
Reincarnation of the strongest sword god-reincarnating once more

This is a fanfic of the novel "Reincarnation of The Strongest Sword God" by Lucky Old Cat, where, after ten years of fighting in the Greater God's Domain, Shi Feng reincarnates once again. Note: I might change some things and come up with new ways of how things work in my fanfic that are different from the original novel, as well as ignore some things said in it and the Side Story continuation. If someone hasn't read the continuation where he comes back to the original timeline (where he got fired from Shadow), you might not understand some things. Also, I'm not a very creative person so a lot of stuff, or at least the happenings and items, will be the same, and I might copy stuff and ideas from other fanfics. Note: I will try to make the characters have more emotion and add some romance, but don't expect much. The cover for this story doesn't belong to me. If you're the owner and want me to take it down, contact me at tdi547165@gmail.com

DunnoDK · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
97 Chs

A Woman's Anger

Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add.


The inner region of White Fog Canyon was complex and densely covered by stone forests. After the meteorite shower, the fog inside the canyon had also grown thicker, lowering visibility to less than 30 yards. In addition, Elite and Special Elite monsters would show up every now and then. If players entered the canyon without sufficient strength, they would easily lose their lives.

However, danger and opportunity coexisted with each other, such as the precious Starfire Ore could be found within the white fog.

After giving instructions to Melancholic and leaving her to deal with the Dragonclaw Set Equipment matter as well as reorganizing the Zero Wing members, Feng separated the team of 500 into multiple smaller teams and had them go around mining for Starfire Ore using the map with information Feng had compiled from both lives. 

Since he still needed to wait for Overwhelming Smile's members to take the bait so that he could continue with his plans, Feng decided to join the others in collecting Starfire Ore, as he still had a use for them, while the mining speed would also be much faster with him, a Master Miner with an Epic Pickaxe, around. 

Though, after spending two whole days mining ore deposits in the White Fog Canyon, Feng's patience was starting to run out, and he began wondering whether he should just say 'fuck it' and make the first move himself, when a report came from Flying Shadow. 

"Guild Leader, we got ambushed at that Starfire Ore vein by some Assassins from Overwhelming Smile. I killed them all, but more came, so I retreated as you had ordered. Seeing that we are interested in the Starfire Ore, those lowlifes from Overwhelming Smile have sent three teams to guard the Starfire Ore vein. They are currently clearing out the surrounding monsters and are planning to mine the deposit." Giving his report, Flying stated the same course of events as in the previous timeline. 

Even though Feng had to wait for those morons to attack his guild members, he also wasn't willing to risk them somehow stumbling across the Land of the Fallen Star by accident, so he had ordered Flying to hover around and guard the Ore vein at which they had been ambushed during the previous timeline in the White Fog Canyon; and report when Overwhelming Smile finally took the bait. 

In the mean time, though, Flying had been bored simply sitting around and waiting for those pawns to come, so he began practicing with his new weapons and attempting to master their usage by using the various monsters in White Fog Canyon as training dummies. 

With his combat standards, Flying was quickly able to get basic proficiency in using the sickles, but it would take some time to master them. Not to mention, Flying had only seen a few videos of people actually using sickles, and any Combat Techniques for them, so becoming an expert with them was an entire other matter; but he had still found some ways to incorporate the weapons in his normal movements and fighting style. 

However, during his experimentation with the Two-sided Moon Sickles, Flying also got to experience the full capabilities of the Weapon Set, and couldn't help but admit the sickles were worthy of being a Fragmented Legendary version of one of the Six Great Legendary Weapon Sets. 

In his previous life, the most Flying ever wielded were two top-tier Fragmented Legendary rank daggers that took him great time and effort to obtain, yet, with these two sickles, his combat prowess was around the same as if he were to possess those daggers. If he managed to repair the Two-Sided Moon Sickles to Legendary rank, he'd even be capable of surpassing his previous self by a huge margin as long as he mastered the sickles' usage. 

Thus, Flying couldn't help his excitement as he fervently trained with the sickles while attempting to create at least some Basic Combat Techniques, as well as planning on how to gather the necessary resources for upgrading the Two-Sided Moon Set to Legendary rank. 

"Took them long enough. I've already grown tired of this filler part." Finally getting the news he had been waiting for, Feng commented as he stood up. 

During these two days, other than logging out to restore the memories of more Zero Wing members, Feng had spent most of his time mining Starfire Ore while waiting and getting reports from Melancholic on the Dragonclaw Sets' sales, resulting in them obtaining an abundant cache of ores. They had practically dug up every deposit in White Fog Canyon at least three times due to Feng already possessing much info on the canyon, and the amount of Starfire Ore they gathered had exceeded 50,000 pieces. In addition, they had also obtained over 22,000 pieces of various other kinds of ore.

Aside from mining ore deposits, the newly arrived Zero Wing members had also killed plenty of Lord ranked monsters with the already experienced ones assistance; while Feng would go to the Lord if he wasn't too far in order to increase the drops. 

After two days, Zero Wing's team had managed to kill many Lords acquiring a large number of Level 25 equipment. Among them, most were Secret-Silver and Fine-Gold Equipment. They had also obtained many Warfire set pieces. All of which was stored in Zero Wing's Warehouse and available for purchasing with Contribution Points. 


Beside one of the streams inside the White Fog Canyon, a team of over a hundred players currently guarded the entrance of a mine. Each of these players wore a Guild Emblem in the shape of a purple moon on their chests. This was none other than Overwhelming Smile's Guild Emblem.

At this moment, these players faced off against the eight Level 27 Special Elite ranked Flame Furbolgs that had emerged from within the mine.

[Flame Furbolg] (Special Elite)

Level 27

HP 70,000/70,000

Although the massive Flame Furbolgs were very powerful, the members of Overwhelming Smile fought with organization, continuously draining their enemies' HP.

"Boss Oriental, Zero Wing's party killed Monkey and the others." A Level 23 gray-clothed Ranger reported as he walked up to the Level 24 Swordsman who currently commanded the team.

"That was two parties of elite Assassins. A single party from Zero Wing actually wiped them out? Did Zero Wing receive help from someone else?" The Level 24 Swordsman, Oriental Sword, asked.

"No. There was only a single party from Zero Wing. However, the Assassin leading the team was an expert." The Ranger said, shaking his head.

