
Chapter 178

"By the way, where did the puppets go? I wanted to see them work." Symbia says, looking around. 

"Just around that rocky outcrop. They've been mining since you started coming to and just finished the first digs." Cain says, pointing at the small pile of ore.

"They're only level ten, but they're pretty quick. Maybe just because there's so many of them. But rocks are easy to break with the right tools, so level doesn't matter as much." Symbia says before turning to look up at Carlos. 

"What are we waiting for, let's go see the puppets."

She's gotten so used to being carried that she's not even trying to get down, just directing her ride. 

Carlos dutifully carries her to where the puppets are working though, making Misha smirk at Cain, who is trying not to laugh.

"They really are cute together." She whispers, moving to follow them. 

Cain gathers the pile as they go by, finding that it was a Mythril deposit, totalling fifteen kilograms.