
Chapter 0

Hello. My name is one that had many bounties placed on it, Andi The Thief. I had a bounty that could buy thousands of castles on prime land. The reason? Well, at birth there is a low chance for a unique skill, with my luck, I got four Luck Manipulation, Super Speed, Pliabody, and Instant Mastery.

I was called the thief because, well, I stole... a lot. I had stole a very, very, important cultivation technique called "Dream Gods Complete Body and Qi Refining Technique" (Don't judge me, I have horrible naming sense.)

This was the most powerul cultivation method made, based off the God Of Dreams who is the most powerful being in existence who made this technique and sent it down to our world, the chances of surving are

1 in 100000000000000000000000000000000, the only problem was when I stole it, they blocked my "Luck Manipulation"and"Superspeed"

I staryed stealing at a young age due to my mothers sickness, I would get chased but with my Superspeed I would outrun them, and with Pliabody I would bend through small areas to get items

As I started to so the technique once, so it would be engraved into my brai, I hear shouting "HES OVER THERE!" I hear footsteps rushing to me, I stood up and yelled "I'M NOT GOING DOWN UNTIL I TAKE A FEW OF YOU WITH ME!" the group of about 20 starts to run at me, I use all the Qi a1nd shout "BISECTOR!" Bisector was a skill I found and used once, I used it and it used nearly all of my Qi, I had to restart my cultivation as well, but now, I was using all my Qi and my much of my lifeforce to destroy them as I wouldn't go down without a fight.

As my lifeforce drained, I had a smile on my face, and said "Final Move: Killer Of Those Impure." this move used natural Qi and my life force to kill all those that are impure in this world, this move was in the Dream Gods Technique that would now be buried with me, all of the impure people dropped dead, no matter what they were doing, I whispered to myself as I was dying, "Please, allow me to reincarnate into a world where I don't have to do all of the things I have done again."

Kami, Ruler of the Omniverse, took pity on the soul and recorded a message to him, "I may have gave you the abilities to be a villain, you still wanted to be a hero to the end, I commit that, you will reincarnate into a world called where you have the oppurtunity to do whatever you want, save people, ruin people, Steal from rich and give to the poor, whatever you want, I trust you to stay good though, I hope you live a nice life." as Kami vanished the soul glowed brighter than anything in the omniverse as it started radiatin bright white then it vanished