
Reincarnating in the world of Naruto

patreon. com/Wuffy123 Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. (I always wanted to write that xd) A/N: This is my first fic, I hope not to disappoint you and that you support me in this new world that fanfiction is for me. If you have any suggestions on how to improve my writing, I would greatly appreciate it. The story will be told from the reincarnated person's perspective, although don't worry, Naruto and the rest of the characters will appear in due course. On the other hand, there will also be many changes, as you will see later, and as you will realize as the story progresses. - Hello – (person speaking) hello (thought) Edit: This is a translation you can find the original on FanFiction. Net with the same name

Nic345 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 5


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Once we arrived at the site, I could see with morbid fascination the path of destruction that both S-class ninjas had caused by entering the village. Destroyed buildings, bodies strewn everywhere, food stalls in flames, blood covering the walls like paint.

I couldn't help but turn around to vomit at the sight of the number of human bodies and blood everywhere. Some were impaled on the walls of their homes, some were decapitated, but most showed signs of having been tortured.

Possibly because of Hidan's ritual... damned psychopath, killing a person is bad enough, though... well, I'm not one to complain... but torturing them for pleasure and devotion to a mad god like Jashin was monstrous.

- Son, are you all right? - Akio asked, placing his hand on my back.

- Yeah, sorry, I was just shocked by the number of bodies," I replied, wiping my mouth with a small handkerchief mother had given me.

- Those bastards... - Aoki's grunt was low and monotonous, but years of living with him let me know that he was incredibly annoyed.

Nausea from watching the scene in front of me was so great that I was about to vomit once again, so I looked away.

- Don't look away Hideki, look at what's in front of you and keep it in your memory. This is what we shinobi are for, we kill, we loot, we torture, but it's all for the good of the village and the people in it. But not all are like that... there is also this type of scum. Scum who not only betrayed the village that gave them everything, but who are also dedicated to killing and torturing them just because they think they can, not because of a noble mission like protecting your loved ones. Look at them Hideki, and remember. People like these are everywhere, and that's why it's our job as shinobi to execute them," said Aoki, drawing his sword and preparing to jump in front of Kakuzu and Hidan.

- Please don't die," muttered Akio after his father had jumped into the street.

I quickly channeled the chakra into my eyes and ears so that I could more clearly see the fight that was about to take place.

- Stop! - Aoki exclaimed, his tone serious.

- And who the hell are you supposed to be?! - Hidan shouted, readying his scythe.

- You two scum entered my village, slaughtered its people, and now it is my duty as protector of this place to execute you.

- Ha, you talk as if you could kill us! - Hidan mocked - Now stand still and be a good sacrifice for Jashin-sama!

Throughout the conversation, Kakuzu had remained silent. He looked at Aoki strangely for a few minutes, but before Hidan could attack, he spoke.

- What is a Konoha shinobi doing in this place? And a powerful one at that, if your vast chakra reserves are anything to go by. Besides, you look too much like the Nidaime hokage, are you related to him in any way?

- I could ask the same question, after all, I don't recall hearing that it's an everyday sport among S-ranked renegade ninja to ravage villages with no shinobi presence, especially if they're near your former home, right, Kakuzu of Takigakure? - Aoki said, purposely ignoring his final question.

- You seem to know who I am, but I still don't know who you are," Kakuzu replied.

- I am no one, I do not exist, I am one of the many shadows that are charged with protecting their village.

- Oh, so an Anbu of Konoha, huh? It's been a while since I fought one of you.

- Enough of all this talk! Kakuzu, stay out of it, I'll use this idiot for my ritual!

- Your partner doesn't seem very patient.

- You're telling me. Fine, but don't get distracted, you might die.

- Tch, whatever you say.

Before anyone could say anything, a kunai had embedded itself to the hilt in Hidan's brain.

For a few seconds, everything was silent, it was as if time had stopped. Until...

- Argh! Damn sea, that hurts! - Hidan shouted.

The surprise was evident in Aoki's eyes.

It was obvious that wouldn't work. Damn it, Aoki, you were trained by Shimura Danzo, how the hell don't you know that Hidan and Kakuzu are practically immortal? Well, Hidan, Kakuzu just has more hearts than average.

