
Reincarnation of Big Shot: Cannon fodder against the regime

In a confrontation between the Order and the multi-layered God, I wonder who will prevail. When the big shot goes into a novel and becomes small cannon fodder, you not only tear up the original text, but begin a happy, lazy life. But after giving birth, the novel's heroine is connected to a powerful system that helps her address her grievances and bring her to the pinnacle of life. The heroine of the novel was staring at the big shot all the time, and one day the big shot felt the heroine’s desire to destroy her life, so the big shot decided to make that alleged heroine and her regime live a life worse than death. So who will win in the end, the heroine of the novel and her regime, or the crazy and lazy Big shot?

Ghost_eating · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
113 Chs

Chapter Re-Updated: Chapter 11: The Party Begins The war between the reborn heroine and the cunning evil partner begins.

In the car, Fifi heard the system voice: "The hidden mission has been completed successfully."

"The mission of increasing the favor of the Anthony family."

"500 learning points, Marrow Cleansing Pills, an increase in luck, and an update to the system's destination were received."


Name: Fifi Rocks

Age: 14


Agility: 2 (natural)

Endurance: 1.5 (You should stay at home and not go out)


Intelligence: 4.5 (close to normal)

Beauty Value: 20 (rare beauty)

Luck value: 23 (dim green red)

Mastered skills: study on fashion (basic learning level), study on color coordination (basic learning level), study on applying makeup (basic learning level), study on playing electronic games (basic learning level), learning English (learning level above Basic), learning Chinese (learning level is higher than basic), learning mathematics (learning level is higher than basic), learning science (learning level is basic), learning history (learning level is basic), learning geography (learning level is basic).

Learning points: 930

System Level: 1 (1000 learning points required to upgrade)

Lottery tickets:0

"Rox Family Preference"

Father Miller Rox: 20% (Father's name Rox)

Mother Nana Ruth: 15% (mother's name is Rox)

Big brother John Rox: 18%

Second brother Michael Rooks: 5%

Third brother Shin Rux: 25%

Grandma Rocks:20%

Uncle Ben Rocks: 25%

Auntie Sherine Kate: 20%

Cousin Julie Rocks: 15%

Cousin Vin Rocks: 25%

"Rovith family preference"

Grandma Ruth: 25%

Grandpa Ruth: 20%

Uncle Polly Ruth: 20%

Auntie Bella Knez: 20%

Great cousin Gene Rovith: 20%

Younger cousin Ray Rovith: 25%

Cousin Sera Rovith: 10%.

 "Anthony's Family Preference"

Mr. Lucis Anthony: 20%

Mrs. Maria Anthony: 25%

Charlie Anthony: 40%

Cutie Anthony: 30%

Time passed quickly, Sofia and Fifi's birthday was tomorrow, and Mia finally finished writing her Windows programming.

"Now it is time to know the level of hacking in this world. The police is a nice web that ordinary people can never access." Mia searches on the dark web and gives a comprehensive assessment of the level of hacking. "It seems that the level of hacking is not very low, unlike there are some geniuses. I will look for a nice task." "After a long search, Mia found an assignment worth ten million dollars. It was an assignment from a bank in the capital that had installed a new protection system and wanted to test the system's ability and effectiveness.

"Hello, this is the ghost. I will accept your mission. Please transfer the amount to this account." Send Mia a message to the person responsible for the advertisement.

"Hello, please start the attack now. We are ready to attack," the person in charge said.


On the Internet, sarcastic hacker comments began to appear.

[Who is this ghost who accepted the mission].

[Sounds crazy but I've never heard of it].

[He looks like a foolish person attracted by money].

[I think he is confident in his ability to accept the mission].

[He looks very foolish to see what his ability is].

Discussions about the ghost have escalated to a high level and people are divided. Some believe that he loves money, others say that he is a fool who likes to brag, and some say that he has some skills.


After a quarter of an hour, everyone was slapped in the face because the ghost had penetrated the bank's new security system in a quarter of an hour.

"Hello, Ghost. The money has been transferred to your account. If the Ghost has some advice about the security system, we can provide an additional amount for that," the official said, hoping for the Ghost's success.

"Okay, I'm successful. These are the weak points in the new security system. I hope you send the money quickly." Mia sent all the weak points to the official and waited for the money to be transferred.


"Mister Ghost, thank you for cooperating with us. Another ten million has been sent to your account. We hope that cooperation with us will be repeated and do not worry about the money," the official said, hoping for the success of Ghost.

"Well, I am happy to work with you as long as the price is good," Mia said, then she turned off the device and went to sleep. Suddenly the phone rang and the caller was Sophia.

