
Reincarnated in the World of Taimanin [EN]

-Author: "This is not the main story, it is a translation of the Spanish version. I apologize if there are spelling mistakes or if you don't understand what it says, I don't know English to fix it" -Content that will be in the Fan-Fic- Rape, Torture, Pregnancy, Insults, Gore, Slavery, Incest, Mind Control, Zoophilia, Romance, Comedy. -Possibly there is something else (maybe)- I reincarnated in the World (Mega Multiverse ("Canon")) of Taimanin, but upon obtaining the memories of my new body I found out that it is not one of the known worlds of Taimanin. European Union: 1-Austria is a very advanced country in the development of weapons and military equipment, but it is led by a President who is Brainwashed and with great favoritism towards an Austrian Army Captain who is secretly dedicated to slavery and arms smuggling . 2-Germany is a country with a strong system of laws but its intelligence and counterintelligence organization is run by a slave trader with no morals who will not hesitate to enslave or rape a relative of the president or senator. Dark world: The 12 families of noble demons are in their diplomatic games and internal wars as usual, but among the 12 families there is one that is led by a nice and friendly Queen Valkyrie that even an Edwin Black prefers not to bother and an Incubus King Kuroi Ryuuji flees every every time he sees her so as not to seduce her by mistake and end up being a tortoise, blessed by having sex (against his will) with an armor with monstrous strength and resistance.

Kainedei · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Chapter 24 (Fuuma Revolt, Part 3)

-Gosha Town-

-Mizuki Mansion-

Clank! Clank!

I block two shurikens with my two ninjatos.

Hachiya Karako: (shit, more keep coming)

I look back and manage to duck in time to avoid being decapitated by a ninjato. I move my leg to do a sweep but the Fuuma Taimanin leaps into the air, grabbing several kunais and throwing them at me but seconds later he is impaled by a dozen shurikes from a Mizuki Taimanin.

I support my hands on the ground and pushing myself with my hands and legs, I jump to my left to avoid the kunais. I land on the ground and immediately use my second Ninja Art that was inherited from my father who belongs to the Ueno Clan, I created various senbons out of pure Titanium, made with Taima energy and with my third Ninja Art I control them with my mind.

I run towards a Fuuma Taimanin and make the titanium senbons go through his legs and arms, but he manages to dodge them, when I reach him I move my left arm to cut off his head with my ninjato, but he manages to block my attack with his ninjato, controlling the senbons made of titanium I have them attack him from behind and taking advantage of his moment of distraction by blocking a cut from my sword, the senbos plunge into his chest, piercing him and killing him instantly.

I take advantage of the moment to rest a bit and look around me.

It's a battlefield with dozens of corpses of Mizuki and Fuuma Taimanins, the ground is red with all the blood there and most of the place is full of small craters or dirt and burned trees.

I catch a glimpse of how a Mizuki Taimanin cuts off the head of a Fuuma Taimanin and further to the right is a charred corpse of a Mizuki Taimanin.

"sigh", Hachiya Karako: (I'm already tired). I wipe the sweat from my forehead and run towards a Fuuma Taimanin.

I move my right arm and give him a sword slash that he deflects to the side, then he tries to cut my neck with a kunai and moving my other arm quickly I manage to block his attack. I take a step back and use my titanium senbons to circle and pierce him, but he manages to block and dodge them, then shoots a flame of fire at me from his hands.

I jump to the side and throw several shurikens attached to a ninja cable at him, he dodges the shurikens, I move my fingers so that the shurikens attack him again while I do the same with the titanium senbons. he dodges some shurikens but others manage to embed themselves in his leg.

Fuuma Taimanin: "Haaa!", He grabs his leg and tries to dodge the senbons but he was too slow, the senbons pierce his legs, arms and chest, some pierce his feet or private parts.

I raise my ninjato to end his life but suddenly an explosion is heard.


I look towards the explosion site and see a beautiful 25-30 year old woman, she has red hair tied in a ponytail and red eyes, she is wearing a black full body Taimanin suit and has a red mask covering her mouth her.

Hachiya Karako: (Who is she?)

The woman raises her hand and the blood from the corpses around her pools in her hand forming a ball of blood and she throws the ball of blood towards a group of Mizuki Taimanins. The Mizuki Taimanins that were hit by the blood ball disintegrated, the ones that were splattered by the blood suffered the misfortune of feeling their limbs or body burned to the point of melting.

Seeing the effects of the blood ball, my eyes widen a bit and I start to feel nervous. Hachiya Karako: (Danjooo, you fucking bastard! Why did you send a monster to this place?), I stop insulting him when I realize something and smile like a psycho under my mask. Hachiya Karako: (forgive me Danjo, I should thank you for this gift)

I use my Taima energy and create more senbon, I look at the senbon floating around me and cut my hand, I leave a drop of my blood on each senbon. Hachiya Karako: (now, I hope that with my 30 titanium senbons I can hurt that woman)

The woman looks my way and throws a ball of blood at me. I look at the Fuuma Taimanin with various senbon embedded in her body and make it float in front of me like a shield. then I jump back and watch as the Fuuma Taimanin disintegrates when hit by the blood ball, I create a Titanium shield to cover my body from the blood drops and I am surprised to see how they also melt the Titanium shield.

I touch my greaves, breastplate, shoulder pads, wrist guards, knee pads and my titanium belt and using my third Ninja Art I fly towards the woman.

