
Reincarnated into Danmachi with three wishes

Miyamoto died and is given the chance to reincarnate with three wishes. What will happen? I do not own DanMachi, Naruto, or One piece or anything in realation to them please support the original authors I only own my MC and my own ideas

Dylan_By_Day_1 · Anime e quadrinhos
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: Most Difficult Battle Yet

A young boy around the age of 10 wearing old and worn out rags for cloths with a sheathed katana adorned with beautifully engraved patterns that stretch the length of the sheath, his left hand firmly placed on the end of the sheath just above the handle while the blade end pointed towards his back seemingly to allow the right hand to draw the blade. This boy was Miyamoto Uchiha who was standing outside of a large cave filled with goblins while his body was covered in a shroud of darkness a gift from the moonless night.

'well lets get this started' was all Miyamoto thought before entering the cave full of many mana signatures that he could see with his currently glowing red eyes.



Before entering the cave full of goblins I place my right hand on the handle of my katana, while my left holds the sheath in place, slowly drawing the blade I took a brief moment to appreciate the craftsmanship of the black blade that somehow manages to shine even in the pitch black of night.

With the sword drawn the sheath poofs into smoke as I store it back in my 'box'.

'All the preparations are done, I've trained my [Haki] and my [Sharingan] to a pretty high level, my blades drawn and both my [Haki] and [Sharingan] are active, its time to go' I think while stepping inside the cave towards where I can detect the least amount of mana signatures.

'There are 7 total within the room based on the fluctuation of there will power 5 should be sleeping and two are still awake, probably as guards for the sleeping ones' I thought while sneaking towards the two goblins who are still awake, attempting to make as little noise as possible as to not alert the guards.

When I reach within 20m of the two I focus and condense my will power on the two guards in order to make it feel like there suffocating. One of the goblins kneels down on one knee with one hand holding its throat while using the other to hold itself upright, the other goblin however seems to have much higher will power as it attempts to charge after me while struggling to breath.

The goblin reached my position and with a large thick stick being used as a club swing his right arm in a downward slash toward my head, before the club can reach I took one step forward and grabbed the goblins wrist with my left hand and with my right I pierce the goblins heart with my katana, while goblin was falling to the floor I quickly reached over and grabbed the club from the goblins hand as to not alert the other goblins and store it within my 'box'.

After the first goblin is down I double the pressure on the other goblin in order to force it to pass out and while other goblins are sleeping I slit each of there throats one by one within the room.

With the whole room cleared and all the magic crystals collected I make my way towards the next room and repeat to do the same thing, killing the guards then each goblin while they sleep until I reached the room with the goblin king inside who is currently sleeping and being guarded by 5 other goblins, two of them holding long sticks with sharp rocks tied to the ends making them primitive spear and the others with rusty and old looking shorts words.

'Because the Goblin King is being guarded by all five goblins the prospect of stealth isn't really a viable option, my best bet is to kill one of the sword wielding goblin of the start and then focus all of my will power into using observation [Haki] to guard from all sides, as when the first one dies the rest of the goblins will most likely attack me at the same time' I think up the best plan at the moment and start to put it into action.

I start to sneak within the cover of the shadows within the cave until the shadows will no longer help me in stealth at this point I am within 5m of the goblin on the far left on the Goblin King and this just so happens to be a sword wielding goblin.

So I leave the shadows at my top speed while spreading my will power throughout the entire room in order to use my observation [Haki].

Before the goblin even notices me I'm already within striking distance and it's change to escape is gone, as right when the goblin realizes I'm there his head is already falling to the ground ground with a shocked expression on its face.


The goblins head hits the floor and all the other goblins first seemed shocked at there comrades death, but them anger can be seem in there eyes as they stare at my with hatred and all charge forward with no plan in mind. The first to reach my was the closest to the dead one who was one of the two remaining sword wielding goblins when it reached me it swung its sword out in a large arc attempting to cut my head off, however before the sword can reach me I ducked to avoid the slash and sweep the goblins legs underneath it as the goblin is falling towards the ground I place both hands on the hilt of my sword and drive the blade between the goblins eyes killing it on the spot.

Before I could remove my swords I sense a strike aimed for my heart using my observation [Hak]. Knowing that I Couldn't use armament [Haki] as I have to keep up my observation [Haki] while facing more than one opponent currently, I let go of my blade and sidestep while spinning to avoid the strike, while doing a single rotation I raise my elbow and strike the goblins face altering the goblins balance while I run towards my blade.

Reaching my sword and pulling it out I stab the still stunned goblin in the heart while avoiding a sword slash for my legs by jumping slightly.

With two goblins dead the remaining now seem to recognize me as an enemy and decide to surround my in a triangle formation with me face to face with the last remaining sword wielding goblin while the two using spears are flanking my left and right.

'You all messed up' I smirk realizing the goblins are all within 10m of me meaning that my conqueror's [Haki] will affect all of them, making my [Haki] release like a tidal wave all of the surrounding goblins have a look of shock, fear, or both as I start to make my way towards the goblin in front of me, before he can regain his composure his head already hit the floor with a *THUD* and that sound seems to have snapped the other two out of there stupor as they pincer rush me.

Using my [Sharingan] I weave between the two spear and reach the goblin on my right, cutting off the goblins head, I instantly duck avoiding a spear to the back of my head, while still crouched down I sweep the remaining goblins legs in a manner similar to the second and while on the way down to the ground the goblin receives a blade to the heart and dies.


I look over to see what look to be a larger goblin nearly two heads taller than me with bulging muscles and a great word in its left hand

'guess he woke up, about time' a smile materializes on my face as I charge at the Goblin King who at my provocation does the same, I swing my blade diagonally aiming for the Kings shoulder only to have my sword stopped by the Kings who with his open hand sends a straight punch to my ribcage, but before the punch lands I use all of my remaining will power to cover my left side in armament [Haki] and the outer edge of my skin turns a slightly darker color as the punch lands.

The strength of the King is no joke and my body is sent flying into the wall of the cave. After seeing my take a large hit the Goblin King returns my grin as mine only grows larger seeing the King act confidently.

The King decides to charge me with both hands on its massive sword's handle intending to verticly cut me in half.

Before the strike can land I managed to escape the hold of the wall and sidestepped the massive blade they takes a chunk out of the wall getting stuck.

While Goblin King is struggling to pull the large blade out of the wall I suddenly feel a pain in my eyes and a weird feeling of power overtakes me that drowns out the pain and the migraine caused by it.

'YEES! THEY CAME IN!' I shout in side my mine realizing that my EMS has finally awakened looking at the Goblin King that now seems to be panicking looking into my eyes I shout out loud.

"Amaterasu!" and just like that a small black flame appears on the Goblin Kings head, who begins to shout in agony from the all eating dark flame devouring it. While the Goblin King is distracted from the flame I made my way over too it with both hands on the hilt of my blade and swing straight through the Goblin Kings thick neck, my blade gets stuck at bone, but that was deep enough to kill as the goblin king falls over lifelessly.

'I did...it' I think before passing out right in the middle of a pile of dead bodies, and sleep like a baby.