
Reincarnating in the world of Naruto

patreon. com/Wuffy123 Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. (I always wanted to write that xd) A/N: This is my first fic, I hope not to disappoint you and that you support me in this new world that fanfiction is for me. If you have any suggestions on how to improve my writing, I would greatly appreciate it. The story will be told from the reincarnated person's perspective, although don't worry, Naruto and the rest of the characters will appear in due course. On the other hand, there will also be many changes, as you will see later, and as you will realize as the story progresses. - Hello – (person speaking) hello (thought) Edit: This is a translation you can find the original on FanFiction. Net with the same name

Nic345 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Training and bad memories.


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patreon. com/Wuffy123


The next day I was woken up by Aoki, who decided it would be a great idea to wake up his 4-year-old son using a bucket of cold water, all with the excuse of; "You must be aware of your surroundings at all times, someone might try to kill you in your sleep."

Well, excuse me for not being able to feel everything going on around me when I'm asleep!

Putting aside my annoyance at what had happened, I couldn't help but think about what I had heard last night.

So... a war, huh? I should have guessed something like that would happen at some point, but I thought I should wait until the Shippuden arc for that.... *sigh* From what I understand, Konoha will fight a war with one of the major villages and possibly one or two minor villages. what the hell happened? This didn't happen in canon, or at least not that I remember, and I watched the first season of Naruto like 5 times... if such a big change happened like Danzo being "nice", and a possible war with Iwa, what other things could have changed?

- Son! Where are you? - Aoki's voice called out to me.

- I guess it won't do any good to think about it now, when I go to Konoha I'll check it out - I sighed - In the bathroom! - I shouted, while changing my wet clothes for a dry one.

Once I was fully dressed, I left the bathroom and walked to the main room, where I would have some breakfast.

Hum... I wish I could avoid getting involved in a war... after all, I have nothing to do

with it, I'm just a poor kid. I have no real grudge against Iwa, or any other village. As long as they don't bother me, I'd rather stay on the sidelines and watch it from a distance, like someone watching a war movie.

I slid aside the sliding door and entered the room, sliding the door back behind me, thus closing it.

- Good morning - I said, walking towards one of the free seats.

- Good morning - my parents answered.

- Now, Father, could you tell me your reason for waking me up with a bucket of water?

- What do you mean, wake him up with water? - Akio asked.

- I thought I told you already - he replied with a mouth full of food.

- You said something about being alert because I could be attacked in my sleep.

- There's your point. It's called training, and it's what you'll be doing for the next... um... 8 years, until your generation at the Konoha academy takes their final exam to become genin and are assigned a team. When that happens, we will send you to be assigned to one, but until that happens, you will be rigorously trained by Akio and me, any doubt?

Oh... so it was true about being sent to Konoha and that when he was behind the village walls they would basically go on a suicide mission....

- Hey! I asked you a question, don't ignore me! - shouted mother.

- What will my training consist of? - I asked, ignoring my mother's cries.

- During your first 2 years, you will train taijutsu, kenjutsu and throwing weapons with me," said Aoki.

- For the next 2 years, you will train chakra control and the occasional jutsu for you to perfect. Then we'll continue with your calligraphy, if you progress well enough with the latter, maybe I'll teach you Fūinjutsu, but that depends on how you develop. Now answer my damn question - this time Akio spoke.

- Finally, assassination techniques. You are smart enough to know why I will be teaching you this, so I expect you to start preparing yourself mentally as soon as possible. To be honest, I wish I could postpone this until you become a genin, but current circumstances don't allow it.

- Are you talking about the possible war? - I asked, not realizing that I was supposed to be sleeping while they were talking about it.

Shit! You had to open your fucking mouth, didn't you!

For a moment, everything was silent, it was as if time had stopped so that my parents could correctly process what I had said.

- So you heard," muttered father.

- Very well, that will take away our explanations. Now tell us what you heard, and don't lie to us - demanded mother, with a cold and serious tone.

- Ehh... up to the part of his mission.... - I said in a low voice, almost a whisper.

- I was afraid something like this would happen," Aoki growled, "Okay, you know, so there's no need to hide it. So tell me, do you know what your duty is?

