
Reincarnated into Naruto with breathing techniques.

Yui died and was reincarnated in Naruto's world as a baby, however she didn't come with nothing but the Demon breathing techniques were in her head and she could use them with Chakra!

patinhoDEUSVULT · Anime e quadrinhos
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51 Chs


Hey guys I suddenly had a crazy idea, what if I did a story about a guy who reincarnated as a Tank with a Tank Evolution system during WWI!

This is something really badass!


Today the whole class headed to the village exit gate, we were going to a training camp designed to hone our skills but Yui felt that it wasn't just that, lately several rumors were spreading through the village.

The first is that a war is about to break out, and this is not a rumor but a fact, the second is that a new training policy for civilian children is about to be implemented and that the Water Lord disapproves of it.

Yui could tell more or less what was about to happen now, but there's one thing she hasn't caught yet, "Why are we being sent to a training camp with so little escort?" At a glance she could tell that the squad consisted of 30 Genis, 10 Chunnins and 3 Jounins.

This was a capable force anywhere but to defend children from several different clans that total 50 students, this force is still lacking mainly if they are attacked and have to defend us while facing enemies.

Yui remembers that Madara had several young talents from the Mist Village repeatedly killed before and during the war to weaken the village and allow him to maintain control over it.

"This doesn't smell good." Yui muttered drawing the attention of Kenji who was beside her in the carriage, "Is there a problem Miss Yui?" He asked thinking that something was wrong and saw Yui's eyes get serious.

"I have a bad feeling, I think they set us up." Yui said and looked outside the carriage towards a tree, she kept her eyes on that tree for a while before looking away.

Kenji also got serious and took Yui's instincts seriously, "What makes you think about that?" He asked and Yui pondered a bit before answering, "The training village we're heading to is in a hidden spot among several waterfalls, the point is that our travel route passed close to the coast, our guards seem to be insufficient for protection and I feel like we are being watched during the trip!" She stated with a serious look, and Yui wasn't wrong.

Moments after the convoy broke the tree Yui was looking at earlier deformed and a figure came out of it, "Was this girl able to notice me?" Zetsu said somewhat surprised.

"Well it doesn't matter too much, soon she will die." He said and then went back to the ground, despite giving his grievances to Kenji the two could do nothing but wait for the trip to end safely.

Of course Yui was not complacent and even exchanged her wooden sword for a real one and wrapped it with a cloth, she also made Kenji assume the role of leader and made the children stay together all the way.

And so 5 days passed, this was the most tense moment on the trip to Yui as they would pass through a canyon that had a great location for ambushes, she tried to warn the squad leader that it would be a bad idea to go there but he wasn't very cooperative.

"Be silent you brat, I say we're not going to change course and then we're not going to change course!" He said while putting on a gangster expression, Yui can only sigh as he remembers this event.

The question now was, either she ran away alone or she stayed and prayed that an attack didn't happen, if she went back to the village alone without the group she would be arrested and killed on suspicion of treason.

If she stayed, well we'll find out now, Yui who was sitting on top of the carriage in the lotus position opened her eyes and took a deep breath before yelling, "WE'RE ON ATTACK!" Her scream echoed through the valley causing the escort ninjas to turn and look at her stupidly.

But in the next moment a shower of blades descended on the convoy and the screams of several ninjas were heard as their bodies were pierced by the blades, "Protect the children!" One of the jounin screamed and pulled out his kunai to face his enemies plus a swift blue shadow descended on him.

A sword pierced the jounin's stomach and he spat blood as he stared in disbelief at the figure in front of him who plucked the sword from his stomach, "Ninjas of Kumogakure!" Yui screamed when she saw the lightning jutsu the enemy used.

With a quick glance she could tell they were professionals and were prepared for this attack, looking around Yui saw at least 60 enemies and among them at least 10 jounin.

"Kenji you know what to do!" Yui yelled to the carriage below her and jumped up to join the battle, in the carriage Kenji cursed their misfortune and looked at the children with desperate looks on his face.

"Everyone listen to me, Yui will breach the enemy and let's go through it and let's run with all our strength!" He spoke and jumped out of the carriage, everyone hesitated a bit before seeing Pakura, Fumiko and Toru jump and followed behind.

The battlefield was chaotic and with jutsus and blades flying everywhere, the smell of blood had already started to permeate the air and several screams could be heard all the time. An enemy ninja ripped his kunai from the throat of a Genin and he looked at Yui coming towards him and smiled.

"Come here little girl make my job easier!" He said but noticed that the girl disappeared and her vision started to float, he wasn't even able to make a noise when her head separated from her body.

Before even stepping on the ground Yui took out a sealing scroll and cloak and mask covered her figure allowing her to activate her sharingan behind the mask, "Well then, let's get started!" Yui said mentally and took a deep breath.

It was time to let go of all the stress that had been held back in recent months.