
Reincarnating in the world of Naruto

patreon. com/Wuffy123 Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. (I always wanted to write that xd) A/N: This is my first fic, I hope not to disappoint you and that you support me in this new world that fanfiction is for me. If you have any suggestions on how to improve my writing, I would greatly appreciate it. The story will be told from the reincarnated person's perspective, although don't worry, Naruto and the rest of the characters will appear in due course. On the other hand, there will also be many changes, as you will see later, and as you will realize as the story progresses. - Hello – (person speaking) hello (thought) Edit: This is a translation you can find the original on FanFiction. Net with the same name

Nic345 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 10

Several minutes later Suigetsu had returned to the infirmary with two doctors and a guard. Haku had taken it upon himself to explain to the guard everything that had happened while the nurses healed me as best they could, which was to repair my broken ribs and close the wounds on my legs, leaving all the remaining damage there.

After being "healed", I headed to the courtyard along with Kaori and the other two teenagers. I won't lie, it was strange being the center of attention of so many people, although I wasn't sure if it was because of my fight against number 8 or because I was holding onto number 1 in order to walk.

Once we got to the courtyard, we sat down in an area with few people and started watching the rest of the fights. I felt strange being protected by Haku, Suigetsu and Kaori, but after a few minutes I got used to it, although I couldn't get one question out of my mind, so I decided to ask it.

- Hey, Kaori - I said, without taking my eyes off the screen that was showing one of the last fights of the first phase of the tournament.

- Yes?

- How did you manage to form stone spikes and a golem in the infirmary? All the walls are supposed to be covered with chakra-absorbing seals.

- Oh, right, I never told you... it's my kekkei genkai.

- Kekkei genkai? - I asked, looking at her curiously.

- Yes. It allows me to control the earth at will without the need for chakra.

That sounds similar to what the earthbenders do in Avatar.

- Does your kekkei genkai have a name?

- No, neither the researchers nor I gave it one.

- Researchers?

- Yes, it's an artificial kekkei genkai. That means it's the result of various experiments performed on my body when I was younger. It's a pretty useful kekkei genkai, although I only use it when I'm out of chakra and when I'm too upset.

- Sounds like a good beam up my sleeve - I pointed out.

- It is, but it also has several disadvantages.

- Such as?

- When I lose control of my emotions the earth around me begins to identify everyone nearby as a danger and attacks them without distinguishing between friend or foe. It's also a huge mental and physical expense and I can't use ninjutsu of any other element than earth," he explained.

Sounds like a skill that could be quite good if trained in the right way....

- Hey, and if you can control earth at will without the need for chakra, how come you haven't run away from this place yet? - I asked.

Suigetsu and Haku seemed suddenly interested in the conversation.

- Where would I go? I have no family to go back to, no village to protect me, let alone money or clothes besides this one, besides, this place is much more fun - he shrugged.

- How can it be fun to wake up every day and do the same repetitive things over and over again?

- It amuses me to fight and be praised by onlookers - she replied with a huge smile.

What a weird girl...

- Now let me ask you a question - said Kaori.

- Go ahead.

- How did you end up here?

- A bastard wiped out my village, killed my parents and brought me here.

- Oh... that's harsh...

- How about you? - I asked.

- I was found by Oyashiro when I destroyed my village in a fit of rage. He brought me here.

- Wow...

- Yeah... what about you guys?

We turned to look at the two teenagers who were listening to the conversation in silence.

Haku and Suigetsu looked at each other for a few moments and then spoke.

- Personal reasons - Haku answered.

Personal reasons?

- I was kidnapped when the bloodline purge started in Kiri.

- Looks like none of them had it easy," I muttered.

The others just nodded their heads.

- If you were to escape from here someday, what would you want to do? - Haku asked suddenly.

- I don't know... as I said, I have nowhere and no one to go back to, so I never thought about a life outside this place - Kaori answered.

- I would like to go back to Kiri and be one of the 7 swordsmen of the mist - said Suigetsu.

- What about you, Hideki-san? - asked the teenager, looking at me curiously.

Hmm... What do I want to do when I get out? Obviously I want to kill Kakuzu, but... What else could I do? The last thing I remember about Konoha was that it was on the brink of a war with Iwa and his allies, so I don't think traveling the world is a good idea right now, on the other hand, I'm not sure about going to Konoha since I would end up involved in their stupid war, and honestly I'm already tired of so much fighting, but if I want to kill Kakuzu I will need serious training, training that Konoha can provide me with, but I'm not sure what to do after I kill him... get a family, maybe? I'm one of only two Senju alive in the world, I guess it wouldn't hurt to carry on the Tobirama bloodline....