- Should I? - I asked.

- Yes. Our duty, as shinobi of the blade, is to protect it with our lives, and to nurture the next generation well enough to do the same as we do.

First, I'm not a blade shinobi, I'm a child. Second, you're basically telling me that my only reason to live is for the village and that I should have children to do the same. Hum... I'm too tempted to tell him that there's a crazy Uzumaki looking for bijus with the goal of world domination, and destroying Konoha in the process. I'm also tempted to tell him that Orochimaru will invade the village in a few years... meh, if he survives long enough to get to that point, he's in for a pleasant surprise. For now I'll make him believe that I seriously have some sort of devotion to that place.

- All right, Father, I'll protect the leaf with my life if I have to," I said.

- Very well. Starting today, you will get up every day at 5 a.m., before breakfast you will go to the dojo and train the taijutsu katas, then you will take a shower, have a light breakfast, and continue with your studies, followed by your class with old lady Yoko, and at night you will go back to the dojo to train the kenjutsu katas, is that clear?

Don't you think... I don't know... maybe a little too much for a 4 year old to do?

- Understood, should I report to the dojo today? - I asked.

- Yes, after you finish breakfast, I have already told the old lady that you will not be attending her class.

- Very good.

*sigh* I feel like this is going to end very badly for me.

- First the most important thing, every time you enter the dojo you must wear this,"

he said, tossing me a set of black clothes, "Those will be your training clothes.

Aoki's tone had changed to that of a military instructor. It was so serious and imposing that I couldn't quite believe it was coming out of my always stupid father's mouth.

- I understand, anything else?

- Yes, in here you will only call me sensei. If you have any questions you must say; "Sensei", and then wait for my permission to speak. Speaking out of turn will grant you a punishment, is that clear?

Yes... this will end very badly...

- Understood.

- Okay. Today you will only do common exercises, you will do them every day when you enter the dojo, okay?

- Okey.

- Good. I want 60 push-ups, sit-ups and squats, then you will run until your legs burn. If you don't complete those exercises before the alarm clock goes off," he said, pointing to a small alarm clock in his hand, "I'll add another 60 of each.

What?! I'm a goddamn kid for Christ's sake! How the hell do you expect me to do such a thing?! I'm 4 goddamn years old!

- Understood.

- All right, get started, you have 20 minutes.

I think I hate my father.

I could not prevent a groan of pain from escaping my mouth. I was currently lying on the floor, my limbs burning, out of breath and thirsty. Meanwhile, my father was standing in the corner of the room, looking at me with cold eyes, as he named all the things I needed to improve, which, in short, was everything.

I don't understand how Aoki can call that training, it could be described as torture at best.

- All right Hideki, it looks like you can continue with this training. Now get up and sit in front of me.

I'm dying, let me rest, if only a little, you damned slave driver.

I did as Aoki asked and sat down in front of him. Just the fact that I got up from the floor was enough to make my legs scream in protest, but I was honestly afraid that not doing so would bring some punishment. And if training is like that, I don't want to imagine what a punishment would be like.

- All right, now tell me, what do you know about taijutsu? - he asked.

- It's basically everyone's fighting style, right?

- Very briefly. Taijutsu are all those jutsu that have to do with hand to hand combat. Generally, they do not require chakra, but can be used to improve it. Another of its characteristics is that it is not necessary to use hand seals to use them and they are much faster to use than ninjutsu or genjutsu. Weapons can also be used to increase power and lethality.

- So I will learn taijutsu?

- Yes, although first I will teach you a fighting style.

- Which one? - I asked.

- It is the style that was developed by your grandfather, polished by me, and hopefully perfected by you.

- Does it have a name?

- No, your grandfather couldn't name it before he died, and honestly I wasn't interested in doing so, so, if you think of any interesting names, you can tell me and I'll give you my opinion about it.

- It's okay.

- Okay, this style is based on fast and powerful attacks. Hum... did your mother ever tell you about Tsunade's monstrous strength? - she asked.

Mother never told me anything about Tsunade, and if I tell her that she did, then she'll go and ask her, so I'd better pretend I don't know anything and ask about it.

- Who is Tsunade? - I tilted my head to one side.

