
Reincarnation: Just Let Me Be Lazy For Once.

Storymamma · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter three.

"Lillia, please go call his majasty."

Lillia bowed and left my room. The person waiting outside came in straight after ten seconds of waiting.

He wore chefs clothing that didn't quite fit his stature, beady black eyes shifted around nervously. His frame was thin and crooked like he didn't belong.

His mustach seemed fake, but knowing I'm in a different world where the technology does not exist yet.

His eyes widened with surprise, revealing more. Dark purple circles could be seen, the whites of his eyes were blood shot.

"You think me a fool sir, that to send food disgused so well, like setting a honey trap for a bear." My knuckels went white.

"No, no. A fool I think you are not, prince. To have cuaght on to my plan so well. Although I must say, your doing so well. No dread or fear to be seen in one so young as yourself. How is it possible your still alive, I wonder?"

Cryptic, his way of speaking was strange. "I shall not share my thoughts with you sir. Although please inlighten me with your name?"

"My name dear prince I shall not share my name, for fear of the kings wrath that may come my way."

Gees come on guy, don't make me do all the work. "Well the kings rage you should feel soon sir. Because my maid is bringing him here, as we speak." Great now I'm speaking like him. Scratching my head.

His eyes buldged out of fear, realizing he played himself into my hand. Are people of this type just plan dumb.

He began to sweatdrop as heared the mention of the king, quickly playing it off as unfazed.

"You lie, prince. For the king doesn't care for you." He began.

"Really head chef Wesley. And please prey tell me why I do not care for my son."

The chef turned pale as ghost hearing my new fathers voice. He turned on to his heel and looked up at the king.

Y.. your mmm...majastey. Its not what it seems." More sweat began to pour from his face.

"O, then please elaborate to me how its seems?" He took a step forward, into the chefs personal space.

"Th...the ppprince, he t...tricked me...yyyour mm...majasty."

Father looked at me over the chefs head. I just pointed to the food, he nodded his head understanding the situation.

"How did my son trick you chef Wesley, because I can have you imprisoned for false accusations, against the second prince." He took another step foward, leaving a small gap between them.

The tension was very thick as the chef remained slient contanplating what his next move was.

He looked to his left and then right seeing his scape goat.

"Her, she is too to blame for tricky." He pointed a long crooked finger at Lillia.

Father look towards Lillia, who just bowed her head. "Tell me chef Wesley, how is someone I appointed myself to blame for this trickery?" I could see his knuckels go white.

"We..well, h-how is s-s-she to be trusted? As I h-have been serving yo...you for quite s-some timme. Your majesty."

"Lillia please come here."

Lillia obeyed and walked with slow careful steps to him. "Lillia show this fool, what's on your neck."

Lillia nodded and removed the black bow around her neck reveling a slave collar.

"She is bound to me by an oath to cause no harm to my son. Now lets start from the beginning shall we chef Wesley. How did my son trick you?"

The room fell into silence again, soft crackling good be heard. The chef was thinking how to escape his fate and Lillia avoided my gaze.

"Hh...he must ha...have placed some poision in hh..his own food, your majasty." Strike three, chef.

"O did he now." Father began, the chef looked realved, thinking he got off so easily.

"Warning: Signs of a deadly arua has been detected in the air." the system warned me.

"I mentioned no thing about posion Wesley. Also why would my son try and posion himself."

Chef Wesley was sent to the floor by fathers deadly arua. "Guards!" More clanking sounds made their way to my room, two guards dressed in full armor, kneeled behide father.

"Take this fool to the dungeon, have him questioned, also imprisoned for lying to the king."

"Yes your majasty!" They answered in unsion. Dragging away the unconscious chef.

Woah, he is so cool when he works. He looked over to me with concern. "Son are you alright, no need for a doctor?"

"No, it seems I injested a small amount fa.. papa."

He gave me a faint smile, turned and left me alone with Lillia.

She looked guilty over the fact her secret was now out, like dirty luandry. I handed her the tray, no words could be said to fix this moment.

I gave her a lopsided smile to ease some of the embarrassment, that hung in the air. Though I knew deep down it wouldn't truly help. Father is also an ass for making Lillia wear that collar.

"Lillia I." How could I speak to her without making the situation worse than it already was. I felt guilty for not knowing how to say something that could help ease her embarrassment.

She left leaving me again to my thoughts, seems I have my work cut out for me in the future. First the poisioning, Zero's or my and fathers unstable relationship and now Lillia.

I did not like the fact that Lillia was a slave for my own protection, argh its so frustrating. And why do I care even this place is unknown to me in the first place.

Deep within my heart I felt something, that the old Zero wanted things to change for the better. I'm a lazy adult from a different world, how would I be able to change things. Then again why should I even....