
Reincarnating In Tensura as The God of Chaos ( rewritten )

Ken Luin a Prince in an Abandoned World Dies on his Wedding day And Reincarnates Into Tensura , Killed by His Wife and Father's Planning Ken Now Embraks to conquer the Cardinal World and Take his Revenge ? that you'll have to see I don't own the cover

25thKarma · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Chapter 1 : Reincarnation

( '...' For Thoughts )

("..." For Words )

( [...] For Telepathy and skills

Ex : Rimuru's Great sage or Raphael )

( <<... >> Voice of the world )

( Yup the name and Cover is changed , The First Chapter for Ken's Death is Skipped as it's not too necessary for the plot , Also in this New book some parts might be skipped intentionally because they aren't important or they were important but they're not now , This time I'll also put some restrictions on the power of Ken and Miley and there will be many other Changes too )


Ken Opens his Eyes in a Void 'Huh .. Where Am I ? , .. Am I In The Afterlife' Ken observed the area around him being completely a void not a single thing was there that could he see

'I Hope I Could Destroy All this .. and go back'

<< Unique skill . . Havoc Wreaker Yveltal Obtained >> A robotic voice rings in Ken's Head

'Huh What was that , I Can't be Hallucinating Right now Can I ? ,

[ Such a Loser .. ] But this time the voice was different more like that of a male ,

'Huh Again ?

[ Can't be .. ] ,

"You Who are you ?

[ Idiot I'm in your head who are you speaking out to ] , << Commencing Reincarnation >>

<< Succesful >>

Ken Opens his Eyes and the first thing he sees is a blurry sight of a woman holding him in her arms "He's so Cute .. Why isn't he crying though ? The lady says with a tone of concern while another man walks up to her

"Hmm .. Somethings Strange" , The Man grabs baby Ken's little hand and puts his finger on Ken's small wrist and checks his pulses , Hearing all Ken intentionally starts to cry as he could , seeing this the lady sighs in relief

"Let me hold him too" a Male Voice calls out , the Lady gently hands over Ken "Be Careful Jin" , "Come on Elena I know how to hold a baby" Jin says and turns to his friend Like "Luke thanks alot for coming even though I called you so urgently" Jin says as he Holds Ken with his left arm and extends his right one towards Luke for a handshake

"No problem Jin , call me again if there's any problem" Luke says and completes the handshake , After sometime of important talks Jin Walks out of the house with Luke and after a goodbye he comes back with Ken

"Jin Take care of Ken I'm going to the market Alright ? Elena says while she prepares her bag and starts to walk out of the house , "Okay ! , Jin Walks up to his Bedroom and lays down putting Ken Beside him

'So You're Telling me I've Been Reincarnated and You're My Skill ? ,

[ *Sigh* Isn't that what I've been telling you! ] , 'I Didn't know Skills could talk ?

[ I Made it myself to talk to you ] , 'Whoa' Ken was amazed by this unlike his previous life there did exist skills but they were for only combat and nothing else monsters existed there too but there was no skills like here in this world

'This World Seems amazing' , [ ... ]

'I Didn't say anything wrong did I ? , [ ... Shut up ] , Ken Thought about the events and how he was killed by his fiance and . . . The dad he loved so much '...'

< 8 Years later >

*Wood Sword Clashing noises x7* Ken clenched his wood Sword again and Dashed towards his father [ From the Left ] Ken Did as Yveltal Said and Dodged towards the right and yeah as always Yveltal was right and Jin Swinged his Sword towards left ,

*Tch* Jin was frustrated as how a kid could dodge his every single attack he knew he wasn't one of the bests or anything but still his son was a kid and Jin wasn't too old too , Jin Was Proud of his Son's skills but he was frustrated by it too he always wanted to show his Son his cool side but now when He's started Ken's Training after he turned 8 years old he couldn't do so ,

Ken now finally to land the final blow stopped in one place and imbued some of his Magicules into his sword and his legs and he lunged forward towards Jin and Swinged the sword vertically from the ground sending Jin's sword flying

Ken who was a prince in his previous life this time he was so good with a sword was not because he was a prince before in his previous life when he was born , in just some hours after his 6th birthday he mastered a sword and defeated not only every single kid in the royal championship but many adults too he was someone who truly represented the term a prodigy even among the prodigies ,

< Back home from training >

"Hahh .. How are you so strong you're just a kid" , Ken Chuckled "haha I Don't know maybe I'm a prodigy" , "You Shouldn't do things like that honey he's still a kid" Elena said showing concern for her son when suddenly Rosey came running inside of their house

"Jin Elena" .. *huff* *huff* She called while she took deep breaths , "What happened Rosey .. what's wrong ? Elena asked as she left the dishes and came running from the kitchen "S-Some People summoned a daemon inside of the Town" She said while still huffing and in a terrified voice

"What ?! Both Elena and Jin Exclaimed in surprise , Jin got up from the couch and Ken followed him "Is it True ? "Yes ..