"Was it that Fire Dance from Zero Wing?" Oriental Sword grinned. "Before I reached White River City, I had heard rumors of Fire Dance's prowess. Some are even calling her the Flaming Rose. Originally, I thought she was merely one of Black Flame's decorations. I expected as much from the team leader of Zero Wing's core team. Not bad."

"She isn't the one who killed Monkey. That Assassin was a man called Flying Shadow. Monkey didn't even manage to last one move against him. Of the twelve players in the two parties, all had died at that man's hands. There was no mention of a person named Flying Shadow in any of the reports we had received." 

"Flying Shadow? This seems intriguing," Oriental Sword's interest grew. "Ignore Zero Wing's party. Since Monkey and the others had failed to kill them, they would definitely report back to their superiors. There is only one thing we need to focus on, and that is mining the ores inside this cave."

"Boss Oriental, will our skirmish with Zero Wing cause an all-out war between our Guilds? Haven't the higher-ups warned us not to create any friction with them?" The Ranger asked strangely.

"Recently, Zero Wing has been mining ores in White Fog Canyon. Their movements are unusual. In addition, they have somehow managed to obtain a lot of Level 25 equipment. There might be a relation between these incidents. Our superiors agree; it doesn't matter if a small conflict occurs. So what if we ambush those cowards from Zero Wing? What will they do to us?

"Do you think they will start a war?

"Don't be a fool. Since Zero Wing had not declared war on us when Overwhelming Smile started investing in White River City, they missed their best chance. If they start a war now, they will only gamble their lives. However, I, on the other hand, hope that Zero Wing takes action. Unfortunately, they don't have the guts."

Oriental Sword laughed as he resumed commanding his team, wiping out the Flame Furbolgs inside the mine.

Before anyone noticed, however, a group of five players had appeared in the misty forest a short distance from the mine. This party disregarded the team of over a hundred elite players under Oriental Sword's leadership, walking leisurely towards the mine.

"That's the one. It is full of Starfire Ore deposits. If we excavate them all, we can get at least 300 to 400 Starfire Ore." Flying Shadow said as he pointed towards the cave that Oriental Sword and his men guarded. "However, after I left, we were ambushed by Assassins from Overwhelming Smile. Although I killed them, more of the bugs popped up."

Feng nodded before commanding, "Alright, let's take care of this and go in."

Following which, Feng led Violet, Aqua, Fire, and Flying towards Oriental Sword.

Feng's movements had undoubtedly attracted the attention of Overwhelming Smile's team.

"The fellows from Zero Wing are kind of interesting." Oriental Sword grinned upon seeing Feng and the others.

"Boss Oriental, that Swordsman is Black Flame. The two beauties by his side are the Cursemancer Aqua Rose and the Assassin Fire Dance, and that male Assassin is the person who killed Monkey and the others, Flying Shadow." The Ranger beside Oriental Sword briefly introduced the members of Feng's group.

Black Flame's arrival surprised every member of Overwhelming Smile.

"Guild Leader Black Flame, what brings you here today, I wonder?" Oriental Sword asked playfully as he smirked at Feng. 

Although he had seen Black Flame's battle videos and how he wiped out over five hundred thousand players, Oriental Sword thought he had only managed to do so through some kind of powerful one-use item, as he didn't believe a player would be capable of accomplishing such a feat at this stage of the game. Thus, Oriental Sword, who had overdosed on copium, didn't feel any fear from Black Flame. 

"To kill you, of course." Feng spoke matter-of-factly.

Although Feng's voice had been soft, his chilly tone sent shivers down the Overwhelming Smile members' spines. 

Oriental Sword became stupefied for a moment after hearing Feng's response, but before he could react, Feng's body seemed to disappear for a split second, and then return to its previous state as Feng turned around and headed to the mine. 

"Let's go." 

Although Oriental Sword wished to say something, his vision suddenly turned gray, a giant wound appearing on his chest as the inconsequential character collapsed to the ground. The rest of Overwhelming Smile's members suffered the same fate as their HP bars suddenly turned empty. 

"Oh, right." Feng was suddenly reminded of the monsters guarding the mine when he saw the Flame Furbolgs charging at them, pillars of flames rising as he activated Firestorm to get rid of the nuisances "Have someone come pick up the items." Not wanting to waste any more time, Feng simply gave Aqua a command and headed into the mine. 


Within the Ruined Shrine in the inner region of White Fog Canyon, a large number of Guild players had gathered. Among them, members of Overwhelming Smile numbered the most, with over 5,000 members present.

There were a large number of monsters inside the Ruined Shrine. Moreover, a majority of these monsters were Special Elites. Among them were plenty of Chieftains. The monsters here ranged from Level 24 to Level 27. To the current elite members of Guilds, it was a level that they could barely handle. If not for the fact that they had the advantage in numbers, they would have long since been wiped out by the monsters inside the Ruined Shrine.

"Damn! The monsters here are endless! They're even more troublesome than the Battle Monkeys before!" Lone Tyrant said, somewhat exhausted. Currently, he was going up against a Level 27 Chieftain, a Goblin Warrior.

Despite the Goblin Warrior being twice as large as an ordinary player, it was quite agile. In addition, the hammer it wielded contained frightening, destructive power. Even a Tier 1 MT of the same level would find it difficult to endure its series of violent assaults, much less Lone Tyrant, who was only a Level 25 Tier 0 Guardian Knight.

Although Lone Tyrant possessed impressive techniques, his dodging capabilities being first-rate, the Goblin Warrior also possessed powerful combat techniques. Whenever the Goblin Warrior attacked Lone Tyrant, it would always predict where Lone Tyrant would dodge and take that into account in its attack, forcing Lone Tyrant to accept the damage.

Moreover, every time he received an attack from the Goblin Warrior's hammer, his defensive posture would always fail. This resulted in him being unable to use his shield to block the next attack, and instead, he received the attack with his body.

From just a single strike of its hammer, Lone Tyrant received close to -1,300 damage. Lone Tyrant only possessed 4,520 HP; he could endure four hits, at most.

If he were only dealing with a single Goblin Warrior, Lone Tyrant would not end up in such a miserable state.

However, aside from the Goblin Warrior, there were also many Goblin Mages at the sides. These Goblin Mages were all Level 26 Special Elites. They bombarded players with ice and fire, and any players struck by their spells would instantly lose around 1,700 HP. Other than MTs, nobody else could survive two hits.

Within the Ruined Shrine, aside from the members of Overwhelming Smile having a hard time, the other Guilds were similarly facing great difficulties.

