
Reincarnated to another world with AI in my head

Akira was an ordinary boy from Japan until a tragic accident caused his untimely death. Awakening in the presence of a god, Akira is given a second chance at life in a fantasy world, equipped with an AI in his head and unique abilities. With his modern knowledge and newfound powers, Akira sets out to rise in this new world, facing monsters, uncovering secrets, and challenging fate itself. His journey is one of transformation, as he evolves from a regular boy into a formidable hero, destined to leave an indelible mark on the world.

Specter_Ink · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
57 Chs

The Library of Concordia

Akira stood before the grand entrance of the library, feeling a surge of excitement and curiosity. The building was an imposing structure of stone and wood, its ancient facade hinting at the wealth of knowledge contained within. He pushed open the heavy doors and stepped inside, greeted by the musty smell of old books and the quiet rustle of pages being turned.

"Welcome to the Library of Concordia," a stern-looking librarian greeted him from behind a large wooden desk. Her glasses perched precariously on the bridge of her nose as she peered at him over a stack of books.

"Thank you," Akira replied, his voice tinged with awe. He walked further into the library, wondering where to start. "Should I learn about the history of the kingdom? Or maybe the local plants and herbs? What about the monsters in this area?" he mused aloud.

"Master Akira," Alfred's voice chimed in his mind, "I suggest beginning with the basics of how this place operates—rules, regulations, and common practices. Understanding the societal norms will help you navigate your new environment more effectively. Once you have a grasp of that, you can move on to the guild system, known monsters and plants, combat abilities, and magical skills. This approach will ensure a comprehensive understanding of your new world."

Akira nodded to himself, lost in thought. From a distance, the librarian watched him, a bemused expression on her face. She approached him cautiously, thinking he might be overwhelmed. "Can I help you with something?" she asked kindly.

Startled from his thoughts, Akira turned to her. "Yes, please. Could you recommend a book that explains the rules and regulations of this city and how to survive here?"

The librarian raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Follow me," she said, leading him to a nearby shelf. She pulled out a thick, leather-bound volume and handed it to him. "This book should be quite helpful. Make sure to put it back when you're done."

In her mind, she wondered, "Can he even read?"

"Thank you," Akira said, taking the book. "Could you also bring me books on monsters, plants, herbs, history, ores, and other useful topics?"

The librarian looked at him, surprised. "All at once? These books can take days to read if you're consistent," she said, hesitating before agreeing to his request. She gathered the requested books and placed them on a table. "The library will close in four hours. Don't get greedy and make a mess," she warned.

Akira smiled and nodded, then sat down and opened the first book. "Alfred, scan and store all the information in these books," he instructed.

"Ready, Master Akira," Alfred responded.

As Akira turned the pages, Alfred scanned and stored the information at an incredible speed. The librarian watched, puzzled, thinking he was simply flipping through the pages without reading. To her amazement, Akira finished the first book in minutes, absorbing the knowledge as if it had always been a part of him.

He learned that the kingdom he was in was called Concordia, one of the major human kingdoms. The world consisted of several kingdoms, each dominated by different species: humans in Concordia, demi-humans in Duatt, dwarfs in Ferrumhold, elves in Ellyrion, and dark elves in Noctilum. Each kingdom had its own specialties, from elven archery and herbal knowledge to dwarven craftsmanship and weapon forging.

Akira discovered that while the kingdoms were mostly at peace, there were occasional skirmishes over resources like mines and hunting grounds. The societal rules were similar to Earth, with some differences like the acceptance of slavery and duels. Slavery involved prisoners of war or people captured by bandits being sold to the public, while duels allowed individuals to challenge each other without legal repercussions for murder if it was in self-defense or under agreed terms.

"Alfred, this world has no formal science, but the laws of physics and chemistry still apply," Akira thought, realizing his advantage. "I have a significant edge here."

"Indeed, Master Akira. Your knowledge can give you a unique perspective and advantage," Alfred agreed.

After a few hours, Akira had absorbed a wealth of information about monsters, their strengths and weaknesses, the local flora and their uses, and the guild system. He also learned about crafting weapons, cooking, and the basics of magic, including the concept of magical cores in living beings that store and regenerate magic.

Satisfied with his progress, Akira put the books back in their places. As he turned to leave, the librarian stopped him. "There's a fee for using the library," she said, her tone firm. "Considering the number of books you read, it will be one silver coin."

Akira was shocked at the price. "One silver coin is worth twenty copper coins," he thought, but the librarian was insistent. "Knowledge is valuable here."

Reluctantly, Akira paid the fee and left the library. It was getting dark, so he found a modest tavern and paid for a meal and a week's stay, which cost him two silver coins. As he lay in bed, he planned his next steps: visiting a weapons shop and the adventurers' guild. But Alfred interrupted his thoughts.

"Master Akira, I suggest doing a small workout in the morning to test your agility and strength. It will help you get accustomed to your enhanced abilities."

"Good idea," Akira agreed, feeling a surge of determination. "Tomorrow will be a new beginning."

With that, he closed his eyes, ready to face the challenges and adventures that awaited him in this new world.

The morning sun streamed through the small window of Akira's room at the tavern, gently waking him. "Good morning, Master Akira," Alfred's voice echoed in his mind.

Akira stretched and got out of bed, feeling a sense of anticipation for the day ahead. He washed up quickly and went downstairs to the tavern's common area, where he ate a hearty breakfast. Afterward, he made his way to the open space behind the tavern, eager to test his new abilities.