- I'm not sure... I'd like to get revenge on the bastard who took my family from me and put me here, but I'm not arrogant enough to believe that I could beat him easily, so I'd need training, but I'm not sure what to do after I get revenge....

- Well, you have plenty of time to think about it, after all, I doubt we'll get out of here anytime soon - Suigetsu pointed out.

- That's true - said Kaori.

- You could leave whenever you want - said Haku looking at the girl.

- Yes, but, even if I did I doubt I could get too far with Oyashiro's men following me.

- Good point...

- Looks like the fighting is over," Suigetsu pointed out.

We all turned to look at the screen once again and it showed the second round matches that would start the next day.

Match N°1 - Hideki vs Kaede

Match N°2 - Sora vs Aneko

Match N°3 - Asa vs Hikaru

Match N°4 - Isao vs Jomei

- Who is Kaede? - I asked.

- Number 6 if I'm not mistaken - answered Suigetsu.

- And is she strong?

- She's much stronger than number 8 - replied Kaori with a shrug.

Yeah... I'm screwed...

- I'm not sure, but I had heard rumors a while ago that Kaede-san is a Shōton user - said Haku.

Shōton? Wasn't that crystal release? I thought the only user of that kekkei genkai was Guren.

- Sounds like it's going to be a tough fight - I muttered.

- It will be, she's number 6 for a reason," said Kaori.

- Have you ever fought with her? - I asked.

- Yes, although it was an exhibition fight, so she didn't give her all, but, even so, it was a very close fight - answered the girl.

- Thinking about it won't help right now, I think you should go to your cell and rest, you will need it if you plan to be in good condition for your fight tomorrow - proposed Haku.

- You are right - I answered.

I stood up with Kaori's help and thanked Haku for everything he had done for me, then I went to my cell.

- You know... I think we might have a hope to escape from this place after all - Suigetsu muttered.

Haku just nodded and continued to watch the two boys walk away.

- Hey Kaori...

- Yes?

- Can I ask one last question?

- Sure - she shrugged her shoulders.

- What happened between you and Akiro?

The girl instantly tensed up after hearing that question, although, I noticed this, I didn't say anything about it.

- If you don't want to answer or don't feel comfortable with the question you can just ignore it, no need to answer.

- Thanks... maybe someday I'll tell you about it, but for now I'd rather let the subject pass - he mumbled.

- That's fine.

We continued walking until we reached my cell, where Kaori left me at the door and then retreated. When I entered my cell I realized two things, the first was that I was not alone. The second: the chakra seals in my room had disappeared, something that only happened when someone special came to visit me.

- What are you doing here, Oyashiro? - I growled as I prepared to pull out my trench knives.

I would have liked to throw a shunshin out of the place, but my chakra hadn't recovered enough to use a jutsu.

I could feel someone put their hand on my shoulder and I quickly reacted by pulling out my knives and trying to stab the intruder. My hand was stopped by a huge man I recognized as Soka.

- Sit down, brat," growled the man as he guided me in the direction of the bed.

I just looked at him for a few seconds and then did as he said. I wasn't fully healed and I was sure this guy could beat me up without even spending himself, not to mention that Oyashiro was somewhere in the cell, so it would be better for me to just obey and see what they wanted.

- It's good to see you again, Hideki-kun - said Oyashiro's voice, coming out of the shadows of the cell.

- What do you want? - I asked, without looking him in the eyes.

During the visits of this guy, I had tried to attack him on several occasions, just to test the range of his dojutsu, and I had realized that I could only control myself if I looked him straight in the eyes, it was like looking at the sharingan, but unlike the sharingan, this dojutsu could make you explode at any time.

- Straight to the point as always - sighed the man.

- You never come just to talk, you only come when you want to offer me something in exchange for a favor or to send a stupid message from Kakuzu - I growled.

- All right, then I won't beat around the bush too much. Your master has sent you a small gift followed by a message; "I hope this is enough for you to win your next fight. I bet too much money on you for the next round, so for your own sake, you'd better not lose." - Oyashiro said, while trying to imitate Kakuzu's voice.

The message is nothing new, but what does he mean by "small gift"?

