
I Am

Clip! Clop!

Asher scanned his surroundings as his horse walked through the icy streets. He could see people clothed in thick fur coats moving about and attending to their tasks.

Some of them paused to look at him, their expressions puzzled. On their way, they saw frost layered on the weathered walls of their buildings and a group of soldiers occasionally passed by.

Although they were far less powerful than his troops back in the county, their discipline was noteworthy.

"Where is Lord Winter?" Simon asked, addressing one of the fur-padded soldiers.

"In the chapel," the soldier replied. "He's worshipping."

Asher raised his eyebrows in response and his curiosity piqued when they arrived outside the chapel's guarded walls. There, through the open doors, he saw an elderly man with snow-white hair kneeling before an altar.