
Chapter 10: Pain and Competition part 2

This in not my book BUT I have asked for permission from the author but he still hasn't replied if anyone can get in touch with him let him know if he wants me to I can remove it from here

go check out the book at https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13466952/2/Reincarnation-How-Absurd-The-Story-of-Kenta-Yamanaka-Book-1

Hundreds of Naruto's were throwing insults at the Hyuga prodigy. He stopped his charged and took in his predicament. His gaze swept the horde of Narutos and his frown deepened. Seemingly unable to tell the real from the fake. The glory of the Shadow Clone.

Without warning, one of the Narutos charged Neji. A quick exchange later and the clone was dispelled. As soon as the first was dispelled, another charged. Again and again, as soon as Neji dispelled one clone another was on him. Several minutes later, the arena was empty. Neji's frown was once again in place. He looked around the arena and then his eyes widened in shock. Naruto burst from the ground directly below the genius. Neji leaned back, narrowly avoiding the rising uppercut to the chin Naruto had attempted. Neji back flipped several times away before stopping, already in a defensive position.

"Aw man! My plan almost worked! You're better than you look!" Naruto whined.

"Of course. Your parlor trick was nothing but a waste of time. The difference in skill between us is too great to overcome. You will lose as was written, and I will continue to the next match." Neji stated matter-of-factly.

"Hmmm… Are you sure? I don't know about all that. I mean, you didn't even notice that." Naruto said, pointing down. Neji looked down and his eyes widened in panic. His foot directly on a paper seal. He looked up and Naruto had his hand in a single seal. "Sorry, chump. You might have impressive eyes, but if you aren't opening them wide enough, you'll miss the small details." Naruto waved as the seal activated. An explosion of syrup erupted from the tag. Neji tried to evade, but the wave was too large and he was now at Naruto's mercy, trapped.

"What is this?" Neji hissed.

"Uh, it's a trap seal. Are you really this dumb?" Naruto asked, eyeing the boy up and down. "If you're asking specifically what you're standing in, that's this weird syrup stuff Kenta can spit out. Yeah, he like spits it at me, and then I hold up my seal and it all gets sucked in. Then I can set it up to go off on contact or manually set it off. It's great, right!? OH! And the best part, is the amplification matrix I added, which doubles the effect of the technique sealed inside!" Naruto excitedly explained. Impressed murmuring broke out amongst the crowd.

Neji pulled and pulled trying to escape. His face growing redder by the minute. His mood not helped by Naruto's mad cackling. Finally movement by Naruto drew Neji's attention. Naruto was slowly making a show out of unsealing several kunai and sealing tags. He wrapped a few of the seals around the handles of the sharp weapons. Once done, he looked up at Neji and smiled.

"Oh don't mind me, just getting ready for the next round. You still stuck? Aw man, that sucks!" Naruto laughed loudly again. The crowd joining in on the Uzumaki's torment.

Neji was seething now. Time and again his struggles were met with the same result. Failure. Naruto finally calmed down and his eyes hardened.

"Well, if you're too stupid to reazlied how boned you are, allow me to show you." He twirled 4 of the seal wrapped kunai. "These are the lowest grade explosions I can make. They're simply make your ears ring. Diversionary explosions are what I dubbed them. Each set of four ramps up. I keep throwing, the danger increasing by the round. We'll keep this up until you wise up enough and forfeit. Got it? Let's start.

He launched four of the kunai towards a still very much trapped Neji. The Hyuga's eyes widened. The kunai glowed ominously as they approached. The explosion went off and… pink paint now covered the Hyuga from head to toe. Naruto couldn't keep up the seriousness anymore and was rolling on the ground, laughing like today was his last day. The audience couldn't keep their composure and soon tens of thousands of spectators joined Naruto in their laughter of the Hyuga prodigy's humiliation.

Neji's fist's tightened, his face darkening. His chakra reacting to his anger and embarrassment, it seemed to spike. "ENOUGH! I WILL KILL YOU, UZUMAKI!" He roared.

Naruto's laughter never let up, "With what? Your cuteness?! Are you going to glare at me to death?" Naruto's loud laughter was amplified by the audience joining him.

Neji's chakra spiked to new levels, a thin layer of chakra could barely be seen coating his body. If one were to look close, they would see the syrup beneath his feet breaking apart slightly. His body moved, slightly, before he began to turn slowly. Freeing himself enough, he began to rotate rapidly.

"Eight Trigams Palms Revolving Heaven!" his strong voice rang out, cutting the laughter of the crowd and Naruto of abruptly. His dome of chakra was cutting through the thick liquid, creating a space that he was free from. He stopped his rotation, landing in an unusual pose. He was bent low to the ground, arms spread wide. His left arm dropped low to the ground, while his right faced the heavens.

"You humiliated me for the last time. You die here. I will not be outdone by some mediocre orphan!" Neji screamed in rage. "You are within my field of divination. Know the difference between us!"

"Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms!" he screamed, loud gasps and murmuring could be heard from the crowd of Hyuga that were sitting together. Neji erupted from his stance, barreling towards Naruto at the fastest I'd seen him move. He closed the distance between himself and Naruto in seconds. Naruto's look of shock quickly turned into a smug smirk. He made a hand sign.

"Uzumaki Sealing Style: Gale Force Uprising!" Neji took another step, his left foot hitting the concrete. A brilliant emerald green sealing matrix lit up beneath him. He barely had time to register what had happened before a towering tornado erupted right underneath him. He was instantly thrown skyward, screams of pain echoing in the sunken pit. The technique kept hold of Neji in its unforgiving winds for several seconds before it dropped him unceremoniously to the cold ground below. He landed with a grunt of pain, hundreds of tiny cuts littered every inch of exposed skin. He tried to push himself up, refusing to admit his defeat. Naruto moved like a viper, behind Neji in a blink. He slapped another tag onto the downed Hyuga's back. He activated it, and Neji was sent crashing to the ground, held there by an unseen force.

"And that's checkmate." Naruto declared boldly. "I got my strategy from Kenta, you know. Seeing how mad he made Kiba, he was able to control the battle from start to finish. Now I'm no Kenta, I'll never reach his level of head fuckery. But being matched up with a smug bastard like you? I've had plenty of practice ruffling those feathers." He looked up at our observation balcony, glaring at who I assumed was Sasuke. Sasuke seemed to agree if the snort of laughter was anything to go by. Naruto turned back to Neji.

"That's a gravity seal, in case you were wondering. It'll hold you there for up to 12 hours before needing to be recharged. So the proctor is going to call this one. I hope you learned a lesson, moron. Never judge someone on preconceived notions. They will no doubt surprise you if you give them a chance. Sure, I struggled in school. I don't do well on tests, so sue me! Grades don't mean shit once you graduate, only your actions. I clearly proved that by beating the rookie of the year, and I can kick the shit outta that smug bastard up there that shares your title, any day!" Naruto yelled loudly. "You say our path is set by destiny? Destiny can kiss my butt! The only one in charge of Naruto Uzumaki is me! The world tells the caterpillar that it is ugly. It's ugly and will never be beautiful. The caterpillar then says kiss my butt, and poops some string out, and a couple days later it's the prettiest thing in the world! So don't you say I'm stuck to be some average shinobi. I'm a god damn caterpillar, ya know!" Naruto finished to loud applause from the crowd. I spied a mop of blonde hair holding a sigh that said "Big Bro Naruto Kicks Butt!" I laughed at Kono's antics.

Hayate then came over to check Neji. He let him try to break free for another minute before his announcement. "Since we don't have 12 hours for this seal to wear of, Neji Hyuga can no longer fight. Naruto Uzumaki is the winner!"

The crowd cheered wildly for Naruto's flawless victory. The blonde Jinchuriki looked around in shock at all the cheering people. He shook himself out of it though and began being Naruto once more. He smiled and waved at everyone. Screaming how amazing he was. He then pointed to Lord Third, the crowd fell silent once more.