My mental question was answered when from the same shadow as Oyashiro stepped out a tall, very pale-skinned man with long black hair reaching his waist. He possessed amber eyes with slits in his pupils and purple markings around his eyes. He wore a black cloak with red clouds that I recognized instantly.

Oh... my goodness...

- Oh, so this is the golden goose that Kakuzu has been bragging so much about," said the man with a silky smooth voice and a chuckle at the end.

No, no, no, no, no, NO! This makes no damn sense! This guy was supposed to be Sasori or Itachi's partner! What the hell is he doing with Kakuzu! What the hell is he doing here! Why the hell does he still have an akatsuki cape! Isn't he supposed to leave when Itachi enters the organization?!

- Looks like you scared him off, Orochimaru-san," laughed Oyashiro.

- So it seems - muttered the now revealed Sannin.

- Well, why don't you start with the treatment so we don't waste any more time - suggested Oyashiro.

Treatment? What treatment?! I don't want any treatment from this guy!

I tried to move to form the ram seal and leave the place with a shunshin. At this point I couldn't care less about the fact that my chakra wasn't fully recovered, I simply wanted to leave the place, I wanted nothing to do with Orochimaru of the sannin, one of the most dangerous ninja in the world and one of the greatest mad scientists in the world as well. Unfortunately, for some reason my body wouldn't move from where it was, it was as if I was bound with wires.

- Wow, looks like you're finally reacting," laughed the sannin.

- What the hell did you do to me, why can't I move? - I asked, desperate.

- Oh, so you can talk, that will make this much easier - said Orochimaru as he approached me.

- Stay away!

- Easy kid, if you keep trying to move I won't be able to heal you effectively. My paralysis jutsu can stop your body, but if you keep trying to move, you will only cause your chakra influx to harm yourself.

Heal me? Paralysis jutsu? What the hell are you talking about?

- You seem to be confused Hideki-kun, let me explain what's going on. This man here," said Oyashiro, pointing to the snake sannin, "Is Orochimaru-san, one of the famous sannin and an excellent doctor, second only in the art of medicine to his partner, Tsunade Senju. Kakuzu-san has convinced him to come and cure you as long as you are prepared for your fight tomorrow, as he has the belief that, if you are not at your full capacity, you will simply die at the hands of Kaede-chan - Oyashiro explained.

That son of a bitch sent a fucking psychopath/genocide/mad scientist/possible pedophile to cure me in order to be ready for my fight tomorrow?

- If he's just coming to cure me, why did he restrict my movements? - I said, still trying to free myself from the paralysis jutsu.

- Because this might hurt you. A lot. So I decided to take precautions so that you don't make sudden movements and ruin my work - answered Orochimaru.

- What the hell do you mean? You're supposed to be here to heal me, why would healing hurt? - I asked, completely terrified of what this man was thinking of doing to me.

- Because you see, besides being a doctor, I'm a scientist, and I'm currently testing a semi-automatic healing method using the venoms of different species of snakes and my very dear friend Kakuzu needed a good doctor for his star fighter since he didn't trust the doctors in this place to be able to heal you well enough for you to fight the next day, so I offered him my services in exchange for first allowing me to try a little something on his beloved golden goose," said the sannin, with an honestly terrifying smile on his face.

My face paled as I heard what they were about to do to me.


- I refuse to participate in the experiments of a madman! - I screamed as I tried to channel chakra to my entire body to get out of paralysis.

- Oh no, you won't," said Orochimaru as a snake came out from under his cloak and bit my leg.

- Argh, get that damn thing off me - I growled.

I could feel the reptilian's fangs digging into my leg and injecting something. After a few seconds I started to feel dizzy, I could also feel my body relax and the ideas in my head started to get fuzzy. Before I knew it, I had already fallen sideways on the bed. It was like being under the influence of alcohol.

- Wh.... what... what... did you do to me? - I asked with difficulty.

- Oh, nothing special, it's just a hallucinogenic effect caused by this little friend - said the sannin while stroking the snake now in his hand - Its venom depresses the central nervous system, thus causing the same effects as alcohol on the system, but relax, the effect only lasts a couple of hours and will not affect the test results at all... I think... - that last part he muttered with little or no certainty of his own words.

Damn it, I need to get out of this place, but my body feels heavy and doesn't respond to my mental commands.

- Please, Orochimaru-san, could you hurry up? My time is valuable and I can't spend all day here watching you talk to the boy - said Oyashiro suddenly.

