
Reincarnated in the World of Taimanin [EN]

-Author: "This is not the main story, it is a translation of the Spanish version. I apologize if there are spelling mistakes or if you don't understand what it says, I don't know English to fix it" -Content that will be in the Fan-Fic- Rape, Torture, Pregnancy, Insults, Gore, Slavery, Incest, Mind Control, Zoophilia, Romance, Comedy. -Possibly there is something else (maybe)- I reincarnated in the World (Mega Multiverse ("Canon")) of Taimanin, but upon obtaining the memories of my new body I found out that it is not one of the known worlds of Taimanin. European Union: 1-Austria is a very advanced country in the development of weapons and military equipment, but it is led by a President who is Brainwashed and with great favoritism towards an Austrian Army Captain who is secretly dedicated to slavery and arms smuggling . 2-Germany is a country with a strong system of laws but its intelligence and counterintelligence organization is run by a slave trader with no morals who will not hesitate to enslave or rape a relative of the president or senator. Dark world: The 12 families of noble demons are in their diplomatic games and internal wars as usual, but among the 12 families there is one that is led by a nice and friendly Queen Valkyrie that even an Edwin Black prefers not to bother and an Incubus King Kuroi Ryuuji flees every every time he sees her so as not to seduce her by mistake and end up being a tortoise, blessed by having sex (against his will) with an armor with monstrous strength and resistance.

Kainedei · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Chapter 28 (Fuuma Revolt, Part 7)

-Akiyama Kitajima POV-





I raise my katana and block a kunai.


I point my katana at a demon, raise my sword and swing it downward creating a blade of Taima particles.

The blade moves at the speed of sound and splits the Demon's body in half, killing it.

I turn around and kill the last 5 Demons.

-5 minutes later-

a Taimanin approaches me and kneels in front of me.

Elite's Akiyama Taimanin: "We already secured the area, young master"

with a serious expression he looked at the Taimanin.

Akiyama Kitajima: "how many died?"

Akiyama Taimanin from Elite: "we lost 250 Taimanins and 60 Taimanins from Elite"

Elite Akiyama Taimanin: "30 Akiyama Taimanins and 4 Elite Akiyama Taimanins"

Elite Taimanin Akiyama: "50 Ginryu Taimanins and 10 Elite Ginryu Taimanins"

Akiyama Taimanin from Elite: "120 Zabaku Taimanins and 30 Zabaku Taimanins from Elite"

Akiyama Elite Taimanin: "60 Kirikage Taimanins, 14 Elite Kirikage Taimanins, and the younger brother of the Kirikage Clan patriarch, Kirikage Eto"

Surprised, I open my eyes when I hear the latter.

I look at the Taimanin, I grab him by the shoulders and shake him a little, Akiyama Kitajima: "what did you say!"

Wincing in pain from the strength of my grip, Akiyama Taimanin of Elite: "Kirikage Eto-sama died in combat, we found him kneeling with a sword stuck in his back and two others stuck in his chest, around him were several Demons and Ginryu Taimanins killed"

Akiyama Kitajima: (wow, dead, Uncle Eto is dead, this can't be happening)

Akiyama Kitajima: "take me to his body"

the Taimanin nods and leads me through streets full of corpses of Taimanins and Demons.

-1 minute later-

We got to the place and tears began to fall from my eyes.

I take off my mask, in front of me is the body of Uncle Eto, I approach him and on my knees I hug his body.

Akiyama Kitajima: "Uncle Eto, w-why!"

Akiyama Kitajima: "Haaah!"




-7 minutes later-

I manage to calm down a bit and try to wipe the tears from my eyes.

I look at his calm face and my heart knots, Akiyama Kitajima: "Now,... now that I tell Rinko and especially Yuki"

Akiyama Kitajima: "What do I tell him when he grows up? How do I tell him that his father died because of me?"

a Taimanin approaches me and places his left hand on my shoulder.

Marui Hiroto: "It's not your fault, Kitajima-sama"

Akiyama Kitajima: "It's my fault, it's well known that Kirikage Eto has a curse placed on him by Freya, Queen of the Valkyries and one of the 10 most feared Demons in history"

Akiyama Kitajima: "That curse prevents him from using his Ninja Art, including the various wounds on his body, caused by Freya's Ancient Demonic Sword, the wounds caused by demonic energy leave residues of that energy and do not disappear until the one who caused them decides to remove the waste energy and demonic energy is poison to any human, including those with even a little bit of human blood and Uncle Eto has had those wounds for over 30 years, not to mention the demon who made them It was Freya, who currently has the highest chance of becoming the new Demon Queen due to her power and being one of the 5 strongest demon lords currently, including Bismarck's approval for the title."