"YOU SEE THAT, OLD MAN!?" Naruto screamed, loud groans from those that knew Naruto, and shocked gasps from those who didn't filled the air. "KEEP THAT BUTT IN YOUR CHAIR. I LIKE A WARM SEAT! THAT HAT IS MINE, YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT!" He scream confidently. Lord Third chuckled warmly at his favorite surrogate grandson, all doubts that Naruto was wholly himself out the door.

**********************************POV CHANGE****************************************

I chuckled at Naruto's antics. The boy was such a fresh of breath air. Behind him, Jiraiya was loudly guffawing, and even Kakashi had chuckled. 'Lord Rasa' spoke up.

"Do you let all your shinobi disrespect you as that one?" He asked in his dry voice. "If one of my shinobi ever spoke to me that way, I'd have him killed on the spot."

I gagged, internally of course, at my wayward student's horrible acting job. I smiled amicably on the outside. "Naruto is a special case. He respects me above almost everyone in his life. If he called me anything other than 'Gramps' or 'Old Man,' then I would punish him for being a smartass." I chuckled at my little joke. "Now then, what were your thoughts on our contestants? Let's start with young Neji."

'Lord Rasa' grunted. "Does anything need to be said? His emotional control is shit. His opponent played him like a violin from go. He was led by the hand into trap after trap. His hand to hand skills are impressive. Judging from the excited murmuring from the boy's clan, he was using techniques well above his skill level. He may have the strength of a Chunin, but he is far from being emotionally stable enough to lead a team. I vote no." 'Lord Rasa' finished.

"I agree with everything you just said, Lord Rasa. Young Naruto was in control from the moment he walked into this arena. What are your thoughts on Young Naruto?" I asked in innocence. I didn't care what the snake said, Naruto had proven in both skill and tactically planning, he had the required skill.

'Rasa' hummed. "If that were my shinobi that gave a performance like that, I'd throw him the jacket the second we returned to Sand. As you said he was in control the entire time. He used his opponent's emotions as another tool to use against him. His trapping and planning were superb, and his seal work seems to be well above his age and experience. A true prodigy in that unique branch of the shinobi arts. He makes his ancestors proud. My vote is a tentative yes, with a definite answer seeing how he faces off against an unknown opponent. Though I think we can both agree that the last Uchiha will most likely win." Rasa finished, a strange gleam in his eye when he spoke of Sasuke. I internally winced at that.

'My Gods, Orochimaru. Are you even trying at this point?'

"A glowing review, Lord Kazekage. I once again agree with your assessment. Young Naruto is on the path to be the greatest sealing master Konoha has had since Lady Mito herself once lived here. He makes me proud every day." I stated, letting the pride I felt for the boy bleed into my voice.

"Damn right he does! He's got the best teacher around too!" Jiraiya boasted loudly.

"Let us turn our attention to the field, the show is about to continue" I announced to those in the booth.

********************************** Fú Bae Beat Down************************************

"The second fight of the Chunin exam finals will now begin! Sasuke Uchiha, are you ready?" Hayate called loudly, sending him into a coughing fit.

"Yes" Came the bored drawl of the Uchiha.

"Fú of Taki, are you ready?" He managed to cough out.

"Yes, sir! I'm excited!" Fú's cute reply came. The audience agreed with me as laughter could be heard throughout the arena.

"Begin!" And Hayate jumped back.

*********************************** Fú Ass Kicking*************************************

I thought over the last month. After the hot spring trip after the preliminaries I stopped in to see how Fú was getting on in her hotel. She was over the moon to see me and we spent a few hours just hanging out and chatting. I asked what her plan was over the month, still fuming about the Jonin and teammates abandoning her. She told me she didn't really know. She was just going to work on the techniques she knew and work a bit with Chomei. Well that just wasn't acceptable. So I went with the plan that never failed me. Ask the parents. Dad was at the prelims and saw firsthand how they treated her. When mom heard she was ready to march to Taki and demand a duel to the death with her shitty Jonin instructor. After calming mom down and assuring her that starting a war with Taki was a little extreme, we talked about her predicament. Dad finally decided that, as a favor to his favorite (and only) son, he would call in a favor some friends owed him.

When I was able to see her a few days later, she about sent me through the wall in her enthusiasm to hug me. She told me that yesterday some creepy ANBU had showed up at her hotel and instructed her to meet at one of the training grounds. He had told her over the month that he and some of his squad members would rotate helping her train, depending on who was and wasn't available. I smiled at her excitement, and eagerly listened to all her stories.

She said even though they were all a little scary in their masks, they were either really nice, or at least polite to her and taught her or supervised her without bias. That simple motion of unbiased training had made the girl happier than Naruto with a promise of free ramen. It made me so sad for the gorgeous girl, but also happy that dad's friends were treating her right.

**********************************Ass Kicking Start**************************************

I smiled at all of the memories of limited conversations over the last month. Fú's utter excitement about something she learned, no matter how big or small it was, was infectious.

It was time to see what an ANBU trained Fú was capable of.

Sasuke blinked, and his eyes bled red. Fú saw this and raced through hand seals. She unleashed the same torrent of blinding powder directly at the Uchiha who had enhanced his own vision. I tried to call out a warning, Sasuke had instantly appeared behind the girl. A choked gasp escaped my lips as Sasuke brought the chokuto down merciless on the girls exposed back. The slash may have been non-fatal, but it was going to hurt, bad. My gasp became some strange gurgled laugh as Fú burst into water.

'Calm down, Kenta. Fú is strong, she's capable, and Sasuke isn't going to kill her. Enjoy the fight and have faith in her.' I mentally told myself. I took a deep breath and did just that.

Sasuke blinked once in confusion as the now puddle of water. His eyes narrowed and began searching for this opponent. Fú came bursting out of the very powder she had unleashed, closing the distance between her and her opponent rapidly. She threw and blazingly quick right hook that the Uchiha barely dodged. The displaced air from the force of Fú's punch ruffling his hair. Sasuke's eyes widened slightly, seeing that this fight would not be so easily won.

Fú landed and quickly spun on her heel, foot lashing out towards Sasuke. Sasuke was able to get his guard up, wincing slightly at the force behind the kick. A flurry of hand to hand combat quickly ensued, neither side having the upper hand. Where Sasuke had the reach and Sharingan at his disposal, Fú quickly made sure to eliminate one of those advantages. She kept close to the Uchiha, never letting him use his height and reach to his advantage. She constantly kept slipping inside his guard, his quick reflexes coupled with those eyes the only thing keeping him from having his ribs broke. The exchange continued for a few more seconds before Sasuke saw and opening and was able to get a clean, hard kick directly into Fú's stomach. She coughed as the wind was forced from her lungs. Sasuke took the opportunity to create space from the petite terror and gain some distance.

Fú eyed Sasuke warily. This wasn't an opponent she could take lightly. He was strong, fast, had good reflexes, and his eyes gave me a huge advantage. She had tried to make those eyes work against him, but he had already seen that technique and wouldn't get caught in it without some planning or as a big surprise. She readied herself, Sasuke began to flash through hand seals.

"Fire Release: Phoenix Flower Technique!" Half a dozen small fireballs raced towards her from all heights and directions. Fú smiled.

"Water released: Hand of Waves!" Fú called her own technique, a stream of highly pressurized water erupted from her palm. A technique one of the nice ANBU had taught her. Her water quickly doused the fire and she smiled brightly. It was then the hidden shuriken made themselves known as Fú was now dodging for her life. The last passed by and Fú let out a relieved sigh. The sigh turned into a startled "EEP!" as Fú's arms were snapped to her sides and her whole body was pulled taught. That was when she noticed the very fine wire snaked around her body. She looked towards her opponent, the wires pulled tight by his teeth as he was racing through hand signs quickly.