- Hmm... technically she's my niece... or was she my cousin? Hum... well, never mind, let's assume she's your distant cousin. Now let's get down to the important stuff. Tsunade has monstrous strength, so much so that she can destroy a dwelling like ours with a single blow of her fist.

- Wow...

- Yeah, I thought the same thing when I saw her destroy a fortress with her fists... but leaving that aside, the fighting style I'll teach you uses that monstrous strength

and great speed. Normally you would use chakra for these things, but I'm sure if we try it here we'll destroy everything, so for now you'll practice it the normal way and then we'll add the chakra, okay?

- Sounds good to me.

- Great, you will use this practice dummy - he made a sign with his hand and a small wooden dummy appeared in a cloud of smoke - Start hitting it 200 times in the torso, no matter if your fists start to get damaged, we have your mother to heal them.

Well, better get this over with quickly.

I stood firmly in front of the dummy and gave it a blow. It was incredibly hard.

- Bend down a little, spread your legs wider, and for God's sake, punch like a man.

I want to cry.

The day was coming to an end and I was in the main room, waiting for Akio to finish healing my sore and bloody hands. I had ended up hitting the wooden dummy about 500 times because Aoki thought I was doing it wrong and in no mood.

Obviously I was doing it wrong and in a bad mood! My limbs were begging me to stop! What the hell did I expect!

I sighed at the thought that I would have to do this every morning and night, for the next two years and maybe more, because I completely doubted that the damn bastard would let me off the hook.

- Okay, I'm done, you can go upstairs and take a shower now," exclaimed mother with a sweet smile.

Oh, Akio, you're the only real good person around these parts, why can't Aoki and old Yoko be more like you?

- Thank you mother.

- I should tell Aoki to give you some bandages, because at this rate your hands will only keep getting hurt.

You should tell him to stop torturing me with that thing he calls training!

- I'd appreciate it," I said, through gritted teeth, "I'll go take a bath.

I quickly left the room and walked to the bathroom.

Alright, I'm sure this will only get worse, so I'll have to get used to it quickly... I want to reincarnate again, this place sucks. Or, even if it's a change of father, that would be more acceptable, why couldn't I reincarnate during Boruto's time? That would have been even better, but no, the bastard who drowned must reincarnate in Naruto, close to a possible war, and being the grandson of Tobirama Senju, the ninja who could draw water from the driest places in the desert? how long will irony haunt me?

I put my thoughts aside and slid the door leading to the bathroom. After undressing, I stepped into the small bathtub that Aoki had made specifically for me.

oh... beautiful... I can feel all my tiredness leaving my body.

-With Akio and Aoki

- How did it go? - Akio asked.

- Better than we did when Danzo-sensei gave us that training," sighed Aoki.

- I would have liked to postpone all of this for a few more years....

- We both know this is necessary.

- I know, but he's so young....

- We were too, but when duty calls, you have to respond.

*sigh* - I guess.

- Look on the bright side, when we are done with our mission we can go back to being a family - said Aoki trying to calm his wife's worries.

- Do you really think we will come back alive?

- Are you kidding? We are 2 of the strongest ninja Danzo-sensei has ever trained, I'm sure we will enter those villages, eradicate everyone and come back without a scratch.

- I wish I had that confidence," sighed Akio.

- Don't worry, everything will be fine, I promise," said Aoki, giving his wife a kiss on the forehead.

- Do you think he will do well in Konoha? You know that incredible chaos will be

created in the town when the citizens find out that there is another Senju alive besides Tsunade-sama. People won't stop harassing him.

- Of course he will do well, he will have sensei supporting him if the village council tries anything, besides, he is my son, a few simple villagers will not be enough to bother him, and he is not an idiot to be fooled by any shinobi either. Hum... now that I think about it, I think he'll like it... after all, there will be many beautiful kunoichis trying to get his attention - he laughed.

The temperature in the room had cooled enough that small ice stakes began to form on Aoki's nose.

- None of those sluts will lay a single hand on my son, because if the opposite happens, there will be a shortage of kunoichis in the village after I return - Akio's tone was low and frightening, enough to make Aoki shudder.

