
Reincarnation: Just Let Me Be Lazy For Once.

Storymamma · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter nine.

Starting my day earlier than usual, I did my exercises warming myself up for the day ahead.

Just yesterday I spotted the perfect place to do what I planned. Today I had no lessons to attend.

Giving Lillia the day to herself, she was hesitant at first, but I insisted, because I felt guilty about the other day for making her stay so late.

Leaving my room, making my way to the garden that seemed to be closed off to the rest of the palace. I thought it strange that a garden would be closed off from the rest of the palace.

Finally reaching my destination, it was far the castle itself, it was peaceful, small birds chirped from the trees. There covered in vines, a blue door stood faded, as if no one came here in a long time.

The latch seemed rusted, using my new strength boost, breaking the rusted latch, as the pieces clinked on the ground.

Looking to make sure no guards heard the small noise I made. "Haa... I can't let anyone know I'm here."

Pushing open the faded blue door, revealing a over grown garden. Little noises came from the garden and water splashed near by.

Cobbled stone path, began from the door and far into the garden that seemed to stretch far.

Walking a little into the garden, some bushes seemed a bit faded of color, some roses grew here and there, but they were wild, with thorns sticking out of them.

I wonder how it used to be before it became over grown. Walking futher turning a corner, I spotted a fountain. That was the water I heard,  but there were cracks all over.

Weathered and faded, the water drizzled from the top fountain into the bottom one. Nobody has really been here for ages, maby if I had earth magic I could fix this place up some day. But for now it would do for my practice since I was still new at it.

Destroying this place would help break down some of the weeds that were around. Finding a spot ro practice was easy. Standing with my feet apart, I stood with my right hand palm facing out.

"I can do this." I encouraged myself a little bit. Breathing in deeply, I started circulating my mana through my body an into my right hand.

I felt my mana move into my hand, it was warm and welcoming, like sitting by a open fire on a winters day.

Closing my eyes I could see the mana flow, it was dark red like my core. First I was going to try to do the truncated spell casting.

Remembering what I read in the book about the incantation. "Come forth sprit of the air, lend me your power. Air slash!"

Speaking the incantation perfectly, a light breeze picked up, then stopping again. Nothing happened after a few minutes.

Turning my palm to me confused as to why it did not work. Feeling dejected about it, I sat down the cobbled stone path.

"Hmmm, what went wrong, I did everything the book said." I contemplated to myself.

Thinking over the whole situation, I decided to mediated, trying to calm myself down.

In my lotus position, letting my senses spread around the area. Sensing birds nearby, then seeing the guards walk by, but to close to where I was.

"Phew, they are to close for comfort."

Focused once again, my senses highted, my mana began swirling again. As I tried to remember all that I read in the book.

What did I miss? Then it struck me, I was right handed in my past life, but this life I've been doing things with my left. How did I not pick up on that, with new determination I got up and began again to reciet the incantation.

"Come forth sprit of the Air, and lend me your power. Air blade!"

My mana gathered into my left hand, the wind seemed to be working in my favor as it began forming a light blue ball in front of my hand.

It turned into, something like a curved blade. Then all of a sudden it shot out, landing small hit on a near by bush.

Its leaves scattered to the ground, joy bubbled with in me. "That was so fricken cool!"

Jumping around like an actual child, excitement coursed through me as I began to do another spell.

"Come forth sprit of water, and lend me your power. Water bubble!"

Water droplets formed out of no where and gathered infornt of my hand. A small bubble shape floted there in mid air.

It didn't shoot out like the air balde, but it was still amazing. With that experiment done, I wonder if I could do silent spell casting.

Holding my hand out again, I began to think about the steps of the silent spell casting

What was water truly made of? H²O

2 parts Hydrogen particals mixed with 1 parts oxygen particals.

With my eyes closed I formed a picture of the water particals forming, spell genesis.

Next the size small or large. "Mmm... medium size will do for now." Next the speed, how far do I want this bubble to fly?

About ten feet away should do for now, thats where the air blade hit the bush, so it should be a good target.

Lastly acivate the spell. 'Water bubble!' Not knowing what had fromed in front of my hand. My mana began to swirl ans twist through me.

My mana was being set to the spell I silently cast. It drained me as I was sent backwards by an emence force.

Opening my eyes to see a large bubble of water flying past the bush I set as a temporarily target. My eyes widened, this could not be the size I thought of.

"H...how?" The bubble of water smashed onto a tree thirty feet away from me, the tree split into to falling down to the ground. The ground shook after the tree fell.

I was stunned, first of all how was it even possible for me to cast such a large spell without speaking. The next thing was the truncated spell casting was smaller to the silent spell casting.

I felt drained just from casting the water bubble, I needed some food. Getting up and dusting myself off from the dirt, I left the garden to go get some food, but as soon as I made my first move I fainted.

"Great..." were my last words before landing on the ground.