Akiyama Kitajima: "I should have refused to accept his help in this attack on the Fuuma clan, if I had done that, Uncle Eto would still be alive"

Marui Hiroto: "Kitajima!"

I look up, turn my head and look at Hiroto, his face is covered with a mask that reveals his red eyes and some strands of his red hair.

Marui Hiroto: "You know that Uncle Eto didn't have long to live, his body was destroyed inside, his organs were malfunctioning and his bones were almost broken, they were only held together by his constant use of Taima particles, his skin it was falling off, you and I saw it when we were children, we saw how the skin on his left leg fell to the ground and then they had to treat him with Taimanin doctors, but the treatment was only temporary because several years later the same thing happened again. same"

Marui Hiroto: "he had at most 1 or 2 years left to live, with the waste that his body was inside and something on the outside, even more, with his constant use of Taima particles, hopefully he had 3 or 4 months left "

Marui Hiroto: "including his cries of pain every night, Uncle Eto was more dead than alive and this attack gave him the perfect excuse to die in combat and not die on a medical stretcher or sleeping in his room"

I look away and looking at the ground, with a few tears falling from my eyes, Akiyama Kitajima: "you're right, but his death is still my responsibility, so when this riot is over I'll take care of Yuki and make sure he doesn't lack for anything, At least that's what I have to do for uncle Eto and aunt Soga"

Wiping away the tears that fall from my eyes, I stand up and order a Taimanin to take Uncle Eto's body away.


-20 minutes later-

We regrouped with the main strike force and secured several housing and shop areas, then surrounded the Fuuma Clan compound and prepared to attack the rebels.





-Shinganji Estate-


-Shinganji Gen-an POV-





I turn my head slightly to the left dodging a kunai, swing my double bladed sword and hurl two Void blades towards Danjo.

Danjo extends his left hand, points to his right, and creates a blaze of fire that propels him away from my Void slashes.

I leave my fighting stance and place my left hand on my hip, Shinganji Gen-an: "how long will we continue to fight?"

Looking at Danjo's body with all the burns and scratches on it, his face drenched in sweat and his constant breathing, Danjo winces from the pain he feels in his left hand after constantly using Oda Nobunaga's abilities.

Fuuma Danjo: "Haaah, Haah, we'll keep fighting until I kill you, Uncle Gen"

"Sigh", Shinganji Gen-an: "Okay Danjo, we'll continue playing for a while longer, then I have to prepare dinner for Felicia and Kurenai"

Danjo frowns and squeezes his left hand, Fuuma Danjo: (this bastard!)

I get into a fighting stance and run at the speed of sound towards Danjo, I stand still 4 meters away and in a second I swing my sword creating 4 Void slashes.

Danjo manages to react and opens his eyes when he sees me so close to him, he immediately creates an explosion of fire at his feet, dodging 3 of Void's four cuts, the fourth cuts off his right arm that was holding his katana.

Fuuma Danjo: "Haaah!"

He crashes into a tree splitting it in two, seconds later he stands up with his left hand grabbing what's left of his right arm.

We both looked into each other's eyes and a second later an Elite Fuuma Taimanin appears, he looks at me and trembles slightly but looks at Danjo's state and his composure breaks, falling to the ground.

Fuuma Danjo: "What do you have to report?"


not hearing an answer, Danjo looks at the Taimanin and with a strong tone, Fuuma Danjo: "what do you have to report!"

hearing the scream, the Taimanin manages to react and trembling, Fuuma Taimanin of Elite: "we-we couldn't c-capture the S-Shinganji sisters"

Hearing his words, neither of them reacted, already knowing what would happen in the Mizuki Clan compound.

Fuuma Danjo: "Anything else?"

Fuuma Taimanin from Elite: "we are losing, a quarter of the members of the Fuuma Clan have died and half of the Clan has betrayed us, the few that remain are resisting with the help of demons and some have already left the Town"

"Sigh", Fuuma Danjo: "start plan B"

Elite's Fuuma Taimanin: "O-Okay," then leaves.

Danjo turns and walks away.

I raise an eyebrow to see him go and with a surprised tone, Shinganji Gen-an: "do you think I'll let you go, Danjo?"

