
Reincarnated with my friends

In a zombie outbreak, four friends stand by each other fighting against monsters and zombies. Unfortunately, one of them had to betray the others because of jealousy, hatred, greed which led his friends to their misery. Luckily, the now three friends had with them a piece of chronolock device, which led them going back in time ten days before the apocalypse. Now they promised themselves to not let history repeats itself and grow stronger together in order to survive. Stay Tuned for the interesting story of the three friends on how they got an SSS-RANKED ability.

Abasab · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 1 - Back to the past

It was night and dark, followed by the peaceful sounds of the rain and thunder echoing along the street. The street was like ther was a disaster. Cars packed any how, the street lights twitching on and off.

Breaking of the peace, three figure appears from the end of the street. One badly injured and supported by another, and the third following behind scanning for danger.

They goes by the name Gbenga Adeola {G.A}, Tobi Olatunji {T.O} and Sheun Popoolab {S.P} respectfully.

Suddenly, a loud roar was heard, picking their interest. In a worried tone, Gbenga sign and said "Guys I think you should leave me here and escape yourselves, the viruses are taking over, I will turn into a zombie any time soon. Moreover, I could buy you so..."

"No" shouted Tobi. Have you forgotten the 24th rule of the [Bro Code]. Never leave a bro behind.

All of these won't have happened if not for Soji (their 4th friend), he betrayed us leading us to where we are now (Sheuni added).

He shouldn't have betrayed us.

We should have listened to the base managers from the start (Tobi).

But he wasn't like this before the apocalypse (Gbenga).

After getting out of this mess, I will make sure he pays for all he has done even if we ended up died.

Oh shit. It found us! (Sheun).

The monster was 6 feet tall. It has an appearance of a lion, it's body colour was purple, it's skin is a thick as iron. It's eyes shows a bright colour of red. The monster was named [Beast Lion].

Here take care of him until I'm back (Tobi said as he handled him over to Sheun).

What are you planning on doing? (Sheun).

I'm buying us sometime, you guys go. I'm planning on luring it to another place while I escape using my [Void Walk] (Tobi).

No you can't do that. It's too dangerous. What if something happens to you...…. (Sheun).

Don't worry I'm confident in my ability. Getting close to that monster will be quite a stupid decision (Tobi).

Fine, make sure you are back early and safe. We will be waiting for you in the 20th shop down the street (Sheun).

Sure do (Tobi said as he smiled and teleports to the front of the [Beast Lion] using [Void Walk], annoying it and head to a different direction.

The [Beast Lion] annoyed, roar louder, without wasting any second chased after the Void Walker.

Gbenga signed and said in silence, "Just be careful."

As they part ways, leaving Tobi alone to deal with the monster, they headed towards the 20th shop.

Out of the blue, a group of [Mutated Wolves] suddenly appeared to attack them. Sheun, wasting no effort summon his [Undead Shadows] to take care of the wolves. The [Undead Shadows] and the [Mutated Wolves] was unpar with each other. Fighting with all their efforts to defeat the team. without thinking twice the two friends hurried off to get to their destination.

In a surprise jolt, the [Alpha Wolf], slightly bigger than the other wolves, burst out of nowhere and lunch a surprise attack on them, but it was too late to dodge. All Sheun could do was to push Gbenga away to save him while receiving the damage.

The damage was fience, struggling to stand and out of energy. Luckily, the [Undead Shadows] defeated the [Mutated Wolves], then he was able to call them back in other to save his energy, but leaving a strong one {The shadow was actually humanoid} to fight against the [Alpha Wolf].

The [Undead Shadow] and the [Alpha Wolf] pounds on each other fighting with their energy. With every attack Sheun's mama was depleting using his [Mentality Points] to keep the shadow alive and fighting.

In a shirt period of time the wolf was defeated leading them to victory. There was a minute of silence before it was broken by Gbenga.

Are you alright?

Not really (Sheun answered). But I think the mana I have left would still take us to the 20th shop. Using his mana he summon the [Undead Shadow] of the died wolf.

Arise. He said as the shadow was summon. Using the humanoid shadow, he lifted himself and Gbenga onto the [Alpha Wolf]'s shadow taking them to their destination.

In a matter of minutes, they reached their destination. They lay down on the floor waiting for Tobi to arrive.

– –

Whew, if not for my [Void Walking] skills, I would be dead by now (standing on top of a building far from the monster, staring at it one last time). It's time to head back, I hope G.A and S.P (I hope you remember who he's talking about) are safe.

Voom (vanished through the void).

– –

When Tobi reached the 20th shop, as was about to open the door his heart was racing hoping that his friends are safe and sound. As he opened the shop, he got surprise with what he saw.

S.P what happened? I thought I told you to be careful (rushing towards his friends). Now we are injured, how are we going to reach the base early.

Don't worry it's just a minor cut (Sheun).

A minor cut? With the way you are bleeding and how deep the wound is, you called it a minor cut (Tobi).

Come on, it will heal in no time (Sheun).

Fine, let's rest here for tonight, then we'd leave first thing tomorrow morning (Tobi).

I don't think I can make before tomorrow. The virus has taken over already. It's just a matter of seconds before I turn into zombie (Gbenga).

You guys leave or better still kill me before....

Don't say that (Tobi shouted and continued). Who cares if you turn into a zombie or not. We won't abandon or kill you. We will survive this together.

But...… (Gbenga)

No but (Sheun, cutting him off). We're brothers, we would stick together at all time and nothing will change that.


Thanks for everything guys. I wish we would be able to go back in time to fixed everything (Gbenga)

Speaking of time. I thought the [Chronolock Device] was suppose to be able to send us back in time (Sheun).

No matter how we try, it wouldn't budge. Not even infusing mana into it (Tobi).

If it were to work, I would make sure to make Soji pays for all he did by kicking his but and making him run around the street naked (Gbenga).

We wish (Sheun).

They all burst out laughing.

Guys I'm loosing my senses (Immediately they heard that, their heart skipped a beat. Moving closer to him to comfort him). If I was to be reborn, I would make sure we grow stronger that noting will be able to stop us.

Point of correction, 'We' not 'I' (Tobi said).

(Gbenga smiled and said his last sentence) I'm sorry.

Giving them no time to grief, a voice rang in their heads followed by a bright light. The light was emanating a light blue colour with some words written on it. It has a rectangular shape and was floating in the air. It was known as the [System Panel].

[System Panel]: The condition for activating the [Chronolock Device] has been met.

All pieces of the [Chronolock Device] must be within the radius of 5 metre from each other.


To activate the device, one must die.


[System Panel]: Activating [Chronolock Device]

[System Panel]: [Chronolock Device] activated

[System Panel]: Begin the teleportation to the [Chronolock Realm]

(Suddenly the system's colour changes to red).

[System Panel]: Warning!

The [Chronolock Device] is been holded by multiple person.

[System Panel]: Reporting problem.

[System Panel]: Problem reported.

Teleporting everyone to the [Chronolock Realm].

Suddenly a bright light appeared beneath them forming a cycle. In a brink of a second, the cycle took them away.


[System Panel]: Teleportation completed.

All tokens of the [Chronolock Device] will be erased from all timeline.

This is my first ever book to be written, I hope you like it. More is coming soon ^.^

Abasabcreators' thoughts