
Reincarnation Of The supreme Dao God

' I survived‽ ' Only those thought infiltrated his mentality as he tried unwrapping his eyes but to no avail , his eyes were closed by an unknown object . ... Mike was transmigrated as the son of an imperial highness , his mother was one of the king's concubine and a despised one. The Queen and her children disliked her because of the beauty she has and the love , their father has for her. After succeeding to poison the king ,the Queen and her children stormed the Court of Mike's mother and killed her. Before she died she made her son to bow that he would avenge her soul and become a God..... Come join me as we become a God together.

Mortal_daoist · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


" Go back to sleep " Those forceful remarks made Zhao yang tremble strongly on top of the bed.

Not certain about what happened to him after he forfeited his consciousness in his mother's Chamber , Zhao Zhao layed back on the bed still trembling.

The man who uttered those forceful words was seating in a lotus position , Facing the window in the room ,as though he is procuring the steady breeze disseminating in the surrounding , his eyes were shut and his Long white hair moved according to the direction of the wind. The thing that made him trembled the most was that; the man wasn't even looking at him , but he was able to tell that he is awake.

Similar to his mother's Chamber .The only difference been the height , His mother's Chamber is like a hall while this is just like a room , the room is fitted with illuminating precious stones and golden candle stands.

Zhao yang layed back on the bed , trembling at the sight of this mysterious man . The memory of the damages that transpired in his mother's chamber stole his mind.

Zhao yang could not tell when he began crying, all he knew is that tears were falling out of his eyes.

" your soul is filled with sorrows and revenge , the past is making you weep. kid ,let me give you one of my rules , you don't weep for your past when you are close to me " The mysterious man stood up adjusting his eyes to the tears dropping from Zhao Yang's eyes , he continued " you have two options , think like a kid and remain sorrowful or Revenge the death of your loved ones "

Zhao yang shivered subconsciously again as he felt the harsh gaze piecing into his body .

" poison body bloodline and second heaven immortal vein , interesting " The mysterious man nodded his head. Zhao yang felt the urge to ask this mysterious man , who he was but he knew not to disrespect elders and shut his mouth, he was able to tell his thinking as well as the bloodline his mother passed unto him.

" your name is Zhao yang right , your father was killed by poisoning, I guess you haven't learnt of it yet , your step mother poisoned your father , she did it out of jealousy and thirst for power , she will become the empress and take in her lover as the emperor. Twenty years from now , your step brother will take over the throne .you used the powers of the second heaven snake technique at a very young age that is why you slept for three months " This mysterious man stated the things that is going to happen in a very long time for now , But the last words made Zhao yang shiver.

" Second heaven snake technique? , three months? " Zhao yang couldn't help but ask , he recalled that any child below the age of 6 can't cultivate talk more of using a battle technique.

" your mind is throbbing feel free to ask any question , beside I haven't introduced my self , I am immortal emperor Shen Xian " Zhao yang also shivered at the name of this mysterious Man , immortal emperor , is he a king of a very great nation? , he asked in his mind.

" where is my mother? ,what happened to me? , where am I? , why can I use a Battle technique when I Haven't learnt or cultivated before? " Zhao yang poured out the most troubling questions leaving the less ones behind.

" So many questions , nevermind i will answer them accordingly , your mother corpse was disposed inside the yellow mountain jungle , you were stabbed from the back by your step brother, right now you are at my place in the fourth heaven , I will send you back to your world when you breakthrough the true martial stage of the mortal realm "

" your last question; you activated the second heaven snake technique through your rage and the vein your mother passed unto you and it caused the blockage of all your meridians " shen Xian answered his questions in the way that he could understand.

" Mama was disposed into the jungle , she must been eaten by the vultures and wide beast " Zhao yang lamented briefly but kept a clear face when he saw Shan Xian's eyes at him.

" can you help me revenge my parents death? " Zhao yang asked.

" No I can't , you promised your mother to avenge her soul , you promised many other things which you seem to have forgotten , I won't remind you , you have to figure it out yourself " Shen Xian said leaving Zhao yang in awe , shen Xian walked towards the door and pulled it open.