Fú tested the wire, too strong to brute force her way out. No choice, she took a deep breath and mold the chakra in her stomach. She let it build, the way nice ANBU had showed her, and then spat out a small, but highly dense and fast moving ball of water at her capture. Sasuke was not expecting the girl to be able to use any techniques with her arms pinned. In his shock he was unable to process in time and was sent careening backwards as the dense ball of water crashed into his face. The audience groaned as they watched Sasuke fall backwords. Fú chered loudly at her new freedom and began racing through handseals once more.

"Hidden Technique: Hiding in Scale Powder!" And she once again unleashed the gigantic cloud of the shining dust. Sasuke was pulling himself to his feet and heard the technique. His eyes widened and he cursed, deactivating his eyes and shutting them as the cloud engulfed him. Fú smiled wide, victory in her sights, she raced into the cloud at full speed. What happened next no one could see. Once moment, low murmuring of speculation was the only sound to be heard, the near silence was pierced by Sasuke's cry of pain. The Uchiha was catapulted up toward the sky by Fú's apparent crushing blow. He burst through the top of the cloud. As he reached his apex he shook himself from his daze. He looked down, gravity started to do what she does best. He blitzed through a set of hand seals, plan in motion.

"Lightning Release: Racing Currents!" The Uchiha called out. Lightning erupted from his hands and raced towards the ground. The second the lightning hit the cloud of shining dust, Fú's agonizing scream of pain sounded throughout the arena as the cloud illuminated to near impossible levels. Everyone in the arena was forced to close their eyes, the sound of Fú's screams the only thing anyone could focus on. Her cry cut off, and the blinding light behind our eyelids began to dim. People around the stadium tentatively opened their eyes. The cloud was slowly dissipating. The arena completely silent. Everyone held their breath, waiting to see the final results. Two shapes began to emerge in the shadow of the dust. One standing, the other laying on the ground.

Finally the dust had cleared enough and the stadium erupted in cheers. Sasuke was standing next to an unconscious Fú. He was looking down at her, eyes filled with apprehension. Hayate rushed over and checked on the small, mint-haired girl. A few seconds later he stood up.

"Fú of Taki is no longer able to fight. The winner of the second match is Sasuke Uchiha! Medics!" Hayate announced.

I immediately flickered down to the field, my heart in my throat and fear gripping my stomach. I knew firsthand what lightning could do to someone. I brushed past a stammering Sasuke and knelt down beside the girl. The first thing I noticed was her chest rising and falling. Good sign. I took her pulse, not noticing any irregularities. My fear lessened slightly, but I was no medic.

"Medic! Now!" I screamed. A voice answered immediately.

"Here dear. We're here, calm down she's going to be OK." A kindly, older looking female medic assured me.

"Please, please tell me she's ok. I checked her pulse and breath and-and-"Her warm hand laid itself on top of mine, calming me down for a second. I looked up and she was still smiling warmly.

"I will tell you right now, dearie." She said, and her hands ignited in the gentle green glow of healing chakra. She held it over Fú's heart for a few seconds before smiling once more at me. "Unconscious and minor electrical burning. I assure, Young Lord, we will have her up and about in time to watch your match." The kind woman replied.

The sigh of relief I breathed must have been heard by all in attendance. "Please, take care of her. If she asks, tell her I'll be down as soon as I can."

She pat my cheek, her assistants already working to get her on their stretcher. "As I said Young Lord, she'll be up about before your match." And with that they carted her off towards the medical facility in the compound.

"Kenta, I-"Sasuke's voice sounded behind me.

I stood up abruptly and whipped around, smile in place. "It's a competition. You weren't intentionally trying to hurt or kill her. She clocked you good and you retaliated. Medics assure me she will be fine." I stuck out my hand to the Uchiha. "Good win, Uchiha. You and Naruto next round, that'll be a fight to witness. Forgive me if I root for my teammate though." I finished with a smirk for the UChiha.

He quickly composed himself before throwing me his own cocky little smile. "Cheer all you want, the idiot won't know what him."

Hayate was shooing us back upstairs, getting the third matchup ready while the Kage in the booth talked over the match. "How did you know that her powder was lightning conductive?" I asked the boy as we made our back to the observation deck.

"Educated guess. When she hit me in the face with the initial blast, a few of the particles seemed to irritate my skin. I stuck out my hand and rubbed my fingers and it felt like small abrasive particles. I didn't have much more time to ponder as it was that moment my jaw felt like it shattered into a million pieces and I was set flying. I test my theory. Worst thing that could have happened was I missed." He finished with a shrug.

"Very nice. But know if you do somehow manage to beat Naruto, I'm avenging my woman in the finals." I play shoved him. We bickered back and forth as we walked back up the stairs.

******************************* Fú Bae I'm sorry!***************************************

"Oh Fú, you tried so hard. You've gotten much stronger since I've last seen you." The Young Taki leader said wistfully.

I glanced over at the young leader and frowned. The utter lack of respect his shinobi had shown the young girl was repulsive and left a horrid taste in my mouth. Shibuki at least seemed to care for her. I swallowed my distaste and analyzed the situation logically. If I took an honest view of the situation, replaced myself with Shibuki and Fú with Naruto, he was in the same boat as me. My grumpy attitude vanished and I smiled at the young leader.

"She did do quite well didn't she? Both of us knowing she wasn't going full out, she still gave Sasuke a run for his money. Tell me, Young Shibuki, your thoughts. Be honest with Sasuke, I need varying opinions on my shinobi." I smiled kindly at the young man.

He thought for a moment before answering. "I will start with Fú. While she showed the required strength and quick mind to be a Chunin, she was on the defensive most of the fight. She was playing to her opponents tune and only really reacting to the plan he had in place. As far as strength, Fú is well above the requirements for a promotion. However, she needs to work on her tactical mind and planning if she wants to lead her team to success. I would not promote her this cycle. I am just happy that she got out of the village and got more experience."

I nodded in agreement. Lord Shibuki's assessment was right in-line with my own.

"Now Lord Sasuke had a plan from the start. He executed that plan flawlessly, countering all of Fú's counters to his plan. He clearly has the required strength. I mean being able to use two nature transformations at his age? Remarkable. And even when his plan was derailed by Fú's surprise at the end, he was able to turn his misfortune into his victory. As Lord Kazekage recommended for Lord Naruto, I will also say that I tentatively agree on Sasuke's promotion, admitting that I'm leaning in favor of rather than against. His match against Lord Naruto will allow us to see how he deals with an incredibly crafty opponent." He finished with a slight bow of the head to me at the end.

Once again, exactly as I was thinking. Young Kenta's analysis of the young leader was spot on. In a fight, nothing to write home about. But his sharp mind and leadership skills made him worthy of his office, despite the young age.

"Once more, I couldn't have said it better myself. You hit all the pros and cons of both competitors." I smiled at the young man once more. His flush of embarrassment at my praise was endearing. "Lord Rasa, do you have anything to add or say?"

'Lord Rasa grunted.' "Shibuki's analysis covers most of what my own thoughts were. Though I would personally say no to Sasuke at this time. I will make a decision after his fight against Naruto. He has the talent yes, but the thing that Naruto has that I didn't see from Sasuke was the ability to think a few steps ahead on the fly." He finished by turning towards the arena, his 'daughter' was about to fight and he had to play the part of interested father.

"I thank you for the additional insight. I value both opinions. We will see what round two holds for us." I laughed jovially. Turning my attention to the arena as Shikaku's boy had just tumbled unceremoniously to the ground.

*************************************Forgive me!**************************************

"The third match of the Chunin exam finals will now begin." Hayate called once more.

After an eventful showing, which consisted of an excitable Naruto pepping talking Shikamaru a little too enthusiastically, saw said Nara catapulted over the railed by an overeager back slap via Naruto. After a quick shouting match between the two that Shika gave up due to effort, the Nara stood across from his opponent.