- I told you," exclaimed Kakuzu, as he watched Hidan pull out the gun embedded in his head.

- Shut up Kakuzu, I got distracted because you were talking to me, it won't happen again!

Hidan quickly swung his scythe in the direction of Aoki who was still shocked to see his opponent pull a kunai out of his head with no apparent damage.

Before the scythe could cut Aoki, Aoki caught it in mid-air.

- Hey! Drop that, it's mine! - Hidan shouted.

- I don't know how the hell you're still alive, but you won't be so lucky next time.

With a single hand signal, a bolt of lightning was channeled into the weapon and directed at Hidan through the long wire that linked the weapon to its owner. This did not stop Hidan from using the coil to which the scythe was attached to approach Aoki at high speed.

- Damn sea, I'll enjoy using you for my ritual! - shouted Hidan, as he was electrocuted by lightning.

While all this was going on, I noticed something worrying... Kakuzu was looking in my direction.

- Mother - I muttered.

- Yes, I saw it too. Get ready to run.

- I kept watching the fight, but this time.

I continued to watch the fight, but this time I was completely alert for an attack from Kakuzu.

- Buzz... looks like there are spectators," thought Kakuzu, "That's two... no, three, eight if you count the one fighting Hidan. What the hell are seven Konoha shinobi and a kid doing in this place?

While Kakuzu was lost in thought, Hidan and Aoki had begun a taijutsu match.

- Damn it, hold still so I can cut you! - Hidan shouted at the slippery man in front of him.

- No thanks," Aoki replied, slashing Hidan's right arm with his sword and then giving him a heavy chakra-laden blow to the ribs.

The blow had sent the S-class ninja crashing into a building, raising a cloud of dust.

With no sign of hands, a clone had formed beside Aoki.

- Keep him entertained until I take care of the other one," he ordered the clone.

The copy just nodded and ran to where Hidan's body had flown.

- All right, now let's get down to the real fight.

- You think you can take me on? Don't make me laugh. When I was your age I fought the Shodaime hokage and survived.

- I don't think surviving a fight is something to be proud of," exclaimed Aoki.

- Isn't that what your famous sannin does? - Kakuzu asked.

- Buzz, touché.

After that exchange of words, Aoki lunged at Kakuzu with his sword charged with lightning chakra. Kakuzu just stood still, waiting for Aoki's attack. Seconds before the sword could cut the renegade ninja's neck, the latter ducked with great speed under the cut and grabbed Aoki by the wrist and neck, then kneed him hard in the abdomen.

- Heh, pretty senci...

Before Kakuzu could speak further, Aoki's body had exploded in a burst of lightning that surrounded the ninja and paralysed him.

- You were saying? - Aoki asked, coming out of the ground with his chakra imbued fist.

Once he was level with Kakuzu's face, he punched him hard in the head, sending him crashing to the ground.

- Well, that was easier than I thought - he said, or so he would have, if he hadn't seen Kakuzu's body turn to mud - Tch, a clone.

- Too slow," said Kakuzu, appearing behind Aoki and kicking him hard in the back.

This is great, it's like watching an anime episode with virtual reality glasses.

- Hugo, you hit hard," growled Aoki, getting up from the ground.

- You don't live as long as I do without being good at punching.

- And without stealing other people's hearts... - he muttered.

Kakuzu said nothing, but passed by two signs and then placed his hand on the ground, followed by that, several spears of the earth began to shoot out of the ground in Aoki's direction.

- I thought that to throw a jutsu like that you had to say the name - I said, impressed by Kakuzu's technique.

- Of course not, the name is just to concentrate more on the jutsu you want, but after a lot of practice, you already have a predetermined mental image of the technique, so you don't need the name anymore, besides, saying the name of your technique is a double-edged sword, as it also warns the enemy that you will use ninjutsu and its nature - explained Akio.

I listened to his explanation as I watched Aoki dodge spear after spear.

- This is getting annoying.

He made a hand signal and blew a great gust of wind, causing the stone spears to shatter into pieces and fly toward Kakuzu. The latter moved to the side and let the strong wind accompanied by debris blow past him. Before he could do or say anything, Aoki was already at his side stabbing him in the heart.

- It was... fun, but I haven't taken care of your partner yet, so I need you to die.

- H... how?