- You're right, I'm sure Kakuzu must already be annoyed by my tardiness - muttered the sannin.

I had to watch helplessly as Orochimaru took out a small vial from his cloak and put all its contents into a syringe. The look he was giving me while doing all this was completely creepy, I felt like a prey under the watchful eye of a predator.

After a few seconds, he came over and injected me with what I assumed were the set of poisons he spoke of earlier.

At first nothing happened, so I visibly relaxed, but then my whole body was invaded by a strong burning sensation and I couldn't help a scream of pain leaving my body. It felt like every cell in my body was melting. The pain I was feeling at that moment could not be bought to anything else I had ever felt in either of my two lives, it was something completely new and horrible.

The pain lasted for what seemed like hours, but it was only minutes. It seemed like the suffering would never stop and I could already start to feel the blood coming out of my mouth due to biting down to try to get my brain to focus on something other than the damn poison burning my body from the inside.

- Wow... it doesn't seem to be working.

The sannin's muttering came through loud and clear, like he was talking in my ear just for me to hear.

- It also looks like the boy hurt his tongue," Soka pointed out as he pointed to the mixture of slime and blood falling from my mouth.

I could feel my consciousness slowly starting to fade away.

At least then I won't have to suffer anymore....

That was the last thing I could think as beautiful unconsciousness had trapped me in her soft, warm arms.

*Hours later*

I found myself having a beautiful dream where I was sitting on Orochimaru's mangled body while mocking Kakuzu's severed head. Unfortunately it was rudely interrupted by someone's voice calling out to me.

- Hideki, are you in there?!

I could hear a person's voice outside my cell, but I was feeling incredibly tired for some reason, so I decided to just lay there on the bed and try to get back to my sleep.

- Hello!

The voice kept calling, but I couldn't get out of bed, my muscles felt numb and it was hard to move them.

- Damn it Hideki, open up or I'll hit you!

I simply ignored the screams and tried to return to the dream world, but it was a fruitless attempt as the door to my cell burst open. I watched curiously as the body of one of the guards who was supposed to protect my cell was now lying writhing in pain on the floor.

- Oh, my God, what happened to you?!

I'm not deaf, so no need to scream.

Once I got a good look at the person who had broken into my cell so brazenly I realized it was Kaori and she looked worried for some reason.

Why does she look so agitated?

- What's wrong, are you okay?

The words came out hoarse and in almost a whisper, but they did the trick.

- Am I all right?! What's wrong with you?! What happened to you?!

I didn't understand what he meant, and apparently my confusion was reflected on my face.

- You look awful.

Wow, how sincere...

- You look beautiful too.

The sarcasm was clear in my words, but Kaori seemed to take it badly if the frown on her face was anything to go by.

- This is no time for jokes, you idiot, you need to be taken to a doctor.

Doctor... the word kept repeating over and over and over in my brain, then another word appeared.

Scientist... doctor... a doctor and scientist... snakes....

At that moment my eyes widened exaggeratedly, after all, I had remembered with vivid sensations how a pale bastard made his snake intoxicate me and then injected me with poison.

Instinctively I pushed Kaori away from me and began to run my hands over my body, looking for everything to be in its place, meanwhile a feeling of nausea began to invade me and before I knew it I was vomiting.

- How disgusting - the girl murmured as she watched me empty my stomach.

Once I finished vomiting, I wiped my mouth with a small handkerchief Kaori had given me and then stared into her eyes.

- Long story short, a pale bastard obsessed with snakes came to my cell along with Oyashiro at the request of the son of a bitch who put me in this hole. Supposedly he had been sent to "cure" me of my wounds since he didn't trust the doctors in this place to do it properly, but that didn't stop the pale bastard from experimenting with poison on my body.

- Sounds like you had a nice visit.

- You might say. How bad do I look? - I asked.

- You look like a ghost now. Your skin color is as white as your hair, but other than that, I think you're all right, how do you feel?

- I'm alive, which is something, but I think I'm fine, or at least I'm not in any pain. To be honest, I feel much better than I did before.

- It seems that the visit of the pale bastard and Oyashiro wasn't as bad as you thought - he joked.

- Easy, it was - I muttered as the phantom pain of the poison coursing through my body kicked in.

- Okay, get up, we should clean this up and then go to the dining room, you look like you need a good meal - he pointed out.

- Okay, but I think I'll need help getting up, my muscles feel numb.

- Didn't you say you were feeling well?

