
Reincarnation As Ye Ming In The World Of Martial Arts Reigns

A young man from Earth is reincarnated in the body of the protagonist of his favorite manhua after responding to a random survey. Having the knowledge and some gifts to give based on the survey he carried out, how will he survive in this world where the law of the strongest reigns supreme? ———————- Hello everyone, I do not own anything of this work. I just love Martial Arts Reigns. This is one of my favorite cultivation manhuas. There is no fanfic of this work so I decided to make one. Before reading my story, if you don't want to be spoiled, read the original first.

KijinKojin · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 2: Beiming

While Ye Ming (Kayan) was in thought, a small ethereal voice came to call out to him.

"Master !" After hearing this word Ye Ming turned around to see Beiming floating.

Beiming looks like a fairy with long white hair and blue eyes. She wears a flowing light blue and white dress with black and yellow accents. His clothes are loose and loose. She is surrounded by blue sparkling lights and is moving in the air, adding to her fairytale and magical appearance.

"Who are you ?" In a calm tone Ye Ming spoke.

Even though I know who you already are and you want all the good in the world for me because I am now your master, I am supposed to be a peasant.

"Don't worry, master. I am the palpable spirit of the golden divine veil. My name is Beiming. Every divine martial arts instrument has a palpable spirit dwelling within it. We can offer the user a lot of help."

"I see. I guess that old beggar is dead." Ye Ming said as calm as ever.

"That's right master, he attached the Divine Veil to the Master's body, but he didn't know that a palpable spirit was there. I destroyed it."

"I understand better now. But where do you come from?" Ye Ming continued to feign ignorance.

"The Golden Divine Veil was designed by the Ancestral Patriarch Skyroamer himself at the beginning of time.

When he was making it, he used the soul of a martial arts deity as the core, he also added a wisp of the will of a god, a wisp of the will of fate and a wisp of the enigma of destiny.

Then he searched for 49 types of rare substances across the three kingdoms. It took him three thousand years to completely complete the veil."

"Oh how interesting. Looks like this treasure is really something."

"Since ancient times, anyone who possessed the veil could accomplish great things. Master, you also took the Body Foundation Blessing Pill. Your foundations are way beyond average. With my help you will become very powerful."

"Looks like luck is turning in my favor. Thanks to this rich beggar, my path is clear."

"In a sense, he was. Besides, master, on the body of the beggar is the Wandering Heaven Sutra. You can use it in your future culture."

I approached the body of the beggar, searching it I found a parchment. It is a black parchment with gold stripes. Seeing him, Beiming spoke again.

"This is indeed a complete version. Only the successor of the Heavenly Earth is qualified to practice it. This is a God-level Sutra!"

Still calm, with a rather boring look, Ye Ming replied. "A divine level sutra huh? I guess you're going to tell me that my meridians are cut off and I can't practice it. However, you are deceiving Beiming. Besides, this sutra is not as amazing as you think."

"Master is indeed smart, but I don't understand why Master is not interested. This is one of the best sutras this world knows."

Smiling, Ye Ming spoke to reassure her. "Beiming, I know that the only person I can confide in right now is you. I'm going to show you something quite interesting."

While speaking, Ye Ming closed his eyes, the next moment a powerful aura burst out from his body. It's as if his whole body was transformed, his features had become finer, his gaze more piercing. In other words he had become more handsome.

Ye Ming was not an idiot, he had read so many novels that he knew that his reincarnation had something to do with the survey that he bothered to answer before arriving here. When he was thinking just now, in his mind all the things he had asked for were conveyed to him.

Beiming looked at her master's transformation in front of her and simply couldn't explain the fact that her master who had a mortal avatar a moment ago was promoted to a high-potential Taoist avatar the next moment.

The next moment the ancestral dragon bloodline entered Ye Ming's body. His bones began to crack, emitting sounds similar to thunder. Intense, almost unbearable pain invaded every fiber of his being, but he gritted his teeth, determined to endure the ordeal.