He continues walking and with a mocking tone, Fuuma Danjo: "Of course you will let me go, after all you are the most emotional person I know and I doubt very much that you are capable of murdering someone you see as a son"

I tighten my grip on my sword and rest my left hand on my forehead, Shinganji Gen-an: "it's true, I couldn't bear to kill you"

Looking down, Shinganji Gen-an: (not after all I lost, if it had been 18 years ago, maybe I could leave you crippled and locked in a cell)





-Fuuma Estate-


-Igawa Isozaki POV-





I am at the entrance of the Fuuma Clan, next to me are other Taimanins, we were sent to eliminate the civilians and Taimanins left in the Fuuma Clan compound.

Although I have a separate mission, which is to capture some civilians and Taimanins, although I don't know or care why.

one of the Taimanins stands in the middle of the group and with a serious tone, ¿?: "my name is Adekawa Hyakunosuke, I will be the leader in this operation"

looks at a Taimanin standing behind the group, Adekawa Hyakunosuke: "you must be Hayashi Shen, one of the 4 Assassins/Dogs of the Hachiya matriarch"

Adekawa Hyakunosuke: "for what purpose did the matriarch send you, ac-a"

Shen invokes his spiritual sword, grabs the handle of his sword with his right hand and points it towards Hyakunosuke, Hayashi Shen: "Shut your mouth or I'll cut your soul"

Hyakunosuke trembles a little at having that spiritual sword pointed at him, a drop of sweat falls from his forehead and with his hands up, Adekawa Hyakunosuke: "t-calm down, it was just a joke, I have no interest in your affairs, just ask for ask"

Shen summons the spirit sword from him and crosses his arms.

Igawa Isozaki: (Shen, one of the strongest Taimanins of the Hachiya Clan, is the head of his family and is one of the four Guardians/Servants of the Patriarch/Matriarch of the Hachiya Clan, he has a dojo where he trains different Taimanins from different Clans or Taimanins that do not belong to any Clan)

Igawa Isozaki: (shit it will be so important that the Matriarch sends one of her 4 Assassins / Dogs, I hope I'm not getting into something dangerous, because if so I turn around and leave Gosha)

Adekawa Hyakunosuke: "Okay, leaving that aside, now we will discuss the plan"

Adekawa Hyakunosuke: "first group, me, Igawa Oshiro and Igawa Nishii, we will clean the eastern part of the complex"

Adekawa Hyakunosuke: "second group, Igawa Tanno, Igawa Kanayama and Igawa Shimomura, will clean the western part of the complex"

Adekawa Hyakunosuke: "Third group, Igawa Isozaki, Igawa Kariya, and Hayashi Shen, will clean the gate of the complex and its surroundings, then go to the Fuuma Estate and clean the place."

turns around and takes out his Ninjato, Adekawa Hyakunosuke: "Attack!"

We follow his orders and take out the guards at the gate, we enter the compound and the two groups head towards their objectives, we take out about 13 Fuuma Taimanins and secure the area around the gate.

then we regrouped and headed towards a housing area.

Kariya stops, Igawa Kariya: "Wait!"

we stop and both look at him.

Igawa Kariya, wears a Taimanin suit, has a black cloth that covers from his hands to his elbows, has a mask that is attached to the suit and covers from the neck, to the mouth and nose, he has a Ninjato on his back and several senbons around her waist and sleeves, she has long black hair tied in a ponytail, and black eyes.

Igawa Kariya: "Do we really have to kill them all?"

Igawa Isozaki: "I don't care, I just want to finish this mission quickly so I can rest"

Kariya looks at me and clenches his fists, Igawa Kariya: "Finish this mission quickly, you idiot! Don't you realize! They send us to kill children, damn children!"

"Sigh", Igawa Isozaki: "I don't care, they've already sent me on missions just to kill child murderers or children with money who have been sons of bitches with others, this is the same, we are going to kill children of murderers and traitors"

Kariya throws a punch at me but I block it, Igawa Kariya: "damn sick! Until 1 day ago they were our classmates and some relatives, how can you be so cold with them?"

Kariya tries to hit me again and I try to hit him back until we hear a scream.

Hayashi Shen: "Enough!"

we both stop and look at Shen.

Hayashi Shen, wears a Taimanin suit with a titanium mask, has a titanium breastplate that covers his torso from the waist to his shoulders, has titanium bracers that cover his wrists to the elbows, has titanium protection on his thighs, he has titanium greaves that cover from his feet to his knees, underneath he wears a Taimanin cloth that covers his entire body except his arms and he wears gloves that cover his hands up to his forearms.

Hayashi Shen: "stop fighting in enemy territory, do you want to die?"

we both shake our heads and get serious.