Temari stood tall and proud. The picture perfect showing of confident kunoichi ready to go to war. She had a confident smirk on her face, but her sharp eyes were analyzing every twitch the Nara heir made.

"This is going to be a long match." I said suddenly.

"Why do you say that?" Ami asked curiously, eyes now back to studying the two opponents.

"Temari is more than just a strong wind user, she's got an analytic mind hidden there that she tries to hide. She's eyeing Shika like a hawk, already planning how to outsmart the genius. Isn't that right, Gaara?" I looked over at the undersized red-head who had been watching the fights silently. Occasionally whispering to his sister when something happened. He had taken a few steps towards our little group, but still kept his distance. He straightened when I addressed him.

I felt his gaze on me for a moment before hearing his raspy voice. "You are correct. Temari has always been keen of mind. She enjoys a mental challenge much more than a physical challenge. I think she will enjoy fighting the Nara boy." He finished.

I nodded and laughed. "Well she seems to have spirit, that's for sure. Hopefully she's good at keeping her cool. Shikamaru plays mind games without even meaning to. His infuriating personality quirks can rattle even the sturdiest of cages." I tuned back into the match as Hayate was speaking again.

"Without further delay" He paused and glared at Shikamaru who simply yawned in response. His eye twitched before regaining his control. "We will begin the match. Temari of the Desert, are you ready?"

"I am, Mister Proctor!" She stated loud and confident.

"Shikamaru Nara, are you ready?"

"No" the boy drawled, yawning.

"Begin!" And he retreated.

As soon as Hayate had moved Shika's shadow lashed out, much faster than it had a month ago. So someone WAS able to get the boy motivated. I snickered to myself, picturing his mother nagging so hard he escaped her wrath by training.

Temari's eyes widened, noticing the change as well. She leapt back but the shadow closed in. She retreated further and further until the shadow abruptly stopped. She stopped as well, smirk back in place. Drawing a line with her fan, she eyed the Nara with a predatory gaze.

"This seems to be your limit. As long as I don't pass this mark, I will be safe."

Shikamaru sighed dramatically. "Oh no. My plans are foiled, whatever shall I do?" His monotone sarcastic reply made many in the audience giggle.

Temari's face reddened slightly in anger. She gripped her fan tightly and swung it with all her might. The gale of wind she released rocked the arena, startling everyone.

"I have no idea, lazy ass, but you better come up with something soon. Your shadow has a limit but my wind doesn't!" She yelled, swinging her fan and summoning the tempest once more to drive her point home. The battle of minds had begun.


"Oh. My. God. I am so BORED!" Naruto's frustrated shout came for the umpteenth time. "This is the most boring match ever! It's like cat and mouse! All Shika is doing is hiding, and Temari is flushing him from spot to spot. DO SOMETHING!"

Ami bopped Naruto upside the head. "Keep it down, Naruto. And just because this type of fighting doesn't appeal to you, doesn't mean it's boring to all of us. I find it fascinating. It's like a game of real life shogi." Ami gushed.

I was right in the middle. While I did enjoy the tactics and back and forth, an hour and half was a bit much. I noticed Shika fiddling with something then caught a glimpse of what was in his hand. I smiled.

"This match is about to be over, Shika is going to make his final move. It's over." I announced to the spectators.

Naruto cheered loudly. Gaara's voice sounded for the first time since he last spoke. "Why do you say that?" He asked. Slight curiosity laced his usual monotone tone.

"Call it a hunch. He's had this plan since the match started." I said matter-of-factly.

Gaara just stared at me slightly disbelieving. "You mean to tell me he's been leading my sister this entire match? I do not believe it. I have been observing everything. It has been back and forth."

I laughed at the boy, his voice getting slightly defensive over his sibling at the end. "I'm sorry, Gaara. But that's exactly what I mean. Temari is no doubt a talented tactician. But Shikamaru is a once in a century kind of mind. Every move he's made has been to get Temari to move a certain way. If you don't believe me, just watch." I turned my attention back to the fight. Gaara quickly followed suit. Eyes narrowed in complete concentration.

Five minutes later, Gaara's widening eyes were a perfect match for Temari's look of utter shock. She walked forward at a casual pace, moves mirroring her opponents. Shikamaru looked his utterly bored self. He walked the two forward until they were mere feet apart. He raised his hand, as did Temari. A look of apprehension written clearly on her face.

"I forfeit" Shikamaru drawled, and released his technique.

Naruto and I rolled on the ground laughing at the perfect ending of that chess match. I knew Shikamaru was lying, I could feel he still had over half his reserves. But whatever his reasoning, the booing crowd and his unimpressed face were the funniest thing I'd seen in a long time.

I turned towards the Kage booth where the three village leaders were all discussing the previous match animatedly. I had no doubts what they were saying. Shikamaru was going to die of a stress induced heart attack when he was announced as a Chunin. It was then I finally recognized the man on the left. Shibuki, Fú's village leader. I scowled to myself, getting worked thinking about those three assholes again.

"I like you much better when you're smiling. That frown on your face doesn't suit you. Plus, it'll give you early wrinkles." A voice giggled beside me. A voice I knew very well. I turned and scooped the girl up, spinning her around. Fú laughed loudly at my actions. I put her down and then did a visual check, making sure nothing looked out of place. "I'm fine, Kenta. Thank you for worrying, but I promise. The only thing that hurts is my pride losing in that way. Having my own technique turned on me. How embarrassing!" She lamented, hiding her eyes in her hands and fake pouting.

"Hey, now you know. Never, ever, ever use that technique against Sasuke, me, or any Kumo ninja" I jokingly told the girl, causing her to brighten and laugh again. She nodded then and asked me what I missed.

"NOTHING! It was the worst match ever. I mean I guess it was actually good. But it was long and boring! And no explosions or anything!" Naruto had made his way over and was now whining at the one person who would probably agree with him.

"We will start the fourth match of the Chunin Exam Finals in moments. Would Ami Kogure and Shino Aburame please join me in the arena." Hayate's voice cut through. I smiled at Ami.

"Good luck, Ami! Show what Anko's tortu-I mean training did for you!" I cheered. Ami laughed as Naruto had barreled into her, spinning her around and bouncing her in a similar manner to what I had just done to Fú.

"Thanks guys. I'll do my best. I won't let team 11 down!" She declared, determination in her eyes. She then turned to Shino who had started to make his way downstairs. "Lord Shino! Best of luck to you! Let's have a good match, even though I'm totally kicking your ass." Ami playfully smirked at Shino.

"Ah, Miss Ami, please just Shino is fine. Why? Because I am not clan heir yet. I wish you luck as well. I believe we will put on a show. But you a wrong. It is I who will be kicking ass today." He finished dryly. Every person in the visitors box was left gaping at the beetle user.

"Ami was the first to recover. Then drop the Miss as well. Let's do our best!" She then rushed up to Shino and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before dashing off into the tunnel that would lead her down to the arena.

Shino stood stiff as a board for a few moments. His eyes met mine. "The competition has already started with her, hasn't it?"

I shrugged. "Hard to say. I'll give you this fact and let you decide. She's been under the tutelage of Anko Mitarashi for over 6 months. Take that as you will."

Shino just nodded. "That answers my question." And he turned on his heel and marched down the tunnel that Ami had just disappeared through.

Moments went by before Naruto loudly addressed the elephant in the room. "I'm not crazy right? Shino Aburame, SHINO, just made a joke? Please tell me that's what I heard!" Naruto wailed.

"I… I think so? I'm not really sure." Sasuke admitted, gaze on the ground, contemplating that conundrum like it's answer were solve all the answers in the universe.

We all were lost in our thoughts before the sound of the crowd jolted us back to reality. The match was about to start.

******************************Mini-Anko Beat Down*************************************

"Ami Kogure, are you ready?" Hayate asked.

