
Reincarnation of a Holy knight

A hostage rescue specialist dies while saving a little girl, reincarnates into a game-like fantasy world. Before dying a mysterious figure appears Infront of him speaking of another world.

Noxxy02 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

A second chance at life

"We don't know for sure, but we've finished the surgery" The doctor says as he takes off his glove. Grabbing his notepad and pen as he clicks it, he puts the pen in his pocket as he turns to the other person in the room. "Look, we've done all we can. I don't know for sure fi his body will be compatible, but we'll see how his body reacts" The doctor smiles as he looks at Azrael, lying on the hospital bed.

"I see, we'll have to do the best we can then. We need him, he can help us rebuild and fix this mess." The man says as he smiles at Azrael, he exits the room chuckling.

Hours later, I awoke. My vision is blurry, I groan in pain as I begin to move in place.

"Hey, hey don't suddenly start moving. Try to calm down and try to be aware of where you're at" A muffled voice is heard. 

"Where is she?" I said as I begin to close my eyes, trying to calm down, many vivid images came flashing through my mind in a less than a second. My mind was all over the place, but all I know is that I have to fight, or my sister is dead. That is the feeling that came rushing back to me just know.

In a flash, I opened my eyes as I scanned the room for a weapon. I grabbed the nearest sharp object and stab the man Infront of me, mistaking him for a monster. My body launched from the bed like if the bed was a trampoline. I am much faster than before, and I feel like my reactions are quicker too. 

A man enters the room as he sighs "Boy, I understand you are scared, but you are safe in these walls. I can ensure your safety. My name is Ernesh. '' Ernesh says as he stands there with an emotionless face.

"Where is she? Where is Emma? Is she alright? Answer, now or I'll kill you" I say as I hold up the sharp object towards him.

"Come with me, your sister is safe, but not for long. There are limited options for us, but with your help, we can change that'' Ernesh says with a grin as he turns around. 

"Tsk..." I follow behind, on guard as I observe the hallways. Kids running around, people who are sick. Teenagers and kids walking towards a building, on the other side, people training and swinging swords.

"Where am I?" I ask as we stop at a door, Ernesh looks at me as he opens the door. 

"We are in a town, outside of the great D- Demi Kingdom." Ernesh clears his throat as he corrects himself. Ernesh walks into the room as he smirks. 

I follow in, I look around to scan the room, there's nothing unusual until I look at what's in the middle of the room.

My eyes go wide as I rush towards Emma, I start to hyperventilate, her body in shreds. I caress her face that is covered in bandages. "Emma, you did not deserve this." I say softly, I look at Ernesh. "Are you able to help her?" I ask desperately as I turn back to Emma.

"Yes, but I will need your help. Just like with how we fixed you, or to be more precise, created you" Ernesh grins as he looks at me, he starts to walk towards me and Emma.

"What do you mean by created me? What do you mean by fixed me?" I asked as step back in shock, I look at Emma then at my hands.

"Did I suffer the same fate as Emma? If I did why did you not fix her first? Why did u save me? Why not her!?" I yell out in anger as I walk towards him.

Ernesh laughs as he explains "Your body isn't human anymore, it is 95% demon, you see demons have high regenerative systems. Your body is compatible and that is rare, we have not seen this happen yet. The only way to help your sister is to do the same, if not more. She isn't like you." He says as he gets closer to us.

"You are special, you are something we cannot simply just ignore, infact we must have you. You see we are at war. You must help us, this war has not started but if we have the upper hand, we will have a greater chance at winning." Ernesh says before turning around for the door. "If you want us to help your beloved sister, you will help us. Will you not? Chosen one" He smiles, revealing his sharp teeth.

I look down as I think, I turn to Emma as I caress her face again. Her head moved into my hand as if she was a cat, I close my eyes as I turn to answer Ernesh. I open my eyes to reveal blood red eyes. "I'll help, as long as my sister is saved, I'll kill you if she's not" I say with a cold expression.

Ernesh's eyes widened as he witnessed my eyes, He grins as he walks out the door. "Good! I look forward to working with you" He yells as the door shuts.

I look at Emma once more, my hatred for the world grew, along with my anger.

Afterward, a few days passed.

I have to adjust to the customs here, I am still eight. So going to school is a must. An academy was adjusted for me, but it wasn't normal classes, since my case was different. I was assigned hunting classes, and killing arts, for those like mercenaries would do. This was for my sister so I have to learn so I can complete my tasks.

Classes were about keeping stealth as you stalk your prey, waiting for the right moment to strike. Precision in your strikes, even strikes that still allow them to be alive but unable to move. I learned quite a few things. Hiding yourself is a skill that requires mana. Magic and skills require mana.

Months have passed, there are quite a few kids like me learning but mainly adults. We spar a few times but due to my lack of knowledge, I end up losing most of the time.

Two years have passed since classes and harsh training. 

Ernesh walks in on a training a day as he spectates a spar between me and one of the guys there.

He is a tank, Shield on his left arm and a sword on his right. I hold two long swords, I increased my strength and dexterity, to be able to swing heavy weapons one handed with ease. 


Title: None









Ernesh smiles as I push back my sparring partner, swiftly swing both my swords without rest. Hitting his shield constantly before attacking him, I fake a swing as I blitz behind him. 

"What? So fast!" Miluk says as he tries to turn around quickly before I can attack but was too late as I swing both my swords at him, sending him flying across the room.

I sigh as I put sheathe my swords. I turn to Ernesh and begin making my way towards him.

"How was that? I think I could've done better to be honest" I say as I wipe my mouth from sweat.

"Well, you could have done better, but I think you're ready..." Ernesh says as he grins. He hands me two papers as he begins to speak. "These two are escapes, we have no need for them, but they will talk. So, hunt them down and bring them here, we will use them as body parts." Ernesh says with a smile as he turns to walk away.

I look at the papers, it is a woman and a man, Demons. Perfect. "I'll begin the hunt as of today." I say as my eyes begin to glow bright red.

I get my gear ready and set out for the hunt.

Short update, but i will post more soon.

Noxxy02creators' thoughts