The monsters inside the Ruined Shrine were simply endless. No matter how many they killed, the monsters just kept coming. Without sufficient strength, they simply had no way of reaching the Level 25 Great Lord in a short amount of time, let alone raiding it.

Before Overwhelming Smile had finished off the monsters at hand, another wave of Goblins charged over.

Suddenly, everyone from Overwhelming Smile felt a headache overcome them.

"Cursemancers, Cripple them. Elementalists, use Ice Walls and separate the incoming monsters. Rangers, lure some away and kite them; do not let the pressure on the MTs increase!" Youlan immediately shouted in the team chat.

Immediately, the elites of Overwhelming Smile started taking action, luring the Goblins away and letting the MTs take a breather.

Lone Tyrant could not help but send a glance at the charming and graceful Youlan. Inwardly, he felt displeasure towards the woman. He was actually required to listen to her commands. However, he also had no choice but to admit that Youlan was indeed amazing. They were only able to reach their current location thanks to Youlan. Otherwise, they would not have been able to pass through the Battle Monkeys. Even if they could, they would have had to suffer immense losses.

Take Emperor's Light and the Assassin's Alliance for example: since entering White Fog Canyon, their total numbers had already decreased by a quarter.

Meanwhile, under Youlan's command, Overwhelming Smile was able to advance through White Fog Canyon easily. Along their way to the Ruined Shrine, they had only lost a small number of players.

Shortly after Overwhelming Smile cleared out all the Goblins, Youlan received a message. After reading the message, her expression turned grim.

Lone Tyrant could feel Youlan's mood suddenly changing, and he could not help but ask, "What happened?"

After spending some time together, Lone Tyrant had a general grasp on this woman. She was always calm and collected. Even in the face of several Lord ranked monsters, she would remain unfazed. Yet, now, after seeing a single message, her expression had turned solemn...

How could Lone Tyrant not grow curious at this situation?

Hearing Lone Tyrant's question, Youlan, who had originally planned to explain, suddenly received another message notification.

When she read the contents of the message, her frown deepened.

"Oriental Sword, that fool! I told him to investigate the secret Zero Wing had used to obtain their stock of Level 25 high-end equipment, yet, he brazenly attacked Zero Wing's members! He has even provoked Black Flame!" Youlan was furious after reading the message.

Youlan had previously investigated Black Flame. However, the more she looked into the man, the more creeped out she felt.

Black Flame had appeared silently, and like a rising comet, he shocked everyone with every action.

In White River City, not only had he massacred so many players, but he had also been able to move about freely. This strength alone was sufficient to strike fear into others. After all, if such a powerful person ambushed someone out in the field, and the victim was not strong enough to survive, they would still meet tragedy.

If they were dealing with an ordinary expert, they could simply form larger teams when leaving the city. That way, those experts would not dare attack them. However, Black Flame was different. He was too powerful. Even if they formed teams, Black Flame could still slaughter them with little effort, and they could only helplessly watch as he did so.

The only real solution was to form a team of several hundred players. However, they could not do that every time they left the city.

Not only would this be detrimental to the Guild's development, but it would also make them the laughingstock of God's Domain.

However, if Black Flame constantly hunted and ambushed their members, his growth would stagnate. Moreover, such ambushes would not significantly impact the Guild if they only occurred one or two days. Black Flame needed to ambush them over a long period of time to wound Overwhelming Smile. Meanwhile, it would be detrimental if Black Flame neither leveled up nor upgraded his equipment for a long time.

There were countless experts in God's Domain. If one did not continuously improve their strength, others would quickly surpass them.

Zero Wing's success today was largely due to Black Flame's strength. If Black Flame let himself go, it would damage Zero Wing.

Hence, Youlan had prohibited the members of Overwhelming Smile from crossing any lines, maintaining the balance between both parties. She was worried that, if angered, Black Flame would disregard all consequences and act so roguishly.

Now, however, Oriental Sword had broken the balance that they had maintained!

At this point, Youlan wanted to hunt Oriental Sword down personally and strangle him.

"So what if it's Black Flame? We have the advantage of numbers. We can easily get rid of him." A wrathful flame immediately blossom within Lone Tyrant's eyes when he heard Black Flame's name. Hurriedly, he said, "Why don't I take some men to assist Oriental Sword and kill Black Flame?"

Ever since dying by Feng's hands, Lone Tyrant had toughened his heart and trained arduously every night and day. He had done so to exact his revenge. He was no longer the same as he had been in the past.

If not for Youlan restraining him, he would have long since avenged his deaths.

Now that Oriental Sword had provoked Black Flame, it was only natural that he go and help out. Youlan could not possibly sit by and watch as more than a hundred elite members fell under Black Flame's swords, right?

Ultimately, these elite members were the backbone of the Guild. If the Guild did nothing as over a hundred of these elites were slaughtered, not only would it damage the Guild's reputation, but it would also affect the hearts of those within the Guild.

"No need. They're all already dead." Youlan said, revealing a bitter smile.

Upon hearing Youlan's statement, Lone Tyrant was stunned. He said, "I am very familiar with Oriental Sword's strength. Moreover, he has so many people with him. How could Black Flame kill them all?"

"I do not know how exactly they died. I've previously ordered all members to immediately notify me if they run into Black Flame. It's only been a few seconds since I've received the report, but neither Oriental Sword nor any of the members in his group are currently responding." Youlan said. "It seems that after not encountering Black Flame for a while, he has grown even stronger. We need to hurry and take down this Great Lord."

"Are we just going to let this go?" Lone Tyrant had yet to give up on the idea of killing Black Flame. Staring at Youlan, he asked, "If others find out that, despite Black Flame having killed so many Overwhelming Smile's elites, we are indifferent, we will become a laughingstock. What will we do if our inaction angers those above us?"

Youlan frowned. Just as Lone Tyrant had said, if they did not take any sort of action now, they would become a joke to the public.

"Youlan, what's going on with you? You shouldn't wear such an ugly expression. Do you need big brother's help?" Just as Youlan struggled with her indecision, a lean man walked over, smiling.

This man was a Level 26 Assassin, his level surpassing everyone in Overwhelming Smile. Yet, despite there being no Guild Emblem on his person, everyone from Overwhelming Smile treated him with respect and reverence. Even Lone Tyrant was no exception; he was deeply afraid of provoking this young master.

The reason they were behaving in such a way was not only this young man's high level. More importantly, this man was the key to their operation of killing the Great Lord.

Back then, Young Master Feng had repeatedly instructed them to treat this youth before them with respect. If they provoked this youth...