- No... - I answered, subtly looking away.

*sigh* - Good.

It took us about 15 minutes to clean the cell and "fix" the door, then we left the unconscious guard sitting outside and proceeded to walk in the direction of the mess hall.

- Hey, are you sure you're feeling okay?

I could clearly hear the concern in his words and it made me feel warm to know that at least someone cared about my well-being.

- Relax, I'm fine - I replied, with a smile on my face.

- I hope so - he sighed.

We continued walking for a few minutes and finally arrived at the dining room. When we entered, everyone looked at me strangely and I didn't understand the reason, at least until I remembered what Kaori had said.

So now I look like a ghost? Now that I think about my appearance, it's been a long time since I've seen myself in a mirror or anything like that... I hardly remember what I looked like anymore, although I do know that I would have to cut my hair, it's getting pretty awkward.

- Damn it brat, what happened to you?

As I looked in the direction of the voice, I realized it was Kenta, the coliseum cook. He was looking at me with obvious surprise on his face.

- Good afternoon Kenta, yes I'm fine, yes I'm glad to see you too - I said sarcastically.

- Don't be sarcastic with me you stupid brat - he complained - What are you going to bring? - he asked, taking a bowl from the bar.

Hum... I always eat soup with noodles and some part of crab, but for some reason today I felt like eating something different.

- Choose for me - I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

- Funny, I figured you'd order me the usual, looks like your appearance isn't the only thing that's changed - he laughed.

- I don't look that bad... do I?

- Shall I give you an honest answer or keep serving your food?

- Better continue with the food - I sighed.

- Relax Hideki, I think you look good like this - said Kaori from the side putting her hand on my shoulder.

- Thank you Kaori, you're the...

My words were interrupted by a loud gasp. Looking where it came from, I could see Suigetsu and Haku looking at me in surprise, apparently Suigetsu had been the one to let out his gasp while looking at me strangely.

- Dude... what the hell happened to you?!

The teenager's loud voice momentarily stunned me so I looked at him in annoyance.

No need to yell damn it, I can hear you.

- A little makeover - I replied, while taking the food from Kenta's hands.

- Hideki-san, did something bad happen in your cell? I saw that the door was somewhat down and a guard knocked out, was it Akiro's doing?

I could hear Haku's voice turn completely cold when he mentioned Akiro, which made me feel satisfied. Apparently I had gotten the teenager's support without even trying.

At times like this I should be grateful for Akiro's constant assassination attempts... no, I wasn't.

- Relax Haku-san, the cell thing was Kaori's doing - I replied.

Apparently the girl had heard my comment and blushed with embarrassment.

- It's not my fault, you wouldn't open the damn door and the idiot guard wouldn't let me in - she grumbled.

- Kaori-san, you are aware that we can't open our own doors, right?

The confused look Kaori was giving the ice release user was enough to answer Haku's question.

- Can't they? That's weird, I thought everyone could do it - she shrugged.

So she can open her own cell?

- Can you open your cell? - Suigetsu asked with clear astonishment in his words.

- Well yes, I assumed it was a normal thing.

- Our doors are only supposed to be opened from the outside," Haku pointed out.

- Strange, mine could always be opened from both sides.

Could this have something to do with his kekkei genkai? If he can control the earth itself as one of the avatar earthbenders, it wouldn't be a surprise if he could also control metal, and since his kekkei genkai doesn't require chakra it would be reasonable that he could open the door, but... Why hasn't anyone stopped it yet?

- Hey! You brats! If you're done talking move out of line, there are more people waiting to eat!

Kenta's voice snapped me out of my thoughts and brought me back to reality. Looking back, I realized that there were at least 5 more people waiting to get food, so I did the wise thing and moved to a table, action which Kaori and the two teenagers followed.

- Alright, now I want to hear how you ended up turning so pale - Suigetsu said suddenly.

- Oyashiro and a doctor visited me after Kaori left me in my cell, apparently the idiot who put me in this place had sent them to heal me since he didn't trust the doctors here to heal me well enough for me to fight tomorrow.

- So was it Oyashiro or the doctor who did this to you? - Haku asked.

- The doctor. From what he told me, he would first experiment on me by injecting me with a mixture of different kinds of snake venom to see if he could produce some kind of semi-automatic medicine.

- How did he expect to create a semi-automatic medicine by injecting you with snake venom?

