
Reincarnated with the god of death system.

'Everyone thinks they can fight the darkness, until they come in contact with it.' Died only to be reincarnated into the body of a side character. How unlucky can one get? A side character in a book who was killed by his family. A reader who incarnates into the body of the side character and awakens the most unattainable, sought after, god of death system. Owen at first is excited he has an invincible system that will give him lots of powers, unique weapons and super abilities. Till he finds out how his system operates and is left wishing he could die once again. 'CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE ACQUIRED 12 PLATINUM GIVING YOU A LIFETIME. VILLAINS DOOR WILL OPEN IN FEW SECONDS.' 'Dear host, welcome to the villain god of death system. Your first mission will be awarded soon.' 'Dear host, villain door first mission: Destroy the house of Saraphine.' House of Saraphine: The power house that contains infinite dragon energy. Destroying this will help host attain the dragon energy and create chaos in the world. 'Dear host, every action in the villain god of death system will affect the human world. Time for mission: 48 hours.' It was now Owen knew the god of death system isn't exactly what he had thought it was from the start. With so many manipulations going on, he is led to a path of unfulfilled journey filled with deceit and evil schemes. If Owen will be able to defeat his system and unravel the mysteries of the system and the worlds depends on how dark and cold he can let his heart be. "Isn't that Owen Duurm?" "Shhh....don't be so loud. Last week he had a falling out with the Prime Minister, and told him 'I hope you get home safely' our prime minister died the moment he stepped foot into his home." the lady was obviously sacred as she spoke and stares at the handsome man walking down the hall. "Isn't he the dummy of the Duurm family?" The lady released a sad sigh. "He used to be. But now, he is not just his family's terror but our terror. The whole country's nightmare."

Adela_Writer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
174 Chs

The gods never fail.

After they had all left Owen's villa and walked back to their cars, Mountain sage Ben Duurm brings a suggestion seeing that eveyone else is still in shock about how daring Owen has become. 

"Why dont we just kill him again?" 

Supreme elder Duurm has be looking for who to take out his anger on and directs it at Mountain sage. He flicked his forehead with his index finger and the man flew back a good ten feets. His back hitting the door of Gary's new car. Gary grits his teeth, secretly glaring at his grandfather and uncle but couldn't say a word. He is wise enough to now that his cousin has made his grandfather angry. 

"Kill him again? And what will you do if he wakes up again? Do you kill someone twice you fool?! If you had done your jobs properly, we wouldn't be in this situation. Fox, make sure you take care of the media. Tell them it is a simple joke we were making. Cook something up and make their doubts go away." 

"Of course father. I will make it go away." He the turns to Spell master, "Brother, how could you let him attack you? Owen knows no martial arts and is as weak as a day old chicken, how could he have managed to harm you, a whole spell master? Didnt you make yourself stronger?" He taunts feeling happy that his arrogant brother has been put in his place.

Spell Master knew he just wanted to poke at his wounds. He snickers and reminds. "You talk as if you all didnt just run away from his house because of few words that he spoke." 

Sioreme elder Duurm ckears hisbthroat. "Hmm...hmm...I didnt run away. As I am getting old, I don't want to involve myself in silly matters like this for long. Besides, as I am more poweful than him, if I lose my temper, no doubt, I will kill him with a flick of my finger." 

"But father, dont you think something has changed about Owen? I keep getting a bad feeling." Spell master says worried about the strange surge of energy he felt from him earlier. 

"Uncle, isnt that because you have hurt your head?" Gary chips in secretly happy at his uncles miserable state. 

Spell master gakresb at the man and waves themf of with his hand. He walks to his car but not before telling them. "When you all later realse what I am saying, I hope it wont be too late. Owen is different and I can feel it." He then gets into his car and drives off. 

The others begin to grumble under their throat as they glance at his villa before getting into their cars and leaving. 

Owen watched from the window as their cars drove off before he lets himself collapse on the floor. He couldn't belive he had just done that. Where did he get the courage from? 

Everything he had said was just bluffing and now he is really scared to go into the ancestors hall. What if the god of death system is actually black magic disguised as a system? 

What if he actaully dies in his ancestors hall? 