- I don't think a dead man would be interested.

After saying that, he pulled the sword out of the body and walked away, in the direction where he had sent his clone.

Damn Aoki Sea, come back! That bastard's still alive, he still has 4 hearts left!

- What's wrong Hideki? - asked Akio when he noticed my mental conflict.

- Nothing, it just seemed too easy. I feel something's wrong.

- You're right, I feel the same way. Kanji," said Akio, after a few seconds Anbu appeared kneeling in front of her.

- Yes, Akio-sama?

- Use your sensing ability and tell me if Kakuzu is dead.

The Anbu just nodded and made a seal with his hand, then he closed his eyes and was silent for a few seconds until he opened them again and had a look of surprise in them.

- What's the matter? - I asked.

- Kakuzu, he's still alive - he said, with clear surprise on his face.

- Damn sea, Aoki, don't get distracted, Kakuzu is still alive! - shouted Akio.

Aoki just made a confused face and turned around to be greeted by a hard punch in the face from Kakuzu.

- Damn, this just got complicated. Kanji, tell the others to escort the villagers who are still alive out of the village, if possible, in the direction of Konoha, then you will return and protect Hideki with your life if necessary, I'll go with Aoki! - he ordered the Anbu.

- Of course, Akio-sama," exclaimed the Anbu before disappearing.

- Hideki!

- Yes, mother?

- If you see that the situation gets too complicated, you'll leave, understood?

Eh? What do you mean, leave? I'm not going to leave them alone here.

Before I could say anything, Akio was already gone.

- Damn it," I growled, then turned my attention back to the fight.

Akio fell down next to Aoki and began to heal his bleeding nose. Meanwhile Kanji had already returned and stood beside me, ready to give up his life to protect me.

- I told you to come alone if it looked like I needed help," Aoki growled.

- Did you? You just killed this guy, but he came back and attacked you, and it bothers you that I came?

- Good point. Do you have a plan?

- From what I've seen, this Kakuzu guy, he's immortal somehow, just like the other guy, who, by the way, where is he?

- My clone has him locked in a barrier, but before long he'll run out of chakra and disappear.

- Buzz... that gives me an idea...

- Tell me then.

- If we can't kill these guys, maybe we could seal them," suggested Akio.

- It sounds so stupidly simple, maybe it could work, but there's a very small problem. Where do you plan to seal them?

- I have scrolls in my storage seal, I could try to do something, but first we must incapacitate them.

- All right, so who do you want to take on first?

- How long do you think your clone will last with the barrier?

- About 5 minutes, maybe 6, why?

- Then I'll go to Hidan first, find a way to seal him, and then I'll come up with the finished idea and we'll seal Kakuzu.

- Then I'll have to be the distraction in the meantime?

Akio just nodded.

- I feel like this is going to end badly for me...

- Alright, I'm leaving, good luck.

- Good luck.

Aoki stood up, as Akio disappeared in a swirl of leaves.

- Did they finish their talk? - Kakuzu asked.

- Yes, they are.

- All right, then let's get on with round two.

Kakuzu ripped off his akatsuki cloak, revealing his body that seemed to have all the limbs attached with stitches and the masks on his back.

- I think I want to vomit...

Suddenly the masks on his back started to move as if they were trying to separate from him. After a few seconds, the renegade ninja's back opened completely, letting out a black substance from his body.

- I definitely want to vomit...

Once the substance finished coming out, Kakuzu's back was joined together again using black threads, as if nothing had happened.

Now, next to Aoki's opponent, there were 4 monsters made of the same threads that were used to bake Kakuzu's back, all of them had a mask on what looked like their face, except for one, which had a hole in it and seconds after it was formed, it crumbled.

- All right, let the real fight begin," exclaimed the renegade ninja, making a hand sign.

One of the masks opened its mouth and I could hear Kakuzu speak again.

- Fūton: Atsugai," he exclaimed, as a great gust of wind shot out from the mask's mouth.

The wind attack was so powerful that it began to crumble some of the buildings that were still standing. Kanji and I had to constantly jump from rooftop to rooftop to avoid being caught in the destruction.

Looking at where Aoki was moments ago, I could see nothing but devastation. It was as if a tornado had formed in the middle of the village and swept everything in its path.