The disbelief in Suigetsu's voice would have been pretty stupid if I hadn't been spared the fact that that doctor was Orochimaru of the sannin.

- So that set of poisons made you pale? - Haku asked again.

- That's my theory, although I'm not sure since after he injected me with that I started to feel a lot of pain and then I passed out. He may have done more things to me while they were unconscious.

- Wow, that's harsh," Suigetsu pointed out.

- I know.

I looked suspiciously at Kaori as she had been quiet for quite some time and noticed that she seemed to be thinking deeply about something.

- Is something wrong, Kaori? - I asked.

- Eh?

It seemed that my question brought her out of her thoughts.

- I asked if something was wrong. You've been very quiet since we sat down and you seemed to be thinking deeply about something.

- Oh, it's nothing, I just remembered something unimportant - she replied with an obviously forced smile.

I didn't want to press the issue too much as I assumed it would be something personal, so I just nodded.

- Okay. You two won't eat? - I asked, looking at Haku and Suigetsu.

- We already ate - Haku answered.

- I see.

For the first time I saw my food since I took it. It was some kind of giant lobster with various vegetables around it and rice balls.

What the hell is wrong with the sea animals in this place, is there something in the water that makes them become gigantic?

I picked up one of the rice balls and noticed Kaori looking at it with stars in her eyes and some drool falling from her open mouth. I looked at her plate and noticed that it was completely clean, it looked like she had cleaned it with her tongue which disgusted me a little but I didn't think too much of it. I gave the rice ball to the girl and it looked like the stars in her eyes had gotten bigger.

- May I? - she asked, looking at the rice ball in my hand hopefully.

- Sure.

After I said that, the rice ball disappeared completely, it hadn't even left a trace of its existence, it was interesting to say the least.

- Do you guys want some too? - I asked looking at the teenagers sitting on the other side of the table.

- No, thanks - replied Haku.

- Sure - exclaimed Suigetsu, taking one of the rice balls.

Haku just looked at him and shook his head as if this was not the first time. This scene reminded me of my high school days, when I would get together for lunch with my schoolmates and a smile slowly formed on my face.

All we're missing is a pet...

- Hey, brat.

I was pulled out of my mental musing by a voice I recognized well. I turned and saw Soka looking at me from the entrance to the dining room. He motioned for me to come over and pointed to a box at his feet.

I approached the burly man and eyed him suspiciously.

- What's the matter?

- This is yours, it's the stuff from the old number 8.

After saying that, he performed a shunshin and left the place.

Oh, right when you defeat one of the top 10 you can take his place.

I looked curiously at the box and then picked it up.

- Hey Kaori!

The girl in question turned to look at me and raised an eyebrow.

- I'm going to go take this to my cell, do you want to join me?

By the time I finished saying those words the girl was already beside me checking the box in my hands.

- What's in there? - she asked.

- Stuff from the old number 8 - I answered as I started walking.

- Great, so now you are Mr. 8

The joy in his words was infectious, so much so that I found myself smiling as I continued to listen to his ramblings about being the new number 8 and how by the end of the week I would be number 5, of course, if I don't get killed first.

Once we got to my cell door we noticed that the guard Kaori had knocked out was awake and apparently he wasn't too happy about what happened if the look he was giving the girl next to me was anything to go by.

- Hey... hi... you're not upset about earlier, are you? It was just a little tap.

Kaori's words seemed to infuriate the guard more as his muscles tensed as if he was about to attack, at least until he let out a sigh and went on to ignore us both. We both shrugged and asked another guard to open the door for us so we could enter.

- All right! It's time to see what's in the box," exclaimed the girl.

Before I could say anything, the box had already been taken out of my hands. I could only sigh as I watched Kaori sit on my bed and begin to check what was inside the box.

It took us about 10 minutes to see everything in the box, which, to be honest, was quite a few things. We found everything from ninja tools like shurikens and kunais, to things like money and soldier pills. We came to the conclusion that the latter were sold by the former number 8, which would explain the money, although we couldn't understand how he managed to get stuff like that into this place, and we also didn't understand how the rest of the fighters got money, we guessed from Akiro, although it was a hypothesis for the moment.

- All right, tell me everything you found and I'll tell you everything I found - proposed Kaori.

- Okay. I found about 25 kunais and shurikens, most of them worn out, although there were at least new ones of each. A jacket with the number 8 on it, about 9000 ryō and a small letter.

- A letter?

- Yes, a letter.

- And what does it say?

