
Reincarnated into Jujutsu Kaisen (JJK)

A young man woke up in Borutos body in the universe of Jujutsu Kaisen! Watch how he travels through the world of curses with friends and enemies surrounding him.

Rwn4 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


Megumi looked at the bloodstained hand hovering in front of his face, he almost jumped as a drop of the blood dropped onto his thigh. He swallowed as he looked up at Boruto.

His horn was inhuman and the markings and different coloured eyes reminded him of something a curse would have. He remembered watching as Sukuna had left the portal stumbling and crawling, as Boruto had walked out with no break in his stride.

He had also just watched his teammate kill General Mahoraga, his strongest summon. Something that should have killed anything he put it against. Megumi took Borutos hand in slight shock.

He felt himself being lifted to his feet, and he quickly caught his balance. He turned his head after hearing a sound, he saw a crying Itadori on his knees facing all the damage Sukuna had caused with his domain expansion.



Itadori, Boruto and Megumi were all rather injured but they were all working together to find more cursed spirits. They walked through Shibuya station looking for more curses to kill.

"We should split up and find m-" Itadoris suggestion was interrupted by Boruto.

"No, we're not splitting up." Boruto didn't elaborate but he didn't need to, they were all injured and if they split up they would be much more vulnerable.

Boruto avoided bringing up his fight with Sukuna and he's sure Itadori at least appreciated it, well he hoped he did.

They turned a corner and came across the sight of a half dead Nanami standing still with Mahitos palm pressed against his stomach. Boruto looked to his right and jaw Itadoris worried face.

Nanami slowly turned his head revealing he was already dead, just somehow standing. No matter what they did he would not survive, Nanami gathered the strength and raised his hand to point at his student.

"You've got it from here Yuji"

Boruto winced as Mahito used his transfiguration to brutally kill Itadoris Sensei, he lowered his head slightly and sighed.


Itadori rushed forward in a rage while Megumi followed shortly behind them both and while they both distracted Mahito with Megumi's summons and Itadoris hand to hand, Boruto stalked around the fight waiting for the perfect opening.

And as soon as he saw it he blitzed forward and punched the curse in its back. And while Boruto didn't have his Karma on he still sent Mahito into a wall which let Itadori started to pummell him with Megumi's dog summon ripping at Mahitos legs.

He watched as Megumis summons worked in perfect harmony with Itadori, Mahito was already being thrown around like nothing and whenever he had an opening Boruto jumped in with a big kick to the curse.

The only reason Boruto didn't have his Karma activated was one reason, he had used a shit ton of Chakra. He had fought Sukuna, General Mahoraga and is now fighting Mahito.

He had also let Momoshiki use his body and watched in awe as the God had used a lot of his chakra creating another dimension so frankly Boruto was shocked he didn't already have chakra exhaustion. He wasn't risking it however, so he would help Itadori and Megumi but he wouldn't use too much chakra.

Mahito started to run and it was pretty clear he wanted to escape, the way he instantly started to run wasn't exactly subtle. But Boruto didn't cut him off for one reason and that was Nobara.

Mahito would most likely return to his clone and then they could make sure Nobara isn't killed either, he might as well after all. He did watch in disgust as Mahito threw transfigured humans at them like they were grenades, they weren't hard to avoid, they were just gruesome.

As they chased the curse the group of three of course realised when Mahitos body suddenly rocked back in pain. Itadori realised instantly what it was "Resonance, Nobara used resonance on a double or something" this only inflamed Itadori who only started to chase faster.

Mahito used a diversion tactic and was able to gain some ground on them, Boruto didn't let that stand and sped up. As he saw the other clone at the end of the hallway he got ready to strike the original Mahito.

In a burst of speed he grabbed Mahito and threw him against a wall. He grabbed onto Mahito making sure he couldn't move, he felt Mahitos palm against his stomach but only grinned.

Mahito couldn't choose which soul to transfigure so when he touched his body to touch his soul and change it, he also touched Momoshiki's soul.

Boruto knew that no matter what Momoshiki wouldn't like the insult of having a cursed being touch his divine soul.


Mahito was suddenly in a white plain land, he has felt this feeling before! Was this brat also a vessel for something else, eh no matter this wouldn't be as bad as Sukuna.

Mahito suddenly froze, he slowly turned his whole body to face the source of power. He slowly looked up to a sneering livid looking being. It's skin white as paper with its blank eyes that were still expressing its loathing for the curse.

The shivering Mahito was currently experiencing wasn't from the cold temperatures he was encased in, nor was it from the feeling of sheer power this being released, no it wasn't from any of that it was from the look of pure hatred on the beings face.

He could tell he had no time to bargain so started to think and as he was thinking of dozens of ways to potentially escape his thoughts were interrupted as he coughed, he looked down confused he felt blood dripping down his chin. He looked up to the ancient being and felt his blood freeze.

The being had a heart in his hand.

Mahito felt a sudden dropping of his stomach as he slowly looked down to his chest which now had a football sized hole in it, he coughed blood once more as he suddenly entered the real world once more.

He stumbled forward and tried to hit the blonde who did this to him but the hit was pathetic and slow, the blonde moved out of the way and pushed Mahito lightly forward straight into an enraged Itadoris fist.


Boruto stepped back as Mahitos' body was flung back into the wall.


An enraged Itadori was something Megumi had ever seen before and it was frightening.


Nobara watched in shock as a person she liked, who she really liked, was beating the curse brutally.


The first years watched as Itadori had left the curse as a barely recognisable body that bounced back off the wall again.


Boruto smiled as Itadori had gotten five consecutive Black Flashes and broken Nanami's previous record.

Borutos smile dropped as Kenjaku slowly strolled around a corner and stared at Mahitos most likely dead body with a small smile.

"You're pretty tough" Kenjaku said to the panting Itadori.