

when the most strongest astral being gets tired of all his privileges, tired of the lavish life, tired of being lonely, tired of his mother who used him as a tool to gain power. Alaric seeks death but being gifted with eternal life, he tried everything at last death came. but even in death there was a loop hole, he battled with death him self to die ( that's right) he succeeded but instead of him to rest peacefully in death, the lady in charge of the reincarnated soul , knew his father , so she decide to give him another chance. he woke up in a different more modernized world , were cultivation and science blend. he was reborn( literally ) as a new born baby called astra ( ironic isn't it ) to a family called night-caller . being in a modern world as the most powerful being in a common family, he decided to leave a life of Peace and accidentally got obsessed with two thing ( a mobile phone and potato chips) he wanted a peaceful life with friends and family but fate has it ways. join astra ( Alaric) in his knew journey, will he be lucky or will fate place another card in his destiny . Warning : the MC in this story is not a super hero who will run to anyone at their time of need , he doesn't have a heart of gold or anything like that, he doesn't stand for justice or right, he is a selfish person that will do anything to get what he wants, he is a TWISTED character, so any dark humor he show is just the real him. PS : leave a review, it will really help. PSS : the cover is not mine, and I do not know the owner , if the owner wants credit or wants me to take it down, I will, my cover will be done in time

Favour_Kennedy_0315 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
77 Chs

Chapter 56 : locked with the top 7 { || }

" good morning to all of you, we have assembled the strongest students to analyze and make the perfect teams, the total number of you all is 56, well you guys were supposed to be more than that but unfortunately the rest has gone on missions assigned by the school. 56 ÷ 7 = 8, I will assigned seven students into a particular group, so no complaining, it doesn't matter if the person you are paired up with is your mortal enemy, in a battle your also an enemy to yourself got that " a thunderous voice spoke with confidence and authority, and surprisingly that voice belonged to Keegan, Astra's number one enemy.

" I pray we are all in the same group " Callie said with a sigh .

" most likely " astra said as he turned he's phone on, he checked his notification for battle frenzy, his jaw almost dropped at the Millon's of friend request he was getting, and he had also attracted the big shots, those in the leaderboard wanted to set a match with him, he couldn't stop himself from grinning .

" why is he grinning " Gina whispered into Callie's ear .

" don't know, maybe he has a girlfriend or he probably won a lottery " as soon as those words left Callie's mouth Gina's face soon turned into a construction sight.

" Astra Night—Caller

Alan scratch

Dante Black

Daniel Regan's

Callie green

Freya justice and Gina luck — well, team C, head over to dungeon 6, and wait for further instructions. Keegan's said while astra gave a deadly glare, telling him not to test his patience, which Keegan saw and shook his head.

the group of 7 slowly made their way to dungeon 6, the place didn't even look like a dungeon, it looked more like a cozy underground inn, well this was practically an illusion to distract and tempt any passerby near the dungeons.

in all the faces astra was seeing only one was unfamiliar and that was Daniel Regan's, the guy was at the same level as Alan and he was sensing a very strong killing intent, it looked like he was trying to hide it but was failing miserably.

The speakers near the entrance of the dungeon suddenly turned green, broadcasting live from the teacher's lounge .

" those at their assigned dungeons, you have 48 hours to clear it entirely, not a single creature should be left, the creatures range from A—D, we made sure of that so no worries, and remember that you can't take a D ranked creature by yourself, you should work together as a team, that's the point of the entire thing.

one more thing, if any of your team member gets seriously hurt, press the red bottom on your watch tracker, we will bring you out immediately but you won't be qualified, remember stand as a team, if one falls the rest of you will be dragged along, I wish you well " this time it wasn't the voice of Keegan but a stranger. the speakers stopped transmitting and went totally silent .

after the important speech, some groups had already moved forward, and others were still deciding on their leaders. astra just stayed silent, turned his phone on and began his battle on his new game leaving the other's to decide who would lead the group.

And just like a leader would behave, Alan stepped forward and said " I have been to many dungeons before so I will lead the way, is that alright " he asked, so anyone with displeasure would speak up now .

" I'm down on it " Dante said and also turned his phone on, he didn't care who would lead or who wouldn't, as far he was concerned, no one was the boss of him.

Freya, Gina and Callie nod their heads in agreement, the only one who didn't say a thing or any gesture was Daniel but no one seemed to notice.

" with that settled, let's begin, the sooner we start the better " Alan said while he walked into the dungeon, the others followed closely with Dante and astra been at the back, because they were both so engrossed with their phone and unknown to each other were playing the same game.

And just as they entered, the illusion wore off and the true scenery appeared, terrifyingly was dark, the only source of light was the burning torches that were hanged every 6 meter as they walked, the floors were filled with bones and rotten flesh, but what was more terrifying was the green glowing mist in the air.

when suddenly a two headed green tiger showed up, the tiger's skins was radiating stronger poisonous toxins, the tiger had freakishly long canines and red glowing eyes ready to pounce on it's prey .

" woah it's a B ranked creature, they aren't really any trouble but this guy got backup " Callie identified the green tiger and gestured to the toxins oozing out of his skin.

" yeah your right " Alan said as he stepped back a bit, while all this was happening astra and Dante still hadn't dropped their phones but Dante had noticed astra playing the same game.


" you play battle frenzy " Dante asked astra while he walked closer to him.

" hmm " astra just gave a simple nod because he was in a serous fight and he couldn't afford to lose, his life was already short as it as.

" dude you got to press the red and the blue buttons at the same time for a super dash up cut strike " Dante advised and surprisingly astra took it, he did just that and won.

" thanks, are you a gamer " astra asked as he moved on to the next fight .

" yeah, I'm actually a pro, I work with R S " ( Redeem smarts, 7th best gaming company. Dante said with pride.

" cool, I work with WGT " ( World Global Tech, first and the best gaming company for the elites.

" what ????, you just said that like it's nothing, how long have you been working for them " Dante asked anxiously

" probably when I was 10-12 can't really remember " astra once again shoved it aside while Dante stopped walking " what's wrong ? " astra asked the down Dante.

" teach me your ways " Dante said and began a worship pose.


" I can't believe those two can talk at a time like this " Callie said while Gina sighed and focused back on the matter on ground. Freya manages to cast an array, as huge vines came out tying the creatures legs and hands .

[ no excuse, my brain was just tiered, good night night ]