- I don't know, I haven't opened it yet - I shrugged my shoulders.

- And what are you waiting for?

- I was thinking of waiting until we got all the stuff out, but I guess I can do it now.

I unfolded the small paper letter and quickly ran my eyes over the words written on it and then began to read.

- "Congratulations, Hideki-kun on your victory against Jiro-kun, though I would like you to refrain from killing any more of my fighters, and even more so if those fighters are in the top 10. It's a pain in the ass to have to do tournaments whenever one dies, you know? That aside, I hope you enjoy Jiro-kun's stuff and your new jacket. Until next time, Oyashiro."

When I finished reading what the small sheet of paper said I looked at Kaori with annoyance.

- Didn't you say it was a death match?

- Emm... yeah... well... I might have exaggerated on that part....

I could only sigh and shake my head. This wasn't the first time Kaori tricked me into believing that my next match would be a death match. According to her, it was so that I would fully concentrate on my next match, as she believed it would be a difficult one, although I had a theory that she took some kind of sadistic pleasure in watching me murder people, but I put those thoughts aside.

- Okay, now it's my turn.

- Okay, what did you find?

- Lots of wire, smoke balls, several rusty knives, a glass vial full of soldier pills, two scrolls, a picture of you and a day....

- Wait! - I interrupted her - You said there was a picture of me?

- Yes... and scrolls, wire, smoke balls, rusty knives and a diary, which, by the way, I already read.

- Why the hell was there a picture of me among the stuff in the old number 8?

- I don't know - he shrugged - Maybe it was some kind of stalker obsessed with you.

I couldn't contain the shiver that went up my spine. Just the thought of #8 having a picture of me and possibly being some kind of stalker just gave me a bad feeling and made me want to puke.

- Okay, my picture aside, what are the scrolls for?

- One for the fireball jutsu and the other I don't know, I couldn't open it.

- What do you mean you couldn't open it?

- I couldn't open it, it's like it was stuck and if I kept pushing it, it would break.

Hum... that sounds like a seal of some kind. I remember Akio used blood or chakra seals when he kept something important.

- Let me take a look at it.

- Here," he said, extending the scroll.

Once I had it in my hands I looked at it carefully. There was no ink or seals anywhere. I tried to channel my chakra into the scroll, but nothing was happening. Finally, I bit my finger a little under Kaori's astonished gaze and let some of my blood fall on top of the sheet. The result the same, nothing happened.

Hmm... I'm not sure how to open it, so for now I'll keep it in storage and when I know about seals I'll see what I can do.

- Hey! Why did you bite yourself?! - the girl demanded to know.

- I thought the parchment had a blood stamp on it and maybe I could get some reaction using my blood on it, though there doesn't seem to be any, since if there was one it should have at least glowed the paper or something. Besides, it's a small cut, I don't think I'll die....

My words were interrupted by a small sting on the finger I had bitten, then I looked down to see what it was and I got a big surprise. My finger was healing itself, well, more than healing, you could say that the wound was healing incredibly fast. I watched in amazement as the small cut I had made healed and after a few seconds it disappeared as if it had never been there.

- Wow... that's great - Kaori murmured - How did you do that?

- I have no idea...

- You didn't do it on purpose?

The confusion was obvious in her words, although I couldn't blame her, she had seen a cut heal within seconds after it was done, it was something completely strange.

Could this be a result of Orochimaru's experiment?

Out of curiosity, I bit my finger again, ignoring Kaori's protests and stared at the bleeding wound. A few seconds after the cut was made on my finger, it again began to heal and then disappeared.

Wow... well, looks like some good came out of the suffering I had to go through because of the sannin.

I wanted to experiment with the limits of my accelerated healing, but I was sure Kaori wouldn't let me do that, so I put it off until she left my cell.

- Hey...

- Yes?

I stared at the girl who now seemed completely lost in thought.

- Yes... in the hypothetical case that I decided I wanted to leave this place, would you come with me? I mean, I know you want your revenge and all, but you said yourself that you weren't strong enough to fight the guy who brought you here, so I was thinking that maybe... I don't know... we could leave this place, go around the world while we get stronger along the way and when you're strong enough you could try to fight that guy, and I could help you.

Kaori's proposal left me completely stunned for a few seconds. When I finally regained my senses my response was instantaneous.

- Of course - I replied, with a gentle smile on my face.

The small smile on Kaori's face was enough for me to know that I would soon no longer be inside this hole.