They would be responsible for their own actions!

"Big Brother Summer, it's great that you are willing to help, but the opponent is very hard to take down. We might even miss out on our chance to kill the Great Lord. I'm worried that it will affect Big Brother Summer's task." Youlan was familiar with the lean man's strength, and she appreciated his assistance.

The lean man was Summer Sunshine. Not only was he unrelated to Underworld, but he was also an independent player. However, due to his backing and his overwhelming strength, even Feng Xuanyang attempted to build a strong relationship with him.

Youlan had once witnessed a fraction of Summer Sunshine's strength.

Before entering White Fog Canyon, Summer Sunshine had fought Underworld's pride, the leader of the Underworld Guards, Ming Sha, in a PvP match. In the end, however, Ming Sha lasted only five moves against Summer Sunshine. Moreover, Summer Sunshine had not used any skills, relying on basic attacks to defeat his opponent.

The results of that fight had surprised everyone.

As a member of Underworld, Youlan knew full well how strong Ming Sha was. He was one of the few great experts in Underworld. Gentle Snow of Ouroboros was only slightly stronger than him.

However, such an expert was nothing more than a child to Summer Sunshine.

One could just imagine how powerful the Assassin was.

If Summer Sunshine was willing to lend a hand, they had a fairly good chance of defeating One-hit Asura Black Flame.

"It won't take long to deal with the Great Lord. I don't mind delaying our attack for a little bit. In any case, I am bored. If you need help with something, just ask." Summer Sunshine laughed.

"Zero Wing's Guild Leader, Black Flame, has killed many of our elite members. We want to return the favor and kill him. Would you be interested in helping us with this, I wonder?" Youlan asked softly as she stared at Summer Sunshine.

"Black Flame?" Summer Sunshine nodded, saying, "Alright. I've heard many rumors about him when I was in White River City. I hear that he's pretty amazing and has the title of One-hit Asura. He is even Star-Moon Kingdom's number one expert. I'd love to exchange a few moves with him. If I kill him, won't I become Star-Moon Kingdom's number one expert?"

"Of course! If you kill Black Flame, you will officially become Star-Moon Kingdom's number one expert. However, don't underestimate him. He once killed Ming Sha with one hit. We need to plan carefully to avoid Black Flame escaping." When Youlan received Summer Sunshine's answer, the tension between her brows loosened, a few ideas of how to deal with Black Flame already brewing.

"He killed Ming Sha with one hit? Not bad. My last fight with Ming Sha wasn't even a warm-up. I wonder if Black Flame is strong enough to take seriously?" Summer Sunshine licked his lips, a hint of excitement flashing in his eyes. "As for your plans, forget about them. As long as we find him, I have my own ways to prevent him from escaping."

"Big Brother Summer, Black Flame has a large-scale silencing skill and multiple other powerful skills. If he discovers us and activates the skills, trapping him will be very difficult. It is best if we have a plan to silence Black Flame." Youlan reminded.

"Don't worry. I have something better than that. When I see him, I'll trap him like a bug in a jar." Summer Sunshine laughed. Confidently, he said, "Let's hunt down Black Flame. Since he has provoked and angered you, you can watch as I take care of him."

Following which, Youlan immediately sent a large number of players to search for Black Flame. Meanwhile, Overwhelming Smile's army also slowly withdrew from the Ruined Shrine.


The Starfire Mine was a naturally occurring maze. Moreover, when wandering inside the mine, the players were often ambushed by groups of three to five Flame Furbolgs. 

Normally, a party had no chance against these Flame Furbolgs. At the very least, they needed a larger team and the willingness to make sacrifices to get rid of these Special Elites. Unfortunately for the Flame Furbolgs, though, their opponent was Feng's group.

Feng simply walked with his hands inside his pockets while Fire and Flying cleared all of the monsters in their way, none of them being able to survive a single hit from the two assassins. 

Before Feng and the others, the Flame Furbolg's 70,000 HP was only a decoration.

In reality, Feng could have just gone in by himself without the rest since nothing here could be classified as any sort of threat, but he had decided to bring the four with him since he will need them to do something for him later on; while he could also use this chance to tempt Aqua some more. 

After Feng's group had bulldozed their way through the Flame Furbolgs in the Starfire Mine for a bit, the group arrived at a wide and beautiful crystal cavern. A gigantic flaming star took up the center of this cavern.

The moment Feng set foot in the crystal cavern, a system notification suddenly rang out.

System: You have entered the Land of the Fallen Star. Activating Free Combat System.

Feng had not been the only one to receive a system notification. His party members also received one.

The Free Combat System was an unfamiliar term to the current players of God's Domain whose memories haven't been restored. 

This was a mechanic that would only exist after the second evolution of God's Domain.

In order to make combat in God's Domain more realistic, friendly fire was now active.

Originally, if two players were in a party together, their attacks would not damage each other. However, after activating the Free Combat System, if one were not careful and struck a party member, said party member would receive damage from the attack.

Players could also damage themselves with their own skills. For example, if a player used an AOE skill and they were within the skill's effective range, they would receive damage. In the past, after the Free Combat System had activated, many players had ended up in the graveyard because of either themselves or each other.

As a result, when attacking, players needed sufficient control of their attacks. Otherwise, no one would be willing to join their party regardless of the benefits.

"Guild Leader, what just happened?" Aqua Rose could not contain her curiosity when she saw the system notification while everyone in the group besides her seemed like they weren't surprised by it at all. 

"We have activated the Free Combat System. From now on, our attacks will not differentiate from friend and foe, so we need to be careful in the battle. Don't mistakenly injure yourselves or your teammates." Feng explained.

However, before Aqua could respond, a deep purple barrier sealed off the cavern's entrance.

Suddenly, a large group of Wolfman Warriors appeared in the Land of the Fallen Star, which had originally been void of any monsters. The Wolfman Warriors each carried a shield and a weapon, and they stared at Feng's group with fangs bared and smelly drool leaking from their mouths. They treated Feng and the others like a meal.

[Wolfman Warrior] (Elite Rank)

Level 27

HP 42,000/42,000

"Wipe them out." Feng gave a simple command as he continued moving at the same pace. 

This time, aside from Fire and Flying charging towards the wolfmen, Aqua and Violet started chanting incantations as well, sending spells at the pups. 

Seeing the two Assassins barreling towards them, these Wolfman Warriors opened their mouths and howled. They raised their weapons and charged at Feng's group. At this moment, the other Wolfman Warriors had similarly started to surround Feng and the others. 

