

the ticking began to speed up so I backed away and hid by one of the other buildings close by. a few seconds later the chicken completely stopped and a massive hole in the gutter blew open and I saw a massive amount of works rush into the city.

I truly knew that this must have been the bad feeling that I had thought was coming upon myself and this city. the next phase of my new life had begun but with a great amount of worry, fear, and uncertainty since the orcs had now invaded the city of White Falls