
Reincarnated Warrior Fights Dragon

Roconad · Anime e quadrinhos
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57 Chs

"The New Threat"

News of the Order of the Black Sun had reached us through a traveler passing through our village. We listened with growing concern as the traveler spoke of their power and brutality, and their plans to conquer and subjugate the entire land.

We knew we had to act quickly if we were to stop this new threat from taking root. We gathered together the strongest and most skilled fighters we could find, and set out towards the stronghold of the Order.

As we traveled, we encountered small groups of bandits and mercenaries, all working for the Order. They attacked us without mercy, but we were able to defeat them, showing them that we were not to be taken lightly.

Our journey took us through treacherous terrain, deep into the heart of the enemy's territory. We had to be cautious, for we knew that the Order had scouts and spies watching our every move.

We set up camp in a secluded area, hidden from prying eyes. It was there that we began to plan our next move. We knew that we had to gather as much information as possible about the Order and their leader, Zarek, before we could hope to defeat them.

We sent out scouts and spies of our own, who returned with vital information. We learned that Zarek was a powerful wizard, with a vast army of skilled fighters at his disposal. We also discovered that he had a weakness - a particular type of magic that could incapacitate him.

Armed with this knowledge, we began to formulate a plan of attack. It would be risky, but we knew it was our best chance of defeating the Order and stopping their plans for conquest.