
reincarnated love.... walks and wins the path of hurdles

highest ranked immortal is sent to human world to manage affairs there meets a mortal Ziyi, who has a special power of seeing the future, in his journey. gradually in turn of events both of them discover shocking truth about immortal-demon war and that they were born again to set things straight and to make their love win all the obstacles...

pragathi_reddy_5881 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


Be careful Ziyi...senior Suro was murmuring in his sleep.

Senior Suro, not Ziyi it's me Saras. I didn't know that you miss Ziyi this badly.

What...Suro wakes up...lord Saras what are you doing here?

Leave that senior Suro but what were you saying just now, something about Ziyi...

No, lord Saras its nothing like that leave me I will freshen up and come.

Ziyi wake up its already morning come on wake up.

Thank you senior Suro for helping me...

Ziyi wake up...and what is this you are saying, he was not only the one who had saved you we are also included in that.

Sorry Saavi, I know you all helped me, but it came out of blue.

Actually, these days you are thinking about him often.

Saavi, I have to go to work, can we talk about this later.

Ziyi how come you can forget that today we together have to go to senior Suro's place to discuss about that sword.

Yes, Saavi I have totally forgot about that ok just wait a little we will go together.

Four of them gathered together in a room.

Senior, do you think we can slay that demon with this sword?

I don't know Saavi; it depends on the power of the demon....by the way do you have any idea about the demon like about the type and its powers.

I think it is very powerful senior Saras because if it was not that powerful the other people who went to kill that would be succeeded.

Yes, you are right Ziyi, I also think the same senior.

Saavi I am going to drink water, I will be back in a minute.

Senior Suro, look there's something written on the sword.

What is it Saras? asks Saavi.

I don't know Saavi. It's in other language.

It is the secret language of demon clan, only they can tell what is written on this.

How do you know this senior? asked Saavi.

Everyone from heaven knows this because there are some spy demons who got caught while passing our information in this secret language.

Saavi stood there shocked...

Saras, you are saying words without meaning, don't read this type of books, okay? Saavi, about this I had read in the library.

Oh, that is it, Saras you had been saying nonsense.

What are you discussing guys? Ziyi comes after drinking her water. Oh, does anyone know the person whose name is written on the sword.

Oh, so it is a name on it.

Yes, Saras it is written MERSA: THE LEADER.

Ziyi when did you learn demon's secret language?

No Saavi, I had not learned any languages, is this demon's language?

Actually, I it's not guys, I think I got wrong in identifying this language it may be any other language, said Suro.

According to Ziyi it means that this sword belongs Mersa which means she is the leader of polar fox clan, right senior Suro?

Yes Saras.

It means that when Mersa gains her memory gains her power and gets this sword into her hands, only then it will acquire its whole powers.

Yes Ziyi, I think you are right.

Come on all we cannot think about all this, tomorrow we will go and face that demon.

What tomorrow? this fast, senior don't you have any value of your life?

I have Saavi, but if we leave that demon like that sooner or later, he will wreak havoc and take our lives.

Yes Saavi, I think senior Suro is right we should go and face that demon tomorrow. says Ziyi.

Don't worry Saavi, I will be coming with you too, I will take care of you okay.

Saras, I should be more careful if you are coming with us because you are the one who creates problems for us.

Ziyi suddenly turns back and covers her forehead with her hair and closes her eyes...she sees that her friend Heera is walking on a road and five men comes there and try to kidnap her, vision ends here.

Oh god what is this? you have shown me the vision but where is this place...Yah I remember this is the place which is in north which is only few matters away from that demon's residence. I should tell this to Saavi first and leave from here.

Ziyi takes Saavi from there and explains her vision to her.

Ziyi, how can you go there alone? I will also come with you and listen you cannot refuse me because it is not a careful place. Okay??

Okay Saavi we will go together but what we will say to them?

To whom Saavi and Ziyi?

It's nothing Saras it's just we have to go home now.

Why you have to go home Ziyi? tell me the reason.

Senior Suro, Saavi has said it right we have to go home urgently.

We can say by your faces that you are hiding something from us Ziyi. It will be better if you tell us right now.

Ok senior Suro we will tell you but first let us go.

No, you can't go without telling us Ziyi.

"The one who sees the future accidents happen is not Lady Yansi but it's Ziyi senior and now she has seen that our friend Heera is in trouble, and we are going to rescue her". Before it gets too late, please let us go.

Okay but we will also come with you.

Okay let's go.

They all reach the road and start to search for her.

What is this road Ziyi it is giving me the vibes of haunted place.

Because it is haunted Saras, this road is just beside that demon's residence we are speaking about.

Oh my god what!!

Why are you afraid Saras?

No, not at all I am not afraid of anyone okay.

Okay then.

There is she, come let's go.

Just then, goons start to force her. Senior Suro and Lord Saras fight them, Ziyi and Saavi protect her. Meanwhile Ziyi sees something shining in that ground and touches it. That's it, then she sees some memories of her previous life and suddenly there is a big scream in that.... she opens her eyes and picks up that stone with her.

Suro and Saras beat them up and all the goons run away. But one person throws a knife from behind, Ziyi sees it tries to stop it but ends up hurting herself.

Saras goes after him.

Ziyi are you okay? Why do you have to do this? Look there is so much blood you are losing, cries Suro

Saavi takes her hand kerchief and ties Ziyi's cut with it. Suro lifts her up and takes her to his mansion.

After a few minutes Ziyi come into her senses. Suro runs and hugs her saying "are you okay Ziyi, do you know how terrified I was seeing your condition, thank god nothing happened to you". Saavi and Saras stand there shocked.

I am okay senior Suro you don't need to worry.

Okay senior we will leave now. Come on Ziyi I help you to go home.

Okay Saavi be careful.

Saras come let's go.

Ziyi, ask me if you need anything we stay in one Neiborhood so don't hesitate.

Okay Saras thank you.

What happened my child how did you get hurt? Oh no how are you Ziyi?

Mom there is nothing to worry it's just a small wound don't worry.

How can you say it is small wound Ziyi? You are so looking so weak.

Aunt let her rest now. We will go and sleep.

Ok Saavi take care of her, go and sleep.