, Elena And Jin nodded and Then all four of them Without worrying about anything leaving everything they started running outside of the house

[ What .. Why don't you fight the demon you can win against a lesser daemon atleast because no bastard around here can even summon a greater daem- .. wait .. I Recognise it ] ,

As the Four of them finally reached the outside of the village many other people were in the state of Chaos many people bumped into them as they were also running for their lives , but in the blink of an eye other than Ken everyone froze in one place and realising this Ken Stopped in his tracks ,

Ken turned back and saw a Daemon walking towards him and the daemon raised his finger and time continued but every human other than Ken there was dead all of them lied down they had no injuries no bruises no burn marks or neither anything else ,

"Master .. the Daemon called out but to who ? ...

'Who is he calling out to , me ? , I'm his Master !? , The Daemon now finally stood right infront of Ken and Bowed Suddenly Ken Felt like His Heart shattered , At that moment Yveltal Took over Ken's body For the First and Last time and Logically Ken's Consciousness faded for .. ever ,

"So You're finally here ... Diablo I was waiting for you , It felt disgusting to not be able to control your own body"

"I'm sorry master" Diablo Apologised for being late , Yveltal Turned to the Dead bodies of the Villager And Stepping on them He Walked outside of the Village Diablo Followed Him "*Sigh* I Need my Original Skills ..

< 4 Years Later , At Night In the Kingdom Of Jane >

A Rookie Around the Age of 21 Had Joined the Newly Formed Squadron And Surprisingly The Leader of this Newly Formed Squadron Was a Daemon and not any ordinary demon it was an Arch Daemon , The Rookie Opened His Room and Laying down on his Bed He Thought

*Sigh* 'How can they make me do this much work on just the first day hah .. and who places their Units Near a Dungeon, I Hope Atleast The Dinner would be good

After Taking off his Armour Colt Wore his Normal Clothes and Went out for dinner , After Colt Came back from his Dinner he Felt a cold chill run down his spine as he stared at the Arch Daemon standing beside the summoning circle , He Ran into his Room and closed the door sweat started to drop from his face and he jumped on his bed

Even after many hours Colt couldn't sleep maybe because he still couldn't forget the feeling he felt the moment he saw the Arch Daemon for the first time but after sometime Colt didn't knew but his eyes Closed and he finally slept ..

Opening his eyes this time the person wasn't Colt , the appearance same Blond hair Brown eyes and a good physique but the consciousness was different , Miley Suddenly Woke up from his bed the flashes of his previous life flowing in 'No .. it can't be it's the same as always'

Miley Clenched his Fists in anger enraged by another sudden transmigration he got up from the bed and started to punch everything he saw in his way destroying everything he couldn't control his anger and he also couldn't believe that this time he was so close to solving his transmigration problem but ..

Maybe Fate wasn't with him

<< Individual Miley Has Gained the Unique Skill 'Berserker' >>>

'W-what is this voice ?

<< Individual Miley has Gained the Unique Skill 'Cheat Lord Zygrade' >>

"What's going on ? the Same robotic voice rings in Miley's head and he Slams his Head on the wall and kicks the door destroying it because of all these Noises the Vice-Leader of the Squadron Walks up to Miley "Hey ! Rookie what's all that for huh !?

Miley's Unique Skill Interferes In his Mind Like Yveltal did with Ken and Takes over Miley , Activating the Unique skill Berserker Miley uses his Full Power and Punches the Vice-Leader causing the Vice - Leader's Armor to break and his hand to penetrate even his chest and killing him in an instant

Miley now charges outside of the Room and on the rampage he starts to Massacre all of the Squadron members that came in his way after minutes of fighting , Zygrade detects an attack coming from left so he Dodges away and a spear comes piercing through the wall .

( Next chapter soon )

thanks for reading I think I improved atleast a little , Didn't I ?

25thKarmacreators' thoughts