
Reincarnation: Just Let Me Be Lazy For Once.

Storymamma · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter twenty two

Third persons p.o.v

Crashing sounds could be heard echoing through the castle walls of the Altura kingdom.

"WHERE ARE MY SPIES!" A glass lamp was thrown hard against the wall, missing the poor maid by mere inches.

"I-I do n-not know your highness." Her head was facing the floor, her eyes dared not even look at the angry prince.

Leon fumed as he paced up and down his bed chamber, he has not heard from any of his spies in months. They only show up dead after he sent them out to the elven kingdom to find out if his brother still lived.

The was a knock on his door, which drew his attention away from his pending anger. "Yes!" he bellowed.

"I apologize for intruding your highness, but his majesty requests your presence in the throne room." The guard announced.

"What now," Leon whispered under his breath. "I will be there in a few seconds." Leon turned to the trembling maid. "Clean up this mess before I return." The maid only nodded, fearing the prince's wrath.

Leon made his way to the throne room, following behind the guard who had called him. There stood three men before his father, who had a blank look on his face.

"Ah Leon, these men are from the elven kingdom and wish to bare a message to both of us." He spoke as Leon approached the left side of his father's throne.

He looked suspiciously at the men before them, they wore hoods hiding their hair and ears. "Please relay the message that sir Regailia has sent you."

"Thank you, your majesty, indeed we shall. I and my companions were sent personally by sir Regalia. Also, he specifically requested that both you and the first prince be present.

Firstly the second prince is doing very well in his training and has even contracted with a mana beast."

Both Maxwell and Leon's eyes widened with surprise, Lillia who was standing on the king's right side had a faint smile that graced her lips. "My son has managed that in a year?" Maxwell did not hide the shock in his words.

"Not only that he has managed to awaken into the light orange stage." Leon remained emotionless hearing the elves' words, Maxwell's mouth stood a gap hearing those words.

Leon's right hand was hidden behind his back, knuckles white and some blood dripping to the red carpet below.

"Secondly, there seems your son is a target for assassination attempts. We have heard from a source that a few people were on their way to the elven kingdom, but we're promptly stopped by that source."

The silence was deafening, so much so that a pin could be heard falling. Eyes darted to each person standing before the three hooded men. Leon's brow began to form a thin layer of sweat, and a thick lump formed in his throat.

Maxwell's eyebrows furrowed. "I know of these attempts on his life, but to think they would follow him to the elven kingdom is unthinkable."

"No need to be alarmed your majesty, your son is well protected under our care. Unfortunately, he will be staying for a few more years. He had yet to master his newfound magic abilities."

"Hmmm... That's quite understandable, I will leave him in your care then. Lillian, please prepare these men a room each to stay in until they leave again. If you shall excuse me, gentlemen, I need to plan for my son's return."

Maxwell made his way out of the throne room, heading to his study. His heart raced after hearing good news and bad in one day. He fell into his chair, his mind going a mile a minute on how to keep Zero safe in the future.

Leon on the other hand shut his bed chamber door, so hard that the hinges rattle several minutes after. "So that's where my spies end up."

He was seething, he too was making plans for his dear brothers' return to Altura. His eyes gleamed with evil, first though he had to make plans for something else if he was to be king.

Hakuro stood guard at the border where Leon's spies gathered happily without care. He had killed hundreds after his return to Altura a few weeks back. He too received news of Zero's "training" he knew what it truly meant, his little future apprentice had been found.

Hakuro smiled to himself as he burnt the letter in his hand. "Indeed this is good news, once he returns I'll make sure he is well-trained for the future that is to come to this bleak kingdom.

Hakuro was listening to one of the spies' talks. "We are being summonsed by the master, we have work to do tonight in the castle." On burly man spoke, as scare ran over his lower jaw.

They moved towards the castle, Hakuro used the shadows to follow them, he was keen on hearing their master's plan for tonight.

The sun had begun to set, painting the sky in a deep red color. "The sky is the perfect shade of what's about to happen tonight." The burly man spoke while heading into a secret entrance to the castle.

Hakuro felt uneasy at the man's words as he followed from a distance, indeed tonight would be interesting.