However, as if cutting weeds, the wolfmen were sliced apart wherever Fire and Flying passed, while the spells originating from the two beauties next to Feng blasted holes in the army of pups. 

With their current level and equipment, even Aqua who had only recently reached the Refinement Realm could easily massacre these wolfmen; let alone the other three. 

As such, the Wolfman Warriors were quickly mowed down, with none even managing to approach Feng, who was leisurely strolling through the mine. 

After going a bit further into the Land of the Fallen Star, however, a terrifying roar echoed throughout the Land of the Fallen Star.

"This is a wolf's howl."

Aqua, with her five senses being very acute, by sound alone, could feel danger approaching. Meanwhile, at her current standard and strength, anything that could instill that kind of feeling in her was not a typical monster, and such a threat meant that the approaching monster was at least a Lord. Though, there wasn't even the slightest concern in her mind. 

After all, she had killed many Lords that gave her an even more powerful sense of danger during the Wolfstein Palace raid, and knew that anything below Great Lord rank doesn't even qualify as an opponent to their party; especially not her Guild Leader. 

As the howls approached, though, she focused her gaze on the numerous stone pillars in front of the small path, curious about what kind of monster would be in this place that was clearly special to the White Fog Canyon. 

A short moment later, the howling stopped. Instantly, an aura of death washed over the party, and the air surrounding them seemed to freeze.

"Where's the monster? Has it hidden itself?" Aqua asked, confused when nothing appeared. However, she had seen how intelligent and cunning Lord rank monsters could be, so she summarized that it was probably hiding and waiting for a chance to strike, since the stone pillars ahead provided perfect cover. 

"Vice Leader Aqua, can't you see it?" Flying asked curiously upon hearing Aqua's question, causing the woman to turn to him in confusion, wondering what the Assassin was talking about. 

"It's only natural she can't. After all, Vice Guild Leader has yet to partake in the Special Training." Violet explained to Flying, who was suddenly reminded Aqua's memories haven't been restored yet. 

With him long being used to everyone around him possessing powerful combat standards and senses, especially high ranking members of Zero Wing like Aqua, Flying had completely forgotten for a moment that the current Aqua Rose was only at the Refinement Realm standard, and couldn't effortlessly perceive everything around her. 

Meanwhile, noticing that she was out of the loop, Aqua returned her gaze to the path and carefully focused her senses. A moment later, after careful observation, she could faintly feel a presence there. 

"It's right there." A lightning bolt suddenly appeared and struck something on the path ahead as Feng spoke. In the next moment, a charred figure was revealed and sent flying by over ten yards. 

Using an identification skill on the burnt thing, the information of the monster Aqua had been expecting appeared. 

[Crimson Shadow Wolf] (Rare Lord)

Level 28

HP 0/1,000,000

A surprised expression appeared on Aqua's face upon seeing the charred corpse and its information, not expecting it to be a Rare Lord, and that it had creeped so close to them without her even noticing until the rest of her party pointed it out. 

At the same time, a feeling of inferiority appeared in Aqua's mind, since it had taken her so long to notice the approaching threat, while everyone else seemed like the Rare Lord's Stealth ability was completely useless on them and easily seen through. 

'This won't do. I have to quickly improve. Otherwise, my position as Zero Wing's Vice Guild Leader will be nothing more than a joke.' Aqua's thoughts grew determined as her expression turned stern. 

Although she had already long known the experts in her guild were vastly more powerful than herself, the true difference between them only seemed to be wider to Aqua the more she improved and learnt; the situation just now being a prime example. 

Aqua's decision to visit the guild's Workshop in order to receive Zero Wing's Special Training also grew firmer, fearing that even if the Guild Leader doesn't eventually replace her with someone stronger and more competent, she'd never earn the other members' respect and approval. 

With the deaths of over a thousand Wolfman Warriors, a large amount of loot had appeared across the Land of the Fallen Star, but no one from Feng's group could be bothered with picking up so much low-level weak equipment, so they simply left. 

Though, they did still collect the Crimson Shadow Wolf's drops, since it was a Rare Lord killed by Feng with Divine Providence active, so the items were of decent quality. 

Despite Feng already knowing where the exit of the Land of the Fallen Star was, it still took them a while to get there even though they didn't waste any time mining the Starfire Ore along the way. 

Just as Feng's group reached the hidden door, however, the system suddenly announced an emergency notification.

Before anyone could react, they were all thrown out of God's Domain.

When the system expelled the Zero Wing party from God's Domain, Feng had been automatically sent into his Sleep Space. He had not completely logged out and could still browse the internet. He could also communicate with his friends.

Calling out his system friends list, Feng discovered that every one of his friends was in a Leave state, not in God's Domain. They were all in their respective Sleep Spaces.

"As expected." Confirming the beginning of God's Domain's second evolution, Feng also noted that the Main God's System had began the evolution a bit faster than in his previous life, and he couldn't help but wonder if him one-shooting the Crimson Shadow Wolf with Summon Lightning had caused it to be in a greater rush than last time. 

After the second system upgrade, the Free Combat System would be introduced into the game. In future battles, the requirement of a player's control over their skills would become extremely demanding, and mistakes might very well lead to friendly fire. It was especially true for AOE skills.

After the second evolution of God's Domain, rather than dying at the hands of monsters, many players would send themselves to the graveyards with their own abilities.

Due to this, many players would act conservatively when fighting in groups long after the upgrade.

In addition, after the second evolution, the difficulty of Dungeons had also significantly increased.

However, although the second evolution had made the game more challenging and realistic, the system upgrade had also added a benefit for players.

And that was the improvement to Skill Proficiency. After the second evolution, the combat style of players also undergone a major transformation.

Players no longer needed to chant incantations or shout the name of their skills to use them. No, players would activate their skills with movement. Every skill possessed a standard set of movements. As long as players performed the corresponding movements, they could activate their desired skills.

After the second evolution, players were no longer required to damage a monster with their skills to raise Skill Proficiency.

Now, when players achieved a 50% Completion Rate with skills, they would gain 1 point to their Skill Proficiency. In addition, the awarded Skill Proficiency would increase with the percentage of their Completion Rate. That way, even if players fought monsters of the same level or two or three levels lower, they could still improve their Skill Proficiency.

As players gained Skill Proficiency, their skill Levels would also grow.

With high-leveled skills, players would have a much easier time killing monsters.