The view of the outside world drew Zhao yang attention and stoped him from thinking any further. the outside of the house was flowing with steamed cloud , one couldn't see anything except the White clouds.

" Come with me Zhao yang , I want to have a talk with you" Shen Xian called Zhao yang out of the room .

" Step out of the house , you are not going to fall " Shen Xian said to Zhao yang as he saw the hesitation in his step . Zhao yang nodded and step out of the house.

The cloud wasn't the only observation that made Zhao yang Surprised , they were other house built in the same form of shen Xian's house , herbs could also grow in this place.

" Only immortals are allowed in the heavens , the higher your realm the higher you can ascend into the heaven . There are nine heavens , only the Supreme Dao God can reside in the ninth heaven , For now I will protect you and make sure you breakthrough the true martial stage of the the mortal realm , before sending you back to your world " Looking at the huge planetary illuminating Body upward , shen Xian said.

" Master shen , I can't cultivate unless I turn 6 , does that mean i will be staying with you for the next four years? " Zhao yang asked politely.

" Don't be a fool kid , I am an immortal I Know more about cultivation and daoism than mere mortal , God Khan ling's son died because he was lazy and ignorant , not because he was below the age of 6 , God Khan ling gave those tales to stop mortal Children From cultivating below the age of six " Shen Xian answered with a frown on his face . God Khan has deceived mortals for a very long time and the treachery is still believed by mortals.

" Isn't it an ancient law passed down. how come you knew about it , what if God Khan finds out that a mortal knew of his secret... Sorry master shen , i was just curious " Zhao yang saw the mistake and his words and quickly took it back and apologized.

" don't worry Zhao yang it is a good thing that you are serious, God Khan is the Supreme Dao God I told you about , he won't find out about what I told you for the time being , the other question you asked , God Khan son died four hundred years ago, i was 5 by then and still a mortal , I became an immortal at the age of 49 "

They discussed like master and student for one hour , shen Xian gave Zhao yang some words that was written in the " path of Revenge".

" come with me Zhao yang , your meridians Are blocked , let me forge a pill for you also you need to recover quickly from this wound all else you won't be able to cultivate"

shen Xian changed the topic from the Dao of Revenge to pill forging when he saw the faint glow in Zhao Yang's chest , unfortunately , Zhao yang is still a mortal without any Advance to cultivation , so he couldn't see it.

Out of nowhere a Golden cauldron appeared And a furnace appeared beneath it .

' Alchemy ' Zhao yang marveled at the sight of the golden cauldron and the furnace beneath it.

" Zhao yang go fetch me some heaven meridian herb and heart soothing herb , when you return I will give you some introduction about alchemy "

" master , I don't know anything about herbs " Zhao yang complained politely.

" Don't worry my student , your instinct will not fail you , all the herbs are at the corner of my house , make sure you bring as much as you like " unfortunately, Master shen did not answer his question , he gave him a cheerful smile and continued distributing some essence to the furnace.

Hesitating for a bit before walking to the corner of the house , Zhao yang was faced with different herbs amounting up to one hundred.

" My instinct, my instinct " Zhao yang fidgeted before picking two herbs which stole his interest , one with a dark green color and the shape of a heart the other with a perfect oval shape and bright green colors , quickly he ran to meet his master with both herbs in his hands.

" Good job , I knew your instinct won't fail you , the reward I promise you is about alchemist grade and pills grade "

Shen Xian took the herbs from Zhao yang and tossed it inside the cauldron , he sat in a lotus position across the fire and closed his eyes , immediately he did that the furnace lit up and the furnace started giving out three colours , green at the top , blue in the middle and red at the bottom.

" The pill I am about to forge is an immortal grade pill , beside the immortal grade bill there are seven others; mortal , earth , heaven , immortal , sacred , divine and heavenly Dao pills "

" Mortal uses their Alchemic abilities to earn a living back in your world , I guess you will be needing enough spirit stones to take care of yourself in your world , I can teach you the processes involve if you are interested "

Shen Xian Sensed that the pills is done forging , He waved his hands in that direction and two pills appeared In his hands , one green and the other blue.

Zhao yang swallowed the pill, the wound in his chest disappeared and he could feel his meridians opening , the qi essence in the environment entered his body.


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