
Reincarnated into the sickly villain

looking at the white ceiling, Apollo was dazed at first but slowly sat up he looked around the world dazed Where is he..? And why.. why does it look so...expensive? Oddly enough Apollo was in a dazed before it snapped into him He.. he can't... _ He was reborn as the sickly villain of a children's book but he has a secret in his first life he was the villain of that some story in that book one day he woke up in his previous life and he is not happy

lilac_the_lazy_one · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Mana core and information

Apollo was placed into his bed and was trucked in and Apollo couldn't help the sleepiness drowning as he hit the bed

Time flow like a peaceful tremble of a lake and with that Apollo's long snowly lashes fluttered open to reveal two pair of stary golden eyes, thay were watery and misty

Apollo blinked his eyes weary to dispell his sleepiness

"...?" His mind finally cleared and he licked his plump lips then sighed in exhaustion, he started to sit up on the bed making his white strans of hair fluttering in his face

He pushed away his uncut bangs and remembered the about his core

He placed a hand near his chest and started to focus, a cold soothing mist started to seep through his fingers going into a circle making a clear ball of colors mostly blues

He held the soothing cool ball to a little close to his eyes

He could see the cool ball sparkling with  various colors he has each used in his previous first life, from blue, green white, yellow and so on

Everything looked the same except the core was a bit bigger in size and even cooler with a small crack at the side that he got at the end of his first life

Mana cores are connected to one's soul so if something happens to you core it may damage your soul and if your soul is damaged so will your core

So breaking your core is straight up destroying your soul, so in short Apollo thinks his soul is slightly cracked and may cracked more if he dose nothing to fix it and it may affect his magic but judging from bigger size of his core...

Maybe that's not the case but it doesn't matter

Apollo started to focus on flowing mana through his vains and the core in front of him shoke Abita and let out a even more cooling and soothing air

A rush of mana flowed through his vains soothing him as they pasted and soon Apollo used his free hand to make a bit of water, he was clumsy at first because it's been a while but as time passes by he felt his control of hus magic becoming firm

He smiled sweetly as he played with his magic, he made a fish then a waterfall for the fish to swim in then he tried his ice magic he slowly got the hang on his ice magic and made a box to place his fish in he froze the fish and placed it in the water

His magic was flowing away from him like water but he didn't really care.. he felt at ease..

He slowly got up off the bed and clumsy went to his desk, he opened his diary when only had few pages that had been written on

He slowly readed it and frown with his golden star like eyes diming a bit more

<Dear diary, day 1< p>

I just got a new diary I lost my old one.. so am starting a new one! Today I was sent to the castle and the people called me a prince and thay said the queen was my mummy.. am confused..I don't think I have a mummy I have a daddy tho! I want to see him but thay say daddy is on a trip for work so I most stay with my mummy.. I hope to see him soon tho!

<Dear diary, day 10< p>

I am here for 4 days now but I haven't seen mummy yet.. I seen sissy tho! I want to play with her soon but today I have class..

<Dear diary, year 1< p>

I saw mummy today but I was hiding behind a bush so she didn't see me! Hehe she has pretty yellow hair like sissy and we all expect daddy have yellow eyes! YAY!

<Dear 1 28 diary, year day < p>

I want to talk to mummy and i did.. I told her my maids in my place were mean and scary and asked her to play with me and sissy one day I even touched her dress! But she didn't seem pleased by my touch

<Dear 2 diary, year day 50< p>

My maid who is taking care of me said mean thinks today so I told mummy she just frowned and said nothing

<Dear 3 diary, year day 1< p>

Mummy hit my cheek today I cried too much and was asking for her to hug or at least talk to me.. it hurts

"..." Apollo flipped through the pages with a dimming look and soon he reached to a empty page

He started to write what he remembers about his first life

First of all right now by the time line in the diary he is five right and the time he just started bullying his sister

And in about 10 years since she is 6 right now she will be sent to the magic academy when in his previous life he only went there for 6 months before his mother took him out of that school

And about when she was 1 week before her 18 birthday he sent her away to the forest of dreams

He nodded to himself, if he can he would.. and there's one harm in trying...

He started writing his plan of actions

one: avoid the queen and his sister if he can, two: try escape this place by the age of 7 or 8 three: save a lot of money four: just to no found out who are my fiancé and at least talk to them once

Apollo smiled weary as he looked at his goals, if this punishment or himself allow him to to this he will be very happy..

Apollo closed the book and hopped off his chair before carrying the book with him to the balcony, the cool wind hit his face with a sort of soothing touch to it, the wind gently blow his white strans of hair making them flutter and a soft smile appeared on his lips

This time.. if he can he will


I forgot about this and don't count the days I put there idk it took too long and I didn't count them..sorry