Players would undoubtedly find it challenging to adapt to such a combat style in the beginning. After adapting to the Free Combat System, however, players would discover that the new style allowed them to display more of their combat power.

However, it would not be easy for players to adapt to this realistic combat style. Normally, one had to undergo a long period of special training to familiarize themselves with their skills. If one were not up to snuff, the skills' power would suffer.

Of course, Feng and the rest would naturally have no trouble adapting to the change, as they had already spent their previous lives using such a style of combat, and the second evolution would only serve to bolster their prowess. 

Pushing the thought to the back of his mind, Feng browsed the forums for a bit to check on the current state of God's Domain and Star-Moon Kingdom's surroundings, before getting out of his Virtual Gaming Cabin. 

Fire had already gotten out of her cabin while Feng was browsing through God's Domain News and was preparing their breakfast, which the two of them began eating after Feng joined her. 

Though, they had already ran out of the meals previously purchased, so Fire decided to make a trip to the store in order to get some more and restock their Nutrient Fluid supply, which was close to running out as well, while Feng stayed to research the information on the current God's Domain some more. 

As he was looking through some stuff that was of interest, though, his doorbell rang.

Not surprised when he heard his doorbell ring, since he was already expecting a visit, Feng went to the door. 

As soon as Feng opened the door, Zhao Ruoxi's almond eyes widened. With a concerned gaze, she asked, "Shi Feng, did you really agree with Uncle Xiao to participate in a match?" 

"Yep, come in." Feng had already known Ruoxi would come to warn him about the upcoming fight, so he immediately answered as he stood to the side and allowed her into his apartment. 

Ruoxi accepted the invitation after a moment of hesitation, and was about to try dissuading him from participating in the competition, when she seemed to have suddenly remembered something, causing her to look further into Feng's apartment, becoming relieved for some reason upon noticing there didn't seem to be anyone else here. 

Just as she turned around and was about to begin lecturing Feng on how dangerous the competition could be, a finger landed on Ruoxi's forehead, while her eyes suddenly turned diluted. 

Removing his finger, Feng stood back and waited for the process of restoring Ruoxi's memories to end. Since the two of them were finally in a private place with no one around, Feng had decided this was the perfect opportunity to restore his class monitor to her former self; or, well, future self. 

After a couple of minutes, Ruoxi's vision came back into focus as she observed her surroundings, her questioning gaze landing on Feng. 

"Guild Leader?" 

"Welcome back, class monitor." Feng answered with a smile, before giving Ruoxi a brief explanation, who quickly understood the gist of the situation. 

"No wonder you suddenly drastically changed from your previous introverted self." Ruoxi exclaimed as she finally realized why Feng had suddenly changed from being the inferior student of their class, to a martial arts master. Though, as if suddenly remembering something, Ruoxi shook her head and corrected herself "Well, not really. You had still holed yourself up all the time." 

"It's called being on the grind." Feng rolled his eyes, as it was true that he had only spent all his time playing God's Domain in order to quickly improve and pull ahead of everyone else, while completely neglecting his social life "You'd do well to do the same now that we have this opportunity." 

"Mhm. Thankfully, I still haven't done my Tier 1 Promotion Quest, so I'll be able to first get the Witch's Legacy to Class Change into. Though, I'll need your help at the time." Ruxoi nodded, agreeing that they needed to take full advantage of already reaching the standard that they have and the knowledge they possessed. 

She was also reminded of the Peak Legacy she had used to Class Change into for her Tier 2 Promotion Quest during the previous timeline, deciding to first acquire it before completing the Promotion Quest to Tier 1. 

However, due to the nature of acquiring her previous Legacy, and it being a chain quest with multiple difficult objectives that needed to be completed before one could obtain the Witch Legacy, it was essentially impossible for Ruoxi to accomplish it at Tier 0 even with her current combat standards and equipment she could possibly get at this stage of the game. 

Thus, she'd need Feng's help similarly to how she needed it in the previous timeline; which Feng naturally agreed to. 

The two of them chatted for a bit longer and Feng informed her of the current situation in the guild and what she should do, before Ruoxi took her leave, no longer bothering about the original reason she had came to Feng's apartment. 

Just as Ruoxi exited the apartment and was leaving, though, she noticed a familiar person coming down the hallway to Feng's apartment. 

Ruoxi and Fire made eye contact as they walked towards each other, the latter immediately being able to tell Ruoxi's memories have been restored simply by looking at her. Meanwhile, Ruoxi grew confused upon seeing Fire here, wondering why the Main Force Commander would appear here... going towards Feng's apartment... while carrying groceries. 

However, as Fire passed by her, and Ruoxi noticed the faint smile on the redhead's face, new memories from this timeline which were different from the previous one came rushing back to Ruoxi, as a realization froze the class monitor in in her tracks. 

Only when the sound of the door to Feng's apartment closing echoed through out the empty hallway did Ruoxi snap out of it, as she slowly turned to look in the door's direction with a deathly expression on her beautiful face and her pupils constricted; looking like she had just witnessed a cold-blooded murder in broad daylight. 

'Was that bitch just gloating?' 

While the implication of the timeline's difference where Fire was staying with Feng according to what she had previously seen before her memories were restored settled into Ruoxi's mind, Fire's faint smile took on a bit of a different meaning, as Ruoxi could clearly feel some faint smugness in it. 

The realization came with a sickening feeling that made Ruoxi's stomach turn, while an indescribable sense of loss racked her mind, and she could feel the suppressed emotions inside of her bubbling to the surface. 

As Ruoxi was trying to decide between just going home and crying her sadness out or barging in there and strangling Fire, or Feng, or both of them in order to get some answers, another pair of footsteps coming from the hallway snapped Ruoxi out of her contemplation. 

She had originally thought it was one of the people who lived in this apartment building, and had given up on her murderous thoughts, but as she turned towards the hallway's exit and the footsteps' source, Ruoxi was greeted by a pink-haired girl who suddenly stopped after seeing her. 

"Violet? Why are you here?" Ruoxi wondered for a moment, before the cogs in her head started turning again, and shock overcame her once again as a certain reason came to Ruoxi's mind, causing her to stare at the teenage girl in disbelief. 

Upon being questioned by Ruoxi and receiving such a look, Violet's face immediately turned beet red, and she felt like coming up with some kind of excuse and quickly leaving in order to get out of this embarrassing. 

However, the itch inside of her that needed to be scratched far overpowered her wish to not face the current Ruoxi, so Violet could only lower her head and quickly powerwalk past the emotionally-crushed woman. 

