
Reincarnated in the World of Taimanin [EN]

-Author: "This is not the main story, it is a translation of the Spanish version. I apologize if there are spelling mistakes or if you don't understand what it says, I don't know English to fix it" -Content that will be in the Fan-Fic- Rape, Torture, Pregnancy, Insults, Gore, Slavery, Incest, Mind Control, Zoophilia, Romance, Comedy. -Possibly there is something else (maybe)- I reincarnated in the World (Mega Multiverse ("Canon")) of Taimanin, but upon obtaining the memories of my new body I found out that it is not one of the known worlds of Taimanin. European Union: 1-Austria is a very advanced country in the development of weapons and military equipment, but it is led by a President who is Brainwashed and with great favoritism towards an Austrian Army Captain who is secretly dedicated to slavery and arms smuggling . 2-Germany is a country with a strong system of laws but its intelligence and counterintelligence organization is run by a slave trader with no morals who will not hesitate to enslave or rape a relative of the president or senator. Dark world: The 12 families of noble demons are in their diplomatic games and internal wars as usual, but among the 12 families there is one that is led by a nice and friendly Queen Valkyrie that even an Edwin Black prefers not to bother and an Incubus King Kuroi Ryuuji flees every every time he sees her so as not to seduce her by mistake and end up being a tortoise, blessed by having sex (against his will) with an armor with monstrous strength and resistance.

Kainedei · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Chapter 27 (Fuuma Revolt, Part 6)


They clash swords and lock eyes for a second, then Gen-an swings his sword to try to cut Danjo with the other blade, but Danjo dodges the blade by jumping back.

Danjo lands on the ground and takes a fighting stance, but seconds later he starts crying.

I feel a strong pain in my heart and with some tears falling from my eyes, I tightly grip the handle of my katana and with a sad expression I look at Gen-an, Fuuma Danjo: "I hope you forgive me, uncle"

"Sigh", I close my eyes for a few seconds and then open them, with a sad look I look at Danjo and loosen my grip on my double bladed sword, Shinganji Gen-an: "Danjo, I forgive you, but you will have to take care of my granddaughters and make sure they have the best life possible"

"Sigh", He formed a slight tired smile and with a sad look looked at Gen-an, Fuuma Danjo: "What you ask of me is complicated, Uncle Gen, but it's okay, I'll make sure Felicia and Kurenai have a good life"

Fuuma Danjo: (Even though they are both half human and "half vampire", they are still Kaede's daughters and I won't let anyone do anything to them, ..., I promised Kaede that day)

Gen-an lowers his double bladed sword and smiles, Shinganji Gen-an: "I hope so, Danjo." a second later, he swings his sword and a thin blade of energy shoots out of his sword and heads towards Danjo.

Seeing the energy blade heading towards him, Danjo becomes flustered and quickly jumps to the left to avoid it. Fuuma Danjo: "Shit!"

Danjo dodges the energy blade, a second later the blade hits the place where he was standing and the surrounding dirt, grass, flowers and trees disintegrate.

Fuuma Danjo: (There is the Shinganji Clan's characteristic Void Ninja Art, which was taken to another extreme by Shinganji Gen-an to the point of being considered one of the most powerful beings along with Edwin Black and other existences and things)

Fuuma Danjo: (The only way to defeat Gen-an is with spirit attacks or anything that the Void Art can't disintegrate)

Fuuma Danjo: (Worst of all, there is no way to block an attack from this Ninja Art, at least no living being or entity with physical form can stop it, the only thing that the void cannot disintegrate are spiritual beings without physical form )

Fuuma Danjo: (For this reason the founder of the Fuuma Clan 8000 years ago was one of the most feared existences along with the Demon King and some beings that currently may not be in this reality or are dead, no one knows)






Author: "in the original story, the Shinganji Clan was a branch of the Fuuma Clan that was later able to create its own Clan and became one of several vassal Clans of the Fuuma Clan"

Author: "The Ninja Art of the Void is not Canon, the story about the founder of the Fuuma Clan is not Canon, the only Canon is the disappearance of the Demon King that until now nobody knows if he is alive or is in some universe or reality of the Taimanin series, at least I don't know"






Danjo gets up and activates his Evil Eye, Fuuma Danjo: "Demon King of the Sixth Heaven! I summon you!"

When he finishes saying those words, the sky is filled with black clouds with some thunder, the earth around him begins to shake and a red circle appears in front of Danjo, from the circle emerges a man with pale skin, almost black brown hair and black eyes. white, he wears light armor and on top of that armor he has a cape with a 5-petaled flower as a logo.

The Man looks at Danjo and frowns as he sees Danjo's glowing red eyes, Man: "Damn Rats! I thought I eliminated every last member of the Fuuma Clan, but I see some cockroach managed to survive and reproduce."

He grabs the hilt of his katana and pulls out the scabbard, Man: "This time I won't let any of your Clan live! Damn Fuuma, even if I become a vengeful spirit, I'll make sure the damn Fuuma Clan disappears!"

Danjo's eyes flash for a second and the Man stands still, Fuuma Danjo: "Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, Oda Nobunaga, I will use your power to achieve my goals"

his eyes glow again and Oda Nobunaga is absorbed by Danjo, then Danjo's body changes and takes the appearance of Oda Nobunaga and wears his armor.

Danjo removes his katana's scabbard and engulfs his katana in fire, then raises his hand and points it towards Gen-an, Fuuma Danjo: "Now you will die, Uncle Gen!"

From Danjo's hand comes a blaze of fire, the fire turns into a 15 meter high wall of fire and goes towards Gen-an burning everything around it.

