
Most Powerful Foe


Asher's voice was barely audible, his breath forming a white mist that escaped through the gaps of his mask. From the frozen ground, a 10-foot-tall tree sprouted, its branches sparse and its leaves formed completely of glistening ice.

It was like watching the growth cycle in fast-forward. After the tree stopped forming, ice began to spread out from its roots and from it sprouted unique grasses, shrubs and smaller ice trees, mimicking the flora found around the Paladin's camp.

By the time Ivar and his men realized it, they were surrounded by a surreal forest, made entirely out of ice!

An arched dome of frost enclosed the forest, sealing them within. Asher was nowhere to be found.

Ivar closed his eyes briefly before reopening them. "Truly… he is Kryos' vessel."

His expression grew solemn. "If he's able to form a domain of this magnitude, he must have expended at least 90% of his force."