That would be more humiliating than facing a powerful man naked. He raises his face as he looks up at the ceiling. What has he gotten himself into again? But he quickly erase the thought. Sitting upright, he wears his round neck T-shirt that he didnt get to wear and rubs the side of his cheeks that his grandfather had slapped. The Duurm family is really fucked up. He had read it in the book that they were hostile towards Owen but witnessing it directly, and being on the receiving end made him really praise the real Owen Duurm. Even he who is an  introvert and overly nice like his sisters would say, would never put up with being treated like that. 

"Will I die tomorrow? Without even competing a mission?" He asks himself as he drags his body to the bed. But he quickly jumps off after he remembers that the bed is wet. Owen leaves the room and enters the guest room. The bed here isnt as soft as the one in his room, but it is still soft and comfy. 

He assures himself that the god of death system isn't black magic. What sort of black magic tells him to help someone? He rests his head in the pillow hugging another to his chests as he drifts off to sleep again. Five minutes later, he quickly wakes looking around the room.

How dare he fall asleep? What if he sleeps and has that weird dream again? 

His heart begins to thump as he starts chanting 'I wont sleep' over and over in his mind. 

By the time he woke up the following morning, it was already past ten. He rubs his eyes and staggers to the bathroom to ease himself. Feeling his stomach grumble, he washes his face and prepares to head to the kitchen and find something to eat. He had not left the bathroom when he sees a message from his system. 

Status: Amateur

Level: 1

Energy: 25/200

Power: 0/20

Daily quest: incomplete 

Coins: 0

'Dear host, daily quest mission is here. Read a chapter in the origin of systems and be rewarded with 10 IQ level and 20 coins.' 

Owen frowns when he sees this. What about his energy level? He had acquired 250 energy yesterday and used 200 on his AI. He should be left with 50, but instead he is left with 25. How did he spend 25 of his energy when all did was sleep? He tried to remember if he had done anything but the only thing that came to his mind was how he had successfully injured his uncle the other night. Perhaps he had mistakenly used his energy during that time. 

And the daily quest, rewarding him with IQ level? He who is a genius in software programming? He laughs to himslef and walks out of the bathroom. 

He went downstairs and walks to the kitchen only to find an elderly woman moving around in his kitchen. 

The woman turns around once she noticed his presence. "Young master, good morning. I didnt see you in your room and your bed is wet. Did your family member come yesterday?" She questions worry plastered across her wrinkled face. 

Owen nods his head. "Yes. Apparently, they arent so happy that I am alive." He moves around to get a glass of water and glances at the woman. This woman is his housekeeper, whom he casually calls Aunty Fern.

"Aiya..poor you. I knew it couldn't be true when they released the news. I knew you wouldnt die like that." She smiles at him and begins to serve the food taking it to the dining. 

"Aunty Fern, you sound so sure. what if I had actually died?" He playfully jokes sitting at the dining to eat. 

"Aiya… after you left me with that wierd quote the day before, something just told me you knew something would happen and would stop it yourself." She walks back to the kitchen to get the side dishes leaving Owen confused. 

In the book of god of death system he read, Owen didn't say anything to his housekeeper the day his uncles killed him. "What quote could that be? I have poor memory." 

He watched as she carefully places the plates on the table and gives him a concerned look. "You said something about how the gods never fail or stuff like that. It was weird. You never say things like that." She then shrugs her shoulders.

Owen pretends to try to remember before shaking his head at her. "I dont remember though. How exactly did I say it? Maybe I will recollect."

The aunty was getting old and so her memory wasnt that accurate anymore. She tries to remember but couldn't. "I dont really remember how you said it, but you said something about how the gods never fail you or someone." 

He didn't bother pushing her too much before she starts to realise something is wrong." It is okay. When you remember please let me know. It could be that I read it from a book or someone told me."


"Of course." She gives him a warm smile before turning around.

"Ahhh..Aunty Fern do you know where I can find the origin of systemss." 

Aunty Fern turns around and gives him a worried look. "Did you hit your head?"


"I dont think so, why?" He gives her an awkward smile. 

"The origin of systemss is probably the first book every member of the top ten family reads. Even normal citizens like us read it. It is in your library. Why are you asking me...so weird." She walks back into the kitchen and Owen scratches the back of his head. It is such a simple book to find yet, it is his daily quest. Hurrying up with his food, he was done within ten minutes surprising Aunty Fern. He would usually take his time with his food. looming gloomy and even picking at them sometimes.

The man has his life really hard. But the responsibilities and obligations he had towards his family wouldn't let him ease himself of such heavy burden. 

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the gods never fail? really? -_-

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