Gen-an widens his eyes a little when he sees the wall of fire, Shinganji Gen-an: (Damn, this reminds me of my confrontation with Madara)

Gen-an swings his sword and creates a Void slash that goes towards Fuuma Danjo, the Void slash splits the wall of fire in two and continues on his way, Danjo jumps to the side to dodge the Void slash and runs towards Gen-an an while throwing several small fireballs.





-Shido Estate-


-Author: "I recommend you skip this part and scroll down if you can't stand reading torture content"


-Shido Ruka POV-








he dodged a sword slash and grabbed the Fuuma Taimanin's right wrist, I smiled at him and smashed his wrist with my strength, Fuuma Taimanin: "Haaah!"

then I move my other hand and hit his head, with my blow the Fuuma Taimanin falls to the ground and his mask is smashed against the flesh of his face by my force, I smiled seeing his state.

I raise my right leg and with my foot I hit his crotch crushing his penis and his balls, his face shattered and all the pain he is feeling from my blows makes a disgusting scream of pain that resonates throughout the Estate, Fuuma Taimanin: " HAAAAAAAH!"

I frown upon hearing the shriek of the Fuuma Taimanin, Shido Ruka: "how unpleasant, at least the insect dies quickly, I want to meet my future husband and see if he's okay"

Two Fuuma Taimanins throw shurikens at me and I block them with my Orichalcum knuckles.

"Tch!" with an annoyed expression he looked at the two Fuuma Taimanins, Shido Ruka: "Damn insects, more keep coming, it doesn't matter, I'll enjoy torturing them"

I run up to one and punch him in the chest through it, pulling my fist out of his chest and kicking his head off.

I look at the other Fuuma Taimanin motionless after seeing how he killed his partner, then he looks at me and trembling takes two steps back, Fuuma Taimanin: "w-wait, I-I give up"

I jump towards him and kick his left leg, breaking it, Fuuma Taimanin: "HAAAH". he falls to the ground grabbing his leg, I smile hearing his screams and grab his right arm, I put my left foot on his chest and tighten my grip on his arm, seeing his terrified expression I ripped his arm off, Fuuma Taimanin: "HAAAAAAA"

Shido Ruka: "hara hara, you are so weak that it makes me want to tear off your other arm"

I grab his other arm and pull him hard towards me tearing his flesh a bit, Fuuma Taimanin: "HAAAAAAH". Shido Ruka: "Scream more insect! Delight me with your cries of pain"








-near the Fuuma complex





Clank! Clank!

an Akiyama Taimanin is decapitated by a demon and a second later two Taimanins eliminate the demon.

More to the left is an Elite Akiyama Taimanin fighting against 5 Demons and 2 Fuuma Taimanins, Clank! blocks a sword slash from a Demon and cuts off its head, then kills 3 other Demons and a Fuuma Taimanin, then runs towards his last enemies to kill them but a high level Demon appears and plunges his sword into the Akiyama Taimanin's chest of Elite already tired of fighting dozens of Demons and Fuuma Taimanins.

Several meters ahead there is a residential area with civilians hiding in their houses watching the slaughter outside, in one of the streets there are 23 Demons and 4 high level Demons facing 5 Ginryu Taimanins and 1 Elite Kirikage Taimanin.

looks at the Ginryu Taimanins and with an authoritative tone, Kirikage Taimanin of Elite: "don't back down"

a Demon jumps towards him, steps to the right and with his ninjato cuts the Demon's torso in two. then three other Demons run towards him and swing their swords to cut him down, he jumps up and lands his feet on one of the Demons twisting its head and killing it, he turns and cuts off the heads of the other two Demons.

a Ginryu Taimanin buries his katana in the chest of a demon, but another demon appears and cuts off his head.

two Ginryu Taimanins face 5 Demons, they eliminate 4 and a high level Demon appears that cuts the head of one of the Ginryu Taimanins, the other Ginryu Taimanin moves quickly and swings his sword cutting the torso of the high level Demon but the other Demon plunges his sword into the Ginryu Taimanin's back killing him.

the last two Ginryu Taimanins kill 7 demons but are killed by two high level demons.

the Elite Kirikage Taimanin looks around him and sees his companions dead, Elite Kirikage Taimanin: "Shit." he looks out of the corner of his eye towards one of the houses and sees some children looking through the window.

He tightens his grip on the handle of his ninjato and with new resolve looks at his enemy, the Elite Kirikage Taimanin: "I'll be sure to take them to the grave with me!"

He jumps at the Demons and kills most of them, but a high level Demon buries his sword into the Taimanin's back.

Elite's Kirikage Taimanin: "Khgr!"

He coughs up blood but swings his sword and cuts off the High Level Demon's head.

High level demon: "Damned hybrid, die!"

The other two high level Devils plunge their swords into his chest.

Elite Kirikage Taimanin: "Khgr! HAAAH!"

With difficulty, the Taimanin buries his ninjato in the chest of one of the Demons, killing it.

High Level Demon: "Dammit, be the dead, Trash!"

the Taimanin looks at the last Demon and with his hands he begins to strangle him, the Demon hits the Taimanin several times in the stomach to make him release it but the Taimanin does not even react.

several minutes later, the Demon dies after being strangled by the Taimanin. with difficulty the Taimanin kneels and looks up to the sky, tears fall from his almost lifeless eyes, Kirikage Elite Taimanin: "S-Sorry S-Honey, I won't be able to a-accompany you on t-your first day of C-Classes"




Author: "I hope you like the chapter"