
Reincarnation of Big Shot: Cannon fodder against the regime

In a confrontation between the Order and the multi-layered God, I wonder who will prevail. When the big shot goes into a novel and becomes small cannon fodder, you not only tear up the original text, but begin a happy, lazy life. But after giving birth, the novel's heroine is connected to a powerful system that helps her address her grievances and bring her to the pinnacle of life. The heroine of the novel was staring at the big shot all the time, and one day the big shot felt the heroine’s desire to destroy her life, so the big shot decided to make that alleged heroine and her regime live a life worse than death. So who will win in the end, the heroine of the novel and her regime, or the crazy and lazy Big shot?

Ghost_eating · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
113 Chs

Chapter Re-Updated: Chapter 14: Getting Out of the Rox Family.

The next morning, at the Rio family's dining table after breakfast, Mia said, "Dad, Mom, I want to leave the Rooks family and start a small business and earn money ourselves."

 "Mia, this is a good suggestion, but we don't have enough money," Mother Rio said.

"Yes, Mia, there is not enough money, and house prices are very expensive, and any project you want to open will need capital," Jacques Rioux (yes, this is Rioux's father's name) said, explaining his position on rejecting Mia's proposal.

"Mom, Dad, I know all this, that I am not naive and do not live in reality, but I definitely have a solution when she said this proposal," Mia said proudly, then continued speaking.


"Mom, I know that you and my father have saved about 100 thousand dollars, and I bought lottery tickets and earned about 20 million dollars from that."

"So this money is enough to buy a new house and open a business," Mia said, looking at her mother with pity.

Mother Rio's face changed as she heard her daughter's words and she screamed in disbelief, "What did you do?! You won 20 million from buying a lottery ticket and receiving the money without saying anything." She stood up intending to hit this daughter.

Father Rio calmed his wife and said to his daughter, "Mia, you did something wrong this time. Father and mother did not prevent you from doing anything, but when you receive the award, you must say so that you are not in danger." Father Rio said sternly.

"Dad, I did something wrong. I will never do that again, Ahri," Mia said with a red lip and eyes.

Mother Rio screamed and came to her daughter and hugged her and said, "No, my love, do not cry. We will leave work for the Rooks family, buy a house, open a breakfast restaurant in the morning, and make barbecue at night."


"Mom, you are amazing. This is a good project and we will earn a lot of money," Mia said, praising her mother.

"Well, it's a great plan, but Mia, promise me you won't do anything dangerous again," Father Ryo said as he warned his daughter.

"Don't worry, Dad, I won't do that again," Mia said sincerely

 Then Mia said nervously, "Dad, I want to confess something. I bought an apartment and bought two shops, one next to the school to open a breakfast restaurant, and the second is small, which is on the Trade Street, to make barbecue at night. Today we will go to register the contracts."

"What are you doing again, young lady, doing things without telling me?" Mother Ryo said.


"Calm down, my darling, Mia is right. You have helped us a lot. Don't forget that school will start next week," Father Rio said to his beloved wife.

"Okay, let's leave work here and start moving to our new home," Father Rio said with emotion.

After a while, Father Rio came from the servants' house to the villa and asked Mr. Rooks to speak in private. Mr. Rooks was a little surprised and asked Father Rio to follow him to the office room.


"What's the matter, Jack? Tell me if something happens to you," Miller said.

"Thank you, Mr. Miller, but I want to ask something. I have decided, after much thought, to leave work," Jack Rioux said.

"Why did you leave your job? Did someone hurt you?" Miller said.

"No, I have thought about it and I want to retire. I have collected some money. I will open a breakfast restaurant and earn money, and I, my wife, and my child will live a simple, quiet life," Jacques Rioux said.

"Really, is that the only reason you left the job," Mylar Rooks said.

"Really, Mr. Miller, there is no other reason for that," said Jack Rieux.

"Okay, I agree with you leaving work. I will find out when you will leave the house?" Mylar Rocks said.

"In two days I will be out of the house, thank you, Mr. Miller," said Jack Rioux.

"Okay, never mind, leave now," Miller said.

Then Father Rio left, and Miller Rooks sat contemplating the real reason for Jack Ryo leaving work for the Rooks family. He simply did not believe that this was the only reason for him to leave work for the Rooks family, but he did not care much if he left work, so it would not matter.

After Father Ryo returned, he found Mia and Mother Ryo waiting. Mia asked, "Dad, did Mr. Rux agree to us leaving the Rux family?"

"Yes, I agreed and told him that we have three days to leave the Rooks family," Father Rio said to his daughter.

 "Okay, let's go sign the contract and look at the house and the store and buy all the things," Mother Rio said, then looked at Mia suspiciously and asked, "You have prepared the rest of the things, haven't you?"

Mia's eyes widened and she said in shame, "Yes, I have prepared everything and found the furniture for an apartment, which is not far from the school. The store has been prepared and can be opened tomorrow after signing the contract."

"You..." Mother Rio pointed to Mia, angry.


Father Rio took his wife in his arms and told him to calm down, and then they went to sign the contract and looked at the apartment.

"Miya inherited excellent taste from me. This apartment is very good," said the proud mother, Ryo.

Father Rio was unable to show off to his wife. Then they went to the stores and found that she was ready. All that remained was to buy the materials and make the menu for the restaurant, then they went to Rox's house.

The next morning, Vivi saw people moving things, and when she asked, she learned that Mia and her family had left the Rooks family.

After the Rooks family left, time passed quickly, things were arranged, materials were purchased, and the list was made. The Ryo family went to sleep because tomorrow was the first day of school and the Ryo family restaurant opened.