Mia was surprised because Sofia was calling at this late hour. She answered the phone and Sofia's voice came.

"Mia, I'm sorry if I woke you up, but I want to tell you something important," Sofia said sadly.

"No, I'm still awake. What happened? Your voice is sad." Mia said with concern because she truly considers Sofia her friend.

"I heard that Anthony's family confirmed the marriage contract with Fifi, and my father decided that tomorrow at the ceremony, he would recognize Fifi and clarify her identity and my identity," Sofia said, bored by these events.

Then she continued, "Even my sisters agreed to that, after I convinced my older brother, John. It really seems that blood is an important factor."

"Also everyone's attitude has changed and they are working on fifi in a wonderful way," Sophia said sarcastically.

"Sofia, do not be sad. You are very capable, and you have enjoyed the benefits of her family. She also enjoys the benefits of your family," Mia said as she remembered the events of the novel, where after being recognized as a heroine, she used this compensation and began her professional life with this money.


"My original family is very poor," Sophia said disapprovingly.


"No, there are benefits. When you have rights for your family, listen

Your family died in a car accident. One of the descendants of a rich family from the capital. This person's grandfather felt guilty for your family, so he made a large compensation for Fifi, as she is the only daughter. The compensation is as follows. First, there is an apartment in an upscale area in the capital in the name of Fifi, and there is also a large sum of money in the bank in her account to support Her university education, and there is an educational grant that exempts her from the fees of any school she wants to study in until she finishes her pre-university education, and there is the apartment that she inherited from your family, and it is in an area that could enter into the development movement, and the price of the apartment will rise to a large amount, and all of that, and you tell me that it did not benefit."

"Listen, if your father explains your identity tomorrow, then demand everything that belongs to you from Fifi, and you can give the apartment in the capital to an adopted son as compensation for your soil these years, and you will emerge clean and rich," Mia suggested to Sophia.

"Mia, it's a great idea. I will check the rest of the information from Qamar and I will implement this plan. Peace, go to sleep. Tomorrow will be a very exciting day." The plan began to form in Sofia's brain, and she quickly said goodbye to Mia.

She began implementing her plan.

Sophia called Qamar and asked her about the incident, "Did someone from the second generation have a car accident and kill anyone in City F?"

Qamar responded quickly and said, "There is a grandson from the Rock family who caused this incident, and the head of the Rock family compensated the only daughter with a large compensation."

"Well, there is important news in the news. I have been replaced with the real daughter of the Rox family. I am the daughter of the Val family, and tomorrow is my and Vivi's birthday, and the Rox family will announce my identity tomorrow at the party."

"I want you to explain the misunderstanding to the Rock family and clarify my identity. I want to get my rights back from Fifi," Sofia explained.

"Don't worry, I will call them and explain the matter," Moon said, then she hung up the phone and called me. Yoon Rok was the one who caused the accident, and since that day he has been shunned by his grandfather.

"What do you want, Moon?" Bruce said boredly.

"I have good news for you, listen..." Moon told the story to Bruce and Bruce was very surprised. "Okay, I will handle it quickly." Then Moon hung up the phone and went to his grandfather and told him everything.

"You sure are," Grandpa Rock said.

"Grandpa, I'm sure of it, I really want to make up for my mistake," Bruce said sadly.

"Okay, I will check if it is true. We must return everything to the right girl and we will investigate the matter completely," Grandpa Rock said.


On the day of the party, all the preparations were ready and Fifi was dressed up. Today is the most important day in her life, and of course during this period she did not neglect her studies. She completed learning all the subjects and improved her English. She is ready to start studying and also to make Sophia and Mia's life worse than hell.

The guests began to arrive and were welcomed by Mr. and Mrs. Rocks. Anthony's family also came and Fifi, the older brother John, the second brother Michael and the third brother Shane came to the party.

Mr. Rocks grabbed a glass of wine and attracted everyone's attention and said, "I am pleased to have everyone here. On this occasion, I want to announce a marriage contract between my family and Anthony's family. I also want to clarify that for some time I have known that Sophia is not my biological daughter, but my daughter was switched with Sophia's family through a mistake, and finally I found out." My real daughter, Fifi, and unfortunately Sofia's family died in a car accident, so I announce that my real daughter is Fifi Rocks, and she is also Charlie Anthony's fiancée."

Everyone was astonished, then they started exchanging congratulations with the Anthony family and the Rooks family, and everyone praised Fifi for her beauty and good manners in speaking, and that she had a brilliant future, and everyone forgot about Sophia.

Fifi stood in the middle of a family and heard praise, and finally her relationship with her mother and brothers improved.