She is surprised to see me alive but that surprise is short-lived and is replaced by a serious expression, she throws several balls of blood at me and I block them again with other titanium shields that are also melted.

She keeps attacking me with her blood balls and I keep blocking them, we spend a minute with the same thing and when I see that I'm close to her I decide to land on the ground, when I land she throws blood balls at me again but also some shurikens and kunais, I block the blood balls and dodge or block the shurikens and kunais.

I use my Taima energy to increase the strength of my legs and jump towards her, throwing several kunais into the air and making my senbons attack her from various directions. she dodges the kunais and blocks or deflects the senbons with her two Kodachis of hers.

I land next to her and immediately move my right arm to cut her legs with my Ninjato but she blocks it and tries to cut my head, I dodge the attack but she manages to cut my cheek, she smiles and blood begins to pool on her left hand.

I see what she does and my face turns white and my heart starts beating too fast, Hachiya Karako: (crazy son of a bitch!!!)

I jump back away from her and create a titanium shield, she jumps at me and throws the ball of blood at me. the ball of blood hits my shield melting it, the impact of this ball of blood pushes me and I fall to the ground, seconds later she falls on top of me and grabs my right arm, she smiles and using her other arm hits my forearm from behind and I dislocate arm.

Hachiya Karako: "Haaa!" I cry out in pain, but when I see how close she is, I form a slight smile. I move my other arm and touch her head. she stands still, seconds later she stands up and helps me up. Hachiya Karako: (Haaa! Shit! I finally got control of it)

I look at my right arm, it's bent in a V shape but backwards. I wince slightly in pain and look at the woman, with a tired tone. Hachiya Karako: "Who are you?"

the woman answers with a calm tone and a somewhat soft voice. ¿?: "I am Fumiko Nozomi, an Elite Taimanin in the service of Fuuma Danjo-sama"

I raise my right eyebrow and somewhat surprised. Hachiya Karako: "Serving Fuuma Danjo? Don't you serve the Fuuma Clan?"

Nozomi shakes her head. Fumiko Nozomi: "I was trained and educated solely for the purpose of serving Danjo-sama"

I narrow my eyes and look at Nozomi. Hachiya Karako: (shit, that old man is like Shimura Danzo, at least the Fuuma Danjo of this Universe isn't as much of a bastard as Danzo or the Danjo of the original story)



Author: "Shimura Danzo murdered, kidnapped and tortured many children, adults and the elderly, he also caused the Third Great Ninja War, he even nearly exterminated the Uchiha and Senju Clan, he also did many other things like raising children to use as cannon fodder or murderers"

Author: "Fuuma Danjo from the original story, He started the Fuuma Revolt and had his subordinates murder or rape all Taimanins and civilians in sight, including children, pregnant women, and the elderly. He also tried to kill their children, but could only capture his daughter and had his subordinates rape her, he also did many other things"



"sigh", I shake my head and look into Nozomi's eyes. Hachiya Karako: "for now continue killing Taimanins and look for an opportunity to fake your death, then leave Gosha Town and go to this place" I put my left hand into my belt and take out a paper, write an address on the paper and give it to him. I give Nozomi.

Nozomi looks at the paper and asks me. Fumiko Nozomi: "What is this place?"

I form a cheeky smile as I look at his face. Hachiya Karako: "You'll find out when you get there." She frowns and puts the paper in a pocket of her suit. Hachiya Karako: "Ha, I forgot to tell you, when you're in that place tell them XXX, that's the password so they don't try to kill you"

Fumiko Nozomi: "I understand,..., master?"

Hachiya Karako: "tell me Karako-sama"

Fumiko Nozomi: "Karako-sama, a powerful Taimanin is coming, from here I feel how he is eliminating the Fuuma Taimanins from the complex"

I am surprised to learn that he has another Ninja Art. Hachiya Karako: "Tell me, how many Ninja Arts do you have and what do they allow you to do?"

Fumiko Nozomi: "My first Ninja Art allows me to control the blood around me and create blood balls, when I throw them the blood balls start to heat up and when they hit something they melt because of how hot they are, I can also control the blood of my body to enhance my physical strength or speed"

Fumiko Nozomi: "My second Ninja Art allows me to feel the location and how much Taima energy, magic or demonic magic the living beings around me have, I don't have a distance limit, that depends on the amount of information my brain is capable of process and how long my body lasts with the constant use of Taima energy, if I use it for a long time or pass a distance of more than 50 kilometers I could die"

I look into her eyes, Hachiya Karako: "Can you increase your strength and speed?" She nods and I stare at her, Hachiya Karako: "then why didn't you kill me? With your normal strength and speed you almost killed me, if you boosted you could easily kill me"

Fumiko Nozomi: "I had orders not to kill a man with gray hair and gray eyes and if it was possible to capture him." Hachiya Karako: "Do you know why Danjo gave you those orders?" she slightly tilts her head to the left and touches her chin, Fumiko Nozomi: "I heard him say something about a deal with a certain Kain, the little I heard the guy named Kain speak was in Austrian"

Hachiya Karako: (Austrian? I'll have to go sightseeing in Austria and find out what he wants to do to me, maybe he has a beautiful woman for a wife or sister who is bored and I could entertain her for a while or something. "H?")



Author: "I hope you like the chapter"