
Reincarnation of the emotionless

Greetings to all those who have embarked on this literary journey, for you are the fortunate few who have stumbled upon a true masterpiece. Allow me to introduce you to "Stars Dust," the original title of this book, born from the depths of my creative spirit. English may not be my native tongue, but I am committed to delivering an unparalleled reading experience that will captivate each and every one of you. Within these pages unfolds the tale of a man shrouded in enigma, hailing from the very fabric of Earth's history. Suddenly, he finds himself awakened within the fragile vessel of a five-year-old child. But from the very inception, he is thrust into a treacherous crucible, where the odds of survival barely surpass a mere 1%. Witness his valiant struggle for existence, his every breath a testament to the indomitable human spirit. Constantly plagued by inner demons, he grapples with the eternal quandary: should he prioritize his own survival above all else, or strive to safeguard the well-being of those who surround him? To truly comprehend the trials and tribulations that await our protagonist, delve into the pages of this extraordinary work. Explore the depths of his battles and the choices that shape his destiny. Prepare to be enthralled, for this book promises an unforgettable journey.

hashmolla001 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

The Struggle Within the Darkness

As the child sat in the encompassing darkness, his mind began to wander and contemplate his situation.

"In this room of unknown duration, I must prepare myself for the worst-case scenario," he pondered, his thoughts determined yet tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

"With my prior experience in the confines of a solitary cell during my time in prison, I have learned to occupy my mind and protect myself from the haunting darkness," he mused, seeking solace in his acquired wisdom.

"At the tender age of five, physical attributes such as strength and speed hold little significance, for they demand a high nutritional cost. Instead, I shall focus on Indian martial arts, a discipline renowned for its emphasis on extreme flexibility and endurance in times of hunger and scarcity."

With a newfound resolve, our protagonist embarked on a peculiar journey, adopting the art of silambam practiced by Indian tribes. Though typically employed with sticks, he ventured forth without their aid, maneuvering his body in intricate positions.

Yet, during his practice, the child's physical limitations intervened, causing him to falter and collapse upon the ground. A slight burning pain surged through his joints, prompting a brief respite of 30 seconds before resuming his silambam routine.

Undeterred by fatigue or discomfort, he persisted in the rhythmic repetition of movements, akin to an automaton unfazed by pain or weariness. Eventually, his exhaustion overwhelmed him, plunging him into a deep slumber.

Awakening to a faint flicker of light emanating from a candle in a corner of the room, the child's curiosity was piqued. A metallic clang echoed through the air, swiftly extinguishing the candle's glow. His inquisitive nature urged him to investigate the source of this peculiar occurrence.

As expected, he discovered a serving of food, albeit spoiled intentionally as part of the ongoing test. Applying his method of discerning the level of spoilage through scent, he cautiously consumed the edible portions, only to be met with a surprising revelation.

"Meat? It seems I shall be confined within these walls for quite some time," he muttered, acknowledging the delayed digestion process required for meat and the implications it held for the participants' prolonged stay in darkness.

However, he set aside these grim thoughts for the moment, focusing instead on locating the origin of the flickering candlelight. Persistent examination of the adjacent wall ensued, his mind calculating the vital points of the door with utmost precision, laying the groundwork for his escape strategy.

Yet, the child did not immediately proceed with his plan or resume his physical regimen of silambam and subsequent falls. On this particular day, he commenced his meticulous endeavor to dismantle the door, employing his small hands and elongated nails.

Unscrewing each fastener proved arduous, consuming hours upon hours for the removal of the first screw alone. Once freed, he improvised by utilizing cork fragments from a discarded plate, ingeniously substituting them for the screws before moving on to the next one.

Suddenly, the child's progress came to an abrupt halt, his body unresponsive as he collapsed onto the ground against his will. Despite the interruption, he persisted in his disciplined routine of silambam and subsequent failures, driven by an unwavering determination.

Days turned into weeks, and within the realm of darkness, the child persevered through the relentless cycle. During this time, he lost all sense of temporal existence, consumed not only by physical torment but also by the psychological toll imposed by the eternal abyss. Thoughts of suicide taunted him, yet he valiantly fought to suppress them, trapped in an endless loop with no respite.

His methods of measuring time were once tied to the frequency of food servings, but as the pain from martial arts training intensified, his calculations faltered. Nevertheless, a glimmer of hope emerged as he gradually developed an immunity to the recurring bouts of food poisoning, an inexplicable phenomenon defying the laws of earthly norms.

"Though I cannot fathom the reasons behind this acquired immunity or my survival amidst continuous food poisoning, the rules of this realm surely differ from those of the world I once knew. My level of flexibility and physical symmetry attained through Indian martial arts can only be described as otherworldly," he contemplated, unaware of the unseen force aiding his practice.

Concerning the door, he successfully removed all the screws, substituting them with carefully crafted cork replacements. After much contemplation, he resolved not to leave the dark confines, despite the agonizing torment he endured.

Reason prevailed within him, reminding him that this was indeed a test. If a test was, it must have distinct objectives. Thus far, it appeared to be an examination of willpower, intelligence, and logical decision-making.

"To step into the unknown without gathering information about one's adversary would be foolish. Leaving this room would render me defenseless against unseen dangers," he rationalized, refusing to forget his purposeful restraint.

Another reason for his decision stemmed from his resilience, for though the torment inflicted upon him was inhuman, he found solace in knowing he had faced worse tribulations in his past life.

Yet, the child remained oblivious to the fact that he had only just begun to taste the true essence of his torment, the tip of an iceberg looming menacingly on his path.

done with the second chapter? dont forget to tell me if there is anything to improve in my writing and the story .

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