Even as she watched Violet go past her up to Feng's apartment, unlock the door with the spare key Feng had given her, enter and lock the door behind her, Ruoxi stood still with an unblinking gaze, her mind stagnate. 

After a couple of moments passed, Ruoxi slowly closed her eyes and breathed out a deep breath which had been stuck in her throat up until now, before turning around and leaving. Although she was filled with disbelief over Fire's and Violet's actions, particularly their breach of the agreement between all of them, an enormous sense of relief also washed over Ruoxi. 

Previously, she had been under too much distress and unable to think clearly as the thought of everything that had happened up until now being for nothing, and losing any last hope of being with Feng, had overwhelmed her rational thinking.

However, after taking a moment to think things through properly, Ruoxi realized that such a scenario was very unlikely considering Feng's personality, and that the last option they had discussed had most likely been told to Feng and agreed with.

Meanwhile, Violet's presence at Feng's apartment and the shy girl's reaction to being confronted confirmed Ruoxi's conclusion.

Of course, that didn't mean Ruoxi's anger had diminished.

Fire's and Violet's disregard over everyone's agreement and the rest of theirs considerations and opinions over it considering this new development, especially Fire's since Ruoxi was 100% certain she was the one who had instigated it, was just something that will have to wait for now to be discussed until all of the girls' memories are resorted; or Aqua's at the very least since it was the First Vice Guild Leader who had originally gathered them all and proposed the agreement.

As for what she'll do about this now that the agreement was clearly no longer in place... Whether to continue upholding it or indulge in her desires... Ruoxi had no idea.

Meanwhile, shortly after Ruoxi had left, two pairs of unrestrained melodious moans could be heard coming from Feng's apartment. 


Several hours later, rugged breaths came out of the two ladies as they rested on each of Feng's arms, while their naked bodies tightly clung onto him. Although the two of them seemed exhausted, the complete satisfaction on Fire's and Violet's blushed faces clearly indicated their enjoyment of the situation; especially Violet, who looked like she had just received a cup of cold water after being in the middle of a desert for days on end during a heatstroke. 

The man himself simply laid there with a pleased smile as he enjoyed the feeling of the two soft bodies pressing against him. 

Previously, Feng had been a bit surprised at first when Violet paid his apartment a visit, but after remembering she hadn't had any real life action ever since her first time, and that her dormant sex drive had gone into full gear from that point, it was amazing Violet had managed to hold on until now. 

Since enough time had passed for the damage done by Feng's pounding to heal, there was naturally no need for Violet or Feng to hold themselves back, which resulted in Violet pouncing on top of him like a starved animal as soon as Feng got within her sight; completely ignoring Fire's presence right next to them. 

However, since Fire was here as well, she naturally wouldn't just sit back and watch, which resulted in her joining in on Little Feng's reunion with the tightness of Violet's cave. Of course, knowing how sex deprived her friend must currently be, Fire had wisely kept from interfering and merely got in a little action until Violet eventually started growing tired after receiving Feng's rough pounding for a while. 

This prevented Feng from getting any rest as the girls kept jumping in one after the other as soon as an opportunity presented itself, forgoing any break between Feng spraying his seed inside of them. 

Eventually, though, Fire's and Violet's burning lust was quenched as their stamina ran out, while Feng and his little brother remained standing as they barely endured having to provide such high-intensity, non-stop pleasing. That was not to say Feng didn't enjoy the session, of course, as his usual desires that were unable to be satisfied by just one girl were settled as well, causing a relaxed feeling to spread throughout his body. 

It was also the first time Feng has tried his hand in doing it with more than one partner at a time, as it wasn't really something he had considered during his time as the Guild Leader of Shadow. 

Nevertheless, even though the act of multiple passions colliding at once was quite draining, Feng had taken pleasure in each moment, greatly enjoying the act and pleasure the two girls brought to him during it. 

The matter of his urges not being fully saturated was also resolved this way, and Feng didn't have to worry about his Physique's progression far outpacing his girls' being a problem anymore. 

After the three of them rested for a while, they quickly cleaned themselves up, taking some time in the shower for extra passion, before getting dressed and replacing the stained sheets with spare ones; plenty of which had been prepared by Feng and Fire beforehand due to how often they had sex. 

Mostly succeeding in keeping their hands off each other, the three of them finally left the apartment and headed to Zero Wing's Workshop, as Feng had received news from Blackie that Aqua had recently arrived, so he naturally had to restore his Vice Guild Leader to her peak state in order to make managing Zero Wing and his future plans easier. 

Calling Aqua into his office after Fire and Violet had left to go train, Feng looked at the blue haired beauty sitting across from him with complicated feelings. 

Out of everyone's lives and fates from his first life, Aqua's was most likely the one he had messed up the most due to the changes he made to the timeline, so Feng was a bit apprehensive. 

Although one could say it was simply Feng taking advantage of his situation to increase his strength and recruit people with potential, which was perfectly reasonable, it was still a fact that he had interfered with another person's fate and pushed them into endless combat and countless dangerous situations for his own gains without them even knowing. 

Even if Aqua did vastly benefit and had potentially ended up with a better fate than she would have without his actions, as she could have very likely perished in the fight to get to the Greater World or after that while trying to survive there, or could have possibly even suffered a fate many times worse than death, Feng couldn't help but wonder whether that would have been a better alternative. 

After all, with what they've been through and the things him, Aqua, and everyone else had to endure, with spending eighty years in that Mysterious Space only being one small example, it's questionable if simply passing on and resting in peace would be better. 

Feng knew fully well that many had given up along the way, choosing to simply end all the suffering by either committing suicide or doing something insane to go out in a blaze of glory. 

He also didn't intend to restore such people even if he had seen their souls; on one hand because they didn't deserve it when everyone else held on and endured the hardship, on the other hand because he wanted to simply let them rest in peace since that had been their choice, and he'd leave their current versions in this timeline to decide their fate. 

Aside from those facts, another reason why Feng could sense incoming trouble when Aqua's memories get restored was the current relationship thing going on, and him knowing the agreement between the girls. 

Not to mention, although his relationship with none of the girls during the previous timeline was simple, the situation between him and Aqua was slightly special and more unique than the rest, so he could predict her reaction when she finds out what had happened will not be pretty. 

However, Feng could only put his big boy pants on and do his best to resolve the situation, as he began the process of restoring Aqua's memories. 

