
Reincarnated: The Greatest Mage Returns

Theodore Augustus Argentine was the greatest mage alive but he was excommunicated by the church and executed in front of the entire kingdom for his “crimes.” 20 years later Theodore finds himself reincarnated as a young noble baron from the House of Fontainz. Thus, the story of the greatest mage continues. Genre: Western Fantasy, revenge and World building.

Silver_knives · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


I boarded the carriage with the middle aged people I assumed to be my current body's "parents."

Indeed, judging from the woman's violet eyes the exact deep shade as his own and her ash blond hair, I could tell she must be my mother. The man, on the other hand had light brown hair and light blue eyes. His features were sharp and elegant, giving a look of seriousness and dignity. Yet at the same time, my own features faintly resembled his.

The carriage ride was loud as the wheels hit the rubble pavement. I stayed silent and observed the outside. All I could see from my meagrely height was a tall grey castle and exquisite lamps. It seemed to resemble old Europe with the heavily Western styled architecture. The fields had a range of small dark violet purple flowers growing as well as vibrantly red ones. They glowed only faintly in the afternoon sunlight. There were tall mountains very close to the fields, and one could barely see past them into the open blue skies. The mountains blocked a part of the sunlight from settling in cascading shadows onto the ground. As I listened for any noises in the surroundings apart from the carriage I realised my parents were not speaking. They were so silent it astounded me. They had grave expressions on their faces, as if they were being sent to prison. Suddenly, it dawned on me that perhaps I had reincarnated into a dangerous position.

The family of three was silent. Despite my realisation however, I remained still in my seat, to my parent's barely noticeable surprise. My father started at me intensely, a look of slight shock hidden deep in his light blue eyes. My mother seemed just as shocked, if not a but worried by my lack of noise or crying specifically.

But I was feeling a bit tired from all the observation. And I felt an instinct that the day was only just beginning.

Before I fell asleep however, I realised I had forgotten to ask my parents where we were heading to.