"I sure am, Mister Proctor!" Ami sing-songed lightly. Her eyes trained on Shino like a bird eyeing an insect. Mini-Anko had come out to play.

Hayate eyes her warily before turning to Shino. "Shino Aburame, are you ready?"

"I am." The unflappable boy replied dryly.

"4th match of the Chunin Selection Exam… Begin!" He retreated to the edge.

Ami moved first, she threw a handful of Kunai at the bug user. Shino countered by dodging or deflecting all 6 she had fired his way. The very last one erupted in a cloud of smoke the second Shino's kunai made contact with it. Another custom seal, courtesy of Naruto. Vibration activated smoke tag. Shino disappeared in the cloud of white smoke and Ami crouched down and placed her hand on the ground, eyes closed. Her eyes snapped open and just tossed a single kunai in a seeminly random direction. The tag on the kunai began to glow ominsiously and erupted in an explosion of heat. Shino's grunt of pain stunned many of the onlookers. The explosion had swept away most of the smoke, Shino looking the worse for wear. His hair was slightly singed, his dark glasses cracked. His exposed skin was slightly pink from the minor burns, and his grey jacket had some new singe marks to it.

"You knew where exactly I would escape to. How did you know?" Shino's monotone voice slightly inflected with a hint of curiosity and irritation simultaneously. "Had my kikaichū not warned me just before, that may have been the match."

Ami giggled and put on a coy smile. "Oh Shino, you should know. A lady never kisses and tells." Her coy smile became a predatory smirk. "But I will give you a hint, a snake always knows where her prey is."

A collective shiver ran through every soul in attendance that day, all save one.

"THAT'S MY MINION! KICK HIS ASS!" Anko's voice rang through the silence like a gong. The nervous energy that had hung in the air became sheer terror. One Anko was enough, now there was a second!

"I see. It was a sound strategy, but it also set me up for my victory." Shino stated. Not in confidence. Not gloating. He stated it as simply as he'd state any well-known fact.

"Why do you say that, cutie?" Ami giggled.

"When you attempted to shake me up by kissing my cheek in the booth, I order a few of my female kikaichū to hide in your hair. Since the match has started, my males have been gravitating towards the females without your notice. I have managed to hide dozens of my kikaichū in your hair and on your clothes. On my order they will begin to drain you chakra. As I said, it is over. Please surrender." Once again, no gloating. Pure logic and fact.

Ami looked on for a few moments before shrugging, not a care in the world. "I like my odds, cutie. Let's continue, see what happens." The glint returned to her eyes.

"I see." Was the simple reply. His hand twitched, and his warning wasn't a bluff. Dozens of tiny black bodies could now be seen crawling over Ami, who still looked completely nonplussed. It became apparent quickly. As soon as the kikaichū touched her skin, they fell to the ground, dead. Shino's eyes widened. "What did you do?" The first real emotion touching his voice. Those were his babies after all.

She smiled, but it never reached her eyes. "My first day training with Anko, I walked onto the field and was greeted by a senbon to my left boob. I spent the next 3 hours vomiting, trying to keep up with Anko's dodge training. Every day she exposed my body to a toxin until my immunity built up. Months of grueling training made me realize one thing. I don't need to sacrifice basic skincare to be a good kunoichi!" She whipped out an unmarked, unassuming white canister. Opening it revealed a white cream. "This is a formula I designed myself. It's all natural, and works on even the driest and most damaged skin. Ladies! I'm taking customer orders! Just make sure you read the label and follow the instructions before applying to your skin." She then focused back on Shino, a smirk very reminiscent of Anko on her face. "The blend of 18 toxins and venoms in the cream can cause a multitude of side effects. Including death."

Even behind the dark shades, the widening of Shino's eyes was unmistakable. Contact with Ami's skin was a potential death sentence. His hand ghosted to his cheek. The question in his eyes. For once Ami dropped the persona.

"Oh, no Shino. I want to win, but I would never resort to underhanded tactics like that! Well, underhanded BEFORE the match. From start to finish, anything is game." She finished, her crazy reappearing at the end.

Shino nodded, relaxing slightly before he started to plan his next move. That was a serious problem if his kikaichū couldn't touch her skin. He would win this though, he had to represent team 8. He'd just have to get enough of his friends onto the dangerous girl before him and hope that his kikaichū could drain her fast enough before he lost too many. Plan in place, he made his move. He began tossing shuriken after shuriken at the purple haired teen. Ami for her part began to put work this so called dodge training Anko had put her through. It paid off. Effortlessly she began to weave through the veritable hail of metal being bombarded at her. The displays of incredible flexibility combined with the seamless dodges made Ami seem as though she were dancing on stage. Shino wasn't deterred, he reached into his pouch and tossed the small ball. The tables had turned and now it was Ami who was lost in cloud of white.

Ami cursed, Shino was much too dangerous to take your eyes off of for even a moment. She withdrew a small scroll and opened it, pumping chakra into the matrix. The seal glowed bright before a strong gust of wind propelled forward from the scroll, dispelling the cloud and returned her vision. Another curse, as the swarm was rapidly approaching her. A cloud of black, buzzing with vengeance to fulfill their host's wishes. Ami retreated back as quick as she could. Hands rapidly flying through hand seals. She took a deep breath and unleased her fury on the thousands of little demons.

"Fire Release: Grand Fireball Technique!" Ami's shout rang out. An orb the size of a merchant's cart erupted from the girl's mouth and roared across the arena. Shino ordered his kikaichū to break ranks and dodge. The cloud split, the roaring inferno was quick enough to incinerate a large portion of the winged terrors. Shino winced in pain at the loss. The connection to thousands of his friends cut off permanently. His attack did relent, the kikaichū split into smaller clouds that continued to pursue their target. Ami wasn't done. She continued backpedaling, avoiding the chakra starved beetles. She flipped through half a dozen more hand seals and inhaled once more.

"Fire Release: Phoenix Flower Technique!" The purple haired girl spat out multiple smaller balls of flame. Aiming at the collection of smaller colonies that were pursuing her. The beetles evaded, scattering in all directions, but the unforgiving flames still claimed thousands more victims. Shino clutched his head, calling off his attack. Almost half of his kikaichū were no more, he had to be careful now. A loss of too many of his friends and his colony wouldn't be able to recover. His kikaichū retreated to Shino, taking safety from the blazing flames that had consumed thousands already. Shino attempted to plan his next move, but Ami wasn't giving him time. She quickly made two hand signs, and in tribute to her teammate, disappeared in a 'Body-Flicker.' Shino's eyes narrowed and he searched around the arena for the kunoichi.

Ami for her part retreated far away. She was now perched at the top of the wall, the sun directly at her back, giving her additional coverage even for just a moment. Her prey in sight, she pumped chakra to her legs and shot off like a bullet, the concrete cracking slightly from the force of her explosive takeoff. Shino heard the rustling of clothes and whipped around, eyes widening in shock seeing his opponent rocketing his direction at incredible speeds. He attempted to escape from the purple bullet, but Ami's attack was almost upon him.

"Hidden Shadow Snake Hands!" her voice sounded, half a dozen snakes blitzing forward from the shadow of her long sleeves. They struck hard and fast, wrapping around Shino and biting down. Shino winced as the fangs pierced his flesh in multiple places, a burning sensation followed shortly after in a few places.

Ami crashed to the ground behind the beetle user, legs reinforced with chakra to cushion the landing. Using the momentum generated, she whipped the beetle user around, using the snakes as rope. Using all her strength, she slammed the boy into the stadium wall. Shino grunted in pain at the impact, but felt the snakes loosen their hold and release him. He fell to the ground, panting heavily. The snakes returned to the shadows of Ami's kimono once more.

For the second time, day-to-day Ami came back. She smiled at the boy with slight guilt. "Sorry, cutie. But NOW the fight is over. I'm sure you could guess it, but my snakes are venomous. Their venom is lethal, though it takes many hours. I highly suggest you forfeit, and I can administer the antidote. But if you don't and want to go down swinging, I'll make sure the medics are given it."