And to think that a single mask could do so much damage, I don't want to imagine when he starts using them in combinations...

- Kanji.

- Yes, Hideki-san?

- Is my father still alive? - I asked, in the most monotone tone I could manage.

- Yes, Hideki-san, Aoki-sama is still alive.

Seconds after Kanji said that I could see Aoki come out of the ground, unharmed. I couldn't stop a sigh of relief from coming out of my mouth.

- I must admit, that was amazing, but I think you've done too much damage to the village for now, so I think it's time for me to get serious," said Aoki, looking at Kakuzu and his trio of masks.

- Come if you think you can stop me," replied Kakuzu.

Aoki made two hand signals and a large wave of water seemed to form out of nowhere and head in the direction of the renegade ninja.

Before the wave of water could touch Kakuzu, the mask that opened its mouth a few moments ago, once again launched another powerful wind attack, causing the water to change direction and go sideways.

- I must admit, it's pretty impressive that you can create such a big wave of water without a single source nearby, but it won't be enough - exclaimed the ninja, making a different hand signal this time - Raiton: Gian.

After saying that, another one of the masks opened its mouth and launched a large beam in Aoki's direction. The latter jumped in the air, letting the attack land below him, but because the jutsu he had cast earlier had filled the whole place with water, the mask's attack landed on the mask and electrified it.

- Sea of Cursed," Aoki growled.

Before it could fall into the electrified water, it exchanged with nearby debris, saving itself from frying. Unfortunately, Aoki's momentary respite didn't last long, as a large wave of flames suddenly rushed at him, leaving him no choice but to create a wall of water to try not to burn to death.

- Damn, the flames are too strong to be extinguished by a simple wall of water.

Aoki quickly jumped towards the roof of one of the buildings that were still standing to try to think of something, but he was intercepted by Kakuzu, who had gone ahead of him and was waiting for him on that same roof. The latter caused several black threads, like the ones he had used to bake his back, to come out of his hand and catch Aoki in mid-air, then caused him to crash with great force against the ground.

- Argh! - Aoki couldn't stop a grunt of pain from coming out of his mouth.

- Well brat, it was fun playing cat and mouse with you, but you took one of my hearts, so it's only fair that I do the same," exclaimed Kakuzu, as he tried to get his black threads into Aoki's chest.

- Could you at least let me say a few last words? - Aoki asked.

- Very well.

- Boom.

Following that, Aoki's body exploded, sending Kakuzu flying through the air. He was intercepted by Aoki's sword, which was imbued with lightning and stabbed where the renegade ninja's heart should be, then he used the lightning chakra in the sword and covered Kakuzu's entire body with lightning, to top it off he was about to cast a jutsu but was interrupted by one of Kakuzu's masks, which threw a blast of air spheres at him.

Aoki had to exchange with nearby debris to avoid ending up with several holes in his body.

- Sea of Cursed, I was so close," Aoki growled.

Kakuzu's body was caught in mid-air by his masks and left on the ground, as one fell apart and let the black threads that made it up enter the dying ninja.

- Hugh, you'll regret not killing me with that," exclaimed Kakuzu, obviously annoyed.

- It's not like I didn't try," he complained.

Kakuzu made several hand seals and then launched a blast of fire from his mouth, while the wind and lightning masks launched their own elements, thus uniting the 3 and forming a great wave of electrified flames.

- Damn it!

Aoki quickly went underground and waited for the attack to end, meanwhile, Kakuzu didn't stay still and formed an earth clone with the order to go and retrieve Hidan.

Once the attack was over, Aoki resurfaced but was met by a heavy blow to the abdomen from Kakuzu, who now had completely darkened skin. The blow made Aoki writhe in pain, but he couldn't think too much about it, as he was sent flying by a kick and then attacked by the wind and lightning masks.

*Meanwhile with Akio*

- Are you missing much Akio? I'm running out of chakra," exclaimed the Aoki clone.

- Just give me a few more seconds, I'm almost done with the formula," growled Akio.

- Just get me out of this damn thing so I can kill you! - Hidan shouted from inside the barrier where he was being held.

- Shut the fuck up, you idiot! - shouted Aoki's clone and Akio at the same time.

