
Above S Grade Hero !

"Who are you ?", Tatsumaki asked Duke as she looked at him.

"The 2nd ranked B Level hero. You can find out about me by checking the heroes association website.", Duke said in a nonchalant manner.

Tatsumaki looked at Duke coldly. She could not believe that someone with this kind of strength could rank lower than Fubuki her sister. Not to mention she herself Tatsumaki could not escape from Duke with her full power. Duke's psychical body could even resist her super powers at full strength. I don't know how many times stronger he is compared to a normal B Level hero. Tatsumaki thought to herself.

S grade... no above the S grade hero and very advance. Tatsumaki thought to herself.

Looking at Duke with a sweet child like smile, Tatsumaki put away her contempt for Duke and gave birth to an absurd speculation. Tatsumaki now believed Duke was incredibly strong, maybe the strongest being on Earth.

Boom !

On the empty road near Duke's apartment where Duke and Tatsumaki were floating, there was a sudden burst of smoke. In the dust a bald man walked out, pointed at Tatsumaki and said, "I was blown so far away by her, I almost couldn't find my way back home.".

Tatsumaki's eyes widened seeing Saitama and wondered where did Fubuki find these two monsters ?

"Speaking of being blown. You seem to like the game of blowing things away. Would you like to experience the feeling of flying in space ?", Duke asked in a sinister tone as he grinned showing two rows of shiny teeth.

Tatsumaki, the Tornado of Terror's breathing was getting heavier as Duke's big hand clamped on her shoulder entered more pressure.

"Time to take a trip to outer space ! It's free !", Duke said in a sinister tone.

Boom !!

Duke dragged Tatsumaki the Tornado of Terror into the air moving faster and faster. Duke's speed was so fast that he was continuously breaking the speed of sound. The only thing Tatsumaki could do was erect a psychic shield around her petite body to protect herself. This is after she tried to block Duke from flying into outer space by using her psychic super powers. It failed of course. Tatsumaki's mental powers which could destroy a city could not even shake Duke's body who was moving faster and faster.

Damn it ! This guy is too powerful ! Tatsumaki the Tornado of Terror thought to herself.

Super powers are not brute force. Although super powers appear to be omnipotent, even building weighing tens of tonnes could be uprooted but the essence of super powers is to change reality through microscopic operations. To make an analogy, the principle of super powers is like a lever that gives you leverage over things. With a small amount of force you can create major results.

But Tatsumaki the Tornado of Terror never encountered an enemy of the same level or stronger, wanting to destroy Duke with Tatsumaki's current super powers is just a delusion.

Damn it ! The air is getting thinner and thinner ! Does he really want to fly to outer space ? Hopefully not. Tatsumaki the Tornado of Terror thought to herself.

The city on the ground was getting smaller and smaller while Tatsumaki was sweating unconsciously. Tatsumaki thought to herself that she had to do something if not she might die. Tatsumaki used all her powers at full strength to pull down a meteor from outer space towards Duke.

A fiery red meteor suddenly appeared from outer space flying towards Duke. The meteor was causing the sky to be dyed red.

"Oh ! It's a meteor again. The last meteor disaster in City Z shouldn't be created by you, right ?", Duke asked with a chuckle. Duke raised his hand and pointed at the meteor and released a finger blast towards the meteor. The meteor was blasted into nothingness.

Compared to the huge meteor that almost destroyed City Z, the meteor that Tatsumaki summoned in a hurry was obviously too small and was bombarded by Duke's finger blast into nothingness. The explosion of the meteor was like a group of dazzling fire works appearing above the sky of City Z. The small fragments from the meteor explosion burned in the air into nothingness before it even hit the ground in City Z.

It turned out that Duke was the mysterious hero that saved City Z and destroyed the huge meteor. The heroes association didn't even know that one of their own heroes saved City Z, what a bunch of waste ! Tatsumaki the Tornado of Terror thought to herself.

The familiar moves by Duke reminded Tatsumaki of the images taken by the satellite of the heroes association when the meteor that almost landed on City Z was destroyed. It's exactly the same move. Now Tatsumaki really believed that it was not Duke that approached Fubuki but that Fubuki approached Duke. Fubuki approached Duke and his friends because of their strong strength. But Duke and his friends are too strong. What if they rape Fubuki ? Fubuki can't even resist them, they are too strong ! Tatsumaki the Tornado of Terror thought to herself.

No ! I must definitely drive Duke and his friends away from Fubuki ! I must never let them be friends ! Tatsumaki the Tornado of Terror thought to herself.

To be continued...

Thank you for your support ! If you like the story please promote it and tell your friends ! Thanks again ! Sorry for the shorter chapter, have been a bit busy !

Tony_Wongcreators' thoughts
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