Shino nodded. "Your concern is not unappreciated. Though I do not think I will surrender at this time. I have one more trick up my sleeve." And for the first time all match, Shino was racing through hand seals. He finished the sequence and slammed both balms to the ground.

"Earth Release: Breaching Lance!" Shino called out. Ami's eyes widened in panic as a spear of earth was now closing the distance between them rapidly. She jumped back, back peddling once more to escape the technique. Ami's retreat was fast, but the amount of Chakra Shino was pumping into the technique increased its speed. Less than a foot from piercing her abdomen, the technique abruptly halted. A wide eyed Ami glanced at Shino. He was panting heavily, sweat rolling off him in torrents. He was spent, and the venom was taking its toll.

Ami let out a sigh of relief which quickly turned into a scream. The deadly tip that had been inches from piercing her erupted, thousands of kikaichū pouring out. Ami got hold of herself and grimaced, knowing what she had to do wasn't going to be comfortable. Her skill in fire techniques was coming along nicely, but she wasn't near the level yet to properly mold and convert her chakra without the required hand seals. However, Ami wasn't losing this fight.

She made a single one-handed seal, took a deep breath, and exhaled a veritable stream of concentrated flames into the swarm that was seconds away from sucking her dry. Thousands more connections snapped inside Shino's mind, the pain almost too unbearable. He recalled the few that had survived back to safety. Ami ended the stream, coughing violently at the wild flames that had caused some mild burning in her esophagus.

Shino's breathing was labored as he hadn't moved from him position on the ground. Using his remaining strength he raised his head slightly.

"Mr. Proctor that… was my last… gambit." Shino wheezed out. "My hive… is decimated… Continuing could… be disastrous… I forfeit." And with those words, he collapsed to his stomach.

"Shino Aburame has surrounded, Ami Kogure is the winner!" Hayate called out. Coughing from yelling so loud. "Medics!" He managed to choke out.

The three medics rushed to the field, the kind woman was doing a quick assessment while her two helpers loaded. Ami rushed over to them, pulling a glass vial from her pouch. She conferred with the woman, explaining that it was the antidote. The older woman smiled warmly and patted Ami's cheek before ushering the downed Aburame to the medic facilities.

The crowd, already thunderous roared their approval for the show of comradery. Ami just now seemed to notice the noise. The crowd cheering for her caused her face to flush in embarrassment. She swallowed that down and smiled brightly at the crowd. She waved and smiled, turning to take in all those showing her support. Her eyes continuously scanning until she found a mop of purple hair, a shade darker than her own.

Her Mother was jumping up and down, tears streaming down her face, screaming at all those around her and pointing to Ami. Her father's eyes were shimmering with unshed tears, but he was staring down at her, a proud smile on his face. Ami's heart soared and she waved and blew a kiss to her mother and father. Finally, she turned towards the booth that housed her leader and foreign dignitaries. She bowed deeply in respect to Lord Third, remembering her manners her mother instilled into her. With a final wave to the crowd, the first generation civilian kunoichi walked out of the arena, head held high and heart full of pride at her accomplishment.

********************************Ami Kick Ass Yeahhhh***********************************

I smiled at the bowing purple haired kunoichi. Pride filling me after witnessing a terrific match between two of my upcoming stars. Ami's growth was phenomenal. Her dedication and work ethic, combined with knowledge and support had indeed ignited the Will of Fire in the civilian born girl. After seeing that display, I think I will be adding Young Anko to the list of Jonin to take a team next graduation. I laughed manically inside, thinking of her face when I told her the wonderful news.

"Remarkable. You say she is a first generation shinobi, Lord Third?" Shibuki's question came.

"That she is. Less than a year out of the academy as well, might I add. Between her team captain's instruction and training, combined with a kunoichi in my ranks who was… persuaded heavily to help train the girl, she has blossomed most splendidly. What your thoughts, gentleman?"

'Lord Rasa' spoke first. "It was a bad match-up for the Aburame boy. From the ingenious idea to make her very skin deadly to his living weapons, to the type matchup. He was already at a disadvantage. His strategy and improvisation on the fly are both impressive for one so young, but I think he needs a little more time to grow in strength. He learned a big weakness of his today, he needs to grow from it. I would recommend no for promotion."

I had to grudgingly admit that my old student's analysis was sound. He may be unhinged, but his eye for talent and how to improve it was as sharp as ever.

"Well said, Lord Rasa. All excellent points. I will take them into consideration. Lord Shibuki, what say you about our female contestant?"

"Promote, without a question. She had sound strategies that she executed flawlessly, yet was able to think quickly and react to her opponent and make a counter-strategy. While it was a back and forth match, she always seemed to have the slight advantage, never giving the Aburame heir enough traction to wrest control from her. Her display of fire techniques was impressive for a civilian not even a year out of school. Finally, part of me felt that she wasn't fighting in her usual manner. The way she moves, she seems to favor hand to hand. However, getting close to young Shino could be disastrous, so she worked with what she had and came out on top." He summarized.

I chuckled at the assessment, spot on as usual. "You are indeed right. She likes to get up close, using a particularly vicious style of hand to hand combat. Her unique techniques, poisons, and fire techniques are usually used as supplements to her style. She indeed impressed me today. I have much to consider. These fights lift my spirits greatly, and drive some of the ache from these old bones. The future for Konoha looks brighter by the minute."

***********************************Big Fight Incoming***********************************

As soon as Ami walked through the arch to rejoin us on the balcony, she was wrapped up by an overeager blonde. She laughed in delight once again as Naruto spun her around, heaping the praise on loudly. He finally let her down and stepped back, large smile still on his face. I walked over, much more subdued by no less excited and happy for our teammate. I gave her a normal hug.

"That was excellent, Ami. Anko really put you through the works didn't she? You were in control for go. Team 11 is 2/2, now it's up to me." I praised my teammate, glancing at my opponent. Gaara stood there, as impassive as ever, seemingly lost in thought.

"Thank you, both of you. I wouldn't be here without either of you. You better win, Kenta. I don't know how they're going to do round 2, but if I don't get to fight you I'm kicking you ass!" She declared, challenging smile in place. We chatted a few more minutes. Fú and Sasuke joined us after a bit and both offered their heartfelt congratulations. Even Temari congratulated Ami.

"There's too many worthless princesses that give the rest of us ladies a bad name. It's good to see a strong kunoichi taking her job seriously. Kicking ass at it too." Temari told Ami boldly.

Ami blushed slightly. "Thank you, Lady Temari… It pains me to say it, but I was one of those girls less than a year ago. Knucklehead and Ice Queen over there snapped me out of that mindset though. Together, they helped me get strong."

Temari just laughed. "Ice Queen. That fits." I scowled at the foreign Kunoichi, only increasing her laughter. "Regardless of who you were, today you went toe-to-toe with not only a competitor from a clan, but the clan heir no doubt. You competed and you won. Take it all in, because when you and I fight, I won't go easy on you." She smirked in challenge. Ami met her smirk for smirk.

We all chatted and smack talked for another minute before Hayate's voice called out.

"Ladies and gentleman, the fifth and final match of the first round of the Chunin Selection Exam will begin shortly. Would Gaara of the Desert and Kenta Yamanaka please make their way to the arena!"

I smiled brightly. Butterflies dancing in my stomach. Adrenaline already being produced and pumping through my veins. I turned and looked at all my friends, my excited, nervous smile growing.

"Well, cheer me on. I'd say wish me luck, but I won't need it." I cockily said. Fú's elbow found my diaphragm. I coughed a bit, catching my breath, she definitely held back.

"Confidence is sexy, being a cocky brat is not only unappealing, but it'll get you killed." She informed me in clipped tones. Her face softened and she smiled. "Go out there and do your best. Be careful out there. I know he's not unstable anymore, but he's still a…" Her voice trailed off at the end. She was looking down, face creased in worry.