- I hope it doesn't come to that," said Aoki, nervous and fearful of the aura his wife was giving off.

- Leaving aside the possible disappearances I will have to plan, has Danzo-sama already informed you about what Fū and Torune discovered?

- Not yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone dies, especially Fū. Simply infiltrating a shinobi village is dangerous, whether it's a major or minor one, but wanting to infiltrate Takigakure is practically suicide. To get there you have to pass an incredibly confusing network of tunnels, which are modified by genjutsu. Only Jounin or Anbu level ninja from that village could get in and out without any problems.

- How high do you think the chances are that one or both villages are allied with Iwa?

- I can't be entirely sure, but Taki has no reason to attack the Leaf, after all, they

haven't had bad relations since the assassination attempt on the Shodaime hokage, and Kusagakure has always been neutral towards Konoha. But I guess you can never be too cautious. In the shinobi world, today's friend could be tomorrow's enemy.

- It would be too much trouble if Takigakure allies with Iwa. 2 jinchūrikis are already a problem, but adding Taki's jinchūriki to the mix would be truly disastrous.

- And if we add that it's almost impossible to infiltrate Takigakure because of those damn tunnels, and Kusa is basically a minefield with those huge poison-releasing plants scattered everywhere, it's even worse.

*sigh* - Just wait and see how things continue.

- No matter what happens, Konoha will always come out ahead, the will of fire is too strong for two minor villages and a spiteful Iwa to douse its flames.

- You sound like the Sandaime," Akio pointed out.

- I just need to be 30 years older.

- And be all wrinkled and senile.

- And smoking all day while cursing paperwork.

- Should we be talking this way about our leader?

- Technically we are no longer shinobi - Aoki shrugged.

-With Hideki

Haa... I can feel fully recovered now. God bless hot showers, they are the best thing that could have been created.

I put on a small yukata that Akio had left me and came out of the bathroom, now more relaxed thanks to the shower.

As I entered the main hall I could see my parents giggling like two schoolgirls while mumbling something about not being shinobi anymore.

- Um... Hello?

- Ah, son, I didn't see you there," said Aoki.

- I just finished taking a shower, what were you laughing about? - I asked, curious.

- Nothing important, do you want to eat something? - asked Akio.

- Sure - I shrugged my shoulders.

I would let this go for now, but I would find out what was going on.

I sat down on one of the seats and ate some of the delicious stew Mother had prepared.

If she were not a kunoichi, she would have a great future as a chef.

- Your father tells me that you did quite well on your first day of training.

Torture. Please call it what it really is, torture.

- It's good to know that father thinks I did well. I hope to continue to meet his


- I'm sure you'll do it champion, I believe in you! After all, you're my son! - Aoki shouted from the kitchen.

I couldn't help a small smile forming on my face. As annoying as I found my father's normal attitude to be, it was nice to know that he had such faith in my abilities.

Thinking about this brings back bad memories....

The fact that I have a loving family that cares about me and believes in my abilities is painful, as it reminds me of the family I lost. In my past life, I never had this kind of relationship with my parents, I was usually quiet, introverted, although sometimes we would talk, it was usually when I was drunk, which were the only times where I felt happy, and could share it with my parents, who were the only ones I had at the time. Although I had never had a very close relationship with them, I loved them more than anything in the world.

*sigh* I was an idiot.

There are not many things I regret, as I feel that my mistakes were what shaped me as a person, but if there is one thing I will always regret, it is the fact that I didn't tell my parents how much I loved them until it was too late.

I wish I could go back in time and make up for some of that lost time.

Akio reminds me so much of my first mother that it hurts. Her beautiful smile, her kind attitude to everyone, her great talent with cooking.

Heh... they would have been good friends.

And Aoki, damn sea, Aoki was the worst of the two... if it wasn't for his gray hair and muscular body, I would think he was my old father. I can't look into his eyes without remembering him, and I can't remember him without those images coming to mind. Images of my father bloodied, with a hole in his heart area from a bullet hit. I can't remember those images without my mother's screams of terror coming to my mind, before being silenced by another loud explosion caused by the same gun that had left my father dying.