Hayashi Shen: "both are right and wrong"

Igawa Kariya: "What do you mean Master Shen?"

Hayashi Shen: "It is true that the children did nothing and it is all their parents' fault, but some should have already done something to be killed, after all, no living being is a saint, only the dead can be, after everything, they can't do anything when they're dead"

Hayashi Shen: "but that doesn't mean you have to see it as if it doesn't matter, every life you take deserves your attention, after all, although there are no saints, there are unfortunate people who were forced by life to do certain things, things that they took you to kill them"

I clench my fists and look away.






in a room, there is a bed and a wardrobe, sitting on the bed is a boy in a black T-shirt and black pants.

the child is curled up in a corner of the bed, the bedroom door is closed on the other side.

child: (again, this is the second day they have left me here)

The boy looks up at the ceiling and a tear falls from his eyes.

child: (grandma, I miss you-)


something knocks on the door, then a key is heard and the door opens.

on the other side is a woman dressed in short clothes, exposing her belly and legs, next to her is a fat man in a white shirt and black pants.

man: "we're here!"

woman: "aip- sssssssssssssssss"

they both enter the room and begin to undress.

woman: "get the hell out of here, aip-"

the boy gets out of bed and goes into the closet.

Seconds later, moans and screams begin to be heard.

-10 minutes later-

child: (finish soon, I want to sleep)

the moans and screams stop being heard and the closet door opens, on the other side is the woman, she is naked and with a white liquid dripping from her crotch, she smiles when she sees the child and grabs his arm, pulls him out of the closet and throws him on the bed.

The child falls into a pool of viscous white liquid 5 millimeters long.

The man is kneeling at the end of the bed and smiles when he sees the boy.

woman: "now it's your turn to please us, do it the same as yesterday or I'll break your penis"

The boy trembles slightly at his words but he resigns himself to his fate and reluctantly complies with what he is told, some time later the man penetrates the boy while the woman pleasures herself with the boy's mouth.

-1 hour later-

the man is lying on the bed fucking the woman and the boy is naked and crying in a corner, a white liquid comes out of his butt and penis and on his cheek there is a drop of this liquid.

the boy is curled up with his arms crossed around his legs, his face is hidden by his arms

child: (again they abused me)


child: (I'm already tired of living, my grandmother said it was fun to live but for me it's torture)

The boy looks to the side of the room where the clothes of the two adults are, on top of the woman's clothes there is a knife sheath, the boy leans over and opens the sheath, takes out the knife and stares at the reflection of he.

He has a bruise on his left eye, his lips are wrinkled from not drinking water for two days, his body is skinny from his poor diet, his hair is black from so much dirt and his violet eyes seem be lifeless

child: (I'm tired of living, but at least I want to get back at them for everything they did to me)

The boy holds the knife with both hands and, looking at the man fucking the woman behind him, he plunges the knife into the man's back.

man: "Haaah!"

The man screams but the boy pulls out the knife and sticks it back into the man's back, repeats that 3 more times and looks at the woman, the woman is drunk and somewhat scared since she is stained with the blood of her husband. she.

then she looks at the child and with a scared face, woman: "monster! Damn monster! What are you doing!"

with an emotionless expression and empty eyes, child: "revenge me"

the boy tries to stick the knife into the woman but she creates an explosion of Taima particles to push the boy away, the boy crashes into the wall and coughs up some blood, his arms are a little burned and his face is hot red, his cheek it's a bit burnt

The woman pushes her husband's body and stands up, looks at the child and makes a hateful expression, woman: "Damn bastard, I should have sold you to those demons a year ago, I only had you to introduce yourself to the neighbors and my family, but that's all, now I will kill you slowly so that you pay for all the headaches that your existence caused me"

near the woman's shadow a dark circle appears surrounding her feet and she enters that circle, disappearing, a second later, an arm emerges from the child's shadow, the hand grabs her neck and then comes out the woman.

she punches the boy in her face causing his nose to bleed, then kicks him in her belly causing him to slam into another wall in the room.

the boy falls to the ground in agony, clutching his bleeding nose with one hand and clutching his aching belly with the other.

boy: "Haaah!"

Keeps holding his nose and belly while looking up at the ceiling, kid: (Will I die like this? I couldn't even complete my revenge, it's like my bastard father told me, I'm useless, a useless person who can't even complete his revenge)

Several tears fall from the child's eyes, child: (a-grandma, please s-help me)





Author: "Sorry for the delay and I hope you like the chapter"