The transformation was spectacular. His skin took on a slightly scaly hue, similar to that of legendary dragons. Ancient and powerful energies flowed through his veins, transforming them into rivers of liquid fire. His muscles strengthened, swelled, releasing supernatural strength. His eyes took on a golden glow, piercing the darkness with unparalleled sharpness.

As the dragonline merged with his essence, mysterious marks appeared on his body, ancient symbols of power and wisdom. A majestic aura enveloped him, imposing respect and fear on all those nearby. Flashes of light and ethereal mists swirled around him, a reflection of the colossal energy now at his disposal.

Ye Ming felt a deep connection with the elemental forces of nature. He could feel the wind singing through the mountains, the earth vibrating beneath his feet, the fire crackling in the bowels of the earth and the water whispering ancient secrets. His spirit soared, embracing a cosmic, transcendent understanding that challenged the limits of humanity.

In an instant, he became a living incarnation of the ancestral dragon, a perfect fusion of man and mythical beast. The power emanating from him was palpable, an indomitable force ready to be unleashed at any moment. Thousands of Li away, a huge dragon cry was heard.

Beiming couldn't believe it, she had just witnessed two inexplicable phenomena at the same time. However, although she had questions, she did not want to know more, the important thing was to know that her new master is not as simple as it seems.

"Congratulations Master, you have been promoted to a high-potential Taoist avatar. You have also acquired the bloodline of a true dragon. Unfortunately, even if Beiming knows that it's not just any dragon, I don't know any more."

In this world physical strength represents a person's potential. The mortal body is the worst of all, followed by the spiritual avatar, the treasure avatar, the sacred avatar, the divine avatar and the Taoist avatar.

Ye Ming, after tens of minutes of suffering had completed his transformation, he began to think.

I really thought she would ask me lots of questions. But it's also good like that. Now that I have my Taoist avatar and my ancestral dragon bloodline I would be invincible.

"Beiming, there is no time to waste, I must start cultivating now. As for the phenomena that just happened, don't worry, I will tell you about them very soon." Ye Ming said in a calm tone.

Beiming nodded in agreement, however she was still perplexed about one thing.

"Master, earlier you said that the Sky Wandering Sutra did not interest you. May I ask which sutra you wish to practice."

Hearing his question, Ye Ming laughed.

"Beiming, there are many things you don't know. The universe is immense. From now on, since I'm your new one, it makes you tell yourself that the conventions and laws of this continent are not valid for me. I'll show you something interesting." He said smiling.

He closed his eyes, and concentrated, then the next moment, he felt his body disappear and reappear in another dimension. Ye Ming knew exactly what this dimension was, it was his inner world that he had described in the survey. The world was empty but filled with extremely pure and thick spiritual energy.

So this is the world in which law and order is me. Ahahah how satisfying it was.

"Beiming, I present to you my inner world. In this world, my word is law, I can decide everything here."

Beiming, who was silent, was actually analyzing this world.

"Indeed Master I can feel that the laws of this world inside you are only based on your desire. I'm afraid master that no one on this continent has such an ability. Becoming strong is only a matter of time."

"Indeed, moreover, time is not something that is lacking since I can decide the flow of time that passes here in relation to the outside."

"That's fantastic master!"

Ye Ming floated in the void and then with a thought a throne was created out of nothing. He sat on it and began to modify his world. After some time, he found a foundation technique for the martial disciple domain.

In this world the domains were divided into 9 levels going from least strong to strongest: martial disciples, martial warriors, martial master, martial guru, martial dominator, Supreme Master, Martial Saint and Martial God.

The martial disciple realm focused on the basics of body foundation, so that it could create a solid foundation for the martial artist's future cultivation.

I wonder what kind of sutra I will have assuming that with the Wandering Heaven sutra, the original Ye Ming had become an incomparable powerhouse. With my assets now I would become much more powerful than him.

The next moment a golden scroll appeared and the title of this scroll was: The Primordial Chaos Sutra.

I feel like this new life is going to be very exciting.