But there is something that echoes in my head every night before I go to sleep, something that becomes unbearable as my insomnia grows. His voice... my father's voice asking me with his last words to be happy, to live a long and loving life.

As if I had never been happy with them.

Because of this I always tried to be, even if a little distant with Aoki and Akio, they were a vivid reminder of what I had lost and would never get back. But of course, they still insisted on relating to me, though I don't blame them, I am their only son and they would basically leave me in a village where I would be used as a weapon while they embark on a possible suicide mission.

I hadn't realized it, but at some point I had started crying, I also hadn't realized that Akio noticed this and was shaking me, trying to get my attention.

- Son! what's wrong?! are you all right?! please answer!

- Huh? - I looked confused at my mother who for some reason had started shaking me.

- Finally he reacts! What's wrong with you?! Why are you crying?!

- What are you talking about? Please stop shaking me, you're making me dizzy - I said, trying to stop Akio.

When my father finally appeared, he stopped her, which gave me enough time to touch my wet cheeks.


I quickly wiped my tear-stained face and looked at mother.

- I'm fine mother, don't worry, I was just happy that father believed in me so much - I lied. With a smile on my face, as I looked into my mother's worried eyes.

Just lying to Akio, who was showing genuine concern for me, filled me with guilt and a sense of disgust for myself, but what else could I do? I couldn't tell him that I was crying for my family from my past life. He would think I was crazy, or something much worse.

After mother calmed down, I headed to my room to sleep.

Another lie. I'm getting good at this.

I lay on my bed, staring at a corner of my room, as bad memories haunt me as usual.

I promise I will take care of them, I will never lose another family again, for anything in the world. No matter if I have to go against Konoha or any other village, I will gladly do it if it means my parents will be safe. But in order to do that, I must become powerful. People respect those who have power, and if I remain a weak child, I will only be a puppet on someone else's stage.

With a new resolve being born within me, I closed my eyes and endured the memories, waiting to fall asleep.

-The next day

I had woken up early, at least early enough to see Aoki coming into my room with another bucket of water.

- Good morning - I said, looking at the intruder in my room.

- Hey... good morning son, did you sleep well last night? good morning son, did you sleep well last night? - he said, obviously nervous.

- What is the water for? - I asked, ignoring his question.

- Oh, this? Nothing important, in solitary... please don't tell your mother, yesterday she almost hanged me for waking you up like this - he begged.

- Hmm... What should I do? Tell mother and have her punish you for trying to wet me while I was asleep, again, or let it go and make my dear father owe me a favor... it's a tough decision - I pretended to be thinking, with a hand on my chin.

- Tch, you fucking brat. I never thought my own son would be extorting me, let alone that it would be at this age. I've fallen incredibly low, sensei would be really disappointed in me - I could see a small storm cloud form above Aoki's head, as he cried in the corner.

What the hell, is that thing really there? I had always believed that these things were only from anime, I had never in my life thought that they really existed...

- All right, all right, I'll let it go. For now.

- That's my boy, always supporting his father! - his attitude did a 180° turn and now he was hugging me while spinning me around.

Argh! I'm going to throw up!

- What's all that noise? - Akio's voice was heard outside the room.

Once she opened the door, she found her husband turning with her son, as she hugged him and there was a small bucket of water on the floor.

- Um... I can explain.

- Very well, do it.

The tone in mother's voice was so cold that I could see the water in the bucket slowly turning to ice.

- Great... - I muttered.

After Akio beat into Aoki's head the reason why he shouldn't wake up a child by getting him wet, we headed to the dojo to begin our morning training.

It's amazing how healing jutsu and a hot bath can rejuvenate someone's body so much. I don't feel any discomfort from yesterday's training.

- All right Hideki, today the real training will start, are you ready for it? - asked father.

- I am - I said, a strong conviction reinforcing my words.

- Very good. I want 120 push-ups, sit-ups and squats, followed by a run that will last until your legs can't support you anymore, after all that, we'll continue with training in your fighting style, any questions?

I take it back, I'm not ready, I want to go with Akio.

- This is some kind of revenge for the mother thing, right?

He just shrugged and gestured for me to initiate.

Tch, you sadistic bastard.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Nic345creators' thoughts