I grabbed her gently by the arms. "Hey" I called in a soft voice. "I'll be fine. Just cheer for me as loud as you can. The louder you cheer, the harder I hit." I smiled down at the girl. She returned my smile and nodded rapidly. Arms wrapping around my middle, she hugged me tightly. I returned the embrace before unhooking her arms and stepping back.

"Well, don't want to get disqualified. Later!" And I took off down the tunnel. My friend's calls of well wishes and cheering followed me all the way to the arena.

"Show time" I said to myself, smile back in place.

********************************Here we goooooo**************************************

I stepped out of the tunnel and into the bright sunlight, eyes squinting slightly against the sun's assault. The roar of the crowd greeted me. I took it all in, walking towards the center, waving at the familiar faces I saw. I found my family, Kono had changed her sign.

"Go Big Bro! If you lose you owe me ice cream for a month!" The sign read, little doodles gave it an artsy feel. I laughed loudly and waved to my parents and baby sister. I reached the center. Gaara stood across from me, eyes scanning me, sizing me up. I did the same. He was small for his age and skinny. The most exercise he got was carrying around that gourd. Which I'd bet was light as a feather with his chakra running through it. I had a plan, I'd stick to it and win this.

"Ok gentleman. Remember the rules. Fight ends when one of you surrenders or I declare one of you unable to fight. If I stay stop, you stop or I make you stop." Hayate looked directly at Gaara who nodded in understanding. "Then get ready to prove yourselves."

"Ladies and Gentleman, the final match of the first round is about to start!" Hayate called to the crowd. "Gaara of the Desert, are you ready?"

"Yes" was the simple, monotone reply.

"Kenta Yamanaka, are you ready?"

"Yes, sir! You bet!" I called excitedly.

"Begin!" And he moved to his observation position.

I was a blur of motion, plan was a-go.

"Water Release: Syrup Trap!" The bone deep exhaustive training paid off. Not only was the chakra drain now negligible, but the absolute torrent that exploded from my lungs made my earlier attempts at the technique seem quite pathetic.

The viscous liquid raced towards the redhead before being completely shut down by the wall of sand that seemingly materialized out of thin air. I smiled in triumph as the liquid soaked into the sand, deepening the color to a dark brown. Normal water would have made the sand heavy, but the thick liquid increased that effect further. No time to gloat.

I vanished, appearing to Gaara's left, half a dozen kunai flying from my fingers. As soon as they left my hand I vanished again, this time to Gaara's right. His sand had sluggishly moved to intercept the previously thrown kunai. He caught movement in his peripheral and his eyes widened on seeing my form vanishing once again and more kunai heading from the opposite side. Simultaneously, both sets of kunai I had thrown exploded at once, disrupting the sand further. I was gone again, fingers flashing, my technique roaring to life as soon as I landed not even 5ft behind Gaara.

"Lightning Release: Lightning Beast Running!" I called out. Gaara turned quickly. Eyes wide seeing me so close to him. He commanded his sand to move, but it wasn't fast enough to stop lightning from this distance. The lightning chakra exploded forward in the shape of a wild beast. It slammed into the one-tailed host, his screams of pain music to my ears. His sand fell to the ground, his concentration broken. I held the technique for a few more moments before cutting the connection. I wasn't done yet. A single hand seal was all that was needed for this technique. I flickered behind the red head who had yet to recover from the electrocution.

"Lightning Release: Thunderclap!" I brought my hands crashing together directly into the ears of the suna ninja, the lightning chakra magnifying the sound to unbearable levels. He cried out in pain once again, falling to his knees clutching his ears. I took a page out of Sasuke's book and stole his move. I appeared in front of the redhead, foot cocked back. I brought a crushing kick to his jaw, the force enough to send him slightly skyward. I disappeared, once more and reappeared midair behind Gaara. I lashed out with both my legs, a bruising kick to his shoulder blades. Using the age old wall walking technique, I stuck my feet in place as gravity took effect. In a display of flexibility, I did a backbend midair. As soon as my hands touched the ground, my abdominal muscles contracted. With a crying roar, I pulled the attached redhead all the way around until his head crashed into the unforgiving concrete. I detached myself and jumped back, waiting to see the result of my onslaught.

I took a few deep breathes, slowing my heart rate and breathing. The entire exchange took less than 30 seconds. Excited murmuring and cheers reached my ears, but I blocked them out. My concentration was solely on this fight until Hayate called an end. A quiet groan was the only thing that reached my ears. Gaara stirred and slowly pulled himself to his feet. The god damn sand armor took a brunt of the damage from my physical attacks, his slightly heavy breathing told me that at least my elemental techniques did some damage.

He shook his head, clearing it of the cobwebs I'm sure had taken residence. His eyes met mine and he glared. "Before coming to Konoha, I had no idea what pain was or felt like. Since then, within the span of a month, I've been hurt by two different Konoha shinobi. I can now give an honest opinion. I don't like it. I underestimated you. It won't happen again. Prepare yourself, Kenta Yamanaka!"

And just like that, I was now on the defensive. What seemed like hundreds of tendrils of sand came rushing at me from all directions. I was doing everything I could to dodge the sandy appendages. Left, right, up, down, the barrage was relentless and unending. It was everything I could do to avoid the danger, let alone come up with any type of counter. Trying to get my mind to think, I felt something brush my ankle. I looked down, and my eyes widened seeing the sand wrap itself around my ankle.

"Oh, Fu-"I was yanked skyward, the feeling of weightlessness was replaced by the rush of air as I was being thrown to the ground. My back met concrete and I grunted in pain, before I could orient myself, I was yanked to the left and ruthlessly slammed into the arena wall. My head was ringing and my back was sore as all get out. I opened my eyes and screamed a curse that I knew my mother wouldn't approve of. A second tendril was charging toward me, midair it's shaped changed and the sand became more compact. I was able to move my head just enough to avoid the cylinder of hardened sand that crashed against the arena wall. Fear was quickly overtaken by anger, and finally the cobwebs were swept up and my mind kicked back on.

I pulled out a kunai and charged it with electricity. I slashed at the sand holding me in place and dropped to the ground. Retreating back, I stared at my opponent. Gone was the glare I had last seen, replaced by a calculating gaze. 12 appendages of sand danced menacingly behind the small redhead. As if to make up for lost time and as was of apology, my mind was firing at a rapid pace. Plan after plan was created and tossed out. Finally, I settled on one that would at least buy me the time I needed to get a full plan in motion.

'Shisui, wherever you are, if you're watching, wish me luck' I sent a silent prayer to my idol.

I vanished. A rapid series of 'body-flickers' to every corner of the arena. Gaze finding Gaara between jumps, pleased that his critical gaze held a hint of nervousness. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight. I reappeared directly on Gaara's backside. "Water Release:" his sand lashed out, I prayed, and flickered for the ninth time. I landed, and grinned. My legs held, the muscles straining, but not torn. I was right in Gaara's face. His eyes widened, and I grinned. "Raging Water Waves!" I called and unleashed a veritable flood directly into the smaller boy's face. He was forced back, spluttering as the torrent of water kept up its assault. I couldn't give him an opening to recover. I continued my assault while racing through more seals. I cut off the flow of water, and activated my next technique.

"Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder!" I called. I placed my hands on the ground now saturated with water and let the current go. It raced along the ground, the minerals in the water acting as a conductor. The lightning technique hit Gaara and once again his scream was sweet music. I still wasn't done. If physical attacks weren't useful, I'd keep up the assault. I unsealed a sealing tag, smiling in pride at the memory of Naruto finishing the seal just for me.