- I won't let a stupid clone and a fucking bitch tell me what to do! When I get out I promise you both will be sacrificed to Jashin-sama!

- Relax, you'll get out, but only to be captured inside an even smaller cage," said Akio, standing up from where he had been writing his sealing formula.

- What the hell are you talking about!?

Akio just ignored the mad ninja and put some of his blood on the scroll, causing the formula to glow red for a moment, then looked at the clone to tell him it was ready.

- Lower the barrier.

The clone only nodded and undid the barrier that was keeping the Jashinist mad. When the barrier was gone, Akio began the sealing.

- Fūin...

Before Akio could continue with the technique, Kakuzu's clone arrived, delivering a powerful kick to the side of her body, sending her crashing into a wall. The powerful blow caused the entire building to start shaking and was about to fall on top of the 3 ninjas and the clone.

- Damn it...

The clone's curse was interrupted by a slash from Hidan's scythe, causing it to disappear into the water.

- Alright, now to take care of that bitch," said the Jashinist, walking towards Akio.

- Not now Hidan, come and help me finish the other nuisance, then you can do whatever you want with her," said the Kakuzu clone.

- Oh, so the great Kakuzu, the ninja who survived a fight with the Shodaime hokage, is asking for the help of the lowly me? Ha, I'm sure this must be a monstrous blow to your pride," exclaimed Hidan, amidst loud laughter.

- Shut the fuck up and come," growled the clone.

- As if I'd let them go," said Akio, climbing out of the wall where he had crashed.

- Heh, looks like I'll be able to sacrifice her to Jashin-sama before I go help you Kakuzu," said Hidan, moving closer and closer to Akio.

- Isshi Tōjin," said Akio, causing several lines of seals to extend from her and cover a large space.

Hidan and the Kakuzu clone could not move in time to get out of the way of the seals and were caught in them.

- Oh come on! Not again! What the hell did you do to us now you fucking bitch?! - Hidan shouted.

- It's a little trick I learned a while ago, barrier ninjutsu, but let's save the explanations, I'll just say that as long as I stay here, none of you will leave this place, so the three of us will end up buried in this place," exclaimed Akio with glee.

- I'm not going to get locked in a barrier again, so let go of me so I can kill you! - growled Hidan.

- I guess you didn't notice a small flaw in your technique," said the clone.

- Oh, enlighten me," replied Akio, ignoring the Jashinist's shouts.

- If we stay here, the three of us will be crushed, and Hidan is immortal, and I am a clone.

- Oh, easy, my original had already thought of that, that's why she had a clone trap them, while she helps Aoki finish off your original," said the now revealed clone of Akio.

- Tch, damn woman," growled Kakuzu's clone.

*Back to Kakuzu and Aoki's fight.

Aoki dodged attack after attack from the lightning and wind masks while thinking of a way to finish them both off so he could focus on Kakuzu.

- Damn, what annoying things," Aoki growled.

He quickly formed a water dragon to attack the wind mask, while he took care of the other one, but he didn't count on the timely arrival of Akio, who had dropped from the sky and cut the lightning mask in half using his wind chakra imbued tanto.

- Yes! That's my wife! - Aoki cheered.

- Aoki, we're still in a fight, concentrate," complained Akio.

- Right, sorry. Were you able to seal the other guy?

- No, a clone of this bastard interrupted me before I could, but I left a shadow clone to keep them entertained while I help you with this guy. Also, I already have the sealing formula ready, if we can incapacitate him long enough, I can seal him inside a scroll, and then we can take care of the other one.

- Alright, I'll take care of the main body, you keep that pesky thing entertained," said Aoki, pointing to the mask that had already been disposed of by the water dragon.

- Anything I should know?

- It only uses wind chakra, that other thing you cut in half used lightning chakra, and there's still one that only uses fire chakra, but that one got inside Kakuzu's body," he explained quickly.

- What do you mean it got inside his body?

- I'll explain later, now let's take care of sealing it.

- Right.

Akio jumped towards the mask while Aoki ran in Kakuzu's direction.

I must admit, this is pretty cool, although, for some reason, I feel like something isn't quite right.

*With Akio's clone*

- Get the hell off me! - Hidan shouted at the clone.

- You wish," scoffed Akio's clone.