Aqua, who had been waiting for Feng to say something for a bit now about the Special Training, suddenly turned dull as she failed to react to Feng placing a finger on her forehead, while her eyes became empty. 

Sitting back down, Feng noted that the process was indeed a bit more difficult and had taken more time due to Aqua possessing more information that needed to be reconstructed from when she had spent eighty years in that Mysterious Space, with him expending more than three times the normally required energy in order to restore her memories completely. 

The time Aqua needed to recover and come back to her senses was also much longer than anyone else, however, when she did, her reaction was also vastly different. 

Unlike everyone else who had appeared surprised, shocked, confused, dumbfounded, or multiple different emotions, Aqua's beautiful face remained stoic and calm as she looked at Feng, before gazing down at her hand and clenching into a fist as if trying to feel something, and then back up at Feng. 

"I see now. So this is your secret." After taking a moment to process everything, Aqua seemed to have came to a conclusion all on her own. 

"Ta-da" Feng made a gesture with his hand as if he had revealed something upon seeing Aqua figuring out the general situation. Inwardly, though, even Feng was surprised by how calm Aqua had remained despite practically reincarnating. Hell, even he had reacted less calmly upon his second reincarnation. 

In the next moment, however, Feng saw Aqua's cold and stoic expression fade as she seemed to become overcome with relief. 

"Phew, I'm glad. When the news of you being ambushed had reached me, I had thought that you might truly not pull through this time around." It was apparent to Feng how worried Aqua must have been after such an incredible look of relief appeared on her face. 

"Well, what's done is done. All that matters now is that we're all alive, and you have your memories back." Feng brushed the matter off, not finding it worth the effort to discuss the events which led to his reincarnation.

Nodding, Aqua agreed with Feng, as not only was it pointless to think over and be bothered by something they couldn't change, she also didn't wish to think about how powerless she had been to help Feng. 

"What's the current situation?" After settling into this new reality, Aqua immediately inquired about the current state of affairs, and Feng gave her the sum of the happenings as well as all of the available information by granting her authority over the guild's system. 

The Vice Guild Leader meticulously worked through the information and quickly came up with the best course of action for the guild, showing her incredible managing capabilities. When it came to things like this, Aqua was many time superior to Feng and Blackie, so she could quickly organize the guild to work in the most optimal manner. 

This was why Feng usually left things for his Vice Guild Leaders to handle, as well as him not wishing to do such troublesome tasks. 

Seeing Aqua take over the guild's managing in full gear, Feng decided to stay true to his roots and let her deal with everything. 

Feng also found out that his previous thoughts of Aqua possibly resenting him after realizing his true nature were completely unnecessary, as she didn't seem to care all that much. He didn't know if it was because she has yet to come to the conclusion of what his reincarnation really means for her and how it might have affected her previous life, or if she didn't mind it, or didn't wish to know it, or if it was something else entirely; but since her stance on it is as so, Feng naturally wasn't complaining. 

With Aqua being restored, Zero Wing's overall power has increased by a large margin, as Aqua was one of the few experts in Zero Wing who had reached the Unthinking Realm, Beyond Domain Realm's second stage. That meant that, along with Violet, two of Zero Wing's five Unthinking Realm experts have been restored. 

These five were one of the main reasons Zero Wing had managed to survive in the Greater God's Domain, and what made them special was that all five originated from Feng's God's Domain. After all, experts who had reached the second stage of the Beyond Domain Realm were incredibly rare, and they usually already belonged to some power or absolutely refused to join and follow someone else, so it was naturally impossible for Zero Wing at the time to recruit such individuals considering its situation. 

In reality, even the number of Beyond Domain Realm experts on the first stage that Zero Wing had possessed was fairly low, with a large percentage of its top combatants all being natives of its home God's Domain. 

Moreover, aside form Snow whose memories still haven't been restored, Aqua was the one with the highest proficiency in the Unthinking Realm. 

After leaving all of the guild's matters to the newly restored Aqua, Feng also restored some of the Lifestyle players which Melancholic had gathered at the Workshop. 

Though, with so many people at the Workshop, things have been getting a bit crowded recently, so Feng had decided to purchase a few more of the office floors around their current one in order to make more space. Although he'd soon be moving to the Greenwater Villa along with most of the guild's important members, with how many people they'll be recruiting and how many people's memories he'll be restoring soon within a short amount of time, the space will be needed anyway. 

When he was no longer able to do the restoring process, Feng gave Aqua full authority over managing the guild and returned to his apartment, while Fire followed soon as well after finishing her training. 


As the sun slowly set and the time for the system upgrade completion drew near, Zero Wing's members went on their own ways from the training grounds, either to their own apartments so they could log in or using the Workshop's places; causing the crowded and noisy building floors to grow quiet. 

Inside of Feng's office, now Aqua's office after Feng had left the Workshop's duties to her, Aqua sat and was working on some information, occasionally contacting Zero Wing's members whenever needed as she was organizing the guild and working on preparations for hers and Feng's future plans. 

"That's about the last of it, Vice Guild Leader." Blackie, who has been helping Aqua with the Workshop's managing while waiting for the system upgrade to end, announced as he finished whatever he was doing. 

"Alright, you can go now." Aqua nodded to Blackie, when she suddenly remembered something and stopped him, asking "By the way, have you seen Fire? There's something I need to talk to her about, but she doesn't seem to be at the Workshop." 

With her needing to manage and prepare for the upcoming events, Aqua had been talking with the rest of Zero Wing's high ranking members, but aside from at the beginning of the day, Zero Wing's Main Force Commander was nowhere to be seen, which was odd, and Aqua couldn't sense Fire's presence anywhere in the building. 

Although she could just contact Fire over the quantum watch, considering the woman's impatient personality, Aqua wanted to talk to Fire in person about another matter that she felt needed to be addressed; lest problems arise. 

Though, since Fire didn't appear to be at the Workshop, Aqua decided to ask Blackie for her whereabouts in order to settle the problem as soon as possible. 

Hearing Aqua's question, Blackie froze mid stride, as a sense of nervousness appeared in his mind for some reason, as if his instincts were warning him of something. However, being stared at by Aqua with a questioning gaze, Blackie knew he couldn't stay quiet for long, and as lying in front of an Unthinking Realm expert was impossible, he could only gulp down nervously and try answering in the most natural and casual way he could. 

"Oh, Fire? She's staying at Feng's place..." 


Aqua looked at Blackie in confusion for a moment, before her expression immediately darkened as her face turned deathly cold. 

