

Cain woke up in the morning to the feeling of a small body climbing into his bed to hide. The lack of presence told him it wasn't Luna for a change, so it must be Solara hiding from her.

He was about to speak when the alchemist put a finger to her lips to silence him and curled up between him and the wall. She had only been there a few minutes when Luna and the others came out from the other side.

"Have you seen Solara? I wanted to get her dressed up for the day, so we could show off our new Disciple." Sabbat asked.

"She already headed out for breakfast. But you all wear uniforms. What is there to do?" Cain asked.

"You don't understand the necessities. A lady needs her hair done, makeup, lotion, powder, exfoliation, and so much more. We can't just roll out of bed this beautiful every day." Sabbat informed him.

So that was what Solara was hiding from.