- This is disappointing Hidan, I expected more from you," said a voice from behind Akio's clone.

Before the clone could turn around to see who it was behind him, he was stabbed in the head, causing him to explode in smoke.

Once the clone had disappeared, Hidan and Kakuzu's clone were freed from Akio's barrier technique.

- At last! - Hidan exclaimed with joy.

- What are you doing here Zetsu? - asked Kakuzu's clone.

The one named Zetsu, had the shape of a "flytrap", due to the extensions that emerged from its sides, enveloping its front and upper body like a shell. Beneath these extensions was a humanoid form, half white and half black, with short green hair. He wore a cloak identical to that of Hidan and Kakuzu. Under his cloak, he wore blue trousers and sandals, and his legs were also covered with bandages. White screw-like dots protruded outward along the edges of his left half. Zetsu wore a green-colored ring, with the kanji for "boar" above his little finger.

- Pain-sama was upset that none of them showed up for the mandatory meeting, so he sent me to find them. Now imagine my surprise when I see that Kakuzu is having a tough fight with a young man who looks like the Nidaime hokage and Hidan is trapped in a barrier technique under a building about to collapse," said the now identified Zetsu.

- Tch, we wasted too much time in this place, we have to finish soon and report to Pain-sama as soon as possible if we don't want to get killed," said the Kakuzu clone.

- Ha! As if anyone could kill me! Dashin-sama would never allow that! - exclaimed Hidan.

- Don't be so gullible Hidan, even though no one can kill you because of your immortality, that doesn't mean there aren't other ways to deal with you," said Zetsu, as a mischievous grin formed on his face.

- What do you mean? - asked the Jashinist.

- Have they ever tried to take your soul?

Hidan blanched at the thought of the possibility. While his immortality meant he could not die from any kind of physical harm, there was no assurance that the same would work for his soul.

- Now go about your business and return, I can sense several powerful shinobi approaching from the direction of Konoha, they will be here in 40 minutes.

After Zetsu said that, he sank to the ground and disappeared as if he had never been there.

- Move Hidan, I'll go take care of other business," said the Kakuzu clone, before leaving.

- Tch, "Move Hidan, I have other business to take care of", who the hell does that damn clone think he is?

Even after saying that, Hidan quickly moved out of the building, which moments later, collapsed, leaving a large cloud of dust in the area.

- Alright, now I just have to look for my severed arm, and then that damn bitch who tried to seal me," Hidan growled.

*With Aoki and Akio

Akio was about to stab the annoying mask that kept bombarding her with powerful wind jutsus but was interrupted by a flood of memories from her clone. Akio's moment of hesitation left her open to receive a sphere of wind in the middle of her abdomen.

- Damn it," she complained, as she healed herself with medical ninjutsu, "Aoki, come here," she shouted.

In no time, Aoki had fallen beside her and was looking at her with concern as he saw her damaged abdomen.

- My clone was destroyed, the other ninja will be here any moment, stay alert," said Akio, finishing healing his wound.

- How was he destroyed? - Aoki asked.

- I don't know, from what my clone's memories say, someone appeared behind him and stabbed him in the head.

- Damn," complained Aoki, "Well, let's wait for the other one to show up, then we'll take care of them both at the same time.

- OK, fine.

A few minutes later, Hidan appeared, with a manic look on his face when he saw Akio.

- You! - he shouted, looking at Akio.

- Me?" he asked, bowing his head.

- You fucking bitch, I promise I'll make you suffer when I get my hands on you! - If looks could kill, Akio would be nothing but ashes by now.

- Sorry, I'm already married and I'm not interested in a religious maniac with some kind of weird immortality," Akio replied.

- Hadan! Shut up and calm down, I need you to concentrate on this!

- No! Don't ask me to shut up and calm down! I've been locked in goddamn barriers most of the day because of those bastards and their goddamn clones! And to top it off, they tried to seal me in a fucking scroll! - he shouted, completely furious.

- What do you mean, they tried to seal you? - Kakuzu asked.

- Well, there goes our surprise plan, ideas? - Aoki asked.

- Wait until Konoha's help arrives?

- Sounds like something complicated, after all, that guy wants you dead for trying to seal him, and Kakuzu seems upset that we broke some of his masks," Aoki pointed out.

