
reincarnated love.... walks and wins the path of hurdles

highest ranked immortal is sent to human world to manage affairs there meets a mortal Ziyi, who has a special power of seeing the future, in his journey. gradually in turn of events both of them discover shocking truth about immortal-demon war and that they were born again to set things straight and to make their love win all the obstacles...

pragathi_reddy_5881 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


The four of them had pushed the doors of the library with effort and the door was open with a creak sound. It was an old library so there are books which are of hundreds of years and also there is dust which is filled all over.

They just started to clear the dust in front of them to walk over and suddenly Ziyi's sandal slipped, and she fell on one of the racks. Suddenly there were so many bats coming out and a group of them were about to go out passing through Saavi and were about to hit her just then Saras grabbed her by her waist and pulled her aside.

Saras was looking into her eyes when she said, "have you seen enough?"

aah! what?

"Stop looking at me and lift me up"....

Okay and I am not looking at you, you are not that pretty okay.

"Oh, that's the reason you were looking at her just now widening your eyes right Saras" senior Suro laughed at Saras saying this.

Me no way I didn't look at her, if you want, I can prove it to you.

Oh, how will you prove it Saras? come on prove it.

Leave it Saavi, Saras you just forget it and come let's go and find the book we need.

By the way senior Suro why do you need the book related to swords? asks Saavi

Ziyi tells her the whole story.

What senior wants to kill that demon? Senior Suro you are just a human being right then how can you kill that demon? are you sure that you have that power? asks Saavi.

Saavi is asking whom about the power, he is the most powerful in divine realm Saras whispers to himself.

Actually, I am not that powerful miss Saavi but when there is a demon in here, we should try to relieve people from it right?

Wow, you know, you are actually handsome but saying this makes you more attractive senior.

What are you saying Saavi? He is guest of Yansi be in your limits.

Why are you so worried Saavi? Senior Suro didn't take it otherwise, and I am just praising him, Right Mr. Suro?

Yah, it's okay....

Saavi opens your eyes and see clearly am I not more handsome than senior Suro?

Yes, off course you are, but only in your dreams Saras.

Okay leave it and do the work for what we had come here for, said Ziyi.

They all begin to search the book, but it seems them hard to find the book.

Ziyi, can you find the book? asks Suro.

No senior, I wonder if we can find the book here.

I can also not find the book Suro...senior Suro says Saras.

Saavi are you even trying to find the book?

Yes, I am, Saras but I think something is there under this shelf. Yes, I got it but what is this box doing there?

What box is this, Saavi?

I don't know Ziyi...come let's try to open it.

All four of them gather together and try to open it but it's like there's no use.

aah.... Ziyi cuts her hand in the process of opening the box and blood falls on the box.

Ziyi are you okay? asks Saavi and Saras

Yes, I am okay Saavi and Saras you don't need to worry.

What no need to worry, I think you always invite troubles yourself can't you take care of yourself?

It's just a small wound senior Suro why are you so worried? asks Saavi...Yes just like how lovers care for each other adds Saras.

What no, I am not that worried like a friend I am just....

Oh, friend when did she become your friend senior?

Come on Saavi try to open the box first.

Surprisingly now the box opens without any effort and in it there's a sword which is shining with bluish light.

Saavi, Saras, Ziyi lift the sword and look at it with curiosity.

Wow this sword is like it's full of arrogance it and looks like it's really too powerful.

There is also a note under the sword in the box, Suro picked it up and read it, it states that SWORD OF BLUE THUNDER....this a powerful sword of the leader of polar fox clan, when demon realm was abolished years ago polar fox clan members are the only one who were saved and entered the human realm. But they forgot all their past and started a new, so her sword was buried in the box and sent away in water. Like this it reached the library.

Oh, so this is the story, but I didn't think that we can get it in the library itself. Wow we had made it, I didn't think that it is this simple, exclaimed Saras and Saavi.

But I think something is fishy how can we get this powerful sword without any difficulties? wondered Ziyi. Senior Suro is there written something else on that note?

Yes, it is also written that this sword will totally acquire its power when it goes into the hands of its owner recognizing the power. But with its present power it can kill demons which are less powerful.

I think then we can kill the demon in our market right Ziyi?

I don't know Saavi we should ask senior Suro about this. What do you say about this senior?

First let us go back and take rest, we had walked many miles, we will think about this tomorrow. Come let's go.

Suro, I have seen it, there is something else on the note, what is it? whispered Saras taking him to a corner.

There is nothing Lord Saras

Don't lie Suro, I have seen it you had not read that part, come on tell me.

Yes, lord Saras we will discuss about after we get home tonight, is it okay?

Okay and did you notice something Suro...this is the first time I was able to unlock something from you and I think you are not as moody and strict as before, is it because of Ziyi?

Not at all lord Saras we barely met few times, actually she is a likable person, but I like the women who are very brave and courageous, based on her I think she is too timid. Now if all your questions are completed shall we go?

Okay let's go....