
Reincarnated into Genshin Impact

This is my first story so it may not be so great. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Dying one night from being electrocuted. Our main character Alex is reincarnated into the world of Genshin Impact. What path will he make as he makes his way through Genshin Impact. Or Teyvat which ever you prefer. This story will be a au. As things in their childhood was not explored that much in the game. Also the system will not have shop function. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Genshin Impact nor its characters

Yuu_Tamari · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Meeting Final

[Alex Pov]

When my mother put me in the crib with Jean. She stopped crying for a moment but start again right after. Seeing someone like Jean cry was heartbreaking when up close. She just seems so lonely, like she needs someone to rely on as she's just a child.

Not the strong independent Acting Grand Master. Not yet anyway.

Looking at her crying makes me want to comfort her in some way. Anything will do, something that can calm and bring relief out of someone.

I know head pats. When I was younger my mother uses to pat my head all the time to calm me down. So following that logic I did the same thing with Jean.

(A/N: The person who did this was his past family, not the current one. As our little Alex has not cried yet.)

When I put my hand on her head she looked at me full of curiosity. Tilting her head to the side just a bit. Putting her little hands on her chin. It looked so adorable.

I started patting her head side to side. Gently so her neck does not snap off. As she's a 6-month-year-old child. And I don't think being too rough with her would be good for her and me.

After I started patting her head she started to lean toward me and eventually fell asleep with her tiny body press against mine. She was a child so it looked adorable. Her puffy cheeks and small soft hands.

(A/N: He's a child so no sexual desire yet. Plus children are innocent and they are not old enough to even feel sexual desire yet. Romantic feelings maybe but no sexual desire.)

I continue to pat her head even though she fell asleep. Since patting her head brings comfort not only for her but also for me as well. Running my hand through soft almost sicky hair of golden blond hair. The feeling is hard to describe as it just feels so good.

After she fell asleep I soon followed as well.

[Frederica Pov]

My friend put her child in my child's crib to see if it would stop the crying. Surprise she did stop but just for a moment or two.

What surprised me the most was when Amanda's child Alex started patting my daughter's head. It would seem my daughter enjoys the patting on the head given to her by Amanda's child.

It calms her down so much that she started to fall asleep on Amanda's child. And Amanda's child also fell asleep soon after as well.

Amanda was looking at me with a desperate look.

-What do you want Amanda, you know you can tell me and not just stare at me like that.- I said

-We should engage our children. They look so good together, plus they will be together for the next couple of years. It would be perfect. A knight and merchant family uniting could also improve our nation's safety. The power of the knights and the information of the merchants. Think about the endless possibilities.- Amanda said with joy and excitement present on her face.

-Fine, we shall engage our children but if they want to back out in the future we shall not intervene. I am only doing this because of our friendship and the fact that they seem to get along well with each other.- I replied with a sigh and closed eyes.

-Yay this will be the greatest union that Teyvat shall ever see. We must tell the news to the whole of Mondstadt. No, even the other nations shall hear about this.-Amanda said with excitement.

-We shall not spread the news to the other nations. If you want to spread the news then please spread it around people that can keep their mouths shut, please. We don't want everyone to know. Plus if you spread the word that they engage no boy would approach Jean with a romantic interest.- I said.

-But why make it so others have a chance is my son is not good enough. Look at them, they look so cute together. You really want to separate them-Amanda says with a low tone.

-Amanda I want to give my daughter a chance to get to know others. And not feel restricted by the engagement. So let's just keep this a secret from them until they get older. Also do not tell anyone else other than the people that can keep a secret.-I replied in a stern tone.

If I'm not stern then Amanda won't take me seriously. That's something I learned the hard way a long ago.

-Fine I agree with your statement. But when they get old enough they will be told. I don't want my son to feel restricted either. I just wanted my son to not fall for someone that will use him. I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble.- Amanda said with regret why looking down on the ground.

-It's fine, I understand your worry's about your son's life. I wouldn't want my daughter to be in love with someone that would do that either.- I said with a sigh.

[No one Pov]

When Alex and Jean woke up they started playing with each other as they had nothing else to do. Jean played more than Alex. He was just following what Jean was doing.

Later that night Alex and his mother Amanda had to leave as it was getting dark out. Frederica offers them to stay the night but was rejected by Amanda as she had to go check up on her husband.

Jean did not want her first friend to leave so she held onto him all she got. Which was a lot considering she was a baby. Maybe the genetics from her family made her stronger.

This was the cause of them returning over the years. They always left the Husband behind in the house. At this point, Alex was at Gunnhildr estate more than his own. Which led to a beautiful relationship between Alex And Jean as they are now childhood friends.


A/N: I am gonna do a timeskip. As reading about how a child did the same thing for the next few chapter would be boring. So maybe to a age where his can use all his limbs. Also which twin. Aether or Lumine. I may not pick the one with the most votes but i just want to see.

Like the one you think would be the best.

Vote here.