- Then I've got nothing.

- I'll have...

I couldn't finish listening to what Aoki was saying, because Kanji lifted me in his arms and moved me out of the way of an earthen spear that would have impaled my heart.

I could only stare in confusion at the piece of sharp earth that came within a hair's breadth of taking my life. After my daze had faded, I realized something horrible. A few feet away from Kanji and me, stood the clone that Kakuzu had sent to find Hidan.

- Alright, you brats, those idiots down there took 4 of my 5 hearts, so I'm going to need replacements, and you two are the only ones here right now, so don't make this too painful for yourselves and die for me, okay? - exclaimed the clone.

As he finished speaking, several black threads shot out of his body and headed at high speed toward us.

Kanji quickly pulled out his tanto and stopped some of the threads, but a few of them managed to enter his defense and stuck in his legs.

- Argh! Hideki, get out of here!

Is he seriously asking me to leave? He won't be able to stand alone against a Kakuzu clone, though I don't think I can do much either, we could both hold him off long enough until the rest of the Anbu return from escorting the civilians.

- No," I replied, drawing my trench knives from the seal on the back of my hand.

- Hideki, that's an order from Akio-sama, get out of here!

- If I let you die, and this bastard kills you, who will protect me next? You will fail in your mission to protect me if that happens.

Before the Anbu could say anything, I charged the knives with chakra and moved as fast as I could to cut the threads that were stuck in Kanji's legs, then grabbed him by the shoulder and made a Kawarimi with nearby debris.

- Damn it, Akio-sama will murder me for this.

- Or he'll congratulate you for keeping me alive, now stop whining and worry about the clone in front of us.

- I'm not sure if it's funny or sad that an 8 year old is ordering me around.

- Think about it later, here come those threads again.

I put myself in the base taijutsu stance that Aoki had taught me and waited for the threads to get close enough to be in the range of my knives.

- Hideki duck!

Without a second thought, I did as Kanji ordered and crouched down.

- Raiton: Gian," said Kanji.

I could see a lightning bolt pass over my head and hit the black threads and continued until it reached the Kakuzu clone. Once the lightning struck the clone, it disappeared, leaving debris behind.

For a few seconds, I looked around for where it might be, until I felt something wet and warm fall on my head. As I touched the wet area, I realized that my hair was wet for some reason, so I brought my hand up to my face to see what it was. It was blood. When I realized this, I slowly turned around to see Kanji, the Anbu who was supposed to protect me, impaled by the dark hand of Kakuzu's clone piercing his chest while holding his heart. I could only watch the grotesque scene for a few moments, as I quickly had to move as a dark hand attached to even darker threads was rapidly approaching me from the side.

Once I was at a relatively safe distance from the clone, I had enough time to take a good look at Kanji. His eyes were wide with horror, as a line of blood trickled down his mouth, the hole where his heart once was still gushing blood. Meanwhile, Kakuzu's clone had stuffed Kanji's heart inside his own body.

- What's the matter brat, never seen someone die before? Well, get used to it, this is the shinobi world, where the law of the strongest rules, if you are weak like this guy, you can only wait for death," said the clone, while the hand that had tried to catch me retracted back into his body.

I paid no attention to the clone's words and continued to stare at Kanji's dead body. For some reason I didn't feel sadness, fear, or anything else like that, I just felt a kind of Déjà vu, as if I had experienced something like this before.

Yeah... I remember... that guy had the same look on his face when I killed him... fear, pain, suffering, and a bit of joy... joy in knowing that all his sins had been paid for with his blood and that now someone else would have to bear them...

I could only look the clone in the eye. My eyes were now empty of any feeling and his eyes looked curious, as if I was looking at a completely new animal. I wasn't afraid of death, after all, fears go away the moment you lose your life, and I had already lost mine once.

I clenched my knives tighter than before and braced myself, as I watched the rain slowly start to fall.

Heh... today is a great day to die...

Author's note: I just finished with this chapter, and I'm done, so if anyone finds a spelling mistake or anything like that, please pretend you never saw it :D

Nidaime: Second.

Fūton: Atsugai: Element Wind: Pressure Damage.

Raiton: Gian: Element Lightning: False Darkness.

Isshi Tōjin: String of Light Formation.