It isn't unheard of for water uses to seal water inside a normal sealing scroll. The only problem is they're a onetime shot. As soon as the water is unsealed it comes out all at once. I pitched the idea to Naruto, and he didn't disappoint. This seal, when activated grants the user a portable source of water. The connection stays open, but the only way to get the water out is to connect your chakra to it and pull it out. I slapped the work of genius on my arm and activated it. I took a deep breath. I'm going to under the microscope after pulling this one out of my ass. I raced through the 12 hand seals I'd need.

"Water Release: Exploding Water Shock Wave!" I yelled. A few droplets rose from the seal on my forearm, the water churned at my command, and a literal tidal wave exploded towards the sky. Feeling the water fight my control, I clamped down on my chakra and bent it to my will. The wave that reached 50ft in the air obeyed my thoughts, and rushed towards Gaara. Gaara, finally shaking off the effects from my combination technique, stared in wide eyed horror at the gargantuan tower of water barreling down on him. He made a hand seal, gathering his chakra, the tidal wave crashed down with the force that only Mother Nature was capable of.

I stared at the spot where Gaara had disappeared under the water, panting heavily. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself. Even using existing water, 'Exploding Water Shock Wave' was still a B-Rank technique. Had I not undergone Mom's hell month, I would never have been able to even think of using this technique without knowing that chakra exhaustion would be my prize. I waited, the churning water slowly receding. When it settled, I clicked my tongue in annoyance. Where Gaara had once stood, a cacoon of sand now enveloped him protectively.

'No choice. This will be showing all my cards, but I have to do it if I want to take this juggernaut down.' I grimly thought to myself. I turned around, and fled. I was a streak of black and yellow. I crossed the distance to the far side of the arena and continued running straight up the wall. Higher and higher I climbed, resigned determination quickly being replaced by giddy excitement. I hit the lip of the wall, and with a burst of chakra, I pushed off, high into the air. I was now parallel to the ground, head pointing towards the arena floor. I took a deep breath, preparing myself mentally. I closed my eyes.

It was time. The storm clouds had rolled in, dark and ominous. The winds were picking up, the trees groaning their protest. Rain began to come down in sheets. Lightning relentlessly pounded the earth, uncaring in its destruction. The storm had broken out over Konoha.

I opened my eyes, the warm sun heating my face. I smiled. And locked onto my target.

Bird-Boar-Money. I clapped my hands together, my chakra answering my call with a childish glee. My blood singing its joy at being called upon once more. Luminous rings surrounded my wrists, I let the energy build. It built and built, growing and growing. Once I felt the energy threatening to burst, I thrust my palms straight down at the ground, and the light exploded.

"Storm Release: Flourishing Cascade!" I cried. Hundreds of tiny pinpricks of light formed around the bright bands surrounding my wrists. The energy gathered in the bands began to feed the light. A second later, as I reached the apex of my jump, pandemonium fell. Hundreds of lasers scattered in every direction, and then raced towards the earth. They fell with a vengeance, and where they struck, a small hole was left behind, a foot deep into the ground.

I grinned in triumph as I saw dozens of the lasers piercing through Gaara's defense like a hot knife through butter. 'Flourishing Cascade' was a unique little ability. It was as wild and uncontrollable as the elements it was formed of. Usually it's only used when you're around people you don't care of getting hit, or as a way to create space in an emergency situation. Or you can improvise like me… Carpet bombing an arena seems to be working for me.

As the small lasers began to pierce the shell of compact sand, Gaara's screams of terror sounded throughout the entire arena. My technique ended, and Gaara's shell fell away. A collective gasp was the reaction at seeing the young Suna shinobi. Standing where he had been the entire time. The boy was riddled in small holes from head to toe. Blood leaked slightly from all his wounds. He looked down at himself, seeing the blood. Terror filled his eyes, terror became rage.

"You made me bleed, Yamanaka. I will end you!" He screamed in rage. His sand reacted to his anger and shot towards me, the sand forming an eerie hand reaching towards me to exact its master's revenge. I was still airborne, with no way to escape. I decided to flip the script on an old saying… The best defense is a good offence.

Boar-Hare-Horse-Tiger. I pointed my index finger at the encroaching threat. "Storm Release: Quick Shot Light Blitz" Just like his cocoon of defense, my technique tore through the hand and continued its charge towards the magnet release user. Gaara's eyes widened in shock, saved only at the last second by the sand that had always protected him. It yanked Gaara out of harm's way, my technique tearing a much larger hole straight through where Gaara had just been. I reinforced my legs as I finally crashed to earth. Gaara and I stared at one another. Fingers twitched and we made our last charge.

Gaara thrust his hand forward, his sand obeying his command. A wave of sand was sent streaking towards me, molding and forming itself into a tight, compact, and what I'm going to guess really hard fist. I took a deep breath, my chakra obeying my will. This was it, my last move. My reserves were low and I was scraping the bottom of the barrel for this one. I sent a prayer to my ancestors and made the needed signs.

Tiger-Ram-Horse-Dragon. "Storm Release: Heat Seeking Light Blitz!" I called. I thrust my palm forward, the energy gathering. It built rapidly. My chakra coils burned, my vision swam, I fired. Thicker, faster and stronger than the 'Quick Shot Light Blitz' thundered forward. It tore through the fist as easily as my previous techniques but the fist continued its vengeful charge. This was going to hurt. With nothing left in me, the fist of sand crashed into me like mountain. It continued its charge until it crushed me mercilessly against the wall. The cry of pain was forced from my lips as bloody spittle erupted from my lips. The fist continued to grind me into the wall, attempting to turn me into a fine paste. The pressure built and built, my ribs creaking and groaning in protest. Despite my situation I was in, I grinned savagely upon hearing the loudest and most panic filled scream from Gaara. The pressure vanished and I plunged to the ground where I landed in a heap. With the last of my strength, I pulled myself to my feet and limped my way back to the center. I noticed that Hayate was leaning down besides something. I continued my slow trek, intent on finishing this fight. Hayate was shouting something and three people were rushing onto the arena ground. I frowned, not comprehending what was happening. I was only 10ft away now, and everything made sense.

Gaara lay on the ground, eyes closed. A pool of blood was slowly growing larger. The medics were here now, administering emergency first aid in preparation for transport. I finally noticed what had caused the blood. A hole the size of an orange had torn through Gaara's hip. I gasped, and the kindly medic seemed to finally notice me. She smiled at me, eyes a little tight in apprehension but she finally spoke.

"Not to worry dear. He will live. The biggest issue right now is blood loss and I've already slowed it down to see him to the hospital. Come to the medical ward and I'll get you patched up. That's a lad." She said, patting my cheek and then hurrying after the other two to see to the injured redhead. Hayate noticed me and gave me a nod of respect, I smiled at him.

"Gaara of the Desert is unable to continue. Kenta Yamanaka is the winner!" He called to the audience who had gone silent as the dead.

The world erupted in chaos.

Oooohhhh nooooooooo. What is going to happen?!

I apologize. After reading this finished chapter, I'm really sorry if the first four fights seemed... Off? I tried to limit the commentary so I was going for like a third person type thing. IF they didn't ignore this. If they did let me know so I never do something like that again.

So that was chapter 10, I hope y'all liked it. Another chapter that wrote itself, and when I looked down I saw the number. 23,600 words, yikes!

Let me know in the reviews or via PM what you thought! How were the fight scenes? Hopefully I did OK.. Still trying to figure out what works and what doesn't. I've already started writing chapter 11, but no estimate on when I'll have it done. Could be tomorrow, could be later in the week or early next week. No later than Monday though, promise!

Ami is still super lonely y'all she needs a BAE! YOU decide! Poll is in my profile :D

Thanks for supporting Kenta and I!

This in not my book BUT I have asked for permission from the author but he still hasn't replied if anyone can get in touch with him let him know if he wants me to I can remove it from here

go check out the book at https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13466952/2/Reincarnation-How-Absurd-The-Story-of-Kenta-Yamanaka-Book-1


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